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Christian religious orders --- Bruges --- abdijen --- kloosterleven --- Brugge [gemeente in arrondissement Brugge - BE] --- dagelijks leven --- Z271 --- Z++92/07
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Dutch literature --- #GGSB: Dood & Levenseinde --- Z++92/07 --- Z82 --- bejaardenpsychologie --- bejaardenzorg --- 324 --- 416.8 --- gerontologie --- gezondheidszorg --- roman --- verpleegkunde --- Sociale problemen van en zorg voor ouderen; algemeen --- Psychologie van ouderen --- Dood & Levenseinde
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Nu eerst is het mogelijk uitgebreide originele informatie te brengen over het fenomeen kindermishandeling in Vlaanderen, gebaseerd op de jarenlange ervaringen van de oudste drie Vertrouwensartscentra (VAC). Gezien het hoge aantal (20 à 25.000 gevallen per jaar in België) en de ernst van de problematiek (mortaliteit van 0,4%; blijvende letsels [vooral geestelijk] bij 1 mishandeld kind op 3) kan het maatschappelijk en gezondheidskundig belang van kindermishandeling niet worden overschat. Uitvoerige aandacht wordt besteed aan de complexe symptomatologie van de verschillende vormen van kindermishandeling. Argumenten worden gegeven voor de oprichting van specifieke psychosociale-medische centra, waaraan zo snel mogelijk en in vertrouwen kan worden gemeld, zowel door hulpverleners als door het grote publiek. De grootste aandacht gaat naar de hulpverlening, gebracht door de VAC's, zowel door coördinatie van de hulp verleend door eerste- en tweedelijnsgezondheidswerkers als door middel van actieve therapeutische interventie, vooral in de gevallen van seksuele mishandeling.De beschrijving van alle aspecten van kindermishandeling in Vlaanderen en in het buitenland vormt een rijke brom van informatie voor alle hulpverleners. Dit boek wil ook een zo breed mogelijk publiek voorlichten over het fenomeen kindermishandeling. De ouders mogen niet langer als misdadigers worden beschouwd maar als mensen die zelf hulp nodig hebben. Ook in het onderwijs moet aandacht besteed worden aan het (h)erkennen van kindermishandeling. De leerkrachten kunnen bijdragen tot het voorkomen van kindermishandeling door de kinderen te leren zich te wapenen tot volwassenen voorbereid op het toekomstig ouderschap.
Social problems
Age group sociology
Criminology. Victimology
Child Abuse.
179.2 <493=393>
364.4-058 <493>
Kindermishandeling (kinderverwaarlozing)
Seksueel misbruik
et al.
recht, jeugd
Kindermishandeling Vlaanderen
Child Maltreatment
Child Mistreatment
Child Neglect
Abuse, Child
Maltreatment, Child
Mistreatment, Child
Neglect, Child
Battered Child Syndrome
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
Shaken Baby Syndrome
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Sociology of social care --- Microeconomics --- Age group sociology --- Bevolking --- Colloques --- Colloquia --- Europa --- Europe --- Population --- Sociologie --- Aged --- -Aging --- -Z314.8 --- Z++92/07 --- Age --- Ageing --- Senescence --- Developmental biology --- Gerontology --- Longevity --- Age factors in disease --- Aging people --- Elderly people --- Old people --- Older adults --- Older persons --- Senior citizens --- Seniors (Older people) --- Age groups --- Persons --- Gerontocracy --- Old age --- Social conditions --- -Congresses --- Congresses --- Physiological effect --- Veroudering van de bevolking --- Aged. --- Europese Unie --- Demography. --- Socioeconomic Factors. --- 314.8 --- #SBIB:314H141 --- 314.17 --- 364.1 --- (4-67EU) --- $?