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Personenidentifizierung durch Zeugen im Strafverfahren : Anforderungen an die ordnungsgemässe Durchführung von Wiedererkennungsverfahren und Beurteilung des Beweiswerts von Identifizierungsleistungen unter besonderer Berücksichtung rechtspsychologischer und kriminalistischer Aspekte
ISBN: 3428139771 9783428139774 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin : Duncker et Humblot,

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Der schiefe Turm von Brooklyn.Uber Leben und Lehre der Zeugen Jehovas
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783775145343 Year: 2008 Publisher: Holzgerlingen Hänssler Verlag

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Es ist unmöglich von dem zu schwiegen, was ich erlebt habe.Zivilcourage im Dritten Reich
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3000026940 Year: 2000 Publisher: Bielefeld Buchversand Edeltraud Mindt

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Richter und Zeuge : Figuren des Autors in Thomas Bernhards Prosa
ISBN: 9783706904827 Year: 2009 Publisher: Wien : Praesens,

Intervenienten und Zeugen in den Diplomen Kaiser Heinrichs IV (1056-1105) : der Übergang von der Interventions-zur Zeugenformel
Year: 1970 Publisher: Kallmünz : Lassleben,

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The care of the witness
ISBN: 1107150949 9781107150942 9781316584668 9781316605479 1316605477 1108110010 1108105920 1108112056 1316584666 1108111378 1108114776 110811069X Year: 2016 Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press

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During the twentieth century, witnessing grew to be not just a widespread solution for coping with political atrocities but also an intricate problem. As the personal experience of victims, soldiers, and aid workers acquired unparalleled authority as a source of moral and political truth, the capacity to generate adequate testimonies based on this experience was repeatedly called into question. Michal Givoni's book follows the trail of the problems, torments, and crises that became commingled with witnessing to genocide, disaster, and war over the course of the twentieth century. By juxtaposing episodes of reflexive witnessing to the Great War, the Jewish Holocaust, and third world emergencies, The Care of the Witness explores the shifting roles and responsibilities of witnesses in history and the contribution that the troubles of witnessing made to the ethical consolidation of the witness as the leading figure of nongovernmental politics.

Exils : 45 récits de demandeurs d'asile
Authors: ---
ISBN: 287269188X 9782872691883 Year: 2008 Volume: *6 Publisher: Bruxelles Pré aux sources

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BPB0904 --- Droit d'asile --- Témoignage --- Asielrecht --- Getuigenis --- Exiles --- Personal narratives --- testemunho --- pierādījums --- tanúvallomás --- сведочење --- svedecká výpoveď --- liudytojo parodymai --- vidneudsagn --- testimonio --- výslech svědka --- świadek --- mărturie în instanță --- todistus --- tunnistus --- μαρτυρία --- evidence --- getuigenverklaring --- показание на свидетел --- Zeugenaussage --- evidenza għall-awditjar --- svjedočenje --- показ --- prova --- testimonianza --- pričanje --- vittnesmål --- Zeuge --- testigo --- vittne --- μάρτυρας --- martor --- liecinieks --- изјава на сведок --- svedok --- witness --- testemunha --- lietisks pierādījums --- vidne --- svědek --- сведок --- getuige --- tanú --- témoin --- tunnistaja --- iskaz svjedoka --- liecība --- getuigenis --- todistaja --- svědectví --- svjedok --- teste --- материјален доказ --- vidneforklaring --- parodymai prisiekus --- testimone --- testimony --- liudytojas --- ütlus --- dëshmi --- svedectvo --- todistajanlausunto --- сведоштво --- asylret --- pravo azila --- prawo azylu --- drept de azil --- direito de asilo --- diritto d'asilo --- menedékjog --- prieglobsčio teisė --- azylové právo --- право на азил --- patvēruma tiesības --- δικαίωμα ασύλου --- right of asylum --- varjupaigaõigus --- pravica do azila --- právo na azyl --- derecho de asilo --- asielrecht --- an ceart chun tearmainn --- dritt għall-ażil --- Asylrecht --- e drejta e azilit --- turvapaikkaoikeus --- asylrätt --- право на убежище --- ceart tearmainn --- uprchlické právo --- azylový zákon --- признавање право на азил --- právo uprchlíka --- azylová legislativa --- fianaise --- Témoignage

