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The Talking Heads Experiment, conducted in the years 1999-2001, was the first large-scale experiment in which open populations of situated embodied agents created for the first time ever a new shared vocabulary by playing language games about real world scenes in front of them. The agents could teleport to different physical sites in the world through the Internet. Sites, in Antwerp, Brussels, Paris, Tokyo, London, Cambridge and several other locations were linked into the network. Humans could interact with the robotic agents either on site or remotely through the Internet and thus influence the evolving ontologies and languages of the artificial agents. The present book describes in detail the motivation, the cognitive mechanisms used by the agents, the various installations of the Talking Heads, the experimental results that were obtained, and the interaction with humans. It also provides a perspective on what happened in the field after these initial groundbreaking experiments. The book is invaluable reading for anyone interested in the history of agent-based models of language evolution and the future of Artificial Intelligence.
Information technology. --- Information society. --- shared vocabulary --- situated embodied agents --- agent-based models --- future of artificial intelligence --- human-robotic interaction --- language in robotics --- language evolution --- language games --- Lexicon --- Paris --- Semiotics --- Syntax
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The Talking Heads Experiment, conducted in the years 1999-2001, was the first large-scale experiment in which open populations of situated embodied agents created for the first time ever a new shared vocabulary by playing language games about real world scenes in front of them. The agents could teleport to different physical sites in the world through the Internet. Sites, in Antwerp, Brussels, Paris, Tokyo, London, Cambridge and several other locations were linked into the network. Humans could interact with the robotic agents either on site or remotely through the Internet and thus influence the evolving ontologies and languages of the artificial agents. The present book describes in detail the motivation, the cognitive mechanisms used by the agents, the various installations of the Talking Heads, the experimental results that were obtained, and the interaction with humans. It also provides a perspective on what happened in the field after these initial groundbreaking experiments. The book is invaluable reading for anyone interested in the history of agent-based models of language evolution and the future of Artificial Intelligence.
Information technology. --- Information society. --- shared vocabulary --- situated embodied agents --- agent-based models --- future of artificial intelligence --- human-robotic interaction --- language in robotics --- language evolution --- language games --- Lexicon --- Paris --- Semiotics --- Syntax
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The Talking Heads Experiment, conducted in the years 1999-2001, was the first large-scale experiment in which open populations of situated embodied agents created for the first time ever a new shared vocabulary by playing language games about real world scenes in front of them. The agents could teleport to different physical sites in the world through the Internet. Sites, in Antwerp, Brussels, Paris, Tokyo, London, Cambridge and several other locations were linked into the network. Humans could interact with the robotic agents either on site or remotely through the Internet and thus influence the evolving ontologies and languages of the artificial agents. The present book describes in detail the motivation, the cognitive mechanisms used by the agents, the various installations of the Talking Heads, the experimental results that were obtained, and the interaction with humans. It also provides a perspective on what happened in the field after these initial groundbreaking experiments. The book is invaluable reading for anyone interested in the history of agent-based models of language evolution and the future of Artificial Intelligence.
Information technology. --- Information society. --- shared vocabulary --- situated embodied agents --- agent-based models --- future of artificial intelligence --- human-robotic interaction --- language in robotics --- language evolution --- language games --- Lexicon --- Paris --- Semiotics --- Syntax
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Party competition for votes in free and fair elections involves complex interactions by multiple actors in political landscapes that are continuously evolving, yet classical theoretical approaches to the subject leave many important questions unanswered. Here Michael Laver and Ernest Sergenti offer the first comprehensive treatment of party competition using the computational techniques of agent-based modeling. This exciting new technology enables researchers to model competition between several different political parties for the support of voters with widely varying preferences on many different issues. Laver and Sergenti model party competition as a true dynamic process in which political parties rise and fall, a process where different politicians attack the same political problem in very different ways, and where today's political actors, lacking perfect information about the potential consequences of their choices, must constantly adapt their behavior to yesterday's political outcomes. Party Competition shows how agent-based modeling can be used to accurately reflect how political systems really work. It demonstrates that politicians who are satisfied with relatively modest vote shares often do better at winning votes than rivals who search ceaselessly for higher shares of the vote. It reveals that politicians who pay close attention to their personal preferences when setting party policy often have more success than opponents who focus solely on the preferences of voters, that some politicians have idiosyncratic "valence" advantages that enhance their electability--and much more.
