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Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic for applications fundamentals
ISBN: 0735605947 Year: 1999 Publisher: Redmond Microsoft press

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Visual Basic .NET for experienced programmers.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780130461315 Year: 2003 Publisher: Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall,

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"The experienced programmer's Deitel Live-Code guide to Visual Basic .NET and the powerful Microsoft .NET Framework. Written for programmers with backgrounds in C++, Visual Basic, Java or other high level languages, this book applies the Deitel signature Live-Code approach to teaching programming and explores Microsoft's Visual Basic .NET language in depth. Visual Basic .NET concepts are presented in the context of fully tested programs, complete with syntax highlighting, detailed line-by-line descriptions and program outputs. The book features 192 Live-Code programs that contain 20,337 lines of proven Visual Basic .NET program code. In addition, the book includes 319 programming tips that help you build applications that are portable, reusable and optimized for performance." Start with condensed discussions of the Visual Studio .NET IDE, control structures, procedures and arrays. Then move rapidly to more advanced topics, including Windows Forms, ADO .NET, ASP .NET, ASP öNET Web services, network programming and XML processing. Along the way you will enjoy the Deitels' classic treatment of object-based and object-oriented programming. When you are finished, you will have everything you need to build next-generation Windows applications, Web applications and XML Web services.

Visual Basic.NET for students
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0201742055 Year: 2003 Publisher: Harlow Pearson

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Samenvatting:Approaches Visual Basic .NET with a simple and direct style, providingmaximum clarity on the subject without requiring readers to have anyprior knowledge of programming. For anyone, including softwareprogrammers interested in learning about VB.NET. Softcover.

Visual basic 2008 : voor studenten.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789043016957 Year: 2009 Publisher: [s.l.] : Pearson,

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Als programmeren nieuw voor je is, dan is dit het aangewezen leerboek. Visual Basic is een elegante en consistente programmeertaal, waardoor deze taal eenvoudig te leren en te gebruiken is. Het boek veronderstelt geen voorkennis op het gebied van programmeren en het is geschreven in een eenvoudige, directe stijl. In aansluiting op de huidige aanpak van het programmeeronderwijs behandelt het boek de objectgeoriënteerde concepten al in een vroeg stadium. Bovendien wordt het aanleren van een goede programmeerstijl gestimuleerd.

Visual basic.NET : how to program.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0130293636 Year: 2002 Publisher: Upper Saddle river : Prentice Hall,

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Microsoft Word 97 Visual Basic
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9039507066 Year: 1997 Publisher: Schoonhoven Academic Service

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Programmeercursus Microsoft Visual Basic.NET.
ISBN: 9039519080 Year: 2002 Publisher: Schoonhoven : Academic Service,

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Leer in uw eigen tempo werken met de volgende generatie van Visual Basic Deze programmeercursus biedt de snelste manier om met Visual Basic .Net professionele toepassingen te maken voor het .NET-platform. Benut alle mogelijkheden die in deze .NET-versie van Visual Basic aanwezig zijn. Door alleen die hoofdstukken te kiezen die u nodig hebt, leert u snel de belangrijkste programmeertechnieken. Profiteer van de codevoorbeelden, tips voor optimalisatie en adviezen. In kaders wordt uitgelegd wat de verschillen met Visual Basic 6 zijn. Praktische adviezen voor het gebruik van de Upgrade Wizard helpen u bij het upgraden van uw toepassingen naar Visual Basic .NET

Moving to ASP.NET : web development with VB.NET.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1590590090 Year: 2002 Publisher: Berkeley : Apress,

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Samenvatting:Steve Harris and Rob Macdonald have applied their unrivaled .NET exposureand teaching pedigree to make Moving to ASP.NET: Web Development with VB.NET the most comprehensive, yet concise, introduction to ASP.NETdevelopment available.Whereas many .NET books cover only the basics, Moving to ASP.NET leadsthe reader from simple concepts and development tips through to detailedand informative chapters on ASP.NET architecture, advanced design andscalability considerations, and the multifaceted topic of Web security.Special chapters that cover creating mobile Web Applications for use withcell phones, learning XML, and building .NET Web Services ensure that thereader is fully informed, not just about where ASP.NET is being appliedtoday, but also about those areas set to become increasingly important incoming years.The unique structure of Moving to ASP.NET delivers real ASP.NET contentstarting from Chapter 1, while relegating general .NET and Webprogramming concepts to a set of carefully designed appendixes. Harrisand Macdonald bring years of real experience programming and teaching.NET to bear and deliver ASP.NET programming techniques that really work,explained in a way that makes sense.

Programmeren in Excel 7 met Visual Basic.
ISBN: 9039503559 Year: 1995 Publisher: Schoonhoven Academic service

Leren programmeren in Visual Basic 2010
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789035612525 9789035612648 Year: 2010 Publisher: Geel Campinia Media

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