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Global Ecotourism Policies and Case Studies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1873150407 9786610627905 1280627905 187315075X 9781873150757 9781873150405 9781280627903 Year: 2003 Publisher: Bristol, UK Blue Ridge Summit, PA

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Tourism is now known as the world’s largest industry and a major foreign exchange earner for many countries. With continuously growing tourist numbers, pressure on resources increases, and there is a need to preserve and protect natural, cultural and historic resources. Various more sensitive forms of tourism have emerged and in recognition of the need for this development the United Nations proclaimed 2002 as the International Year of Ecotourism. This book introduces the reader to a number of case studies from different parts of the world and illustrates opportunities and constraints associated with the implementation of the ecotourism concept.

Mediterranean Cities and Island Communities
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3319994441 3319994433 9783319994444 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer

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This book addresses the issue of smart and sustainable development in the Mediterranean (MED) region, a distinct part of the world, full of challenges and risks but also opportunities. Above all, the book focuses on smartening up small and medium-sized cities and insular communities, taking into account their geographical peculiarities, the pattern of MED urban settlements and the abundance of island complexes in the MED Basin. Taking for granted that sustainability in the MED is the overarching policy goal that needs to be served, the book explores different aspects of smartness in support of this goal’s achievement. In this respect, evidence from concrete smart developments adopted by forerunners in the MED region is collected and analyzed; coupled with experiences gathered from successful, non-MED, examples of smart efforts in European countries. More specifically, current research and empirical results from MED urban environments are discussed, as well as findings from or concerning other parts of the world, which are of relevance to the MED region. The book’s primary goal is to enable policymakers, planners and decision-making bodies to recognize the challenges and options available; and make to more informed policy decisions towards smart, sustainable, inclusive and resilient urban and regional futures in the MED.


Cities and towns --- Urban ecology (Sociology) --- Sustainable development. --- Information technology. --- Geographical information systems. --- Urban economics. --- Regional planning. --- IT in Business. --- Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet). --- Geographical Information Systems/Cartography. --- Urban Economics. --- Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning. --- Sustainable Development. --- Development, Sustainable --- Ecologically sustainable development --- Economic development, Sustainable --- Economic sustainability --- ESD (Ecologically sustainable development) --- Smart growth --- Sustainable development --- Sustainable economic development --- Economic development --- Regional development --- Regional planning --- State planning --- Human settlements --- Land use --- Planning --- City planning --- Landscape protection --- City economics --- Economics of cities --- Economics --- Geographical information systems --- GIS (Information systems) --- Information storage and retrieval systems --- IT (Information technology) --- Technology --- Telematics --- Information superhighway --- Knowledge management --- Environmental aspects --- Government policy --- Economic aspects --- Geography --- smart city --- cloud computing --- information technology --- sustainable development --- equitable tourism --- Aegean Islands --- Crete --- Greece --- Grieķija --- Graikija --- Kreeka --- Grécia --- Görögország --- Грчка --- Kreikka --- Grecia --- il-Greċja --- Грција --- Grécko --- Griechenland --- An Ghréig --- Grækenland --- Grèce --- Ελλάδα --- Grekland --- Greqia --- Grčija --- Grecja --- Griekenland --- Řecko --- Гърция --- Grčka --- Helénská republika --- Republica Elenă --- Helenska republika --- Република Грција --- Helenska Republika --- Kreeka Vabariik --- Hellenic Republic --- Görög Köztársaság --- Repubblica ellenica --- República Helénica --- Graikijos Respublika --- Helleense Republiek --- République hellénique --- Република Гърция --- Hellén Köztársaság --- Republiken Grekland --- Република Грчка --- Grčka Republika --- Řecká republika --- Republika