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The book contains the research contributions belonging to the Special Issue "Numerical Simulation of Wind Turbines", published in 2020-2021. They consist of 15 original research papers and 1 editorial. Different topics are discussed, from innovative design solutions for large and small wind turbine to control, from advanced simulation techniques to noise prediction. The variety of methods used in the research contributions testifies the need for a holistic approach to the design and simulation of modern wind turbines and will be able to stimulate the interest of the wind energy community.
large-scale wind turbine balde --- computational aeroacoustics --- sound source detection --- low Mach number turbulent flows --- NACA0012 airfoil --- fluid–structure interaction --- wind turbine --- atmospheric boundary layer --- composite materials --- gusts --- wind energy --- actuator line method --- wind turbine simulation --- regularization kernel --- small wind turbine (SWT) --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) --- composites --- fluid–structure interaction (FSI) --- VAWT --- gurney flap --- CFD --- RBF --- power augmentation --- Darrieus --- turbulence --- experiments --- turbine wake --- turbine size --- large-eddy simulation --- actuator surface model --- wind turbine wake --- actuator disk model --- dynamic mode decomposition --- coherent structures --- wake meandering --- vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) --- Savonius turbine --- deformable blades --- power coefficient --- blade load --- fluid-structure interaction (FSI) --- uncertainty quantification --- blade damage --- AEP --- winglet --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD), wind energy --- renewable energy --- rotor blade --- tip vortices --- aerodynamics --- ansys fluent --- savonius turbine --- icewind turbine --- static torque --- three-dimensional simulation --- Delayed DES --- H-Darrieus --- micro wind power generation --- wind turbine control --- load mitigation --- individual pitch control --- lifting line free vortex wake --- vortex methods --- pitch --- stall --- engineering codes --- n/a --- fluid-structure interaction
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The book contains the research contributions belonging to the Special Issue "Numerical Simulation of Wind Turbines", published in 2020-2021. They consist of 15 original research papers and 1 editorial. Different topics are discussed, from innovative design solutions for large and small wind turbine to control, from advanced simulation techniques to noise prediction. The variety of methods used in the research contributions testifies the need for a holistic approach to the design and simulation of modern wind turbines and will be able to stimulate the interest of the wind energy community.
Technology: general issues --- large-scale wind turbine balde --- computational aeroacoustics --- sound source detection --- low Mach number turbulent flows --- NACA0012 airfoil --- fluid-structure interaction --- wind turbine --- atmospheric boundary layer --- composite materials --- gusts --- wind energy --- actuator line method --- wind turbine simulation --- regularization kernel --- small wind turbine (SWT) --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) --- composites --- fluid-structure interaction (FSI) --- VAWT --- gurney flap --- CFD --- RBF --- power augmentation --- Darrieus --- turbulence --- experiments --- turbine wake --- turbine size --- large-eddy simulation --- actuator surface model --- wind turbine wake --- actuator disk model --- dynamic mode decomposition --- coherent structures --- wake meandering --- vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) --- Savonius turbine --- deformable blades --- power coefficient --- blade load --- uncertainty quantification --- blade damage --- AEP --- winglet --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD), wind energy --- renewable energy --- rotor blade --- tip vortices --- aerodynamics --- ansys fluent --- savonius turbine --- icewind turbine --- static torque --- three-dimensional simulation --- Delayed DES --- H-Darrieus --- micro wind power generation --- wind turbine control --- load mitigation --- individual pitch control --- lifting line free vortex wake --- vortex methods --- pitch --- stall --- engineering codes
