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Prospects for agriculture in the European economic community = perspectives de l'agriculture dans la Communaute économique européenne

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Political Economy of Public Policies : Insights from Distortions to Agricultural and Food Markets
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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The agricultural and food sector is an ideal case for investigating the political economy of public policies. Many of the policy developments in this sector since the 1950s have been sudden and transformational, while others have been gradual but persistent. This paper reviews and synthesizes the literature on trends and fluctuations in market distortions and the political-economy explanations that have been advanced. Based on a rich global data set covering a half-century of evidence on commodities, countries, and policy instruments, the paper identifies hypotheses that have been explored in the literature on the extent of market distortions and the conditions under which reform may be feasible.

Transformations rurales et developpement : Les defis du changement structurel dans un monde globalise
ISBN: 2326000226 Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Dans les regions en developpement, les pays les plus pauvres sont confrontes a des defis considerables. Ils doivent affronter simultanement leur transition demographique et leur transition economique dans un monde globalise tout en tenant compte du changement climatique. S'appuyant sur de nouveaux resultats issus d'enquetes de terrain (8 000 menages ruraux dans sept pays d'Afrique et d'Amerique latine), Transformations rurales et developpement analyse la situation tres particuliere de regions encore profondement ancrees dans l'agriculture. L'ouvrage examine la realite de leur integration aux marches globaux et la diversite de leur economie rurale. Il s'interesse ensuite aux mecanismes de diversification des economies agricoles et aboutit a des recommandations pour faciliter les processus de changement structurel. Les propositions portent sur la necessite de reinvestir clairement le champ des strategies de developpement, avec des politiques ciblees et des approches regionalisees, sur un appui prioritaire aux agricultures familiales et aux cultures vivrieres et, enfin, sur un developpement territorial fonde sur la densification des liaisons villes - campagnes grace a un renforcement des fonctions economiques des petites villes et des bourgs ruraux.

Distance to Market and Search Costs in an African Maize Market
Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Farm-gate buying by small itinerant buyers is the dominant mode of primary marketing in Tanzania's maize market. This paper estimates the effect of household distance to market on maize farm-gate prices, and the extent to which seasonally determined search costs can explain price variations between the lean and the harvest seasons using data from the most recent Tanzania Household Budget Survey (2007). The author observes that greater distance to market depresses farm-gate prices but that it is a relatively modest effect, and that this effect is pro-cyclical in that it is stronger during the harvest season when prices are lowest. The paper discusses the latter result with reference to search costs as an explanatory factor. It also briefly places the findings in the context of Tanzania's food security patterns, making a link between food insecurity and high search costs. The main policy conclusion is that coordinating mechanisms such as village market places (in parallel with farm-gate buying) may reduce transaction costs in rural markets.

Does Productivity Growth Lead to Appreciation of the Real Exchange Rate?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1462357946 1452720940 1282110195 1451902417 9786613803085 Year: 2003 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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We revisit the time-honored link between productivity and the real exchange rate. Consistent with the traditional view, we find that higher labor productivity tends to lead to appreciation of the real exchange rate. Contrary to the traditional view, however, we find that the positive productivity effect is transmitted through the real exchange rate based on tradable prices, rather than through relative prices between tradables and nontradables. Moreover, higher total factor productivity is found, if anything, to lead to depreciation of the real exchange rate. These last two pieces of evidence provide support for the emerging view that limited tradability of goods and services provides scope for the strategic pricing decision, which has material consequences for the aggregate real exchange rate.

Economic and Environmental Benefits of Eliminating Log Export Bans—The Case of Costa Rica
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1462346855 1452788545 1282044281 145190231X 9786613797421 Year: 2001 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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An increasing number of tropical timber producing nations have enacted bans on export of logs. Proponents argue that a log export ban is a second-best policy tool for addressing environmental externalities; it also creates more jobs and improves scale efficiencies domestically. Theoretical arguments suggest that log export bans are largely incapable of achieving their objectives. However, little quantitative evidence exists. The authors maintain that eliminating log export bans in Costa Rica could generate economic gains as high as $14 million annually in addition to the environmental benefits.

A Bayesian Approach to Model Uncertainty
ISBN: 146232679X 1451995539 1281601586 9786613782274 1451895542 Year: 2004 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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This paper develops the theoretical background for the Limited Information Bayesian Model Averaging (LIBMA). The proposed approach accounts for model uncertainty by averaging over all possible combinations of predictors when making inferences about the variables of interest, and it simultaneously addresses the biases associated with endogenous and omitted variables by incorporating a panel data systems Generalized Method of Moments estimator. Practical applications of the developed methodology are discussed, including testing for the robustness of explanatory variables in the analyses of the determinants of economic growth and poverty.

Inflation, Disinflation, and Growth
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1462322751 1452794669 1283569698 1451895488 9786613882141 Year: 1998 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Although few would doubt that very high inflation is bad for growth, there is much less agreement about moderate inflation’s effects. Using panel regressions and a nonlinear specification, this paper finds a statistically and economically significant negative relationship between inflation and growth. This relationship holds at all but the lowest inflation rates and is robust across various samples and specifications. The method of binary recursive trees identifies inflation as one the most important statistical determinants of growth. Finally, while there are short-run growth costs of disinflation, these are only relevant for the most severe disinflations, or when the initial inflation rate is well within the single-digit range.

Optimal taxation in the forestry sector in the Congo Basin : the case of Gabon
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1462338666 1452701679 1282649000 9786613822888 1451912692 Year: 2007 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, African Dept.,

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This paper reviews forestry reform in the Congo basin, focusing on Gabon. It argues that the key challenge for the Congo basin countries is to manage their forests in a sustainable manner. It presents the current situation of forestry taxation and forestry reform in Gabon. The paper analyzes optimal taxation in the forestry sector using a static model. The model works from the proposition that tax policy should be used exclusively for revenue purposes and resource preservation should be achieved mainly through legislation and enforcement. It argues that when prices are uncertain the best practice is to tax only profits.

Real exchange rates in growing economies : how strong is the role of the nontradables sector?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1462331653 1452706778 1283485583 9786613823694 1451907885 Year: 2005 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : International Monetary Fund European Dept.,

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This paper emphasizes the importance of total factor productivity (TFP) developments in the nontradables sector to quantitatively demonstrate that the time-honored Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis does not generally apply to episodes of economic growth. Though the Balassa- Samuelson hypothesis postulates that strong economic growth should, in general, be accompanied by a real appreciation in exchange rates, this paper does not find such systematic links. This is because some growth spurts are marked by equal TFP gains in both the tradables and nontradables sectors, and others by larger TFP gains in the nontradables sector.

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