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From December 1944 until the end of March 1945, there existed a forced labour camp for Hungarian Jews in Engerau (today town district Petrzalka of the Slovakian capital Bratislava), which war part of the "Reich Defense Line" ("Wüdostwall"). There, more than 2000 Hungarian Jews had to work like slaves, digging up entrechments to "defend" the German Reich against the approaching soviet troops. Approximate 400 of the forced labourers died of exhaustion, deseases or were beaten to death by Viennese SA men. During the last days of WW II the camp was evacuated. A spezial detachment shot those were sic kor unfit to march, others were killed while the following footmarch to Bad Deutsch-Altenburg. Destination was the concentratio camp of Mauthausen. Those abominable crimes caused a series of legal proceedings in post war Austria against more than 70 accused - the so called "Engerau-trias". In five main trials between 1945 and 1954 against 21 defendants the Vienna "Peoples Court"--A spezial court with the task to punish nazi-crimes - imposed 9 death sentences and 1 life imprisonment. The publication analyzes the legal actions of this spezial court on the basis of the trial records located in the district court in Vienna, puts the proceedings in the lager context of the coping with the Nazi past by Austrian courts, but also in Austrian society, presents biographies of judges, attorneys and counsels of the trials, describes the coverage in the newspapers and gives attention to the gender-aspect and the reflection of the "Engerau-trials" in historiography. This is the first publication, which gives a systematic overview of the first ten years of the 2nd republic focussing post war judiciary in the soviet occupation zone and the archievements of Austrian judiciary in respect to punishing nazi-crimes on the basis of the most extensive Holocaust proceeding in Austria.
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Investigations prepared and initiated by the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia (OWCP) last a long time, and in a significant number of cases, do not result in indictments. The OWCP undertook preliminary actions in the case of mass crimes committed in the Dubrava Penitentiary in 2008; however, by the end of 2011, it still had not started an investigation. With regard to the criminal complaint filed by the HLC against the Commander of the Tenth Anti-Sabotage Detachment of the Republic of Srpska Army, Milorad Pelemiš, dating from August 2010, the OWCP publicly announced the initiation of criminal proceedings, but this still had not happened by the end of 2011. / During the year 2011, the OWCP indicted only nine persons, and only one of these indictments (charging three persons) is filed in a new case, while the indictments against six of the other persons emerged from earlier proceedings held before the Higher Court in Belgrade War Crimes Department. In cases of war crimes committed in Kosovo, the OWCP often files indictments on the basis of partial investigations, as happened in the Suva Reka/Suhareke and Ćuška/Qushk Cases.
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From December 1944 until the end of March 1945, there existed a forced labour camp for Hungarian Jews in Engerau (today town district Petrzalka of the Slovakian capital Bratislava), which war part of the "Reich Defense Line" ("Wüdostwall"). There, more than 2000 Hungarian Jews had to work like slaves, digging up entrechments to "defend" the German Reich against the approaching soviet troops. Approximate 400 of the forced labourers died of exhaustion, deseases or were beaten to death by Viennese SA men. During the last days of WW II the camp was evacuated. A spezial detachment shot those were sic kor unfit to march, others were killed while the following footmarch to Bad Deutsch-Altenburg. Destination was the concentratio camp of Mauthausen. Those abominable crimes caused a series of legal proceedings in post war Austria against more than 70 accused - the so called "Engerau-trias". In five main trials between 1945 and 1954 against 21 defendants the Vienna "Peoples Court"--A spezial court with the task to punish nazi-crimes - imposed 9 death sentences and 1 life imprisonment. The publication analyzes the legal actions of this spezial court on the basis of the trial records located in the district court in Vienna, puts the proceedings in the lager context of the coping with the Nazi past by Austrian courts, but also in Austrian society, presents biographies of judges, attorneys and counsels of the trials, describes the coverage in the newspapers and gives attention to the gender-aspect and the reflection of the "Engerau-trials" in historiography. This is the first publication, which gives a systematic overview of the first ten years of the 2nd republic focussing post war judiciary in the soviet occupation zone and the archievements of Austrian judiciary in respect to punishing nazi-crimes on the basis of the most extensive Holocaust proceeding in Austria.