Het verhaal van David
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789044322347 Year: 2008 Publisher: Antwerpen The House of Books

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BPB0904 --- Suicide --- Témoignage --- Zelfmoord --- Getuigenis --- Hazing --- Belgium --- History --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- getuigenis --- testemunho --- pierādījums --- tanúvallomás --- сведочење --- svedecká výpoveď --- liudytojo parodymai --- vidneudsagn --- testimonio --- výslech svědka --- świadek --- mărturie în instanță --- todistus --- tunnistus --- μαρτυρία --- evidence --- getuigenverklaring --- показание на свидетел --- Zeugenaussage --- evidenza għall-awditjar --- svjedočenje --- показ --- prova --- testimonianza --- pričanje --- vittnesmål --- Zeuge --- testigo --- vittne --- μάρτυρας --- martor --- liecinieks --- изјава на сведок --- svedok --- witness --- testemunha --- lietisks pierādījums --- vidne --- svědek --- сведок --- getuige --- tanú --- témoin --- tunnistaja --- iskaz svjedoka --- liecība --- todistaja --- svědectví --- svjedok --- teste --- материјален доказ --- vidneforklaring --- parodymai prisiekus --- testimone --- testimony --- liudytojas --- ütlus --- dëshmi --- svedectvo --- todistajanlausunto --- сведоштво --- sinucidere --- zelfmoord --- vetëvrasje --- itsemurha --- suicide --- pašnāvība --- öngyilkosság --- savižudybė --- suicidio --- Freitod --- samovražda --- samobójstwo --- enesetapp --- självmord --- suicídio --- selvmord --- самоубийство --- самоубиство --- αυτοκτονία --- samoubojstvo --- sebevražda --- samomor --- suwiċidju --- Suizid --- zelfdoding --- Selbstmord --- Selbsttötung --- suicida --- обид за самоубиство --- одземање живот --- fianaise --- féinmharú --- Témoignage

Die Struktur des Hofes unter Friedrich I. Barbarossa nach den deutschen Zeugen seiner Urkunden
ISBN: 377525420X 9783775254205 3886122905 3447172614 9783447172615 9783886122905 Year: 1998 Volume: 20 Publisher: Hannover: Hahn,

L'autre Europe des drogues : politiques des drogues dans cinq pays d'Europe: Espagne, Portugal, hongrie, Pologne et Bulgarie
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2110044764 Year: 2000 Publisher: Paris La Documentation française

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Ce livre offre des regards croisés sur la littérature scientifique concernant les mécanismes de base de notre mémoire sur la conduite d'entretien à travers une présentation détaillée et très pratique de l'entretien cognitif.


Comité P --- témoignage --- victime --- nukentėjusysis --- íospartach --- vítima --- жртва --- Opfer --- slachtoffer --- obeť --- žrtva --- offer --- cietušais --- brottsoffer --- vittima --- žrtev --- victimă --- жертва --- vittma --- ohver --- θύμα --- oběť --- ofiara --- victim --- víctima --- viktimë --- uhri --- sértett --- kannatanu --- cietusī persona --- áldozat --- poškozený --- parte lesa --- testemunho --- pierādījums --- tanúvallomás --- сведочење --- svedecká výpoveď --- liudytojo parodymai --- vidneudsagn --- testimonio --- výslech svědka --- świadek --- mărturie în instanță --- todistus --- tunnistus --- μαρτυρία --- evidence --- getuigenverklaring --- показание на свидетел --- Zeugenaussage --- evidenza għall-awditjar --- fianaise --- svjedočenje --- показ --- prova --- testimonianza --- pričanje --- vittnesmål --- Zeuge --- testigo --- vittne --- μάρτυρας --- martor --- liecinieks --- изјава на сведок --- svedok --- witness --- testemunha --- lietisks pierādījums --- vidne --- svědek --- сведок --- getuige --- tanú --- témoin --- tunnistaja --- iskaz svjedoka --- liecība --- getuigenis --- todistaja --- svědectví --- svjedok --- teste --- материјален доказ --- vidneforklaring --- parodymai prisiekus --- testimone --- testimony --- liudytojas --- ütlus --- dëshmi --- svedectvo --- todistajanlausunto --- сведоштво

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