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Whistleblowing by federal employees : barriers and protections
ISBN: 1631174819 9781631174810 Year: 2014 Publisher: New York : Nova Publishers,

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Whistle blowing

Zaščita žvižgačev na delovnem mestu v državach Višegrajske skupine, Franciji in Sloveniji - Predlogi sprememb
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788382206506 9788362206494 Year: 2021 Publisher: Łódź : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego,

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Monografija vsebuje splošno porocilo o raziskavi, izvedeni s strani mednarodne ekipe pravnih strokovnjakov v okviru Višegrajskega projekta Zašcita žvižgacev na delovnem mestu v državah V4, Franciji in Sloveniji (WHISTLEPRO), ki ga financira Mednarodni Višegrajski sklad. Glavni cilj projekta je bil preuciti pravno ureditev zašcite oseb, ki prijavijo nepravilnosti in kršitve prava v gospodarskih družbah ter drugih zasebnih in javnih institucijah v državah, zajetih z raziskavo, nato pa izpostaviti težave in predlagati pravne rešitve, povezane s prenosom Direktive (EU) 2019/1937 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 23. oktobra 2019 o zašciti oseb, ki prijavijo kršitve prava Unije, v nacionalno zakonodajo. Monografija med drugim vkljucuje analizo glede obsega vsebin, ki so lahko zajete z žvižgaštvom; nabora oseb, ki jih je mogoce obravnavati kot žvižgace in jim nuditi zašcito v povezavi s prijavo kršitev prava, pa tudi drugih subjektov, ki so zašciteni zaradi svoje povezave z žvižgacem; notranjih in zunanjih kanalov za prijave; pravnih ukrepov, namenjenih podpori žvižgacem in njihovim aktivnostim ter zašciti pred povracilnimi ukrepi zaradi razkritja informacij, vprašanja zaupnosti, pravne odgovornosti za povracilne ukrepe in za kršitev dolžnosti v zvezi z žvižgaštvom. Navedene študije so bile izpeljane v koordinaciji Fakultete za pravo in upravo Univerze v Lodžu, s sodelovanjem Karlove univerze v Pragi, Univerze Reformirane Cerkve Károli Gáspár na Madžarskem, Univerze v Mariboru, Univerze v Toursu in Trnavske Univerze v Trnavi, ter z udeležbo predstavnikov drugih raziskovalnih centrov, javnih institucij, družbenih partnerjev, organizacij civilne družbe, podjetij in pravnikov.


Whistle blowing.

Education, society, family : interdisciplinary perspectives and analyses
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 6064906219 Year: 2021 Publisher: Bucharest : Editura Eikon,

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This volume includes a selection of papers presented at the International Conference "Education in the Perspective of Values", the 13th edition, held online from September 28 to 29, 2021. The organizers of this edition were: "1 December 1918" University of Alba Iulia, University of Primorska (Slovenia), University of Helsinki (Finland), "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca - Doctoral School "Didactics. Tradition, Development, Innovation", Moldova State University (Republic of Moldova).


Whistle blowing.

Whistleblowing law
ISBN: 1783472561 9781783472567 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cheltenham: Elgar,

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This collection, edited by a leading authority, presents key literature published in the last 30 years discussing the topic of whistleblowing law. The papers analyze the contours of the field, including perspectives from which to examine whistleblower laws, the issues arising in the implementation of these laws and the character of global whistleblower laws. These seminal works also provide an introduction to a number of disputed issues and an examination of two areas of recent interest, including national security whistleblowers and financial incentives


Whistle blowing

Europe's new whistleblowing laws : research papers from the 2nd European Conference on Whistleblowing Legislation
Year: 2023 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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The "European Whistleblowing Directive" (Directive (EU) 2019/1937) is the most far-reaching piece of whistleblowing legislation in history with an unprecedented impact on countries all across the European Union. To transpose the Directive, all 27 Member States were required to enact their own national whistleblowing laws by 17 December 2021, in many cases leading to the creation of an entirely new field of law previously unknown to many national legal systems. The papers included in this book are the result of the "2nd European Conference on Whistleblowing Legislation", providing readers with a first in-depth look into the emerging field of research that is European Whistleblowing Law.


Whistle blowing.

Whistleblowing for change : exposing systems of power and injustice
Year: 2021 Publisher: Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag,

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The courageous acts of whistleblowing that inspired the world over the past few years have changed our perception of surveillance and control in today's information society. But what are the wider effects of whistleblowing as an act of dissent on politics, society, and the arts? How does it contribute to new courses of action, digital tools, and contents? This urgent intervention based on the work of Berlin's Disruption Network Lab examines this growing phenomenon, offering interdisciplinary pathways to empower the public by investigating whistleblowing as a developing political practice that has the ability to provoke change from within.


Whistle blowing.

The whistleblowing guide : speak-up arrangements, challenges and best practices
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1119360781 1119360765 1119360749 Year: 2019 Publisher: Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom : Wiley,

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Choose the best speak-up arrangements for your organisation The last five years have seen dramatic and fundamental changes in whistleblower procedures for organisations. Prompted by a spate of important public disclosures, organizations are now mandated by law to implement effective arrangements enabling employees to speak up about perceived wrongdoing. Currently few resources exist to help with this. To help fill the gap, The Whistleblowing Guide examines the opportunities and challenges associated with different types of whistleblowing and speak-up arrangements, making recommendations based on best practices you can trust. Identifies the major organisational, structural and cultural obstacles to speaking up through speak-up arrangements Proposes effective whistleblowing and speak-up arrangements Explains the specific policy and legislation requirements that can promote or impede the effective implementation of speak-up arrangements, and how these can be translated into commercial and public organizations across sectors and cultures Makes a clear distinction between internal and external reporting arrangements The Whistleblowing Guide offers conceptual clarification about these key issues, including a focus on internal and external speak-up procedures, organisational response and communication, impartiality and trust.


Whistle blowing.

Whistleblowing : white-collar fraud signal detection
ISBN: 1527524965 Year: 2018 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne, England : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,

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Whistle blowing.

Whistleblowing for change : exposing systems of power and injustice
Year: 2021 Publisher: Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag,

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The courageous acts of whistleblowing that inspired the world over the past few years have changed our perception of surveillance and control in today's information society. But what are the wider effects of whistleblowing as an act of dissent on politics, society, and the arts? How does it contribute to new courses of action, digital tools, and contents? This urgent intervention based on the work of Berlin's Disruption Network Lab examines this growing phenomenon, offering interdisciplinary pathways to empower the public by investigating whistleblowing as a developing political practice that has the ability to provoke change from within.


Whistle blowing.

Whistleblowing and the NZA case : managing change and human resources
ISBN: 3954899930 Year: 2016 Publisher: Hamburg, [Germany] : Anchor Academic Publishing,

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Whistle blowing.

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