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Wind turbine aerodynamics is one of the central subjects of wind turbine technology. To reduce the levelized cost of energy (LCOE), the size of a single wind turbine has been increased to 12 MW at present, with further increases expected in the near future. Big wind turbines and their associated wind farms have many advantages but also challenges. The typical effects are mainly related to the increase in Reynolds number and blade flexibility. This Special Issue is a collection of 21 important research works addressing the aerodynamic challenges appearing in such developments. The 21 research papers cover a wide range of problems related to wind turbine aerodynamics, which includes atmospheric turbulent flow modeling, wind turbine flow modeling, wind turbine design, wind turbine control, wind farm flow modeling in complex terrain, wind turbine noise modeling, vertical axis wind turbine, and offshore wind energy. Readers from all over the globe are expected to greatly benefit from this Special Issue collection regarding their own work and the goal of enabling the technological development of new environmentally friendly and cost-effective wind energy systems in order to reach the target of 100% energy use from renewable sources, worldwide, by 2050
simplified free vortex wake --- n/a --- H-type VAWT --- variable pitch --- wind tunnel experiment --- rotor blade optimization --- Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) --- wake effect --- wind turbine noise propagation --- RANS --- axial steady condition --- wind turbine blades --- optimization --- computational fluid dynamic --- straight blade --- typhoon --- gradient-based --- image processing --- actuator line method --- piezo-electric flow sensor --- stall --- turbulence --- airfoil design --- vortex ring --- defects --- DMST model --- wind turbine design --- S809 airfoil --- dynamic fluid body interaction --- Computational Fluid Dynamics --- ABL stability --- semi-submersible platform --- random search --- floating offshore wind turbine --- blade length --- adjoint approach --- Fatigue Loads --- wind turbine optimization --- wind turbine airfoil --- particle swarm optimization --- rotational augmentation --- NREL Phase VI --- mechanical performance --- coupling of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics --- tip speed ratio --- aerodynamics --- oscillating freestream --- super-statistics --- blade element momentum theory --- wind turbine --- wind energy --- boundary layer separation --- wind turbine blade optimization --- actuator disc --- dynamic stall --- complex terrain --- laminar-turbulent transition --- SCADA --- OpenFOAM --- atmospheric stability --- computational fluid dynamics --- economic analysis --- OC5 DeepCWind --- wind tunnel --- actuator disk --- meso/microscale --- cost of energy --- power coefficient --- pitch oscillation --- condition monitoring --- aerodynamic characteristics --- blade parametrization --- wind turbine wakes --- truss Spar floating foundation --- wind resource assessment --- wind shear --- wind turbine noise source --- design --- low wind speed areas --- aerodynamic --- wind farm --- met mast measurements --- turbulent inflow --- VAWTs (Vertical axis wind turbines) --- thermography --- wind speed extrapolation --- MEXICO --- wind turbine wake --- aerodynamic force --- layout optimization --- H-type floating VAWT --- LES --- NACA0012
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Ocean Structures subjected to actions of ocean waves require safety inspection as they protect human environment and everyday lives. Increasing uses of ocean environment have brought active research activities continuously. The newly developed technology of ocean energy even pushed the related needs forward one more step. This Special Issue focuses on Analysis of Interactions between wave structures and ocean waves. Although ocean structures may cover various practical and/or conceptual types, we hope in the years to come, the state-of-the-art applications in wave and structure interactions and/or progress review and future developments could be included. There are fifteen papers published in the Special issue. A brief description includes: Lee et al. [1] presented a concept of a water column type wave power converter. Li et al. [2] considered submerged breakwaters. Lin et al. [3] studied an ocean current turbine system. Thiagarajan and Moreno [4] investigated oscillating heave plates in wind turbines. Chiang et al. [5] proposed an actuator disk model. Tseng et al. [6] investigated Bragg reflections of periodic surface-piercing submerged breakwaters. Lee et al. [7] analyzed caisson structures with a wave power conversion system installed. Yeh et al. [8] reported motion reduction in offshore wind turbines. Wu and Hsiao [9] considered submerged slotted barriers. Tang et al. [10] studied floating platforms with fishnets. Chen et al. [11] calculated mooring drags of underwater floating structures with moorings. Jeong et al. [12] estimated the motion performance of light buoys using ecofriendly and lightweight materials. Zhang et al. [13] considered vibrations of deep-sea risers. On the other hand, Shugan et al. [14] studied the effects of plastic coating on sea surfaces.
