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Wie die Fiktion eines erfolgreichen viktorianischen Autors zu einem der Hauptmotive esoterisch ausgerichteter Neonazis werden konnte, und was dies über unsere Wissenschafts- und Religionsgeschichte aussagen kann. Die geheimnisvolle Energie »Vril«, erdacht von Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), sollte eigentlich eine satirische Metapher sein. Aufgegriffen und ausgeschmückt von Theosophen und Okkultisten, wurde sie jedoch - in Verbindung mit der »Schwarzen Sonne« - eines der zentralen Motive esoterischer Neonazis. In millionenfach verkaufter populärer Literatur steht »Vril« seit den 60ern zudem für die angeblichen okkulten Machenschaften der Nationalsozialisten. Die erste seriöse Aufarbeitung dieser Geschichte ist nicht nur für das Verständnis des zeitgenössischen Rechtsextremismus und Topoi der populären Kultur wichtig, sondern ermöglicht auch aufschlussreiche Einblicke in die europäische Ideengeschichte.
Vril. --- Theosophy. --- Neo-Nazism.
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Wie die Fiktion eines erfolgreichen viktorianischen Autors zu einem der Hauptmotive esoterisch ausgerichteter Neonazis werden konnte, und was dies über unsere Wissenschafts- und Religionsgeschichte aussagen kann. Die geheimnisvolle Energie »Vril«, erdacht von Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), sollte eigentlich eine satirische Metapher sein. Aufgegriffen und ausgeschmückt von Theosophen und Okkultisten, wurde sie jedoch - in Verbindung mit der »Schwarzen Sonne« - eines der zentralen Motive esoterischer Neonazis. In millionenfach verkaufter populärer Literatur steht »Vril« seit den 60ern zudem für die angeblichen okkulten Machenschaften der Nationalsozialisten. Die erste seriöse Aufarbeitung dieser Geschichte ist nicht nur für das Verständnis des zeitgenössischen Rechtsextremismus und Topoi der populären Kultur wichtig, sondern ermöglicht auch aufschlussreiche Einblicke in die europäische Ideengeschichte.
Vril. --- Theosophy. --- Neo-Nazism.
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Hitler --- sociétés secrètes --- la solution finale --- Mein Kampf --- Société du Vril --- Sociétés de Thulé --- dictature --- génocide --- opération Walkyrie
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Abstract and synthetic, contained and atmospheric are a few of the adjectives that could be used to describe the suggestive work of Arquitectura-G. Since its foundation in 2006, and marked by the start of the financial crisis, the office led by Jonathan Arnabat, Jordi Ayala-Bril, Aitor Fuentes, and Igor Urdampilleta has completed a large number of projects while continuing its research and dissemination work. Almost two decades later, AV Monographs included a selection of twenty works that take stock of the polyphonic creativity and international expansion of the studio: from exemplary interventions on existing structures such as the Apartment for Nacho or Luz House; to lucid new builds like the Llacuna and Praga housing, via experimental retail spaces for brands like Acne Studios in New York, Nagoya, and Paris or for Flos in Amsterdam; or transformations of historical complexes like the Quinta de Recreio in Portugal.