Competition --- Political parties. --- Competition (Economics) --- Competitiveness (Economics) --- Economic competition --- Commerce --- Conglomerate corporations --- Covenants not to compete --- Industrial concentration --- Monopolies --- Open price system --- Supply and demand --- Trusts, Industrial --- Parties, Political --- Party systems, Political --- Political party systems --- Political science --- Divided government --- Intra-party disagreements (Political parties) --- Political conventions --- Political aspects --- Simulation methods. --- Economic aspects --- Monte Carlo parameterization. --- Robert Axelrod. --- Voronoi tessellations. --- agent-based model. --- agent-based modeling. --- agent-based models. --- competition. --- competitive spatial location. --- computational geometry. --- computer simulation. --- decision rules. --- decisions rules. --- dynamic multiparty competition. --- dynamic system. --- grid sweeping. --- multiparty competition. --- party competition. --- party leaders. --- party policy. --- policy preferences. --- political parties. --- political party. --- political systems. --- politicians. --- postwar democracy. --- spatial models. --- stochastic processes. --- valence models. --- vote-seeking rules. --- voter behavior. --- voter preferences. --- votes. --- Political sociology --- Political parties
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This book comprises 19 papers published in the Special Issue entitled “Corporate Finance”, focused on capital structure (Kedzior et al., 2020; Ntoung et al., 2020; Vintilă et al., 2019), dividend policy (Dragotă and Delcea, 2019; Pinto and Rastogi, 2019) and open-market share repurchase announcements (Ding et al., 2020), risk management (Chen et al., 2020; Nguyen Thanh, 2019; Štefko et al., 2020), financial reporting (Fossung et al., 2020), corporate brand and innovation (Barros et al., 2020; Błach et al., 2020), and corporate governance (Aluchna and Kuszewski, 2020; Dragotă et al.,2020; Gruszczyński, 2020; Kjærland et al., 2020; Koji et al., 2020; Lukason and Camacho-Miñano, 2020; Rashid Khan et al., 2020). It covers a broad range of companies worldwide (Cameroon, China, Estonia, India, Japan, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, United States, Vietnam), as well as various industries (heat supply, high-tech, manufacturing).
cash holding ratio --- firm’s efficiency --- threshold regression model --- non-financial companies --- Vietnam stock exchange market --- dividend policy --- emerging market --- industrial sectors --- NSE India --- panel data --- financial structure --- regression analysis --- agent-based models --- decision-making --- systematically making bad decisions --- investors’ behavior --- simulation --- capital structure --- family firms --- leverage --- non-family firms --- risk --- pension incentive --- currency hedging --- multinational companies --- firm value --- CEO turnover --- foreign CEO --- female CEO --- ownership structure --- Romania --- brand interrelationships --- corporate identity --- brand reputation --- higher education --- students’ perceptions --- corporate governance --- ownership concentration --- agency cost --- firm performance --- dynamic panel model --- perception --- OHADA accounting --- transition --- IFRS --- comparability --- open market share repurchase --- hubris --- cumulative announcement returns --- endowed --- SMEs financing --- financing gap --- innovative activity --- innovation --- capital structure decisions --- bankruptcy --- data envelopment analysis --- logit --- model --- family firm --- non-family firm --- corporate performance --- Japan --- board of directors --- women in corporations --- financial microeconometrics --- multiple regression --- quantile regression --- diff-in-diff --- New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs) --- internal and external innovativeness --- intangibility --- information disclosure --- timeliness of financial reporting --- law violation --- private firms --- corporate governance best practice --- corporate governance compliance --- company value --- Warsaw Stock Exchange --- accrual earnings management --- Nordic model --- n/a --- firm's efficiency --- investors' behavior --- students' perceptions
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This book comprises 19 papers published in the Special Issue entitled “Corporate Finance”, focused on capital structure (Kedzior et al., 2020; Ntoung et al., 2020; Vintilă et al., 2019), dividend policy (Dragotă and Delcea, 2019; Pinto and Rastogi, 2019) and open-market share repurchase announcements (Ding et al., 2020), risk management (Chen et al., 2020; Nguyen Thanh, 2019; Štefko et al., 2020), financial reporting (Fossung et al., 2020), corporate brand and innovation (Barros et al., 2020; Błach et al., 2020), and corporate governance (Aluchna and Kuszewski, 2020; Dragotă et al.,2020; Gruszczyński, 2020; Kjærland et al., 2020; Koji et al., 2020; Lukason and Camacho-Miñano, 2020; Rashid Khan et al., 2020). It covers a broad range of companies worldwide (Cameroon, China, Estonia, India, Japan, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, United States, Vietnam), as well as various industries (heat supply, high-tech, manufacturing).
