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Identifikation. --- Person. --- Strafverfahren. --- Zeuge. --- Deutschland.
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Zeuge Jehovas --- Leben --- Lehre --- Religiongemeinschaft --- die Bibel --- Wachtturm
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Tausendjähriges Reich --- Konzentrationslager Buchenwald --- Konzentrationslager Wewelsburg --- KZ Niederhagen --- Jehovas Zeuge --- Ernster Bibelforscher --- Gott --- nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung
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Authority in literature.
Authors in literature.
Gericht (Motiv).
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Ambassadors. --- Diplomacy --- Diplomacy. --- Intervention. --- Urkunde. --- Zeuge. --- History. --- Heinrich --- Henri --- Heinrich (Römisch-Deutsches Reich, Kaiser, IV.). --- 1056-1106. --- Germany --- Germany. --- History
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During the twentieth century, witnessing grew to be not just a widespread solution for coping with political atrocities but also an intricate problem. As the personal experience of victims, soldiers, and aid workers acquired unparalleled authority as a source of moral and political truth, the capacity to generate adequate testimonies based on this experience was repeatedly called into question. Michal Givoni's book follows the trail of the problems, torments, and crises that became commingled with witnessing to genocide, disaster, and war over the course of the twentieth century. By juxtaposing episodes of reflexive witnessing to the Great War, the Jewish Holocaust, and third world emergencies, The Care of the Witness explores the shifting roles and responsibilities of witnesses in history and the contribution that the troubles of witnessing made to the ethical consolidation of the witness as the leading figure of nongovernmental politics.
Evidence, Hearsay. --- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Human rights. --- Judenvernichtung. --- Menschenrecht. --- Testimony (Theory of knowledge). --- Witnesses. --- Zeuge. --- Zeugnis. --- Testimony (Theory of knowledge) --- Hearsay evidence --- Evidence (Law) --- Objections (Evidence) --- Witnesses --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Human rights --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Testimony --- Eyewitness identification --- Knowledge, Theory of --- Law and legislation
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BPB0904 --- Droit d'asile --- Témoignage --- Asielrecht --- Getuigenis --- Exiles --- Personal narratives --- testemunho --- pierādījums --- tanúvallomás --- сведочење --- svedecká výpoveď --- liudytojo parodymai --- vidneudsagn --- testimonio --- výslech svědka --- świadek --- mărturie în instanță --- todistus --- tunnistus --- μαρτυρία --- evidence --- getuigenverklaring --- показание на свидетел --- Zeugenaussage --- evidenza għall-awditjar --- svjedočenje --- показ --- prova --- testimonianza --- pričanje --- vittnesmål --- Zeuge --- testigo --- vittne --- μάρτυρας --- martor --- liecinieks --- изјава на сведок --- svedok --- witness --- testemunha --- lietisks pierādījums --- vidne --- svědek --- сведок --- getuige --- tanú --- témoin --- tunnistaja --- iskaz svjedoka --- liecība --- getuigenis --- todistaja --- svědectví --- svjedok --- teste --- материјален доказ --- vidneforklaring --- parodymai prisiekus --- testimone --- testimony --- liudytojas --- ütlus --- dëshmi --- svedectvo --- todistajanlausunto --- сведоштво --- asylret --- pravo azila --- prawo azylu --- drept de azil --- direito de asilo --- diritto d'asilo --- menedékjog --- prieglobsčio teisė --- azylové právo --- право на азил --- patvēruma tiesības --- δικαίωμα ασύλου --- right of asylum --- varjupaigaõigus --- pravica do azila --- právo na azyl --- derecho de asilo --- asielrecht --- an ceart chun tearmainn --- dritt għall-ażil --- Asylrecht --- e drejta e azilit --- turvapaikkaoikeus --- asylrätt --- право на убежище --- ceart tearmainn --- uprchlické právo --- azylový zákon --- признавање право на азил --- právo uprchlíka --- azylová legislativa --- fianaise --- Témoignage