Architecture --- Architectural practice. --- Pratique. --- Arnabat, Jonathan --- Ayala-Vril, Jordi --- Fuentes, Aitor --- Urdampilleta, Igor --- Arquitectura-G. --- Arnabat, Jonathan, --- Ayala-Bril, Jordi, --- Fuentes Mendizabal, Aitor , --- Urdampilleta Placencia, Igor,
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extremismus --- Querdenken --- coronakrise --- alternatives Denken --- alternative Milieus --- Corona-Protesten --- QAnon --- faschismus --- Querdenker-Bewegung --- rechtsradikalismus --- verschwörungstheorien --- rechtsextremismus --- rechtspopulismus --- populismus --- verschwörungnarrative --- Anti-Establishment --- Nationalsozialismus --- Pandemie --- Covid-19 --- rechte Esoterik --- Anthroposophie --- Esoterik --- Spiritualität --- Verschwörungsideologie --- Michael Ballweg --- Ufologie --- Schwarze Sonne --- Vril Gesellschaft --- Heiko Schrang --- Taxil-Schwindel --- Satanismus --- Weisen von Zion --- Theosophie --- antisemitismus --- völkische Bewegung --- Ariosophie --- Nazi-Okkultismus --- NS-Ufologie --- Neuschwabenland --- NS-Mythen --- Hohle Erde --- Aldebaran --- Jan Udo Holey --- Nazi-Ufos --- Sasekismus --- Vernetzungsstrategien --- Regentreff --- Universale Kirche --- Bruderschaft der Menschheit --- Chiemgautreff --- AllatRa --- Alexander Dugin --- Germanische Neue Medizin --- Germanische Heilkunde --- Verschwörungsesoterik --- Reichsbürgerideologie --- Peter Fitzeks --- Reichsbürgerbewegung --- NeuDeutschland --- anastasia-bewegung --- Schetinin-Pädagogik --- Akademie Engelsburg
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les Sages de Sion --- la franc-maçonnerie en Angleterre --- la famille Rothschild --- les Protocoles des Sages de Sion --- la bataille de Waterloo --- les franc-maçons en Amérique --- Karl Marx --- Albert Pike --- Ku Klux Klan --- les Illuminés de Bavière d'Adam Weishaupt --- bataille de Waterloo --- le trafic d'opium de la famille royale anglaise --- la révolution bolchévique --- Skull & Bones --- Cecil Rhodes --- chevaliers de la Table Ronde --- guerre mondiale --- l'Ochrana --- service secret russe --- le pétrole russe --- CFR --- la déclaration Balfour --- Rockefeller --- Adolf Hitler --- Adolf Schicklgruber et la Société Thulé --- la Société Vril --- le service secret nazi --- la Gestapo --- la fondation de l'Etat d'Israël --- l'attentat contre Kennedy --- les chevaliers de Jérusalem --- le Vatican --- le Fonds Monétaire International --- FMI --- contrôle de l'information --- guerre biologique et pyschologique --- la CIA et le Shah d'Iran --- Saddam Hussein --- Desert Storm --- le Proche-Orient --- l'Allemagne --- 666 --- sociétés secrètes
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How literature of the British imperial world contended with the social and environmental consequences of industrial mining. The 1830s to the 1930s saw the rise of large-scale industrial mining in the British imperial world. Elizabeth Carolyn Miller examines how literature of this era reckoned with a new vision of civilization where humans are dependent on finite, nonrenewable stores of earthly resources, and traces how the threatening horizon of resource exhaustion worked its way into narrative form.Britain was the first nation to transition to industry based on fossil fuels, which put its novelists and other writers in the remarkable position of mediating the emergence of extraction-based life. Miller looks at works like Hard Times, The Mill on the Floss, and Sons and Lovers, showing how the provincial realist novel's longstanding reliance on marriage and inheritance plots transforms against the backdrop of exhaustion to withhold the promise of reproductive futurity. She explores how adventure stories like Treasure Island and Heart of Darkness reorient fictional space toward the resource frontier. And she shows how utopian and fantasy works like "Sultana's Dream," The Time Machine, and The Hobbit offer imaginative ways of envisioning energy beyond extractivism.This illuminating book reveals how an era marked by violent mineral resource rushes gave rise to literary forms and genres that extend extractivism as a mode of environmental understanding
