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Pietpraat. Over Zwarte Piet in België.
ISBN: 9789089246752 9089246754 9789089246769 Year: 2018 Publisher: Antwerpen Houtekiet

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Iedere winter steekt dezelfde discussie de kop op. Mag Zwarte Piet blijven of niet? De brave knecht wordt jaarlijks geanalyseerd, beschermd en verdedigd en werpt een schaduw over een van de oudste kinderfeesten in ons land. Lange tijd werd de controverse gezien als een Nederlands probleem, maar in 2015 plooiden ook een aantal Vlaamse spelers onder de kritiek. Ketnet en Studio 100 pasten hun beeldvorming aan: voortaan is roetpiet koning. Toch betekende dit niet het einde van het maatschappelijk debat. Opmerkelijk daarbij is dat er bijna geen informatie voorhanden is over hoe de figuur zich in België heeft ontwikkeld. Ook in Brussel en Wallonië kennen ze immers Zwarte Piet, hij heet er Père Fouettard, al zijn er ook opmerkelijke verschillen met de Vlaamse variant. En wat te denken van andere blackfacetradities zoals de Brusselse Noirauds? In dit boek bundelen we voor het eerst gegevens over de evolutie, diversiteit en receptie van Zwarte Piet in Vlaanderen, Brussel en Wallonië. Daarnaast geven experten tekst en uitleg bij de controverse. Waarom ligt de figuur internationaal zo moeilijk? Hoe valt de beschuldiging van racisme te verklaren? En waarom maakt Zwarte Piet zoveel emoties los? Met bijdragen van onder anderen Rik Pinxten, Dalila Hermans, Mireille-Tsheusi Robert, Heleen Debeuckelaere, Vanessa Joosen, Sofie Van Bauwel, Els Veraverbeke, Evelien Jonckheere en Françoise Lempereur.


BPB9999 --- Sociology of culture --- cultuursociologie --- Folklore --- zwarte piet --- volkskunde --- multiculturele samenleving --- Santa Claus --- Saint Nicholas' Day --- Race discrimination --- Belgium --- Race relations --- BPB1901 --- Culture populaire --- Racisme --- Belgique --- Volkscultuur --- België --- Santa Claus [Fictitious character] --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- racisme --- rasismus --- rasizmas --- ρατσισμός --- razzismo --- rasizmus --- Rassismus --- razziżmu --- racismo --- rasizam --- rasizm --- rassism --- расизъм --- rotuerottelu --- расизам --- rasisms --- racizëm --- rasism --- rasizem --- racism --- ciníochas --- rasszizmus --- bestrijding van het racisme --- bekæmpelse af racisme --- luta contra o racismo --- lupta contra rasismului --- lutte contre le racisme --- luftë kundër racizmit --- rasismbekämpning --- fight against racism --- rotusyrjinnän torjuminen --- kova su rasizmu --- καταπολέμηση του ρατσισμού --- cīņa pret rasismu --- rasisma apkarošana --- Kampf gegen den Rassismus --- борба против расизам --- lotta al razzismo --- boj proti rasizmu --- превенција на расизам --- lucha contra el racismo --- спречување расизам --- antirazzismo --- rassisimivastane võitlus --- borba protiv rasizma --- rasszizmus elleni küzdelem --- antirracismo --- folkekultur --- kultura ludowa --- populaarikulttuuri --- tradicijska kultura --- popular culture --- populáris kultúra --- popularna kultura --- ľudová kultúra --- populärkultur --- volkscultuur --- liaudies kultūra --- cultura popular --- lidová kultura --- populaarkultuur --- популарна култура --- kulturë popullore --- cultură populară --- традиционна култура --- λαϊκή πολιτιστική παράδοση --- tautas kultūra --- Popkultur --- kultura popolari --- cultura popolare --- rahvapidu --- kansanjuhla --- масовна култура --- fiesta popular --- fête populaire --- popkultúra --- folkkultur --- liaudiškoji kultūra --- rahvakultuur --- Volksfest --- fesztivál --- volksfeest --- народна култура --- παραδοσιακή γιορτή --- Volksbrauchtum --- folkefest --- folkfest --- festa popolare --- festa popular --- Social problems --- Zwarte Piet [Fictieve figuur] --- Sinterklaas --- Zwarte Piet --- cultúr pobail --- Saint Nicholas' Day - Belgium --- Folklore - Belgium --- Race discrimination - Belgium --- Belgium - Race relations --- culture populaire --- België. --- Sinterklaas. --- Zwarte Piet.