Technology: general issues --- deep-sea riser --- top tension --- vortex-induced vibration --- numerical simulation --- experiment --- light buoy --- motion performance in waves --- potential-based simulations --- viscous damping coefficients --- free decay tests --- computational fluid dynamics --- analytic solution --- water waves --- underwater floating structure --- mooring forces --- interaction --- floating platform --- fishnet mesh size --- frequency-domain --- time-domain --- nonlinear waves --- BEM --- solitary wave --- submerged breakwater --- slotted barrier --- PIV --- RANS model --- motion reduction control --- renewable energy --- TLD --- offshore wind turbine --- structural safety --- breakwater design --- wave energy --- wave power converting system --- caisson breakwater application --- eigenfunction matching method --- oblique wave --- Bragg reflection --- step approximation --- surface-piercing structure --- periodic bottom --- surface waves --- wave breaker --- elastic plate --- power prediction --- capacity factor --- actuator disk --- wind farm --- heave plate --- free surface effect --- floating offshore wind turbine --- hydrodynamic coefficients --- added mass --- damping coefficient --- forced oscillation in waves --- Keulegan Carpenter number --- stability --- ocean current power system --- surface type --- buoyance platform --- mooring foundation --- particle image velocimetry --- submerged obstacle --- undulating breakwater --- rectangular breakwater --- vortex energy --- offshore wind power --- template structure system --- oscillating water column --- n/a --- typhoon --- gust --- extreme wind --- aerodynamic load
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The book contains the research contributions belonging to the Special Issue "Numerical Simulation of Wind Turbines", published in 2020-2021. They consist of 15 original research papers and 1 editorial. Different topics are discussed, from innovative design solutions for large and small wind turbine to control, from advanced simulation techniques to noise prediction. The variety of methods used in the research contributions testifies the need for a holistic approach to the design and simulation of modern wind turbines and will be able to stimulate the interest of the wind energy community.
Technology: general issues --- large-scale wind turbine balde --- computational aeroacoustics --- sound source detection --- low Mach number turbulent flows --- NACA0012 airfoil --- fluid–structure interaction --- wind turbine --- atmospheric boundary layer --- composite materials --- gusts --- wind energy --- actuator line method --- wind turbine simulation --- regularization kernel --- small wind turbine (SWT) --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) --- composites --- fluid–structure interaction (FSI) --- VAWT --- gurney flap --- CFD --- RBF --- power augmentation --- Darrieus --- turbulence --- experiments --- turbine wake --- turbine size --- large-eddy simulation --- actuator surface model --- wind turbine wake --- actuator disk model --- dynamic mode decomposition --- coherent structures --- wake meandering --- vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) --- Savonius turbine --- deformable blades --- power coefficient --- blade load --- fluid-structure interaction (FSI) --- uncertainty quantification --- blade damage --- AEP --- winglet --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD), wind energy --- renewable energy --- rotor blade --- tip vortices --- aerodynamics --- ansys fluent --- savonius turbine --- icewind turbine --- static torque --- three-dimensional simulation --- Delayed DES --- H-Darrieus --- micro wind power generation --- wind turbine control --- load mitigation --- individual pitch control --- lifting line free vortex wake --- vortex methods --- pitch --- stall --- engineering codes --- n/a --- fluid-structure interaction
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Ocean Structures subjected to actions of ocean waves require safety inspection as they protect human environment and everyday lives. Increasing uses of ocean environment have brought active research activities continuously. The newly developed technology of ocean energy even pushed the related needs forward one more step. This Special Issue focuses on Analysis of Interactions between wave structures and ocean waves. Although ocean structures may cover various practical and/or conceptual types, we hope in the years to come, the state-of-the-art applications in wave and structure interactions and/or progress review and future developments could be included. There are fifteen papers published in the Special issue. A brief description includes: Lee et al. [1] presented a concept of a water column type wave power converter. Li et al. [2] considered submerged breakwaters. Lin et al. [3] studied an ocean current turbine system. Thiagarajan and Moreno [4] investigated oscillating heave plates in wind turbines. Chiang et al. [5] proposed an actuator disk model. Tseng et al. [6] investigated Bragg reflections of periodic surface-piercing submerged breakwaters. Lee et al. [7] analyzed caisson structures with a wave power conversion system installed. Yeh et al. [8] reported motion reduction in offshore wind turbines. Wu and Hsiao [9] considered submerged slotted barriers. Tang et al. [10] studied floating platforms with fishnets. Chen et al. [11] calculated mooring drags of underwater floating structures with moorings. Jeong et al. [12] estimated the motion performance of light buoys using ecofriendly and lightweight materials. Zhang et al. [13] considered vibrations of deep-sea risers. On the other hand, Shugan et al. [14] studied the effects of plastic coating on sea surfaces.