Industrialization in literature. --- Mines and mineral resources in literature. --- English fiction --- History and criticism. --- Mines and mineral resources in literature --- English fiction - 19th century - History and criticism --- English fiction - 20th century - History and criticism --- Industrialization in literature --- Allan Quatermain. --- Arthur Rimbaud. --- Author. --- Barbarism (linguistics). --- Bildungsroman. --- Bloemfontein. --- Boiler. --- Book review. --- British Coal. --- Capitalism. --- Case study. --- Climate change. --- Coal mining. --- Coal. --- Commodity. --- Consolidated Mines. --- Crainquebille. --- D. H. Lawrence. --- Death drive. --- Dividend. --- DuPont. --- Ecocriticism. --- Ecological imperialism. --- Ecology. --- Energy crisis. --- Environmental politics. --- Environmentalism. --- Exhaustion. --- Externality. --- Fertilizer. --- Filth (novel). --- Finance capitalism. --- Fossil fuel. --- Fuel. --- Genre. --- Geologist. --- Geopolitics. --- George Eliot. --- H. G. Wells. --- H. Rider Haggard. --- Hartley Colliery disaster. --- Historical fiction. --- Historicism. --- Imagines (work by Philostratus). --- Imperialism. --- Inception. --- Industrial ecology. --- Industrial society. --- International Commission on Stratigraphy. --- Joseph Conrad. --- King Solomon's Mines. --- Labor theory of value. --- Latin America. --- Lecture. --- Literary realism. --- Literature. --- Lord Jim. --- Marriage plot. --- Medieval literature. --- Memoir. --- Meta-analysis. --- Metallurgy. --- Mineral Revolution. --- Mining (military). --- Mining accident. --- Mining. --- Moidore. --- Montezuma's Daughter. --- Montezuma's treasure. --- Narrative. --- National Policy. --- News from Nowhere. --- Nostromo. --- Ontology. --- Ornithology. --- Ownership (psychology). --- Patriarchy. --- Poetry. --- Slavery. --- Smelting. --- Sons and Lovers. --- Speculative fiction. --- Steam engine. --- Subject (philosophy). --- Subsurface (software). --- Sultana's Dream. --- Surplus value. --- The Bottoms (novel). --- The Coal Question. --- The Mining Journal (trade magazine). --- The Mining Journal. --- Thomas Newcomen. --- Timescape. --- Tono-Bungay. --- Torture chamber. --- V. --- Vril. --- Wealth. --- World War I. --- Worldbuilding.
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sectes --- sociétés secrètes positives --- les écoles des Mystères --- la Gnose et le Christianisme primitif --- l'ordre du Temple --- la Franc-Maçonnerie opérative --- la Franc-Maçonnerie spéculative --- l'Illuminisme --- les Jésuites --- le Prieuré de Sion --- la Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement --- les Fidèles d'Amour --- les Corporations --- le Compagnonnage --- la Stricte Observance Templière --- les Elus Coëns --- l'Eglise d'Avignon --- les Beati Paoli --- la Synarchie --- 1es métiers du bois --- bâtisseurs et forestiers --- charpentiers et charbonniers --- Bons Cousins --- Charbonnerie --- Carbonari --- la Société Théosophique --- l'Ordre Mevlevi des Derviches tourneurs --- les Druzes --- l'ismaélisme et les Hashichins --- la Fraternité blanche universelle --- Peter Deumov --- O.M. Aïvanhov --- le Bektashisme --- le Yézidisme --- le Soufisme --- la Soka Gakkai internationale --- le Yaokwa --- Yakwa --- les Molly Maguires --- l'Ordre