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Relationsadjektive im Deutschen, Französischen und Russischen
ISBN: 9783903122291 3903122297 3902811005 9783902811004 Year: 2013 Publisher: Innsbruck: Innsbruck university press,

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In the classification of adjectives numerous variants are possible. A rough classification into lexical-semantic point of view, the distinction of quality and Relations adjectives. Both in German and in French and Russian, this differentiation seems to have some significance, as many grammars to refer to them. Due to language-specific differences, it is in the analysis of relational adjectives in different languages particularly interesting to look at those alternative designs, with which relations adjectives in the source text for a translation or interpretation to be replaced. Bei der Klassifizierung von Adjektiven sind zahlreiche Varianten möglich. Eine grobe Einteilung in lexikalisch-semantischer Hinsicht ist die Unterscheidung von Qualitäts- und Relationsadjektiven. Sowohl im Deutschen als auch im Französischen und Russischen scheint diese Differenzierung eine gewisse Bedeutung zu haben, da zahlreiche Grammatiken auf sie hinweisen. Aufgrund sprachenspezifischer Unterschiede ist es bei der Analyse von Relationsadjektiven in verschiedenen Sprachen besonders interessant, sich jene alternativen Konstruktionen anzusehen, mit denen Relationsadjektive im Ausgangstext bei einer Übersetzung oder Verdolmetschung ersetzt werden. Der Fachbereich Politik eignet sich besonders für eine Analyse dieser Wortgruppe: Er produziert viel Material, das auch zugänglich ist, und beschäftigt sich mit sehr unterschiedlichen Bereichen wie Geschichte, Handel, Finanzwelt oder Wirtschaft, in denen es ständig zu Veränderungen kommt. Dies zwingt die Sprache, sich anzupassen und weiter zu entwickeln. Die Arbeit zeigt auf, dass es für Übersetzer/Dolmetscher durchaus von Vorteil ist, sich mit einem sprachlichen Detail auseinanderzusetzen. Wichtige Tendenzen und Gewohnheiten in den verschiedenen Sprachen treten zu Tage und können von großer Hilfe sein. Wissen in diesem Bereich kann dem in der Dolmetschsituation unter Zeitdruck stehenden Dolmetscher helfen, sich von der Konstruktion der Ausgangssprache zu lösen. Dem Übersetzer kann es durch solche Kenntnisse gelingen, eine noch authentischer klingende Übersetzung anzufertigen.

A grammar of Komnzo
Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin Language Science Press

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Komnzo is a Papuan language of Southern New Guinea spoken by around 250 people in the village of Rouku. Komnzo belongs to the Tonda subgroup of the Yam language family, which is also known as the Morehead Upper-Maro group. This grammar provides the first comprehensive description of a Yam language. It is based on 16 months of fieldwork. The primary source of data is a text corpus of around 12 hours recorded and transcribed between 2010 and 2015. Komnzo provides many fields of future research, but the most interesting aspect of its structure lies in the verb morphology, to which the two largest chapters of the grammar are dedicated. Komnzo verbs may index up to two arguments showing agreement in person, number and gender. Verbs encode 18 TAM categories, valency, directionality and deictic status. Morphological complexity lies not only in the amount of categories that verbs may express, but also in the way these are encoded.

A grammar of Komnzo
Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin Language Science Press

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Komnzo is a Papuan language of Southern New Guinea spoken by around 250 people in the village of Rouku. Komnzo belongs to the Tonda subgroup of the Yam language family, which is also known as the Morehead Upper-Maro group. This grammar provides the first comprehensive description of a Yam language. It is based on 16 months of fieldwork. The primary source of data is a text corpus of around 12 hours recorded and transcribed between 2010 and 2015. Komnzo provides many fields of future research, but the most interesting aspect of its structure lies in the verb morphology, to which the two largest chapters of the grammar are dedicated. Komnzo verbs may index up to two arguments showing agreement in person, number and gender. Verbs encode 18 TAM categories, valency, directionality and deictic status. Morphological complexity lies not only in the amount of categories that verbs may express, but also in the way these are encoded.

