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Over koningen, kruisvaarders en jihadi's : De Levant beschreven door bisschop en historiograaf Willem van Tyrus (ca. 1130- ca. 1186)
ISBN: 9461662351 Year: 2017 Publisher: Leuven, Belgium : Leuven University Press,

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Een unieke blik op de kruistochten naar het Midden-Oosten. Het Midden-Oosten is vandaag een kruitvat, een strijdtoneel van grootmachten, een slagveld van religieus radicalisme. Tijdens de kruistochten in de twaalfde eeuw was het vaak niet anders. Om tot oplossingen te komen, kampte men met vergelijkbare socio-politieke vragen, zoals: Realpolitik versus eigen principes, hoever kan men daarin gaan? Akkoorden afsluiten met 'de vijand' en met 'de religieus andere', is dat wel ethisch verantwoord? Ondergraaft men zo niet de eigen manier van leven? Zijn religieuze tolerantie en vreedzaam multicultureel samenleven wel haalbaar of moet hier niet eerder geopteerd worden voor pragmatisme in de omgang met 'de andere'? In 'Over koningen, kruisvaarders en jihadi's' maakt de lezer kennis met de twaalfde-eeuwse aartsbisschop Willem van Tyrus, rijkskanselier van het Koninkrijk Jeruzalem en deskundige correspondent ter plaatse. Aan de hand van Willems getuigenis over de middeleeuwse Levant schetst Gust De Preter de historische context. Hij bespreekt de belangrijkste en meest markante observaties en inzichten uit het Chronicon, betrekt ze op de huidige situatie in het Midden-Oosten en trekt behoedzaam interessante parallellen. Door intermezzo's waarin de auteur citeert uit zijn online beschikbare en integrale Nederlandse vertaling van het Chronicon, krijgt de lezer een uniek inzicht in de kruistochten naar het Midden-Oosten en een inkijk in het prikkelende gedachtegoed van een scherpzinnige chroniqueur.

The Old French William of Tyre
ISSN: 09285520 ISBN: 9789004256880 9004256881 1322872791 9004282939 9789004282933 Year: 2015 Volume: 103 Publisher: Leiden, The Netherlands : Koninklijke Brill,

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William of Tyre's history of the Kingdom of Jerusalem has long been viewed as one of the most useful sources for the Crusades and the Latin East from the beginnings of the First Crusade to William's death shortly before Saladin's conquest of Jerusalem. However, this text was most popular during the medieval period in an Old French translation. In The Old French of William of Tyre Philip Handyside identifies the differences between the Latin and French texts and analyses the translator motives for producing the translation and highlights significant changes that may provide a better understanding of the period in question. Handyside also argues for a complex manuscript tradition that developed across the medieval Mediterranean.


Translators --- French language --- Crusades --- Manuscripts, Medieval --- History --- Historiography --- Mediterranean Region --- William, --- Jerusalem --- Latin Orient --- Croisades --- Historiography. --- Mediterranean Region. --- Historiographie --- Orient latin --- Translators - France - History - To 1500 --- French language - To 1300 - Texts --- Crusades - Historiography --- Manuscripts, Medieval - Mediterranean Region --- William, - of Tyre, Archbishop of Tyre, - approximately 1130-approximately 1190. - Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis --- William, - of Tyre, Archbishop of Tyre, - approximately 1130-approximately 1190. - Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum. - French --- William, - of Tyre, Archbishop of Tyre, - approximately 1130-approximately 1190 - Translations into French --- Jerusalem - History - Latin Kingdom, 1099-1244 - Historiography --- Latin Orient - Historiography --- Interpreters --- Linguists --- Translating services --- Guilelmus, --- Guillaume, --- Tyr, Guillaume de, --- Tyre, William of, --- Tyrus, Wilhelm von, --- Tyrus, Willem van, --- Wilhelm, --- Willelmus, --- Willem, --- William --- وليم الصوري --- East, Latin --- Latin East --- Orient, Latin --- Islamic Empire --- Middle East --- Orient --- Latin Empire, 1204-1261 --- Ierusalim --- Иерусалим --- Yerushalayim --- Jeruzalem --- Quds --- Ūrushalīm --- Kuds --- Kouds --- Erusaghēm --- Bayt al-Maqdis --- Jeruzsálem --- Jerusalem (Israel) --- Jerusalem (Palestine) --- ʻIriyat Yerushalayim --- Ierousalēm --- Gerusalemme --- Baladīyat al-Quds --- Baladīyat al-Quds al-ʻArabīyah --- Jerusalem Arab Municipality --- Qods (Jerusalem) --- ירושלים --- القدس --- al-Quds --- قدس --- Jerusalén --- William, - of Tyre, Archbishop of Tyre, - approximately 1130-approximately 1190