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BPB0904 --- Suicide --- Témoignage --- Zelfmoord --- Getuigenis --- Hazing --- Belgium --- History --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- getuigenis --- testemunho --- pierādījums --- tanúvallomás --- сведочење --- svedecká výpoveď --- liudytojo parodymai --- vidneudsagn --- testimonio --- výslech svědka --- świadek --- mărturie în instanță --- todistus --- tunnistus --- μαρτυρία --- evidence --- getuigenverklaring --- показание на свидетел --- Zeugenaussage --- evidenza għall-awditjar --- svjedočenje --- показ --- prova --- testimonianza --- pričanje --- vittnesmål --- Zeuge --- testigo --- vittne --- μάρτυρας --- martor --- liecinieks --- изјава на сведок --- svedok --- witness --- testemunha --- lietisks pierādījums --- vidne --- svědek --- сведок --- getuige --- tanú --- témoin --- tunnistaja --- iskaz svjedoka --- liecība --- todistaja --- svědectví --- svjedok --- teste --- материјален доказ --- vidneforklaring --- parodymai prisiekus --- testimone --- testimony --- liudytojas --- ütlus --- dëshmi --- svedectvo --- todistajanlausunto --- сведоштво --- sinucidere --- zelfmoord --- vetëvrasje --- itsemurha --- suicide --- pašnāvība --- öngyilkosság --- savižudybė --- suicidio --- Freitod --- samovražda --- samobójstwo --- enesetapp --- självmord --- suicídio --- selvmord --- самоубийство --- самоубиство --- αυτοκτονία --- samoubojstvo --- sebevražda --- samomor --- suwiċidju --- Suizid --- zelfdoding --- Selbstmord --- Selbsttötung --- suicida --- обид за самоубиство --- одземање живот --- fianaise --- féinmharú --- Témoignage
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Frederick --- Barbarossa, --- Barberousse, Frédéric, --- Federico Barbarossa, --- Federico --- Frédéric Barberousse, --- Frédéric --- Frederick Barbarossa, --- Fridrikh Barbarossa, --- Friedrich Barbarossa, --- Friedrich --- Holy Roman Empire --- Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation --- Heiliges Römisches Reich --- Svi︠a︡shchennai︠a︡ Rimskai︠a︡ Imperii︠a︡ --- Imperium Romano Germanicum --- S.R.I. --- Sacrum Romanum Imperium --- Austria --- Germany --- Court and courtiers. --- History --- Theses --- Court and courtiers --- Saint Empire romain germanique --- Cour et courtisans --- Histoire --- Frederick I --- Kings and rulers --- Frederick I, 1152-1190 --- Civilization [Medieval ] --- 12th century --- Frederick - I, - Holy Roman Emperor, - approximately 1123-1190 --- Holy Roman Empire - Court and courtiers --- Holy Roman Empire - History - Frederick I, 1152-1190 --- FREDERIC IER BARBEROUSSE, EMPEREUR GERMANIQUE, 1122-1190 --- ALLEMAGNE --- REGNE --- HISTOIRE --- MOYEN AGE --- POLITIQUE ET GOUVERNEMENT --- Hof --- Königsurkunde --- Zeuge
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Ce livre offre des regards croisés sur la littérature scientifique concernant les mécanismes de base de notre mémoire sur la conduite d'entretien à travers une présentation détaillée et très pratique de l'entretien cognitif.
Comité P --- témoignage --- victime --- nukentėjusysis --- íospartach --- vítima --- жртва --- Opfer --- slachtoffer --- obeť --- žrtva --- offer --- cietušais --- brottsoffer --- vittima --- žrtev --- victimă --- жертва --- vittma --- ohver --- θύμα --- oběť --- ofiara --- victim --- víctima --- viktimë --- uhri --- sértett --- kannatanu --- cietusī persona --- áldozat --- poškozený --- parte lesa --- testemunho --- pierādījums --- tanúvallomás --- сведочење --- svedecká výpoveď --- liudytojo parodymai --- vidneudsagn --- testimonio --- výslech svědka --- świadek --- mărturie în instanță --- todistus --- tunnistus --- μαρτυρία --- evidence --- getuigenverklaring --- показание на свидетел --- Zeugenaussage --- evidenza għall-awditjar --- fianaise --- svjedočenje --- показ --- prova --- testimonianza --- pričanje --- vittnesmål --- Zeuge --- testigo --- vittne --- μάρτυρας --- martor --- liecinieks --- изјава на сведок --- svedok --- witness --- testemunha --- lietisks pierādījums --- vidne --- svědek --- сведок --- getuige --- tanú --- témoin --- tunnistaja --- iskaz svjedoka --- liecība --- getuigenis --- todistaja --- svědectví --- svjedok --- teste --- материјален доказ --- vidneforklaring --- parodymai prisiekus --- testimone --- testimony --- liudytojas --- ütlus --- dëshmi --- svedectvo --- todistajanlausunto --- сведоштво
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