deep-sea riser --- top tension --- vortex-induced vibration --- numerical simulation --- experiment --- light buoy --- motion performance in waves --- potential-based simulations --- viscous damping coefficients --- free decay tests --- computational fluid dynamics --- analytic solution --- water waves --- underwater floating structure --- mooring forces --- interaction --- floating platform --- fishnet mesh size --- frequency-domain --- time-domain --- nonlinear waves --- BEM --- solitary wave --- submerged breakwater --- slotted barrier --- PIV --- RANS model --- motion reduction control --- renewable energy --- TLD --- offshore wind turbine --- structural safety --- breakwater design --- wave energy --- wave power converting system --- caisson breakwater application --- eigenfunction matching method --- oblique wave --- Bragg reflection --- step approximation --- surface-piercing structure --- periodic bottom --- surface waves --- wave breaker --- elastic plate --- power prediction --- capacity factor --- actuator disk --- wind farm --- heave plate --- free surface effect --- floating offshore wind turbine --- hydrodynamic coefficients --- added mass --- damping coefficient --- forced oscillation in waves --- Keulegan Carpenter number --- stability --- ocean current power system --- surface type --- buoyance platform --- mooring foundation --- particle image velocimetry --- submerged obstacle --- undulating breakwater --- rectangular breakwater --- vortex energy --- offshore wind power --- template structure system --- oscillating water column --- n/a --- typhoon --- gust --- extreme wind --- aerodynamic load
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CFD is an emerging area and is gaining popularity due to the availability of ever-increasing computational power. If used accurately, CFD methods may overcome the limitations of experimental and other numerical methods, in some respects. This Special Issue focuses on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations of Marine Hydrodynamics with a specific focus on the applications of naval architecture and ocean engineering, and it comprises 24 original articles that advance state-of-the-art CFD applications in marine hydrodynamics and/or review the progress and future directions of research in this field. The published articles cover a wide range of subjects relevant to naval architecture and ocean engineering, including but not limited to; ship resistance and propulsion, seakeeping and maneuverability, hydrodynamics of marine renewable energy devices, validation and verification of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), EFD/CFD combined methods, fouling/coating hydrodynamics.
CFD --- shallow water --- restricted water --- KCS --- spectral analysis of free surfaces --- air resistance --- container ship --- superstructure --- numerical simulation --- trim --- dispersion --- pH --- turbulent Schmidt number --- scrubber --- wash water --- ship hydrodynamics --- ship motions --- green water on deck --- slamming --- cross wave --- near free surface --- unsteady cavitation dynamics --- NACA66 hydrofoil --- dynamic mode decomposition --- wave energy --- computational fluid dynamics --- identification --- viscous damping --- URANS --- computational fluid dynamic --- experimental fluid dynamic --- sailboat --- hull --- towing tank test --- numerical ventilation --- overset --- volume of fluid (VOF), hydrodynamic --- Polito Sailing Team (PST) --- offshore crane --- OpenFOAM --- wave-payload interaction --- NWT --- overset mesh --- planing hull --- seakeeping --- vertical motions --- mesh deformation --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) --- radial basis function (RBF) method --- inverse distance weighted (IDW) method --- hull form optimization --- Computational Fluid Dynamics --- Verification and Validation --- nearfield wake pattern --- longitudinal wake profile --- distributed propulsion --- draft --- parallel-sided --- NACA --- CAD --- systematic investigation --- low Reynolds number --- sailing --- centerboard --- Bézier curves --- gamma transition criterion --- restricted channel --- resistance correction --- biofouling --- ship performance --- oil tanker --- bulk carrier --- immersed boundary method --- air–water two-phase flows --- VoF method --- finite volume method --- interaction effect --- wind drag --- aerodynamic --- Reynolds Average Navier–Stokes (RANS) --- rudder–propeller interactions --- validations and verification --- actuator disk theory --- rudder sectional forces --- marginal ice zone --- sea ice --- wave --- six degree of freedom (6DoF) motion --- planing craft --- twin side-hulls --- porpoising instability --- model tests --- inhibition mechanism --- optimal location --- ship resistance --- form factor --- best practice guidelines --- numerical friction line --- combined CFD/EFD methods --- next generation subsea production system --- Immersed Buoyant Platform --- hydrodynamic characteristics --- ultra-deep sea --- swallowing capacity --- duct flow --- ducted turbine --- roughness effect --- Wigley hull --- heterogeneous hull roughness
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Ocean Structures subjected to actions of ocean waves require safety inspection as they protect human environment and everyday lives. Increasing uses of ocean environment have brought active research activities continuously. The newly developed technology of ocean energy even pushed the related needs forward one more step. This Special Issue focuses on Analysis of Interactions between wave structures and ocean waves. Although ocean structures may cover various practical and/or conceptual types, we hope in the years to come, the state-of-the-art applications in wave and structure interactions and/or progress review and future developments could be included. There are fifteen papers published in the Special issue. A brief description includes: Lee et al. [1] presented a concept of a water column type wave power converter. Li et al. [2] considered submerged breakwaters. Lin et al. [3] studied an ocean current turbine system. Thiagarajan and Moreno [4] investigated oscillating heave plates in wind turbines. Chiang et al. [5] proposed an actuator disk model. Tseng et al. [6] investigated Bragg reflections of periodic surface-piercing submerged breakwaters. Lee et al. [7] analyzed caisson structures with a wave power conversion system installed. Yeh et al. [8] reported motion reduction in offshore wind turbines. Wu and Hsiao [9] considered submerged slotted barriers. Tang et al. [10] studied floating platforms with fishnets. Chen et al. [11] calculated mooring drags of underwater floating structures with moorings. Jeong et al. [12] estimated the motion performance of light buoys using ecofriendly and lightweight materials. Zhang et al. [13] considered vibrations of deep-sea risers. On the other hand, Shugan et al. [14] studied the effects of plastic coating on sea surfaces.