Chronique d'Ernoul and the Colbert-Fontainebleau continuation of William of Tyre.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789004547582 9004547649 900420993X 9789004547643 9004547584 9789004209930 9004543163 9004547592 9789004543164 9789004547599 Year: 2023 Publisher: Leiden : BRILL,

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Volume 2 of the two-volume set MMed 135: These volumes offer the first critical edition of the Chronique d'Ernoul and the so-called Colbert-Fontainebleau (or Acre) Continuation of William of Tyre in over 150 years. The material is accompanied by an extensive introduction, glossary and bibliography. These two thirteenth-century narratives recount the story of the crusades and the Latin East. Both are anonymous; both employed the French vernacular and both contain accounts that are essential for anyone studying the subject. The Chronique d'Ernoul was completed in the 1230s in northern France. The main part of the Colbert-Fontainebleau Continuation of William of Tyre dates to the late 1240s and is a reworking of Ernoul with material going up to 1277; it was composed in the Latin East.

Crusade, settlement and historical writing in the Latin East and Latin West, c. 1100-c. 1300
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 180543151X 1783277335 Year: 2024 Publisher: Woodbridge : The Boydell Press,

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This collection offers a holistic understanding of the impact of both crusading and settlement on the literary cultures of Latin Christendom. The period between the First Crusade and the collapse of the "crusader states" in the eastern Mediterranean was a crucial one for medieval historical writing. From the departure of the earliest crusading armies in 1096 to the Mamlūk conquest of the Latin states in the late thirteenth century, crusading activity, and the settlements it established and aimed to protect, generated a vast textual output, offering rich insights into the historiographical cultures of the Latin West and Latin East. However, modern scholarship on the crusades and the "crusader states" has tended to draw an artificial boundary between the two, even though medieval writers treated their histories as virtually indistinguishable. This volume places these spheres into dialogue with each other, looking at how individual crusading campaigns and the Frankish settlements in the eastern Mediterranean were depicted and remembered in the central Middle Ages. Its essays cover a geographical range that incorporates England, France, Germany, southern Italy and the Holy Land, and address such topics as gender, emotion, the natural world, crusading as an institution, origin myths, textual reception, forms of storytelling and historical genre. Bringing to the foreground neglected sources, methodologies, events and regions of textual production, the collection offers a holistic understanding of the impact of both crusading and settlement on the literary cultures of Latin Christendom.

The Chronicle of Ernoul and the Continuations of William of Tyre
ISBN: 0198218516 9780198218517 Year: 1973 Publisher: London : Oxford university press,

