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Werewolves, Wolves and the Gothic
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ISBN: 9781786831026 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cardiff : University of Wales Press,

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Wolves lope across Gothic imagination. Signs of a pure animality opposed to humanity, in the figure of the werewolf they become liminal creatures that move between the human and the animal. Werewolves function as a site for exploring complex anxieties of difference - of gender, class, race, space, nation or sexuality - but the imaginative and ideological uses of wolves also reflect back on the lives of material animals, long persecuted in their declining habitats across the world. Werewolves therefore raise unsettling questions about the intersection of the real and the imaginary, the instability of human identities and the worldliness and political weight of the Gothic.This is the first volume concerned with the appearance of werewolves and wolves in literary and cultural texts from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Drawing on representations of werewolves and wolves in literature, film, television and visual culture, the essays investigate the key texts of the lycanthropic canon alongside lesser-known works from the 1890s to the present. The result is an innovative study that is both theoretically aware and historically nuanced, featuring an international list of established and emerging scholars based in Britain, Europe, North America and Australia.

The essential guide to werewolf literature
ISBN: 0879728590 Year: 2003 Publisher: Madison (Wis.): University of Wisconsin press

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The nature of the beast : transformations of the werewolf from the 1970s to the twenty-first century
ISBN: 178683457X 9781786834577 9781786834584 1786834588 9781786834591 1786834596 9781786834560 1786834561 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cardiff : University of Wales Press,

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The werewolf in popular fiction has begun to change rapidly. Literary critics have observed this development and its impact on the werewolf in fiction, with theorists arguing that the modern werewolf offers new possibilities about how we view identity and the self. Although this monograph is preoccupied with the same concerns, it represents a departure from other critical works by analysing the werewolf's subjectivity/identity as a work-in-progress, where the fixed and final form is yet to be arrived at – and may never be fully accomplished. Using the critical theories of Deleuze and Guattari and their concepts of ‘multiplicities'and ‘becoming', this work argues that the werewolf is in a state of constant evolution as it develops new modes of being in popular fiction. Following on from this examination of lycanthropic subjectivity, the book goes on to examine the significant developments that have resulted from the advent of the werewolf as subject, few of which have received any sustained critical attention to date.

The World's Wildest Werewolves.
ISBN: 1098214560 Year: 2021 Publisher: : ABDO Publishing Company,

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Tierverwandlungen : Codierungen und Diskurse
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783772084065 3772084060 Year: 2011 Publisher: Tübingen: Francke,

Werewolves, Magical Hounds, and Dog-headed Men in Celtic Literature : A Typological Study of Shape-Shifting
ISBN: 0773412123 9780773412125 Year: 2010 Publisher: Lewiston : The Edwin Mellen Press,

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This book is a typological study of canids and canid imagery in Medieval Celtic cultures. It explores texts ranging from early Irish legal tracts and heroic narrative to exempla from Welsh, Breton, and later Scottish sources.

Les chiens de dieu : la représentation du loup-garou en Occident (XIe-XXe siècles).
ISBN: 2901737129 Year: 1993 Publisher: Brest : Université de Bretagne occidentale. Centre de recherche bretonne et celtique,

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Loups-garous du Moyen Âge
ISBN: 2380960801 9782380960808 Year: 2024 Publisher: Paris : Honoré Champion,

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"Au Moyen Âge le loup-garou suscite un engouement qui transparaît dans la littérature vernaculaire aussi bien que savante. Il cristallise de vieilles appréhensions humaines et touche à des questions essentielles sur la nature de l'homme et de l'animal. Il invite à réfléchir à la place du monstre dans la Création et interroge sa capacité à détenir une âme. Il dévoile les pulsions et les désirs enfouis en l'être humain, les dysfonctionnements de l'individu et de la société. Les dix-neuf textes rassemblés dans ce recueil abordent les différentes facettes de la lycanthropie, sans négliger son origine médicale ou anthropologique, sa diabolisation par l'Inquisition ou ses multiples avatars fictionnels. Pour ces auteurs du XIe au XVe siècle, ce mythe n'est pas seulement l'un de ces faits étranges destiné à captiver l'auditoire en provoquant une horreur mêlée d'une trouble attirance. Il est porteur de sens pour qui veut y prêter attention."

Metamorphoses of the werewolf : a literary study from Antiquity through the Renaissance
ISBN: 9780786435593 0786435593 Year: 2008 Publisher: Jefferson London : McFarland,

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The mythical werewolf is known for its sudden transformation under the full moon, but the creature also underwent a narrative evolution through the centuries, from bloodthirsty creature to hero. Beginning with The Epic of Gilgamesh, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, and an account in Petronius’ Satyricon, the book analyzes the context that created the traditional image of the werewolf as a savage beast. The Catholic Church’s response to the popular belief in werewolves and medieval literature’s sympathetic depiction of the werewolf as victim are presented to support the idea of the werewolf as a complex and varied cultural symbol.

Loups-garous, vampires et autres monstres : enquêtes médicales et littéraires
ISBN: 2271050855 9782271050854 Year: 1993 Publisher: Paris: CNRS,

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