Nanostructured Solar Cells
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9535129368 953512935X 9535141104 Year: 2017 Publisher: InTechOpen

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The employment of printing techniques as cost-effective methods to fabricate low cost,flexible, disposable and sustainable solar cells is intimately dependent on the substrateproperties and the adequate electronic devices to be powered by them. Among suchdevices, there is currently a growing interest in the development of user-oriented andmultipurpose systems for intelligent packaging or on-site medical diagnostics, whichwould greatly benefit from printable solar cells as their energy source for autonomousoperation.This chapter first describes and analyzes different types of cellulose-based substrates forflexible and cost effective optoelectronic and bio devices to be powered by printed solarcells. Cellulose is one of the most promising platforms for green recyclable electronicsand it is fully compatible with large-scale printing techniques, although some criticalrequirements must be addressed. Paper substrates exist in many forms. From commonoffice paper, to packaging cardboard used in the food industry, or nanoscale engineeredcellulose (e.g. bacterial cellulose). However, it is the structure and content of paper thatdetermines its end use. Secondly, proof-of-concept of optoelectronic and bio devices producedby inkjet printing are described and show the usefulness of solar cells as a powersource or as a chemical reaction initiator for sensors.

Die Graphematik der Morpheme im Deutschen und Englischen
ISBN: 311060485X 9783110604856 9783110605181 311060518X 3110604760 Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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How are words written in German and English? What features do they share in common, and what are their differences? The book approaches these questions from a morphologic-graphemic perspective. Accordingly, it addresses the graphemic structure of morphemes, and the issues of uniformity (how uniformly is a morpheme represented in writing?) and uniqueness (how distinctly does a spelling refer to one morpheme?). Wie werden Wörter im Deutschen und im Englischen geschrieben? Wo sind Gemeinsamkeiten, wo sind Unterschiede? Diese Fragen werden aus morphologisch-graphematischer Perspektive bearbeitet. Es geht hier also nicht um Bezüge zwischen Schrift und Lautform (traditionell oft im Fokus der Graphematik), sondern um Korrespondenzen zwischen Schrift und Morphologie. Das betrifft zum einen den Aufbau von Morphemen. Welche Beschränkungen lassen sich hier für die Abfolge der Buchstaben formulieren? Was sind minimale, was sind prototypische Stämme und Affixe? Zum anderen geht es um Fragen der Einheitlichkeit (Wie uniform wird ein Morphem in der Schrift repräsentiert?) und der Eindeutigkeit (Wie distinkt verweist eine Schreibung auf ein Morphem?). Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass im Englischen eher Affixe verlässlich kodiert werden (oft eindeutig und einheitlich), während im Deutschen häufig Stämme einheitlich kodiert werden. Das sind zwei grundsätzlich unterschiedliche Strategien der Leseerleichterung.

Relationsadjektive im Deutschen, Französischen und Russischen
ISBN: 9783903122291 3903122297 Year: 2013 Publisher: innsbruck university press

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In the classification of adjectives numerous variants are possible. A rough classification into lexical-semantic point of view, the distinction of quality and Relations adjectives. Both in German and in French and Russian, this differentiation seems to have some significance, as many grammars to refer to them. Due to language-specific differences, it is in the analysis of relational adjectives in different languages particularly interesting to look at those alternative designs, with which relations adjectives in the source text for a translation or interpretation to be replaced.

Beiträge zur deutschen Grammatik (Revised Edition)
ISBN: 3961101493 3961101256 3961101264 Year: 2019 Publisher: Language Science Press

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Komnzo is a Papuan language of Southern New Guinea spoken by around 250 people in the village of Rouku. Komnzo belongs to the Tonda subgroup of the Yam language family, which is also known as the Morehead Upper-Maro group. This grammar provides the first comprehensive description of a Yam language. It is based on 16 months of fieldwork. The primary source of data is a text corpus of around 12 hours recorded and transcribed between 2010 and 2015. Komnzo provides many fields of future research, but the most interesting aspect of its structure lies in the verb morphology, to which the two largest chapters of the grammar are dedicated. Komnzo verbs may index up to two arguments showing agreement in person, number and gender. Verbs encode 18 TAM categories, valency, directionality and deictic status. Morphological complexity lies not only in the amount of categories that verbs may express, but also in the way these are encoded.

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