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Cold war : an international history
ISBN: 9780813349824 0813349826 Year: 2017 Publisher: Boulder: Westview press,

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The decades-long Cold War was more than a bipolar conflict between two superpowers - it had implications for the entire world. The author provides here new insights and perspectives on key events with an emphasis on people, power, and ideas. The book goes beyond US-USSR relations to explore the Cold War from an international perspective, including developments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The author also offers a broader time line of the Cold War than any other text, charting the lead-up to the conflict from the Russian Revolution to World War II and discussing the aftermath of the Cold War up to the present day. The second edition reflects the latest research and scholarship and offers additional information about the post-Cold War period, including the 'new Cold War' with Russia.

Points chauds de la guerre froide (1946-1989)
ISBN: 9782809827224 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris : Editions de l'Archipel,

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Le 9 novembre 1989, la chute du Mur de Berlin mettait symboliquement fin a un demi-siecle de 'Guerre froide', terme forge au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale par George Orwell. L'une apres l'autre, les democraties populaires d'Europe de l'Est briserent leur joug, jusqu'au demantelement du grand frere sovietique. Ce long affrontement de part et d'autre du 'rideau de fer' a fait des millions de victimes. Car cette guerre n'a pas seulement oppose deux systemes politiques. A son acme, entre 1947 et 1953, et pendant quatre decennies encore, elle s'est traduite par une lutte sans merci, parfois sanglante, pour l'existence d'un monde libre face a des Etats totalitaires qui aspiraient a triompher sur l'ensemble du globe. Guerres de Coree, d'Indochine et du Vietnam, ecrasement des revoltes de Berlin-Est, Budapest et Prague, chasse aux sorcieres du maccarthysme et crise des missiles a Cuba, deportations en masse au Goulag et massacre de Tian'anmen... Autant de jalons significatifs, autant de 'points chauds' que l'auteur a choisi de raconter et d'analyser. Une chronique qui se veut aussi un hommage au combat pour la liberte incarne par quelques figures remarquables, de Victor Kravchenko a Alexandre Soljenitsyne, qui n'ont pas craint de reveler au monde les crimes et les mensonges du 'socialisme reel' et du systeme sovietique.

The Cold War : A World History
ISBN: 9780141979915 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York : Penguin Books,

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As Germany and then Japan surrendered in 1945 there was a tremendous hope that a new and much better world could be created from the moral and physical ruins of the conflict. Instead, the combination of the huge power of the USA and USSR and the near-total collapse of most of their rivals created a unique, grim new environment : the Cold War. For over forty years the demands of the Cold War shaped the life of almost all of us. There was no part of the world where East and West did not, ultimately, demand a blind and absolute allegiance, and nowhere into which the West and East did not reach. Countries as remote from each other as Korea, Angola and Cuba were defined by their allegiances. Almost all civil wars became proxy conflicts for the superpowers. Europe was seemingly split in two indefinitely.This book is the first to have the distance from these events and the ambition to create a convincing, powerful narrative of the Cold War.

Captifs et captivité dans le monde romain : discours littéraire et iconographique (IIIe siècle av. J.-C. - IIe siècle ap. J.-C.)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782343013602 2343013608 Year: 2013 Volume: *1 Publisher: Paris: L'Harmattan,

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Dictionnaire chronologique des guerres du XXe siècle
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782218971426 2218971429 Year: 2013 Volume: *5 Publisher: Paris: Hatier,

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Pour mieux comprendre le XXe siècle, ce dictionnaire propose un panorama des guerres marquantes du siècle dernier, de la Première Guerre mondiale à la guerre contre le terrorisme. Chaque article développe les causes du ou des conflits concernés, détaille leur déroulement, analyse les enseignements que l'on peut en tirer.

War and the city
ISBN: 0415053471 Year: 1991 Publisher: London New York Routledge

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A Global History of War : From Assyria to the Twenty-First Century
ISBN: 9780520283619 Year: 2014

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While many books examine specific wars, few study the history of war worldwide and from an evolutionary perspective. This book is one of the first works to focus not on the impact of war on civilizations, but rather on how civilizations impact the art and execution of war. The author concentrates on the peoples and cultures who have determined how war is conducted and reveals the lasting historical consequences of combat, offering a unique picture of the major geopolitical and civilizational clashes that have rocked our common history and made us who we are today. The author's questions provoke a new understanding of the development of armed conflict. How did the foremost non-European empires rise and fall ? What critical role did the nomads of the Eurasian steppes and their descendants play ? The author illuminates the military cultures and martial traditions of the great Eurasian empires, including Turkey, China, Iran, and Mongolia. Based on fifteen years of research, this book provides a novel military and strategic perspective on the crises and conflicts that have shaped the current world order.

Le grand pillage : du butin des nazis aux trophées des Soviétiques
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2737321786 Year: 1998 Publisher: Rennes : Caen : Ouest-France ; Mémorial Caen Normandie pour la paix,

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Verfilmte Trümmerlandschaften : Nachkriegserzählungen im internationalen Kino 1945-1949
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110632772 Year: 2019 Publisher: München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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The authors analyze feature films from Germany, Italy, Japan, France, Great Britain, and the United States that are characteristic for their cinematic engagement with the past as well as contemporary political and social problems. The volume makes a contribution to the comparative history of post-war societies and at the same time advocates the value of feature films as sources for contemporary history. Zwischen gestern und morgen: Der Titel eines deutschen Spielfilms von 1947 kennzeichnet die Umbruchs- und Übergangsphase der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit. Die Autorinnen und Autoren des Bandes analysieren Spielfilme aus Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Japan, der Sowjetunion und den Vereinigten Staaten, die für die filmische Verarbeitung der Vergangenheit sowie der Gegenwartsprobleme und Zukunftserwartungen charakteristisch sind. Damit leistet das Buch einen Beitrag zur vergleichenden Geschichte der Nachkriegsgesellschaften und ist zugleich ein Plädoyer für den zeithistorischen Quellenwert von Spielfilmen.

Historische Biographik und Kritische Prosopographie Als Instrumente in Den Geschichtswissenschaften.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3111137066 3111122883 Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin/München/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,

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Die im vorliegenden Band versammelten Beiträge dokumentieren den Ertrag des Workshops „Historische Biographik und kritische Prosopographie als Instrumente in den Geschichtswissenschaften", der 2021 an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg durchgeführt wurde. Die Autorinnen und Autoren loten die komplexen Problemlagen der historischen Biographik und der prosopographischen Forschung im Zeitalter der Digital Humanities aus. Das Themenspektrum reicht dabei von der individual-biographischen Forschung und Oral History über Erfahrungsberichte prosopographischer (Groß-)Vorhaben bis hin zu den Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung und Nutzung multifunktionaler Prosopographiedatenbanken und ihrer Verfügbarmachung im Internet. The papers in these conference proceedings reflect the complex problems in historical biography and prosopographical research in the age of the digital humanities. The spectrum of topics ranges from individual biographical research, and oral history and personal experience reports in (major) prosopographical projects, to the challenges posed by multifunctional prosopographical databases and granting access to them online.

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