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Despite a large number of studies, Catullus' so-called Peleus-epic (poem 64) is still said to be enigmatic and hermetic. In a seemingly loose thematic coherence it narrates not only the nuptial of Peleus with the immortal Thetis, but also - across the different media image and song - the fate of Ariadne and the deeds of Achilles ending with a topical lament. The often criticised structure of the whole is here taken seriously as a complex, but highly artistic narrative that excells in its very own structural coherence. In particular consideration of the different narrators and different types of narration, medial aspects (ecphrastic writing, (linguistic) images) and intertextual references, this study tries to offer a new reading of the poem. Trotz einer Vielzahl an Forschungsbeiträgen gilt Catulls sog. Peleus-Epos (c. 64) nach wie vor als rätselhaft und hermetisch. In scheinbar nur losem Zusammenhang erzählt es nicht nur von der Hochzeit des Peleus mit der unsterblichen Thetis, sondern auch - anvertraut den Medien Bild und Lied - von dem Schicksal Ariadnes und den Taten Achills, um in einer zeitkritischen Klage zu enden. Die häufig kritisierte Gesamtstruktur wird hier als komplexes, aber in sich logisches, höchst kunstvolles narratives Gebilde ernst genommen, von dem jede Interpretation ihren Ausgang nehmen muss. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Erzählerfiguren und Erzählhaltungen, medialen Aspekten (ekphrastisches Schreiben, (Sprach-)Bilder) und intertextuellen Referenzen bemüht sich die vorliegende Arbeit um eine grundlegend neue Lektüre des Gedichts.
Epithalamia. --- Epithalamic poetry --- Epithalamies --- Epithalamions --- Epithalamiums --- Nuptial poetry --- Wedding songs --- Love poetry --- Occasional verse
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Das literarische Hochzeitsgedicht zur Feier des Brautpaares (Epithalamium) war in der Spätantike eine beliebte Literaturgattung, die wichtige gesellschaftliche Funktionen erfüllte. Sie diente der Pflege sozialer Beziehungen, konnte aber auch für die Durchsetzung eigener Interessen oder für politische und religiöse Propaganda instrumentalisiert werden. Namhafte Autoren der Spätantike wie Claudian und Sidonius Apollinaris gehören zu den Verfassern. In einer Verbindung von historischen und altphilologischen Ansätzen wird die Gattung des lateinischen Hochzeitsgedichtes hier erstmals seit fast einem Jahrhundert umfassend untersucht. Die Entwicklung des Epithalamiums von den Anfängen bis in die Kaiserzeit wird dabei ausführlich berücksichtigt. Durch eine genaue Lektüre der Gedichte unter Einbeziehung der neueren Forschungsliteratur wird eine Neubewertung der Gattung möglich: Spätantike Epithalamiendichter waren keine "Kopisten", sondern gestalten ihre Werke durchaus innovativ. Ihre Gedichte stehen im Spannungsfeld von antiker Tradition und einer christlichen Neubewertung von Ehe, Sexualität und den Konventionen der klassischen Literatur. Dieser Band trägt damit zu einer differenzierten Sicht der Spätantike bei und erschließt ein bisher wenig erforschtes Gebiet der lateinischen Literatur.
Epithalamia --- Marriage customs and rites in literature. --- Occasional verse, Latin --- History and criticism. --- History and criticism --- Marriage customs and rites in literature --- Epithalamic poetry --- Epithalamies --- Epithalamions --- Epithalamiums --- Nuptial poetry --- Wedding songs --- Love poetry --- Occasional verse
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Weddings in literature --- Mariages dans la littérature --- Catullus, Gaius Valerius --- Mariages dans la littérature --- Epithalamia --- Marriage customs and rites in literature --- Epithalamic poetry --- Epithalamies --- Epithalamions --- Epithalamiums --- Nuptial poetry --- Wedding songs --- Love poetry --- Occasional verse --- History and criticism --- Catullus, Gaius Valerius.