de Jacques Cartier --- la Patente --- les Frères chasseurs --- les Témoins de Jehovah --- le Martinisme --- la Fraternité des Polaires --- sociétés secrètes négatives --- les Illuminati Germaniae --- Illuminés de Bavière --- les Lézards --- la Sainte-Vehme --- la Ligue spartakiste --- le Nazisme --- l'Ordo Templi Orientis --- O.T.O. --- Ordre du Temple d'Orient --- Thelema --- la Golden Dawn --- la Wicca --- Ordre du Temple Solaire --- la Main Noire --- la Mafia --- le S.A.C. --- Service d'Action Civique --- l'Union Corse --- les Camelots du Roi --- l'Organisation secrète d'action révolutionnaire nationale --- la Cagoule --- le Gladio --- la Loge P2 --- l'Opus Dei --- la Communauté de l'Edelweiss --- la Société de Thulé --- la Société du Vril --- la Sapinière --- les Frères Musulmans --- les Skoptzy --- les Khlysts --- les sectes chinoises --- les Yakuzas --- les Décidés --- les Décisi --- la Garduna --- l'Eglise de l'Unification --- Moon --- l'Organisation Odessa --- les sociétés étudiantes américaines --- le Ku Klux Klan --- les Thugs --- les Aniotas --- aniotos --- anyotos --- Parabolani --- la Société de l'Océan noir --- les cartels de la drogue --- la Loge --- la Légion --- les lieutenants D'Artigas --- la Main Rouge --- El Yunque --- l'O.A.S. --- le Dragon Rouge --- le Club des Iles --- le Mal --- les Illuminati --- le combat des Fils de la Lumière contre les fils des Ténèbres
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sources de l'ésotérisme --- les Lumières et les illuminations --- occultisme --- icons --- mythes --- récits fondateurs --- naissance des religions --- illumination --- rites et rituels --- Corto Maltese --- cultes à mystères --- le Timée --- Isis --- Mozart --- Hécate --- Asclépios --- Cybele --- Dionysos --- Bacchus --- Pan --- orphisme --- les mystères d'Eleusis --- Pythagorisme --- Pythagore --- arithmosophie --- Mithra --- christianisme primitive --- néopythagorisme --- néoplatonisme --- théurgie --- théosophie --- les grands courants ésotéristes --- hérésie chrétienne --- gnosticisme --- l'Eglise chrétienne --- hermétisme --- les textes hermétiques --- systèmes ésotériques --- la Table d'Emeraude --- le message divin --- les secrets de la création --- le Corpus Hermeticum --- le Grand Oeuvre alchimique --- alchimie --- Ars Magna --- alchimistes de fantaisie --- philosophes et savants --- le Grand Oeuvre --- magnum opus --- opus magnum) --- les métaux --- le corps --- l'esprit --- Ora et Labora --- cryptage des travaux --- les symboles --- jeux de mots --- traités alchimiques --- créatures alchimiques --- homoncule --- homunculus --- la kabbale --- influences de la kabbale --- la merkabah --- merkavah --- le char --- islam --- tariqa --- les ismaéliens --- les haschischins --- sectes --- la divination --- numérologie --- arithmancie --- astrologie --- astronomie --- chiromancie --- le tarot de Marseille --- ésotérisme medieval --- ésotérisme de l'Eglise chrétienne --- les écrits apocryphes de saint Jean --- la kabbale chrétienne --- le catharisme --- la Prophétie de saint Malachie --- Prophétie des papes --- les ordres de chevalerie --- la légende templière --- Bretagne --- le cycle arthurien --- la quête du Graal --- le cryptage des livres de pierre --- maçons et francs-maçons --- humanisme et onirisme --- Rose-Croix --- les sources Rose-Croix --- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili --- Le Songe de Poliphile --- le Manuscrit de Voynich --- récits symboliques --- les grands dépositaires de l'ésotérisme --- franc-maçonnerie --- la franc-maçonnerie des Lumières --- les Constitutions d'Anderson --- rechristianisation --- la légende maçonnique --- la franc-maçonnerie des mystères --- la création du Rite écossais rectifié --- RER --- illuminés et charlatans --- Emmanuel Swedenborg --- Swedberg --- Franz Xaver von Baader --- le comte de Saint-Germain --- Franz Anton Mesmer --- le comte de Cagliostro --- Giuseppe Balsamo --- la filière rosicrucienne --- Egypte --- Elus Coëns --- le philosophe inconnu --- doctrine ésotérique --- Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin --- les Illuminati --- les complots --- le surnaturel --- la magie --- la pensée magique --- la sorcellerie --- l'Eglise chrétienne --- le vaudou --- vodoun --- le spiritisme --- Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail --- les séances spirites --- l'Eglise catholique --- religion brésilienne --- spiritisme et telecommunication --- Pierre-Michel-Eugène Vintras --- Joseph-Antoine Boullan --- l'abbé Boullan --- Joseph Paul Oswald Wirth --- Paul Le Cour --- Lecour --- Jules Doinel --- Jean Bricaud --- Joanny Bricaud --- Constant Chevillon --- René Adolphe Schwaller 'de Lubicz' --- Jules Eugène Boucher --- Raymond Abellio --- Georges Soulès --- Docteur Encausse et mister Papus --- le martinisme --- les martinismes --- Robert Amadou --- a Société Théosophique --- les théosophies --- Mme Blavatsky --- Annie Bessant --- Ramakrishna Paramahamsa --- Gadadhar Chattopadhyaya --- Jiddu Krishnamurti --- la Fraternité blanche universelle --- Mikhaël Aïvanhov --- Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov --- le diable --- symbolisme --- danses macabres --- vanité --- la naturphilosophie --- ésotérisme et création --- l'art --- Poussin et Borges --- le mage d'Epinal --- sâr Péladan --- les Bons Cousins --- la SRIA --- la Golden Dawn --- l'Argentum Astrum --- Astrum Argentinum --- l'Ordo Templi Orientis --- OTO --- scientisme --- Léo Taxil --- tradition --- mystère et nazisme --- pérennialisme --- René Guénon --- Abd al-Wahid Yahya --- les guénonistes --- Fulcanelli --- l'Ancien et Mystique Ordre de la Rose-Croix --- AMORC --- anthroposophie --- Rudolf Steiner --- chakra --- médecine chinoise et psychiatrie --- Georges Gurdjieff --- le chamanisme --- néochamanisme --- les racines occultes du nazisme --- racisme et pseudosciences --- les Aryens --- la croix gammée --- armanisme --- ariosophie --- la société du Vril --- l'Atlantide --- l'Agartha --- Shambhala --- Hyperborée --- la Lémurie --- le pays cathare --- occultisme nazi --- le IVe Reich --- néopaganisme du Nord --- psychanalyse et ésotérisme --- l'anathor de Jung --- taoïsme --- Paracelse --- le Yi King --- la langue des oiseaux --- le zodiaque --- parapsychology --- rejet de la communauté scientifique --- pseudoscience --- la France --- perceptions extrasensorielles --- PES --- états modifiés de conscience --- EMC --- la psychokinèse --- PK --- le paranormal --- la zététique --- New Age --- l'Ere du Verseau --- Yakov Mikhailovich Berger --- Jacques Bergier --- Louis Pauwels --- réalisme magique --- Lobsang Rampa --- Tuesday Lobsang Rampa --- James Redfield --- le Centre de la kabbale --- la Nouvelle Acropole --- le néo-évhémérisme --- théorie des anciens astronautes --- le mouvement hippie --- les théories Gaïa --- enfant indigo --- enfant des étoiles --- channeling --- channelling --- développement personnel --- l'homme et le macrocosme --- corps éthérique --- le voyage astral --- aura --- expérience de mort imminente --- EMI --- Near death experience --- NDE --- la révolution transhumaniste --- l'humanisme des alchimistes --- les nouveaux mouvements religieux --- le Centre pour l'étude des nouvelles religions --- CESNUR --- sectes et sociétés secrètes contemporaines --- la wicca --- Gerald Brousseau Gardner --- Aleister Crowley --- satanisme contemporain --- la démonologie --- l'Ars Goetia et la clavicule de Salomon --- le satanisme de