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Crusades --- Croisades --- Ernoul, --- Godfrey, --- William, --- Jerusalem --- Jérusalem --- History --- Histoire --- Sources --- 091 =40 --- -Church history --- Middle Ages --- Chivalry --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frans --- Ernoul --- Godefroi de Bouillon --- William of Tyre, Archbishop of Tyre --- -History --- -Historiography --- Sources. --- -Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frans --- 091 =40 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frans --- Godfried van Bouillon --- Godfrey of Bouillon --- Godfrey --- -091 =40 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frans --- Jérusalem --- -Ierusalim --- Yerushalayim --- Jeruzalem --- Quds --- Ūrushalīm --- Kuds --- Kouds --- Erusaghēm --- Bayt al-Maqdis --- Jeruzsálem --- Jerusalem (Israel) --- Jerusalem (Palestine) --- ʻIriyat Yerushalayim --- Ierousalēm --- Gerusalemme --- Baladīyat al-Quds --- Baladīyat al-Quds al-ʻArabīyah --- Jerusalem Arab Municipality --- Qods (Jerusalem) --- ירושלים --- القدس --- al-Quds --- قدس --- Church history --- Bouillon, Godefroid de, --- Bullioen, Godevaart van, --- De Bouillon, Godefroid, --- Godefroi, --- Godefroid, --- Godevaart, van Bullioen, --- Godfried, van Bouillon, --- Godofre, --- Godofredo, --- Gottfried, --- Ierusalim --- Иерусалим --- Jerusalén --- Crusades - First, 1096-1099 - Sources --- Ernoul, - active 1187 - Chronique d'Ernoul et de Bernard de Trésorier --- William, - of Tyre, Archbishop of Tyre, - approximately 1130-approximately 1190 - Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum --- Jerusalem - History - Latin Kingdom, 1099-1244 - Sources

William of Tyre, historian of the Latin East
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0521267668 0521407281 0511562411 9780521407281 9780521267663 9780511562419 Year: 1988 Volume: 4th ser., 8 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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William, archbishop of Tyre from 1175 to c.1184, was a churchman, royal servant and scholar who lived in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Born in Jerusalem around 1130, he studied in western Europe for almost twenty years until 1165, when he returned to the East to begin his career in public life. He left to posterity a monumental history in which he described the events of the First Crusade (1095-9) and recorded the fortunes of the western rulers of the states subsequently founded in Syria and the Holy Land down to his own day. The value of his work as an example of twelfth-century historiography and as a source of information for the events described has long been recognized. In this study the authors consider William as a public figure and historian, and examine the influences which bore upon his writing and the way in which he fashioned his material. They then go on to examine what he had to say about certain topics - the monarchy in Jerusalem, the Church, the papacy, the Byzantine empire and the Crusade - and why he wrote as he did.

Kreuzzugsideologie und Toleranz: Studien zu Wilhelm von Tyrus
ISBN: 3777277053 9783777277059 Year: 1977 Volume: 15 Publisher: Stuttgart: Hiersemann,

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History of civilization --- Christian theology --- Guilelmus Tyrensis --- anno 1100-1199 --- Christianity and other religions --- Civilization, Medieval --- Crusades --- Islam --- Religious tolerance --- Christianisme --- Civilisation médiévale --- Croisades --- Tolérance religieuse --- Relations --- Christianity --- History of doctrines --- Histoire des doctrines --- William, --- 940.181 --- 940"-/14" --- -Islam --- -Religious tolerance --- -Tolerance, Religious --- Toleration --- Mohammedanism --- Muhammadanism --- Muslimism --- Mussulmanism --- Religions --- Muslims --- Syncretism (Christianity) --- Church history --- Middle Ages --- Chivalry --- Kruistochten --- Geschiedenis van Europa, van het Westen, van het Avondland--?"-/14" --- -Christianity --- -History of doctrines --- -Relations --- History --- Guilelmus Abp. of Tyre --- Crusades. --- Islam. --- Christianity. --- -Kruistochten --- -Guilelmus Abp. of Tyre --- 940"-/14" Geschiedenis van Europa, van het Westen, van het Avondland--?"-/14" --- 940.181 Kruistochten --- -940.181 Kruistochten --- Tolerance, Religious --- Civilisation médiévale --- Tolérance religieuse --- Relations&delete& --- Guilelmus, --- Guillaume, --- Tyr, Guillaume de, --- Tyre, William of, --- Tyrus, Wilhelm von, --- Tyrus, Willem van, --- Wilhelm, --- Willelmus, --- Willem, --- William --- وليم الصوري --- Guillaume of Tyre --- Religious tolerance - Christianity - History of doctrines - Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- Christianity and other religions - Islam --- Islam - Relations - Christianity --- William, - of Tyre, Archbishop of Tyre, - approximately 1130-approximately 1190

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