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Epithalamia --- Marriage in literature. --- European poetry --- English poetry --- Literature and society --- History and criticism. --- -European poetry --- -Marriage in literature --- -Epithalamia --- -Epithalamic poetry --- Epithalamies --- Epithalamions --- Epithalamiums --- Nuptial poetry --- Wedding songs --- Love poetry --- Occasional verse --- Literature --- Literature and sociology --- Society and literature --- Sociology and literature --- Sociolinguistics --- European literature --- English literature --- History and criticism --- Social aspects --- -History and criticism --- Marriage in literature --- Epithalamic poetry
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Catullus, Caius Valerius --- Occasional verse, Latin --- Epithalamia --- Weddings in literature. --- Mariages dans la littérature --- History and criticism. --- Catullus, Gaius Valerius. --- -Occasional verse, Latin --- -Weddings in literature --- Latin occasional verse --- Latin poetry --- Epithalamic poetry --- Epithalamies --- Epithalamions --- Epithalamiums --- Nuptial poetry --- Wedding songs --- Love poetry --- Occasional verse --- History and criticism --- Catullus, Gaius Valerius --- Catul --- Catull --- Catulle --- Catulli, C. Valerii --- Catullo, Gaio Valerio --- Catullus, C. Valerius --- Catullus, Gaius Valerius, --- Catullus, Gajus Valerius --- Catulo --- Katull, Gaǐ Valeriǐ --- Katullus, Kaius Valerius --- Valerio Cátulo, Cayo --- Катулл --- Mariages dans la littérature --- Weddings in literature --- Catulle (0087?-0052? av. j.-c.). épithalame de julie et de manlius --- Catulle (0087?-0052? av. j.-c.). poème 61
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Claudianus, Claudius --- Claudianus, Claudius. --- Honorius, Flavius, --- Laudatory poetry, Latin --- Epithalamia --- Marriage in literature --- History and criticism --- In literature --- Rome --- -Marriage in literature --- Rome in literature --- -Epithalamic poetry --- Epithalamies --- Epithalamions --- Epithalamiums --- Nuptial poetry --- Wedding songs --- Love poetry --- Occasional verse --- Latin laudatory poetry --- Latin poetry --- Honorius, Flavius Emperor of Rome --- -Claudian --- Claudien --- Claudià, Claudi --- Claudiano, Claudio --- Klavdian --- Клавдиан --- Klavdian, Klavdiĭ --- Клавдиан, Клавдий --- Pseudo-Claudianus --- Marriage in literature. --- Rome in literature. --- History and criticism. --- In literature. --- -History and criticism --- -In literature --- -Claudien --- Claudius Claudianus --- Epithalamic poetry --- Honorius, --- Onorio Augusto, --- Laudatory poetry, Latin - History and criticism --- Epithalamia - Rome --- Claudianus, Claudius - Epithalamium de nuptiis Honorii Augusti --- Honorius, Flavius, - Emperor of Rome, - 384-423 - In literature --- Rome - In literature --- Honorius, Flavius, - Emperor of Rome, - 384-423
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Powerful female characters pervade both Greek and Latin literature, even if their presence is largely dictated by the narratives of men. Feminist approaches to the study of women in Greek literature have helped illustrate the importance of their religious and ritual roles in public life—Latin literature, however, has not been subject to similar scrutiny. In Brides, Mourners, Bacchae, Vassiliki Panoussi takes up the challenge, exploring women's place in weddings, funerals, Bacchic rites, and women-only rituals. Panoussi probes the multifaceted ways women were able to exercise influence, even power, in ancient Rome from the days of the late Republic to Flavian times. Systematically investigating both poetry and prose, Panoussi covers a wide variety of genres, from lyric poetry (Catullus), epic (Ovid, Lucan, Valerius, Statius), elegy (Propertius, Ovid), and tragedy (Seneca) to historiography (Livy) and the novel (Petronius). The first large-scale analysis of this body of evidence from a feminist perspective, the book makes a compelling case that female ritual was an important lens through which Roman authors explored the problems of women's agency, subjectivity, civic identity, and self-expression. By focusing on the fruitful intersection of gender and religion, the book elucidates not only the importance of female religious experience in Rome but also the complexity of ideological processes affecting Roman ideas about gender, sexuality, family, and society. Brides, Mourners, Bacchae will be of value to scholars of classics and ancient religions, as well as anyone interested in the study of gender in antiquity or the connection between religion and ideology.
Women in literature. --- Latin literature --- Epithalamia --- Mourning customs in literature. --- Bacchantes in literature. --- History and criticism. --- Ovid, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Women in literature --- Mourning customs in literature --- Bacchantes in literature --- Epithalamic poetry --- Epithalamies --- Epithalamions --- Epithalamiums --- Nuptial poetry --- Wedding songs --- Love poetry --- Occasional verse --- Woman (Christian theology) in literature --- Women in drama --- Women in poetry --- History and criticism --- Nasó, P. Ovidi, --- Naso, Publius Ovidius, --- Nazon, --- Ouidio, --- Ovide, --- Ovidi, --- Ovidi Nasó, P., --- Ovidiĭ, --- Ovidiĭ Nazon, Publiĭ, --- Ovidio, --- Ovidio Nasón, P., --- Ovidio Nasone, Publio, --- Ovidios, --- Ovidiu, --- Ovidius Naso, P., --- Ovidius Naso, Publius, --- Owidiusz, --- P. Ovidius Naso, --- Publiĭ Ovidiĭ Nazon, --- Publio Ovidio Nasone, --- Ūvīd, --- אוביד, --- E-books --- Epithalamia. --- Frau --- Latein. --- Latin literature. --- Literatur. --- Rome (Empire). --- Ovid
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