Technology: general issues --- deep-sea riser --- top tension --- vortex-induced vibration --- numerical simulation --- experiment --- light buoy --- motion performance in waves --- potential-based simulations --- viscous damping coefficients --- free decay tests --- computational fluid dynamics --- analytic solution --- water waves --- underwater floating structure --- mooring forces --- interaction --- floating platform --- fishnet mesh size --- frequency-domain --- time-domain --- nonlinear waves --- BEM --- solitary wave --- submerged breakwater --- slotted barrier --- PIV --- RANS model --- motion reduction control --- renewable energy --- TLD --- offshore wind turbine --- structural safety --- breakwater design --- wave energy --- wave power converting system --- caisson breakwater application --- eigenfunction matching method --- oblique wave --- Bragg reflection --- step approximation --- surface-piercing structure --- periodic bottom --- surface waves --- wave breaker --- elastic plate --- power prediction --- capacity factor --- actuator disk --- wind farm --- heave plate --- free surface effect --- floating offshore wind turbine --- hydrodynamic coefficients --- added mass --- damping coefficient --- forced oscillation in waves --- Keulegan Carpenter number --- stability --- ocean current power system --- surface type --- buoyance platform --- mooring foundation --- particle image velocimetry --- submerged obstacle --- undulating breakwater --- rectangular breakwater --- vortex energy --- offshore wind power --- template structure system --- oscillating water column --- typhoon --- gust --- extreme wind --- aerodynamic load
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CFD is an emerging area and is gaining popularity due to the availability of ever-increasing computational power. If used accurately, CFD methods may overcome the limitations of experimental and other numerical methods, in some respects. This Special Issue focuses on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations of Marine Hydrodynamics with a specific focus on the applications of naval architecture and ocean engineering, and it comprises 24 original articles that advance state-of-the-art CFD applications in marine hydrodynamics and/or review the progress and future directions of research in this field. The published articles cover a wide range of subjects relevant to naval architecture and ocean engineering, including but not limited to; ship resistance and propulsion, seakeeping and maneuverability, hydrodynamics of marine renewable energy devices, validation and verification of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), EFD/CFD combined methods, fouling/coating hydrodynamics.