$89/10 --- #C9207 --- #SBIB:314H127 --- #SBIB:314H210 --- Demografie --- Demography --- Factors, Socioeconomic --- High-Income Population --- Inequalities --- Land Tenure --- Standard of Living --- Factor, Socioeconomic --- High Income Population --- High-Income Populations --- Inequality --- Living Standard --- Living Standards --- Population, High-Income --- Populations, High-Income --- Socioeconomic Factor --- Tenure, Land --- Economics --- Accounting, Demographic --- Analyses, Demographic --- Analyses, Multiregional --- Analysis, Period --- Brass Technic --- Brass Technique --- Demographers --- Demographic Accounting --- Demographic Analysis --- Demographic Factor --- Demographic Factors --- Demographic Impact --- Demographic Impacts --- Demographic Survey --- Demographic Surveys --- Demographic and Health Surveys --- Demographics --- Demography, Historical --- Demography, Prehistoric --- Factor, Demographic --- Factors, Demographic --- Family Reconstitution --- Historical Demography --- Impact, Demographic --- Impacts, Demographic --- Multiregional Analysis --- Period Analysis --- Population Spatial Distribution --- Prehistoric Demography --- Reverse Survival Method --- Stable Population Method --- Survey, Demographic --- Surveys, Demographic --- Population Distribution --- Analyses, Period --- Analysis, Demographic --- Analysis, Multiregional --- Demographer --- Demographic Analyses --- Demographies, Historical --- Demographies, Prehistoric --- Distribution, Population --- Distribution, Population Spatial --- Distributions, Population --- Distributions, Population Spatial --- Family Reconstitutions --- Historical Demographies --- Method, Reverse Survival --- Method, Stable Population --- Methods, Reverse Survival --- Methods, Stable Population --- Multiregional Analyses --- Period Analyses --- Population Distributions --- Population Methods, Stable --- Population Spatial Distributions --- Prehistoric Demographies --- Reconstitution, Family --- Reconstitutions, Family --- Reverse Survival Methods --- Spatial Distribution, Population --- Spatial Distributions, Population --- Stable Population Methods --- Technic, Brass --- Technique, Brass --- Elderly --- Geriatrics --- Historical demography --- Social sciences --- Vital statistics --- Vieillissement de la population --- Union européenne --- Bevolkingsbeweging. Bevolkingsoptimum. Bevolkingsgroei. Demografische verand eringen. Loop der bevolking --- Evoluties in bevolkingsgroei: toestand en problemen --- Regionale bevolkingsstudies: Europa --- Demografie: algemeenheden --- Europe. --- Northern Europe --- Southern Europe --- Western Europe --- Aging --- Older people --- SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS --- Economic conditions --- congresses. --- Congresses. --- 314.8 Bevolkingsbeweging. Bevolkingsoptimum. Bevolkingsgroei. Demografische verand eringen. Loop der bevolking --- Socioeconomic factors --- United States --- Socioeconomic Factors --- Social aspects --- Economic aspects --- Social Inequalities --- Social Inequality --- Inequalities, Social --- Inequality, Social --- Demographic --- Demographic and Health Survey --- Economic and Social Factors --- Social and Economic Factors --- Socioeconomic Characteristics --- Characteristic, Socioeconomic --- Socioeconomic Characteristic --- United States of America
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Leven met een psychisch zieke partner is meestal een uitzichtloze situatie, vol angst, zorg en leed. De patiënten zelf krijgen aandacht en steun, hun partners blijven vaak in de kou.In dit boek getuigen de partners van psychisch zieken heel open over hoe ze trouw proberen te blijven aan hun gegeven woord, over de gezins- en financiële problemen, over de reacties van de anderen, over hoe ze voor zichzelf leren opkomen.