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Knjiga Procesuiranje ratnih zločina - jamstvo procesa suočavanja s prošlošću nastala je s namjerom sumiranja osnovnih tokova u sferi pravne prakse koja se odnosi na procesuiranje ratnih zločina počinjenih na području bivše Jugoslavije u ratnim sukobima 90-ih. Brojnost i težina koja se očitovala analizom počinjenih ratnih zločina ukazuje na njihovu sustavnost i upućuje na zaključak da su počinjeni ratni zločini vrlo često imali podršku viših instanci, tzv. političkih elita. S obzirom na izgled današnje geopolitičke karte regije, neizbježno nam se nameće zaključak da je krajnji ratni cilj bio stvaranje etnički homogenih političkih zajednica i da je provođenje etničkog čišćenja, kao ratne strategije, bilo za to prikladna metoda. Nijekanje te očite činjenice, unatoč svim saznanjima koja danas imamo o zločinima koji su se u ratu 90-ih dogodili, počevši od zatvaranja u logore i ubojstava pa do deložacija i raznih drugih oblika kršenja ljudskih prava, nanosi golemu štetu novonastalim zajednicama. Breme onoga što se događalo 90-ih, osobito odbijanje suočavanja s tim, plodno je tlo za perpetuiranje potisnutih frustracija za koje se ne može sa sigurnošću predvidjeti koji smjer u određenom trenutku mogu uzeti, a ‘’put k održivom miru’’ i dalje ostaje u području imaginacije. Proces suočavanja s prošlošću nužno mora teći na više razina istodobno. Temelj njegove provedbe stvaranje je zakonskih preduvjeta za procesuiranje zločina koji su se dogodili i osiguranje standardizirane primjene ustanovljenih zakona. Ne samo da su takvi postupci činjenično teški i pravno kompleksni nego su i izrazito politički osjetljivi, no jedino je na taj način moguće individualizirati kaznenu odgovornost, dati temeljni doprinos otkrivanju istine o ratnim događajima i različitim oblicima kršenja ljudskih prava te postići pravdu za žrtve. Nasuprot tome, pravosuđa u zemljama sljednicama SFRJ nisu se pokazala doraslima situaciji koja je nastupila nakon ratnih sukoba. Njihove su reakcije bile spore i neadekvatne, a procesuiranje ratnih zločina vrlo se često onemogućavalo i opstruiralo zahvaljujući političkim pritiscima pa mnogi počinitelji ratnih zločina i danas mirno hodaju ulicama diljem zemlje, pritom katkad susrećući svoje žrtve. Iako se u javnosti počela nazirati ideja da čin ratnog zločina zahtijeva nedvojbenu moralnu osudu, ta misao u društvu još nije zaživjela. Rasap društvenih vrijednosti koji je nastupio, uz ostale elemente i uzroke koje u sebi nosi, uključuje i problematiku odnosa prema nasljeđu iz 90-ih. Još uvijek ostaje pitanje zašto je tako teško prepoznati i razumjeti da je zločin zločin, a žrtva žrtva. Ovom smo knjigom nastojali dati svoj doprinos procesu suočavanja s prošlošću i razrješenju društvene napetosti koju odbijanje suočavanja s počinjenim greškama i vlastitom odgovornošću nosi te predočiti čitateljstvu i javnosti što se sve od osamostaljenja Hrvatske činilo kako bismo živjeli u zemlji u kojoj postoji vladavina prava i u kojoj su svi državljani pred zakonom jednaki.
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During 2017 and 2018, the HLC monitored all war crimes trials that took place on the territory of Serbia, ie a total of 20 cases before the war crimes departments of the Higher and Appellate Courts in Belgrade, as well as one case before a court of general jurisdiction. For all cases, the report provides brief overviews of the proceedings and the HLC's main findings in relation to the case, which are important to the public. A large number of war crimes proceedings processed in this report have been going on for several years, and previous HLC annual reports on trials are relevant for a complete insight into the course of proceedings and findings related to these cases. The report also includes the trial for one crime that the competent prosecutor's office of general jurisdiction did not qualify as a war crime, although all the circumstances of that case indicate that it is a war crime. The report pays key attention to the work of the War Crimes Prosecutor's Office (TRZ) and courts in public parts of court proceedings, and primarily analyzes indictments and verdicts in each individual case. The work of other bodies involved in the processing of war crimes - the War Crimes Investigation Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia (MUP), the Protection Unit, etc., cannot be analyzed at the level of individual cases, because there is no publicly available data.
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