La Vey --- le nombre démoniaque --- la magie du Chaos --- les Illuminés de Thanateros --- OIT --- messe noire --- Loudun --- le nouvel ordre mondial --- NOM --- légendes urbaines --- Protocoles des Sages de Sion --- le Bohemian Club --- la Table d'émeraude --- le Serpent vert --- la Science de l'occulte --- les Vers d'or --- les Tribulations héroïques de Balthasar Kober --- Blanche-Neige --- le Livre du Tao --- Novalis --- les Disciples à Saïs --- Henri d'Ofterdingen --- les doctrines hindoues --- le Pendule de Foucault --- le Jeu des perles de verre --- Histoire de la reine du matin et de Soliman, prince des génies --- les Noces chymiques --- la Divine Comédie --- Que ma joie demeure --- les Métamorphoses, ou l'Ane d'or --- Là-Bas --- l'Oeuvre au noir --- le Golem --- légendes --- Rennes-le-Château --- le curé Saunière --- Wisigoths --- Brocéliande --- Paimpont --- Glastonbury --- le Graal --- Arthur et Guenièvre --- Prague --- la chapelle de Rosslyn --- Troyes --- Rachi --- Montségur --- Notre-Dame de Paris --- Castel del Monte --- Venise
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Occultism --- Hermetism --- Occultisme --- Hermétisme --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Hermetism. --- Occultism. --- Arts and Humanities --- General and Others --- Regional and International Studies --- Social Sciences --- Health Sciences --- Religion --- Psychiatry & Psychology --- Arts and Humanities. --- Regional and International Studies. --- Social Sciences. --- Hermétisme --- Périodiques --- BRILL-E EBSCOASP-E EJPHILO EJRELIG EPUB-ALPHA-A EPUB-PER-FT --- Art, Black (Magic) --- Arts, Black (Magic) --- Black art (Magic) --- Black arts (Magic) --- Occult sciences --- Occult, The --- Hermeticism --- Religions --- Supernatural --- New Age movement --- Parapsychology --- Loagaeth --- Cosening --- John Dee --- Traité sur la reintegration des êtres --- gnostic science --- John Murray Spear --- yogic traditions --- sexual magick --- Aleister Crowley --- Anthroposophie --- Deutschland --- magic --- mysticism --- Western Esotericism --- Goldkreuzer --- Rosenkreuzer --- sexuality --- Aleksander Blok --- la philosophie naturelle --- Hermès --- Martinès de Pasqualy --- Aries --- Pythagoras --- number symbolism --- alchemy --- Disciplina Noua --- John Dec --- Monas Hieroglyphica --- Cabala --- music --- Protestantism --- Esoterik --- Jésus --- théosophie chrétienne --- le Traité de deux Natures --- Jean-Baptiste Willermoz --- book reviews --- Ben Kadosh --- Giovanni Giovano Pontano --- astrology --- religious morphology --- hermeneutics --- initiation --- Andrei Scrima --- Il Padre Spirituale --- occultism --- late classical physics --- esoterismo --- New Age --- mistica cristiana --- la dottrine del 'Cherchio Firenze 77' --- 'Magisterium eumantice artis sive scientiae magicalis' --- Berengario Ganello --- the Kabbalah --- the Philosophie Cosmique --- the Integral Yoga --- cross-cultural influence --- 'Fraulein Sprengel' --- modern Western magic --- theosophy --- Julius Evola --- the UR Group --- Satan --- contemporary Satanism --- locations of knowledge --- Medieval Europe --- early Modern Europe --- Esoteric discourse --- Western identities --- Frances Yates --- left-hand path magic --- Neopaganism --- Federico Gualdi --- Venise --- alchimie --- the Hermetic tradition --- contemporary religious Satanism --- les alchimistes grecs --- recettes alchimiques --- Holkhamikus --- Cosmas le Hiéromoine --- Chrysopée --- Aufklärung und Esoterik --- Andrei Vilnius --- early modern Russia --- pietism --- Gustav Merink --- Heather Wolffram --- June Leavitt --- Claire Nally --- Nevill Drury --- Andreas B. Kilcher --- the late nineteenth-century spirit cabinet --- Diane Long Hoeveler --- occulture and modern art --- the study of art --- science --- the visual culture of spiritualism --- surrealism --- gender --- spiritualism --- Gurdjieff --- contemporary Kabbalah --- Kabbalah in America --- R. Levi Isaac Krakovsky --- the occult underground of late Soviet Russia --- iconology --- gnostic mythmaking --- Sethianism --- Athanasius Kircher --- Arnaud de Villeneuve --- music and esotericism --- freemasonry --- Rosicrucianism --- spiritual regeneration --- collective reformation --- Christoph Besold --- Johannes Valentin Andreae --- the Farma Fraternitatis --- De Furore Britannico --- the Rosicrucian Manifestos in Britain --- Sendivogius in Sweden --- Elias Artista --- Fratres roris cocti --- AMORC --- Chaldaean Oracles and Theurgy --- Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi --- Ancient literature --- Einar Thomassen --- Béoralde de Verville --- Esotericism --- rejected knowledge in Western culture --- Magie --- Michel Tardieu --- scrittura ad occhi --- Liber misteriorum venerabilium --- Reginald W. Machell --- Blavatsky --- British symbolism --- American art --- Antoine Faivre --- the study of fairy tales --- Copernican Cosmotheism --- Johann Jacob Zimmermann --- the mystical light --- religion --- politics --- contemporary Esotericism --- magia ebraica medievale --- Solomon's secret arts --- the occult --- enlightenment --- Vril --- Theosophie --- esoterischen Neonazismus --- modern esoterica --- Shimmushei Torah --- Antiquity --- concealment --- pseudepigraphy --- the study of Esotericism in Antiquity --- secrets --- mystery --- Esotericism in early Jewish Mysticism --- Ancient Esotericism --- Esotericism in classical Rabbinic culture --- Esoteric discourse and the Jerusalem Temple in the Gospel of Philip --- Alchemy --- the Paraphrase of Shem --- Ancient Hermetism and Esotericism --- Theurgy --- Hermetic rebirth --- Renaissance Hermetism --- Madame Théon --- Alta Una --- Mother Superior --- Mary Ware --- the subliminal mind --- Aldous Huxley --- social reform --- theology --- science and religion --- religious revolutionaries and spiritualism in Germany --- global religious history --- superstition in Late Medieval Europe --- Laus Platonici Philosophi --- Marsilio Ficino --- Hermetik --- Mystik --- das Werden der Aufklärung --- spiritualistischer Literatur der frühen Neuzeit --- Margaret Alice Murray --- archaeology --- New Age spirituality --- discourse theory and enlightenment --- 'Western learned magic' --- Aurora --- concealment and revelation in Western, Gnostic, Esoteric, and Mystical traditions --- Eranos --- alternative intellectual history --- Esotericism and the cognitive science of religion --- the esoteric imagination --- theory of kataphatic practice --- cognitive semiotics of Western Esotericism --- Crowley's 'Liber Al' --- soul flights --- cognitive ratcheting --- the occult world --- Satanism --- Dämonologie --- Unbewussten --- Anthropologie --- 1800 --- natural geneoristy --- Naples --- Tommaso Campanella --- Adolf Hitler --- practical Kabbalah in WW2 --- Fidus --- Germany --- art --- Theosophy and Nazism --- Aufklärung --- Illuminismus --- Franz Josef Thun --- Francis Mercury van Helmont --- Christian Kabbalism --- India and the occult --- South Asian spirituality --- modern Western Occultism --- Anthroposohy and the politics of race in the fascist era --- practical Kabbalah --- Jewish magic --- the Jewish tradition of magic --- Kabbalistic practices in Early Modern East-Central Europe --- the magic of Kabbalistic trees --- Oracles, Platonists, and Esotericism in Late Antiquity --- Georgian England --- Satanic Feminism --- woman in nineteenth-century culture --- William Burroughs --- Brion Gysin --- geometry --- accessing intermediary beings --- Meister Crowley --- Buddhism --- the doctrine of Thelema --- hermetic Symbolism --- Andrei Bely --- the self-conscious soul --- Guillaume Postel --- the Zohar --- Hitler --- Jean Delville --- British Freemasonry --- the visual and the symbolic in Western Esotericism --- the Occult in Modernist art, literature, and cinema --- pictography --- Iranian Metaphysics --- the Enneagram --- G.I. Gurdjieff --- esoteric symbols --- the music and art of Franco Battiato --- Gurdjieff's Law of Three --- J.G. Bennett's Six Triads --- the Gospel Studies of RD. Ouspensky and Maurice Nicoll --- supernatural history of the Third Reich --- the Occult Revival --- alternative spiritual performance --- from 1875 to the Present' --- Esotericism and Narrative --- Occult fiction --- Charles Williams --- music and demonology --- Divine mania --- alterations of consciousness in Ancient Greece --- philosophic silence --- Plotinus --- magic and magicians in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time --- pre-modern sciences, medicine, literature, religion and astrology --- Christian Cabbala Gematria --- divination --- honorific poetry --- the German lands of the 18th Century --- the 'Great Invisibles' --- Surrealism --- myth --- modern esoteric imagination --- Hermes Trismegistus --- Egypt --- Hellenized wisdom --- transformations of ancient religion in the New Age --- reincarnation --- Blavatsky's Theosophy --- drugs --- esoterica --- visionary experience in the Seventies --- New Age in Norway --- Manuskriptologie --- Sufism --- near-death experience --- Christianity --- the Occult --- Thelema --- Brazil --- tai chi --- chiromancy --- Fernando Pessoa --- Austin Osman Spare --- Psychochirology --- Mantic Art --- Constantinople --- traditionalism --- personality fragmentation --- alternative selves --- occult and artistic circles --- Traditionalist movement --- René Guénon --- Maryamiyya Order --- Olavo de Carvalho --- rightist philosophy --- George Gurdjieff (1866–1949) --- Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man --- Vasily Shulgin (1878–1976) --- Gurdjieff movement --- Julius Spier --- hand-reading --- hand divination --- Casimir S. d’ Arpentigny --- chirognomy --- Adolphe Desbarrolles --- chirology --- chirosophy --- scientific naturalism --- Victorian Spirit Investigations --- William Fletcher Barrett --- psychical research --- vegetarianism --- dietetics --- British Paganism --- yoga --- orientalism --- harmonialism --- John Tyndall --- science and spiritualism --- Victorian spiritualism --- physics and psychics --- Anna Kingsford --- nutrition --- spiritualist movement --- esotericism --- spiritual belief --- disenchantment --- intuition --- women in medicine --- feminist epistemology of science --- scientific women --- animal cruelty --- vivisections --- diet --- body --- vegetarian movement --- Antoine Faivre (1934–2021) --- Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) --- film and literature --- biography --- religionism --- Christian Theosophy --- Martinism --- Rite Écossais Rectifié --- The Land of Mist (1925-1926) --- literature and esotericism studies --- biographical interpretation --- Professor Challenger --- afterlife writing --- textual amulets --- rolls --- scrolls --- compilation --- scribes --- Paracelsian --- Adamic magic --- pseudo-Solomonic --- Hebrew names of God --- Seven Olympian Spirits --- planets --- ritual magic --- seals --- sigils --- christian iconography --- prayers --- apotropaic text --- numerology --- medieval --- Renaissance --- early modern Germany --- Aratron --- indigenous esotericism --- sangoma --- shamanism --- Botswana --- colonialism
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