Caregivers --- Communication. --- Interpersonal Relations. --- Marriage. --- Psychotic Disorders. --- Psychology. --- Mentally ill --- Family relationships --- psychiatrische patiënten --- gezinspsychologie --- Interpersonal Relations --- Marriage --- Communication --- Psychotic Disorders --- #GGSB: Psychologie --- #gsdb6 --- #GBIB:IDGP --- getuigenis --- partnerrelatie (x) --- psychiatrische patiënten (x) --- Federatie van Vlaamse Similes-Kringen (1972-heden) --- Z616.8 --- Z++92/07 --- psychiatrie --- relaties --- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- Sociale en echtelijke betrekkingen --- (psychologisch) --- 159.927 --- Familiebelasting --- Psychiatrische patient (chronische psychiatrische patiënt) --- 326 --- sociale opvang : mentaal gehandicapten (ler) --- familiebegeleiding --- geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- 606.6 --- 606.86 --- 614.1 --- hulpverlening --- KOPP --- lotgenoten --- psychiatrische patiënt --- psychologische hulpverlening --- Psychosis --- Psychoses --- Psychosis, Brief Reactive --- Schizoaffective Disorder --- Schizophreniform Disorders --- Brief Reactive Psychoses --- Brief Reactive Psychosis --- Disorder, Psychotic --- Disorder, Schizoaffective --- Disorder, Schizophreniform --- Disorders, Psychotic --- Disorders, Schizoaffective --- Disorders, Schizophreniform --- Psychoses, Brief Reactive --- Psychotic Disorder --- Reactive Psychoses, Brief --- Reactive Psychosis, Brief --- Schizoaffective Disorders --- Schizophreniform Disorder --- Communication Programs --- Communications Personnel --- Misinformation --- Personal Communication --- Communication Program --- Communication, Personal --- Personnel, Communications --- Program, Communication --- Programs, Communication --- Arranged Marriage --- Commonlaw Marriage --- Consensual Union --- Consummation of Marriage --- Dowry --- Husband-Wife Comparisons --- Intermarriage --- Marriage Age --- Marriage Duration --- Marriage Patterns --- Marriage Postponement --- Mate Selection --- Multiple Marriages --- Nuptiality --- Polygamy --- Polygyny --- Remarriage --- Same-Sex Marriage --- Marital Relationship --- Age, Marriage --- Ages, Marriage --- Arranged Marriages --- Commonlaw Marriages --- Comparison, Husband-Wife --- Comparisons, Husband-Wife --- Consensual Unions --- Dowries --- Duration, Marriage --- Husband Wife Comparisons --- Husband-Wife Comparison --- Intermarriages --- Marital Relationships --- Marriage Ages --- Marriage Consummation --- Marriage Consummations --- Marriage Pattern --- Marriage Postponements --- Marriage, Arranged --- Marriage, Commonlaw --- Marriage, Same-Sex --- Marriages --- Marriages, Arranged --- Marriages, Commonlaw --- Marriages, Multiple --- Marriages, Same-Sex --- Mate Selections --- Postponement, Marriage --- Postponements, Marriage --- Relationship, Marital --- Relationships, Marital --- Remarriages --- Same Sex Marriage --- Same-Sex Marriages --- Selection, Mate --- Selections, Mate --- Union, Consensual --- Unions, Consensual --- Gender Issues --- Husband-Wife Communication --- Partner Communication --- Relations, Gender --- Gender Relations --- Social Interaction --- Communication, Husband-Wife --- Communication, Partner --- Communications, Husband-Wife --- Communications, Partner --- Gender Issue --- Gender Relation --- Husband Wife Communication --- Husband-Wife Communications --- Interaction, Social --- Interactions, Social --- Interpersonal Relation --- Issue, Gender --- Issues, Gender --- Partner Communications --- Relation, Gender --- Relation, Interpersonal --- Relations, Interpersonal --- Social Interactions --- Friends --- Emotional Intelligence --- 616.5 --- 159.92 --- psychology --- Soins de santé mentale --- Rapports sociaux et conjugaux --- Psychiatrische patiënten --- Relatievorming --- Gezinnen --- Social Communication --- Communication, Social --- Communications, Social --- Social Communications --- Social Relationships --- Relationship, Social --- Relationships, Social --- Social Relationship --- Social Behavior --- Psychiatrische patiënt --- Gezin --- Geschiedenis --- Thuiszorg --- Atlas --- Museum --- Ouderenzorg --- Psychologie
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