Technology: general issues --- CFD --- shallow water --- restricted water --- KCS --- spectral analysis of free surfaces --- air resistance --- container ship --- superstructure --- numerical simulation --- trim --- dispersion --- pH --- turbulent Schmidt number --- scrubber --- wash water --- ship hydrodynamics --- ship motions --- green water on deck --- slamming --- cross wave --- near free surface --- unsteady cavitation dynamics --- NACA66 hydrofoil --- dynamic mode decomposition --- wave energy --- computational fluid dynamics --- identification --- viscous damping --- URANS --- computational fluid dynamic --- experimental fluid dynamic --- sailboat --- hull --- towing tank test --- numerical ventilation --- overset --- volume of fluid (VOF), hydrodynamic --- Polito Sailing Team (PST) --- offshore crane --- OpenFOAM --- wave-payload interaction --- NWT --- overset mesh --- planing hull --- seakeeping --- vertical motions --- mesh deformation --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) --- radial basis function (RBF) method --- inverse distance weighted (IDW) method --- hull form optimization --- Computational Fluid Dynamics --- Verification and Validation --- nearfield wake pattern --- longitudinal wake profile --- distributed propulsion --- draft --- parallel-sided --- NACA --- CAD --- systematic investigation --- low Reynolds number --- sailing --- centerboard --- Bézier curves --- gamma transition criterion --- restricted channel --- resistance correction --- biofouling --- ship performance --- oil tanker --- bulk carrier --- immersed boundary method --- air–water two-phase flows --- VoF method --- finite volume method --- interaction effect --- wind drag --- aerodynamic --- Reynolds Average Navier–Stokes (RANS) --- rudder–propeller interactions --- validations and verification --- actuator disk theory --- rudder sectional forces --- marginal ice zone --- sea ice --- wave --- six degree of freedom (6DoF) motion --- planing craft --- twin side-hulls --- porpoising instability --- model tests --- inhibition mechanism --- optimal location --- ship resistance --- form factor --- best practice guidelines --- numerical friction line --- combined CFD/EFD methods --- next generation subsea production system --- Immersed Buoyant Platform --- hydrodynamic characteristics --- ultra-deep sea --- swallowing capacity --- duct flow --- ducted turbine --- roughness effect --- Wigley hull --- heterogeneous hull roughness
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CFD is an emerging area and is gaining popularity due to the availability of ever-increasing computational power. If used accurately, CFD methods may overcome the limitations of experimental and other numerical methods, in some respects. This Special Issue focuses on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations of Marine Hydrodynamics with a specific focus on the applications of naval architecture and ocean engineering, and it comprises 24 original articles that advance state-of-the-art CFD applications in marine hydrodynamics and/or review the progress and future directions of research in this field. The published articles cover a wide range of subjects relevant to naval architecture and ocean engineering, including but not limited to; ship resistance and propulsion, seakeeping and maneuverability, hydrodynamics of marine renewable energy devices, validation and verification of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), EFD/CFD combined methods, fouling/coating hydrodynamics.
Technology: general issues --- CFD --- shallow water --- restricted water --- KCS --- spectral analysis of free surfaces --- air resistance --- container ship --- superstructure --- numerical simulation --- trim --- dispersion --- pH --- turbulent Schmidt number --- scrubber --- wash water --- ship hydrodynamics --- ship motions --- green water on deck --- slamming --- cross wave --- near free surface --- unsteady cavitation dynamics --- NACA66 hydrofoil --- dynamic mode decomposition --- wave energy --- computational fluid dynamics --- identification --- viscous damping --- URANS --- computational fluid dynamic --- experimental fluid dynamic --- sailboat --- hull --- towing tank test --- numerical ventilation --- overset --- volume of fluid (VOF), hydrodynamic --- Polito Sailing Team (PST) --- offshore crane --- OpenFOAM --- wave-payload interaction --- NWT --- overset mesh --- planing hull --- seakeeping --- vertical motions --- mesh deformation --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) --- radial basis function (RBF) method --- inverse distance weighted (IDW) method --- hull form optimization --- Computational Fluid Dynamics --- Verification and Validation --- nearfield wake pattern --- longitudinal wake profile --- distributed propulsion --- draft --- parallel-sided --- NACA --- CAD --- systematic investigation --- low Reynolds number --- sailing --- centerboard --- Bézier curves --- gamma transition criterion --- restricted channel --- resistance correction --- biofouling --- ship performance --- oil tanker --- bulk carrier --- immersed boundary method --- air–water two-phase flows --- VoF method --- finite volume method --- interaction effect --- wind drag --- aerodynamic --- Reynolds Average Navier–Stokes (RANS) --- rudder–propeller interactions --- validations and verification --- actuator disk theory --- rudder sectional forces --- marginal ice zone --- sea ice --- wave --- six degree of freedom (6DoF) motion --- planing craft --- twin side-hulls --- porpoising instability --- model tests --- inhibition mechanism --- optimal location --- ship resistance --- form factor --- best practice guidelines --- numerical friction line --- combined CFD/EFD methods --- next generation subsea production system --- Immersed Buoyant Platform --- hydrodynamic characteristics --- ultra-deep sea --- swallowing capacity --- duct flow --- ducted turbine --- roughness effect --- Wigley hull --- heterogeneous hull roughness
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