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Bible OT. Major prophets. Daniel --- 229*232 --- 229*232 Visioen van Daniel --- Visioen van Daniel
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In The Antiochene Crisis and Jubilee Theology in Daniel’s Seventy Sevens , Dean R. Ulrich explores the joint interest of Daniel 9:24-27 in the Antiochene crisis of the second century B.C.E. and the jubilee theology conveyed by the prophecy’s structure. This study is necessary because previous scholarship, though recognizing the jubilee structure of the seventy sevens, has not sufficiently made the connection between jubilee and the six objectives of Daniel 9:24. Previous scholarship also has not adequately related the book’s interest in Antiochus IV to the hope of jubilee, which involves the full inheritance that God has promised to his people but that they had lost because of their compromises with Antiochus IV.
229*232 --- Visioen van Daniel --- 229*232 Visioen van Daniel --- Antiochian school. --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Theology.
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In The Danielic Discourse on Empire in Second Temple Literature , Alexandria Frisch asks: how did Jews in the Second Temple period understand the phenomenon of foreign empire? In answering this question, a remarkable trend reveals itself—the book of Daniel, which situates its narrative in an imperial context and apocalyptically envisions empires, was overwhelmingly used by Jewish writers when they wanted to say something about empires. This study examines Daniel, as well as antecedents to and interpretations of Daniel, in order to identify the diachronic changes in perceptions of empire during this period. Oftentimes, this Danielic discourse directly reacted to imperial ideologies, either copying, subverting, or adapting those ideologies. Throughout this study, postcolonial criticism, therefore, provides a hermeneutical lens through which to ask a second question: in an imperial context, is the Jewish conception of empire actually Jewish?
229*232 --- 229*232 Visioen van Daniel --- Visioen van Daniel --- Bible --- Holy Scriptures (Bible) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Biblia --- Bible. --- Daniel (Book of the Old Testament) --- Daniyel (Book of the Old Testament) --- Taniel (Book of the Old Testament)
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Die Septuaginta und die hebräische Bibel bezeugen eine eigenständige Überlieferung der Erzählung von "Daniel in der Löwengrube" (Dan 6) in verschiedenen Kulturkreisen. Obwohl beide Fassungen der gleichen Handlungslinie folgen, weisen zahlreiche Differenzen auf ihre Eigenständigkeit hin. In den hier anknüpfenden Theoriebildungen zur Textgeschichte wird die Priorität von DanMT 6 ebenso wie die von DanLXX 6 favorisiert, sodass ein methodischer Neuansatz nahe liegt: beide Texte sind a priori als gleichwertig zu betrachten. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht eine detaillierte Analyse der Texte und ihrer narrativen Strukturen, die schließlich vergleichend gegenübergestellt werden. Auf diese Weise werden wichtige Motive und Schwerpunkte deutlich, durch die die Repräsentation der Diasporasituation und deren Wahrnehmung im Text nachgezeichnet werden können. Dabei wird sowohl nach den theologischen und politischen Vorstellungen als auch nach deren Realisierungsbedingungen und den zeit- und sozialgeschichtlichen Kontexten gefragt. Diese literarhistorische Einordnung der Texte ermöglicht schließlich eine Antwort auf die Frage nach der größeren Ursprünglichkeit einer Tradition.
229*232 --- 221.014*2 --- Visioen van Daniel --- Oud Testament: geschiedenis van grondtekst en oude vertalingen --- Bible. --- Daniel (Book of the Old Testament) --- Daniyel (Book of the Old Testament) --- Taniel (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, Narrative. --- Versions. --- 221.014*2 Oud Testament: geschiedenis van grondtekst en oude vertalingen --- 229*232 Visioen van Daniel --- Bible stories, English --- Daniel. --- Daniel --- דניאל --- دانيال --- Criticism, Textual. --- Translating. --- Aramaic language. --- Book of Daniel. --- Dan 6. --- Diaspora. --- Septuagint.
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Visions in the Bible --- 224 --- 222 --- 229*232 --- 229*232 Visioen van Daniel --- Visioen van Daniel --- 222 Historische boeken van het Oude Testament --- 222 Livres historiques de l'Ancien Testament --- Historische boeken van het Oude Testament --- Livres historiques de l'Ancien Testament --- 224 Livres prophetiques de l'Ancien Testament --- 224 Profetische boeken van het Oude Testament --- Livres prophetiques de l'Ancien Testament --- Profetische boeken van het Oude Testament --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Visions in the Bible. --- Symbolism in the Bible.
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This volume illuminates the full extent of the corpus of ancient and mediaeval apocryphal Daniel literature. It is the first study to examine the Daniel legenda, the apocryphal apocalypses, and the prognostica as discrete categories of texts and to evaluate their generic relationship to the biblical Book of Daniel. Special emphases include the identification of the texts and their manuscript evidence as well as the study of late antique and early mediaeval apocalyptic literature attributed to Daniel. This volume will be of particular interest to biblical scholars and to those who specialise in biblical apocrypha and pseudepigrapha.
Bible. --- Daniel-Diegese --- Syriac apocalypse of Daniel --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- 224.5 --- 229*232 --- 229*232 Visioen van Daniel --- Visioen van Daniel --- Daniël --- Apocalypse of Daniel, Syriac --- Daniel (Book of the Old Testament) --- Daniyel (Book of the Old Testament) --- Taniel (Book of the Old Testament) --- Historia Susannae --- History of Susanna --- Susanna-Erzählung --- Bel and the Dragon --- Bel und der Drache zu Babel --- Bel und der Drachen zu Babel --- Bible. O.T. Daniel --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- Bible. O.T. Apocrypha. History of Susanna --- Bible. O.T. Apocrypha. Bel and the Dragon --- Bible stories. --- Syriac Apocalypse of Daniel
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Jewish religion --- Antiquity --- Jews --- Judaism --- Maccabees --- Military history in the Bible --- Resistance (Philosophy) --- 229*232 --- 933.3 --- 229*232 Visioen van Daniel --- Visioen van Daniel --- Battles in the Bible --- Wars in the Bible --- Military history, Ancient --- Asmoneans --- Hasmonaeans --- Hasmoneans --- Religions --- Semites --- 933.3 Geschiedenis van het Joodse volk: Tweede Tempelperiode--(538 v.Chr.-70 n.Chr.) --- Geschiedenis van het Joodse volk: Tweede Tempelperiode--(538 v.Chr.-70 n.Chr.) --- History --- Social aspects --- Religion --- Bible. --- Ethiopic book of Enoch --- Book of Enoch, Ethiopic --- Enoch, Ethiopic Book of --- Book of the Ethiopic Enoch --- Äthiopischer Henoch --- Buch Henoch --- 1 Enoch (Apocryphal book) --- First Enoch (Apocryphal book) --- 1st Enoch (Apocryphal book) --- Former Prophets --- Neviʼim rishonim --- Profetas primeros --- Prophetae Priores --- History of Biblical events. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Palestine --- Holy Land --- History, Military.
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