Grčka --- Helénska republika --- Republika Helene --- Den Hellenske Republik --- Republika Grecka --- Helleenien tasavalta --- Kreikan tasavalta --- die Hellenische Republik --- Ελληνική Δημοκρατία --- ir-Repubblika Ellenika --- Grieķijas Republika --- Crète --- Creta --- Kreta --- Κρήτη --- Kreeta --- Крит --- Kréta --- Krēta --- Егейски острови --- Egejas jūras salas --- Égei-szigetek --- Egeiska öarna --- Егејски Острови --- Wyspy Egejskie --- Egejski otoki --- Egeansaaret --- Егејска острва --- Egejské ostrovy --- Νησιά του Αιγαίου --- Insulele din Marea Egee --- Egeïsche eilanden --- Egejski otoci --- Egeuse mere saared --- ostrovy Egejského moře --- Ishujt e Egjeut --- Egėjo salos --- îles de la mer Égée --- Il-Gżejjer Eġej --- Islas del Egeo --- De Ægæiske Øer --- ilhas do mar Egeu --- isole dell'Egeo --- Ägäische Inseln --- Égei-tengeri szigetek --- arquipélago do mar Egeu --- група острови во Егејско Море --- wyspy Morza Egejskiego --- Islas del Mar Egeo --- Egėjo jūros salos --- Νήσοι Αιγαίου Πελάγους --- Inseln im Ägäischen Meer --- ostrovy v Egejskom mori --- Aigeiansaaret --- острови в Егейско море --- eilanden van de Egeïsche Zee --- правичен туризам --- turismo equo --- fairer Tourismus --- õiglane turism --- fair trade-turisme --- turism echitabil --- справедлив туризъм --- turismo justo --- tisztességes turizmus --- правични туризам --- spravodlivý cestovný ruch --- taususis turizmas --- reilu matkailu --- zrównoważona turystyka --- rättvis turism --- Δίκαιος τουρισμός --- pošteni turizem --- spravedlivý cestovní ruch --- turiżmu ekwu --- tourisme équitable --- etički turizam --- eerlijk toerisme --- turizëm i drejtë --- turiżmu alternattiv --- turystyka odpowiedzialna --- zodpovedný cestovný ruch --- етички туризам --- humanitarian tourism --- turiżmu umanitarju --- turism durabil --- etický cestovný ruch --- alternativní turistika --- humanitärer Tourismus --- vastuullinen matkailu --- alternativni turizam --- alternatívny cestovný ruch --- turystyka humanitarna --- alternatyvusis turizmas --- ηθικός τουρισμός --- humanitair toerisme --- felelősségteljes turizmus --- tourisme éthique --- vaihtoehtoinen matkailu --- turismo responsabile --- alternaiv turisme --- humanitarinis turizmas --- solidárny cestovný ruch --- одговорен туризам --- ansvarlig turisme --- solidaarne turism --- turystyka z poszanowaniem zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju --- ανθρωπιστικός τουρισμός --- turiżmu responsabbli --- alternativ turism --- turismo responsável --- фер туризам --- alternativni turizem --- алтернативни туризам --- etisk turisme --- etiškas turizmas --- alternatiivne turism --- turystyka etyczna --- ansvarstagande turism --- alternatīvais tūrisms --- turismo alternativo --- atsakingasis turizmas --- υπεύθυνος τουρισμός --- ētisks tūrisms --- humāns tūrisms --- општествено одговорен туризам --- turismo responsable --- солидарен туризъм --- etikus turizmus --- солидарен туризам --- turismo ético --- etisk turism --- verantwortungsbewusster Tourismus --- društveno odgovorni turizam --- solidarischer Tourismus --- tourisme responsable --- etični turizem --- etická turistika --- eettinen matkailu --- humanitární turistika --- turizëm humanitar --- humanitarni turizem --- turizëm alternativ --- odgovorni turizam --- atbildīgs tūrisms --- dobročinný cestovný ruch --- tourisme humanitaire --- community-based toerisme --- turism etic --- tourisme alternatif --- turizëm etik --- solidarnostni turizem --- odgovorni turizem --- turismo sostenibile --- solidarisk turisme --- odpovědná turistika --- turism responsabil --- хуманитарни туризам --- eetiline turism --- turismo consapevole --- solidární turistika --- hållbar turism --- turiżmu etiku --- verantwortlicher Tourismus --- хуманитарен туризам --- vastutustundlik turism --- solidārs tūrisms --- tourisme solidaire --- alternatív turizmus --- поштени туризам --- humanitárius turizmus --- turism solidar --- алтернативен туризъм --- ethischer Tourismus --- alternative tourism --- volontärturism --- turismo etico --- етичан туризам --- етичен туризъм --- turismo solidale --- хуман туризам --- алтернативен туризам --- szolidáris turizmus --- alternativer Tourismus --- turismo solidario --- tvarusis turizmas --- yhteisvastuullinen matkailu --- humani turizam --- отговорен туризъм --- fair tourism --- darnusis turizmas --- τουρισμός αλληλεγγύης --- turismo humanitario --- ethical tourism --- εναλλακτικός τουρισμός --- turism alternativ --- turismo humanitário --- хуманитарен туризъм --- solidarisk turism --- turismo solidário --- одговоран туризам --- darnus vystymasis --- fenntartható fejlődés --- održivi razvoj --- дълготрайно развитие --- varig udvikling --- одржлив развој --- żvilupp sostenibbli --- trvalo udržateľný rozvoj --- développement durable --- säästev areng --- hållbar utveckling --- zhvillim i qëndrueshëm --- одрживи развој --- kestävä kehitys --- desenvolvimento sustentável --- trvale udržitelný rozvoj --- αειφόρος ανάπτυξη --- dauerhafte Entwicklung --- dezvoltare durabilă --- sviluppo sostenibile --- ekorozwój --- ilgtspējīga attīstība --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- desarrollo sostenible --- trajnostni razvoj --- bioekonomie --- bioekonómia --- développement soutenable --- bioenergetyka --- ekorazvoj --- développement viable --- trvalý rozvoj --- tvarioji plėtra --- bæredygtig udvikling --- ekološko utemeljeni razvoj --- økologisk udvikling --- οικοανάπτυξη --- udržateľný rozvoj --- bioøkonomi --- bioeconomía --- sviluppo praticabile --- desenvolvimento sustentado --- desenvolvimento durável --- bioéconomie --- ecodesenvolvimento --- ecodesarrollo --- bioekonomija --- bio-economie --- eco-ontwikkeling --- ökológiai fejlődés --- βιοοικονομία --- биоекономија --- rozvoj udržitelný --- nachhaltige Entwicklung --- eco-development --- umweltgerechte Entwicklung --- βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη --- jätkusuutlik areng --- ekologicky uvědomělý rozvoj --- sviluppo durevole --- ökologische Entwicklung --- ecosviluppo --- bio-ekonomiska attīstība --- ekologinė plėtra --- bio-economy --- bioeconomia --- bioökonoomia --- ekozhvillim --- bioekonomia --- écodéveloppement --- bioekonomi --- bioekonomika --- uthållig utveckling --- Biowirtschaft --- еколошки развој --- zrównoważony rozwój --- biogazdaság --- bioeconomy --- σταθερή και διαρκής ανάπτυξη --- desenvolvimento viável --- zukunftsfähige Entwicklung --- desarrollo duradero --- Informationstechnologie --- informaatioteknologia --- teknologjia e informacionit --- infotehnoloogia --- tecnología de la información --- informatietechnologie --- tecnologia da informação --- informačná technológia --- информационна технология --- informationsteknologi --- teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni --- informācijas tehnoloģija --- technologie de l'information --- informační technologie --- tehnologia informației --- információtechnológia --- информатичка технологија --- информациона технологија --- informationsteknik --- τεχνολογία των πληροφοριών --- technologia informacyjna --- informacinė technologija --- tecnologia dell'informazione --- informacijska tehnologija --- sidetehnoloogia --- communications technology --- teknologji komunikacioni --- Kommunikationstechnologie --- Information and communication technologies --- technologie de la communication --- výpočetní technika --- komunikačná technológia --- komunikācijas tehnoloģijas --- informacijos technologija --- tehnologia comunicațiilor --- komunikační technologie --- technique de l'information --- ryšių priemonių technologija --- телекомуникациска технологија --- επικοινωνιακή τεχνολογία --- tecnologia da comunicação --- комуникациска технологија --- viestintäteknologia --- ICT --- tecnologia delle telecomunicazioni --- tecnologia delle comunicazioni --- informační technika --- tecnología de la comunicación --- obavijesna tehnologija --- kommunikationsteknologi --- communicatietechnologie --- τεχνική των πληροφοριών --- információs technológia --- изчисления в облак --- molntjänster --- Cloud-Computing --- mākoņdatošana --- cloudcomputing --- pilvipalvelu --- computação na nuvem --- felhőalapú számítástechnika --- computación en nube --- računalstvo u oblaku --- chmura obliczeniowa --- informatique en nuage --- υπολογιστικό νέφος --- pilvandmetöötlus --- računalništvo v oblaku --- néalríomhaireacht --- debesijos kompiuterija --- fornitur ta' servizzi tal-applikazzjonijiet --- infrastruttura come servizio --- lietojumprogrammas pakalpojuma sniedzējs --- Cloud-Dienst --- ASP --- Hardware-as-a-Service --- platforma jako služba --- platforma kao usluga --- infrastructure sous forme de service --- infrastruktura jako usługa --- hardware como servicio --- hardware bħala servizz --- infraestrutura como serviço --- felhőalapú szolgáltatás --- апаратна част като услуга --- IaaS --- λογισμικό ως υπηρεσία --- hardware jako služba --- Hardware as a Service --- hyrhårdvara --- platforma kā pakalpojums --- piattaforma come servizio --- nuvola informatica --- palvelualustan ulkoistaminen --- software come servizio --- πλατφόρμα ως υπηρεσία --- software como serviço --- platform as a service --- software jako služba --- програмно осигуряване като услуга --- cloudová služba --- néalseirbhísí --- hyrprogram --- infrastruktura kao usluga --- Application Service Provider --- matériel sous forme de service --- infrastructure