Economics, finance, business & management --- cash holding ratio --- firm's efficiency --- threshold regression model --- non-financial companies --- Vietnam stock exchange market --- dividend policy --- emerging market --- industrial sectors --- NSE India --- panel data --- financial structure --- regression analysis --- agent-based models --- decision-making --- systematically making bad decisions --- investors' behavior --- simulation --- capital structure --- family firms --- leverage --- non-family firms --- risk --- pension incentive --- currency hedging --- multinational companies --- firm value --- CEO turnover --- foreign CEO --- female CEO --- ownership structure --- Romania --- brand interrelationships --- corporate identity --- brand reputation --- higher education --- students' perceptions --- corporate governance --- ownership concentration --- agency cost --- firm performance --- dynamic panel model --- perception --- OHADA accounting --- transition --- IFRS --- comparability --- open market share repurchase --- hubris --- cumulative announcement returns --- endowed --- SMEs financing --- financing gap --- innovative activity --- innovation --- capital structure decisions --- bankruptcy --- data envelopment analysis --- logit --- model --- family firm --- non-family firm --- corporate performance --- Japan --- board of directors --- women in corporations --- financial microeconometrics --- multiple regression --- quantile regression --- diff-in-diff --- New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs) --- internal and external innovativeness --- intangibility --- information disclosure --- timeliness of financial reporting --- law violation --- private firms --- corporate governance best practice --- corporate governance compliance --- company value --- Warsaw Stock Exchange --- accrual earnings management --- Nordic model
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Our Special Issue we publish at a turning point, which we have not dealt with since World War II. The interconnected long-term global shocks such as the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and catastrophic climate change have imposed significant humanitary, socio-economic, political, and environmental restrictions on the globalization process and all aspects of economic and social life including the existence of individual people. The planet is trapped—the current situation seems to be the prelude to an apocalypse whose long-term effects we will have for decades. Therefore, it urgently requires a concept of the planet's survival to be built—only on this basis can the conditions for its development be created. The Special Issue gives evidence of the state of econophysics before the current situation. Therefore, it can provide excellent econophysics or an inter-and cross-disciplinary starting point of a rational approach to a new era.
energy --- economic growth --- output elasticities --- entropy production --- emissions --- optimization --- speculative attacks --- currency crisis --- neural networks --- deep learning --- Quantum-Inspired Neural Network --- traveling salesman problem --- simulated annealing technique --- kinetic exchange model --- Gini index --- Kolkata index --- minority game --- Kolkata Paise Restaurant problem --- time series analysis --- cross-correlations --- power law classification scheme --- network analysis --- globalisation --- entropy --- portfolio optimization --- regularization --- renormalization --- econophysics --- highway freight transportation --- radiation model --- transportation network --- network diversity --- power law --- economic development --- decision-making --- bounded rationality --- complexity economics --- information-theory --- maximum entropy principle --- quantal response statistical equilibrium --- correlation coefficient --- detrended cross-correlation analysis --- COVID-19 --- mobility indices --- random geometry --- risk measurement --- disordered systems --- replica theory --- return distributions --- power-law tails --- stretched exponentials --- q-Gaussians --- financial markets --- financial complexity --- collective intelligence --- emergent property --- stock correlation --- lexical evolution of econophysics --- text as data --- correspondence analysis --- long-range memory --- 1/f noise --- absolute value estimator --- anomalous diffusion --- ARFIMA --- first-passage times --- fractional Lèvy stable motion --- Higuchi’s method --- mean squared displacement --- multiplicative point process --- correlation filtering --- minimal spanning tree --- planar maximally filtered graph --- topological data analysis --- SGX --- TAIEX --- complex systems --- ecological economics --- urban–regional economics --- income distribution --- financial market dynamics --- income tax --- tax deduction --- income redistribution --- government transfer --- government dependency --- poverty line --- basic income guarantee --- effective tax rate --- balanced budget --- elastic tax --- Cantor set --- fractals --- homeomorphism --- detrended fluctuation analysis --- Hurst exponent --- continuous time random walk --- intertrade times --- volatility clustering --- local transfer entropy --- long-short-term-memory --- Bitcoin --- cryptocurrencies --- multiscale analysis --- detrended cross-correlations --- covariance matrices --- copulas --- high-frequency trading --- market stability --- agent-based models --- structural entropy --- Economic Freedom of the World index --- Index of Economic Freedom --- rank-size law technique --- power law behaviour --- exponential behaviour --- multiscale partition function --- multifractal analysis --- company market --- export readiness --- internationalization --- options pricing --- mortality --- companies --- start-up --- FTSE100 --- Gompertz --- MinMax --- survival probability distribution --- high-frequency trader --- multivariate Hawkes process --- forex market --- wealth distribution --- kinetic models --- wealth inequalities --- compartmental epidemic modelling --- vaccination campaign --- flash crash --- systemic risk --- financial networks --- high frequency trading --- market microstructure --- phase transition --- criticality --- dynamics of complex networks --- cascading failure --- network science --- economic complexity --- relatedness --- products and services --- planar graph --- partial correlation --- discounting --- bond pricing --- real interest rates --- calendar anomalies --- day-of-the-week effect --- market indices --- multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis --- n/a --- fractional Lèvy stable motion --- Higuchi's method --- urban-regional economics
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Our Special Issue we publish at a turning point, which we have not dealt with since World War II. The interconnected long-term global shocks such as the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and catastrophic climate change have imposed significant humanitary, socio-economic, political, and environmental restrictions on the globalization process and all aspects of economic and social life including the existence of individual people. The planet is trapped—the current situation seems to be the prelude to an apocalypse whose long-term effects we will have for decades. Therefore, it urgently requires a concept of the planet's survival to be built—only on this basis can the conditions for its development be created. The Special Issue gives evidence of the state of econophysics before the current situation. Therefore, it can provide excellent econophysics or an inter-and cross-disciplinary starting point of a rational approach to a new era.
Research & information: general --- Mathematics & science --- energy --- economic growth --- output elasticities --- entropy production --- emissions --- optimization --- speculative attacks --- currency crisis --- neural networks --- deep learning --- Quantum-Inspired Neural Network --- traveling salesman problem --- simulated annealing technique --- kinetic exchange model --- Gini index --- Kolkata index --- minority game --- Kolkata Paise Restaurant problem --- time series analysis --- cross-correlations --- power law classification scheme --- network analysis --- globalisation --- entropy --- portfolio optimization --- regularization --- renormalization --- econophysics --- highway freight transportation --- radiation model --- transportation network --- network diversity --- power law --- economic development --- decision-making --- bounded rationality --- complexity economics --- information-theory --- maximum entropy principle --- quantal response statistical equilibrium --- correlation coefficient --- detrended cross-correlation analysis --- COVID-19 --- mobility indices --- random geometry --- risk measurement --- disordered systems --- replica theory --- return distributions --- power-law tails --- stretched exponentials --- q-Gaussians --- financial markets --- financial complexity --- collective intelligence --- emergent property --- stock correlation --- lexical evolution of econophysics --- text as data --- correspondence analysis --- long-range memory --- 1/f noise --- absolute value estimator --- anomalous diffusion --- ARFIMA --- first-passage times --- fractional Lèvy stable motion --- Higuchi's method --- mean squared displacement --- multiplicative point process --- correlation filtering --- minimal spanning tree --- planar maximally filtered graph --- topological data analysis --- SGX --- TAIEX --- complex systems --- ecological economics --- urban-regional economics --- income distribution --- financial market dynamics --- income tax --- tax deduction --- income redistribution --- government transfer --- government dependency --- poverty line --- basic income guarantee --- effective tax rate --- balanced budget --- elastic tax --- Cantor set --- fractals --- homeomorphism --- detrended fluctuation analysis --- Hurst exponent --- continuous time random walk --- intertrade times --- volatility clustering --- local transfer entropy --- long-short-term-memory --- Bitcoin --- cryptocurrencies --- multiscale analysis --- detrended cross-correlations --- covariance matrices --- copulas --- high-frequency trading --- market stability --- agent-based models --- structural entropy --- Economic Freedom of the World index --- Index of Economic Freedom --- rank-size law technique --- power law behaviour --- exponential behaviour --- multiscale partition function --- multifractal analysis --- company market --- export readiness --- internationalization --- options pricing --- mortality --- companies --- start-up --- FTSE100 --- Gompertz --- MinMax --- survival probability distribution --- high-frequency trader --- multivariate Hawkes process --- forex market --- wealth distribution --- kinetic models --- wealth inequalities --- compartmental epidemic modelling --- vaccination campaign --- flash crash --- systemic risk --- financial networks --- high frequency trading --- market microstructure --- phase transition --- criticality --- dynamics of complex networks --- cascading failure --- network science --- economic complexity --- relatedness --- products and services --- planar graph --- partial correlation --- discounting --- bond pricing --- real interest rates --- calendar anomalies --- day-of-the-week effect --- market indices --- multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis
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