Picture Man
ISBN: 1602232466 9781602232464 9781602232457 1602232458 Year: 2015 Publisher: Fairbanks

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"In 1912, Shoki Kayamori and his box camera arrived in a small Tlingit village in southeast Alaska. At a time when Asian immigrants were forbidden to own property and faced intense racial pressure, the Japanese-born Kayamori put down roots and became part of the Yakutat community. For three decades he photographed daily life in the village, turning his lens on locals and migrants alike, and gaining the nickname 'Picture Man.' But as World War II drew near, his passion for photography turned dangerous as government officials called out Kayamori as a potential spy. Despondent, Kayamori committed suicide, leaving behind an enigmatic photographic legacy. In Picture Man, Margaret Thomas views Kayamori's life through multiple lenses. Using Kayamori's original photos, she explores the economic and political realities that sent Kayamori and thousands like him out of Japan toward opportunity and adventure in the United States, especially the Pacific Northwest. She reveals the tensions around Asian immigrants in the West Coast and the racism that sent many young men north to work in the canneries of Alaska. And she illuminates the intersecting--and at times conflicting--lives of villagers and migrants in a time of enormous change. Part history, part biography, part photographic showcase, Picture Man offers a fascinating new view of Alaska history"


Japanese American photographers --- Photographers --- Japanese Americans --- Immigrants --- Emigrants --- Foreign-born population --- Foreign population --- Foreigners --- Migrants --- Persons --- Aliens --- Kibei Nisei --- Nisei --- Ethnology --- Japanese --- Artists --- Photographers, Japanese American --- Kayamori, Shoki, --- Kayamori, Seiki, --- Brauchtum --- Alltag --- Tlingit --- Soziale Situation --- Ethnische Beziehungen --- Japanischer Einwanderer --- Tlingit Indians --- Race relations --- Manners and customs --- Documentary photography --- Social life and customs --- Social conditions --- History --- Alaska --- Kayamori, Shoki --- Yakutat, Alas. --- Yakutat (Alaska) --- Koloshi Indians --- Koluschan Indians --- Lingít Indians --- Thlinket Indians --- Thlinkithen Indians --- Tlinkit Indians --- Indians of North America --- Photography, Documentary --- Photography --- Ceremonies --- Customs, Social --- Folkways --- Social customs --- Traditions --- Usages --- Civilization --- Etiquette --- Rites and ceremonies --- Integration, Racial --- Race problems --- Race question --- Relations, Race --- Social problems --- Sociology --- Ethnic relations --- Minorities --- Racism --- Â-lâ-sṳ̂-kâ --- AK --- Alaasika --- ʻĀlaka --- Alasca --- Alasijia --- Alasijia Zhou --- Alaska Eyâleti --- Alaska osariik --- Alaska Territory --- Alasḳah --- Alasko --- Alaszka --- Ali︠a︡sk --- Ali︠a︡ska --- Aljaška --- Allaesŭkʻa --- Allaesŭkʻa-ju --- Allaesŭkʻaju --- Alyaska --- Alyaska Shitati --- Arasuka --- Arasuka-shū --- Arasukashū --- Civitas Alascae --- Estado de Alaska --- Estado ng Alaska --- Hakʼaz Dineʼé Bikéyah Hahoodzo --- Medinat Alasḳah --- Politeia tēs Alaska --- Russian America --- Russkai︠a︡ Amerika --- Shtat Ali︠a︡ska --- State of Alaska --- Statul Alaska --- Territory of Alaska --- Πολιτεία της Αλάσκα --- Αλάσκα --- Аљаска --- Аляск --- Аляска --- Алјаска --- Русская Америка --- Штат Аляска --- אלאסקע --- אלסקה --- מדינת אלסקה --- アラスカ --- アラスカ州 --- 阿拉斯加 --- 阿拉斯加州 --- 알래스카 --- 알래스카 주 --- 알래스카주 --- Yakutat, Alaska --- Yakutat City and Borough (Alaska) --- Yakutat Borough (Alaska) --- City & Borough of Yakutat (Alaska) --- City and Borough of Yakutat (Alaska) --- Yakutat City (Alaska) --- Yukutat (Alaska) --- Einwanderer --- Japaner --- Ethnische Beziehung --- Rassenbeziehung --- Rassenbeziehungen --- Soziale Lage --- Soziale Verhältnisse --- Soziallage --- Sozialverhältnisse --- Soziale Bedingungen --- Situation --- Soziale Stellung --- Lebensbedingungen --- Tlinkit --- Nordwestküstenindianer --- Alltagsphänomen --- Alltagsleben --- Alltagswelt --- Lebensweise --- Tägliches Leben --- Daily Life --- Privatleben --- Lebenswelt --- Alltagskultur --- Volksbrauch --- Bräuche --- Volksbrauchtum --- Volksbräuche --- Sitte --- Volkskultur --- Kayamori, Seiki --- Fotograf --- Hilfsarbeiter --- 1877-1941 --- 09.06.1877-09.12.1941 --- Â-lâ-sṳ̂-k --- Ali͡ask --- Ali͡aska --- Arasuka-sh --- Arasukash --- Russkai͡a Amerika --- Shtat Ali͡aska

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