als een dienst --- softvér ako služba --- etäsovelluspalvelu --- laitteistot palveluna --- oprogramowanie jako usługa --- molnet --- seirbhís bogearra de réir éilimh --- υποδομή ως υπηρεσία --- usługa w chmurze --- alkalmazásszolgáltató --- programska oprema kot storitev --- alkalmazás-szolgáltató --- PaaS --- infrastruttura bħala servizz --- cloudtjeneste --- servizz ta' cloud --- software als een dienst --- iaas-tjänst --- saas-tjänst --- hardware as a service --- platforma kot storitev --- Software as a Service --- fornitore di servizi applicativi --- platforma jako usługa --- servizi nella nuvola --- hardware als een dienst --- Software-as-a-Service --- application service provider --- poskytovatel aplikačních služeb --- mākoņpakalpojums --- услуга в облак --- platform als een dienst --- riistvara kui teenus --- ponudnik programskih storitev --- hardver kao usluga --- felhőszolgáltatás --- logiciel à la demande --- sovelluspalvelu --- инфраструктура като услуга --- service infonuagique --- software bħala servizz --- infrastruktúraszolgáltatás --- HaaS --- tehnična infrastruktura kot storitev --- platformszolgáltatás --- Infrastructure as a Service --- plataforma como serviço --- Infrastructure-as-a-Service --- fornecedor de aplicações --- paas-tjänst --- infraestructura como servicio --- programmatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastruktūra kā pakalpojums --- service en nuage --- serviço de computação na nuvem --- platforma ako služba --- logiciel sous forme de service --- hardware come servizio --- software as a service --- sovellusvuokrauspalvelun tarjoaja --- plataforma como servicio --- softver kao usluga --- platvorm kui teenus --- SaaS --- Platform as a Service --- datormoln --- υλικό ως υπηρεσία --- υπηρεσία υπολογιστικού νέφους --- cloud service --- service dématérialisé --- pjattaforma bħala servizz --- poskytovateľ aplikačných služieb --- Anwendungsdienstleister --- hardvér ako služba --- matériel à la demande --- serviciu de cloud --- usluga u oblaku --- hardverszolgáltatás --- infraštruktúra ako služba --- rakendusteenuse pakkuja --- servicio en nube --- pružatelji usluga aplikacije --- tietotekniikan resurssipalvelu --- pilveteenus --- proveedor de servicios de aplicaciones --- furnizor al aplicației --- equipamento informático como serviço --- tarkvara kui teenus --- Platform-as-a-Service --- soláthraí seirbhíse feidhmchlár --- software ca serviciu --- infrastruktuur kui teenus --- szoftverszolgáltatás --- clouddienst --- felhő alapú szolgáltatás --- платформа като услуга --- πάροχος υπηρεσιών εφαρμογών --- debesų kompiuterija --- platformă ca serviciu --- storitev v oblaku --- palvelimien ylläpidon ulkoistaminen palveluntarjoajalle --- debesija --- infrastructure à la demande --- verkkosovelluspalvelu --- hardware ca serviciu --- fournisseur d'applications en ligne --- software como servicio --- infrastruktura jako služba --- it-moln --- infrastructură ca serviciu --- servizi cloud --- aparatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastructure as a service --- etäresurssipalvelu --- informatique dématérialisée --- доставчик на услуги, свързани с приложения --- ciudad inteligente --- cidade inteligente --- älykäs kaupunki --- smart stad --- intelligens város --- slimme stad --- intelligent by --- inteligentní město --- viedā pilsēta --- паметен град --- oraș inteligent --- έξυπνη πόλη --- ville intelligente --- inteligentné mesto --- pažangusis miestas --- città intelligente --- интелигентен град --- pametno mesto --- pametni grad --- belt intelliġenti --- arukas linn --- inteligentne miasto --- Smart City --- okos város --- intelligente stad --- умен град --- intelligente Stadt --- Business—Data processing. --- Application software. --- Urban planning. --- Civic planning --- Land use, Urban --- Model cities --- Redevelopment, Urban --- Slum clearance --- Town planning --- Urban design --- Urban development --- Urban planning --- Art, Municipal --- Civic improvement --- Urban policy --- Urban renewal --- Application computer programs --- Application computer software --- Applications software --- Apps (Computer software) --- Computer software --- Management --- Business information services. --- Geographic information systems. --- Human geography. --- Sustainability. --- Computer and Information Systems Applications. --- Geographical Information System. --- Human Geography. --- Sustainability science --- Human ecology --- Social ecology --- Anthropo-geography --- Anthropogeography --- Geographical distribution of humans --- Social geography --- Anthropology --- Business --- Business enterprises --- Information services

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