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Why didn't the matter in our Universe annihilate with antimatter immediately after its creation? The study of CP violation may help to answer this fundamental question. This book presents theoretical tools necessary to understand this phenomenon. Reflecting the explosion of new results over the last decade, this second edition has been substantially expanded. It introduces charge conjugation, parity and time reversal, before describing the Kobayashi-Maskawa (KM) theory for CP violation and our understanding of CP violation in kaon decays. It reveals how the discovery of B mesons has provided a new laboratory to study CP violation with KM theory predicting large asymmetries, and discusses how these predictions have been confirmed since the first edition of this book. Later chapters describe the search for a new theory of nature's fundamental dynamics. This book is suitable for researchers in high energy, atomic and nuclear physics and the history and philosophy of science.
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CP violation (Nuclear physics) --- Photonuclear reactions --- 539.1 --- Nuclear physics. Atomic physics. Molecular physics --- 539.1 Nuclear physics. Atomic physics. Molecular physics --- Chadwick-Goldhaber effect --- Goldhaber-Chadwick effect --- Photodisintegration --- Nuclear reactions --- Photons --- Charge conjugation parity violation --- Violation, Charge conjugation parity --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Symmetry (Physics)
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This thesis describes the thorough analysis of the rare B meson decay into ϕ K* on data taken by the Belle Collaboration at the B-meson-factory KEKB over 10 years. This reaction is very interesting, because it in principle allows the observation of CP-violation effects. In the Standard Model however, no CP violation in this reaction is expected. An observation of CP asymmetries thus immediately implies new physics. This thesis presents an amplitude analysis of this decay and the search for CP violation in detail and discusses methods to solve related problems: The quantification of multivariate dependence and the improvement of numeric evaluation speed of normalization integrals in amplitude analysis. In addition it provides an overview of the theory, experimental setup, (blind) statistical data analysis and estimation of systematic uncertainties.
Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Polarization (Nuclear physics) --- CP violation (Nuclear physics) --- Charge conjugation parity violation --- Violation, Charge conjugation parity --- Symmetry (Physics) --- Quantum theory. --- Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory. --- Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics. --- Quantum dynamics --- Quantum mechanics --- Quantum physics --- Physics --- Mechanics --- Thermodynamics --- Elementary particles (Physics). --- Quantum field theory. --- Mathematical physics. --- Physical mathematics --- Relativistic quantum field theory --- Field theory (Physics) --- Quantum theory --- Relativity (Physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Nuclear physics --- Mathematics
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This thesis reports on the final measurement of the flavor-mixing phase in decays of strange-bottom mesons (B_s) into J/psi and phi mesons performed in high-energy proton-antiproton collisions recorded by the Collider Experiment at Fermilab. Interference occurs between direct decays and decays following virtual particle-antiparticle transitions (B_s-antiB_s). The phase difference between transition amplitudes (“mixing phase”) is observable and extremely sensitive to contributions from non-standard-model particles or interactions that may be very hard to detect otherwise – a fact that makes the precise measurement of the B_s mixing phase one of the most important goals of particle physics. The results presented include a precise determination of the mixing phase and a suite of other important supplementary results. All measurements are among the most precise available from a single experiment and provide significantly improved constraints on the phenomenology of new particles and interactions.
Physics. --- Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory. --- Quantum Field Theories, String Theory. --- Quantum theory. --- Physique --- Théorie quantique --- Mesons. --- Muon spin rotation. --- Particles (Nuclear physics). --- Physics --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Nuclear Physics --- Atomic Physics --- CP violation (Nuclear physics) --- Natural philosophy --- Philosophy, Natural --- Charge conjugation parity violation --- Violation, Charge conjugation parity --- Quantum field theory. --- String theory. --- Elementary particles (Physics). --- Physical sciences --- Dynamics --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Symmetry (Physics) --- Quantum dynamics --- Quantum mechanics --- Quantum physics --- Mechanics --- Thermodynamics --- Models, String --- String theory --- Nuclear reactions --- Relativistic quantum field theory --- Field theory (Physics) --- Quantum theory --- Relativity (Physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Nuclear physics --- String models.
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This thesis discusses two key topics: strangeness and charge symmetry violation (CSV) in the nucleon. It also provides a pedagogical introduction to chiral effective field theory tailored to the high-precision era of lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Because the nucleon has zero net strangeness, strange observables give tremendous insight into the nature of the vacuum; they can only arise through quantum fluctuations in which strange–antistrange quark pairs are generated. As a result, the precise values of these quantities within QCD are important in physics arenas as diverse as precision tests of QCD, searches for physics beyond the Standard Model, and the interpretation of dark matter direct-detection experiments. Similarly, the precise knowledge of CSV observables has, with increasing experimental precision, become essential to the interpretation of many searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. In this thesis, the numerical lattice gauge theory approach to QCD is combined with the chiral perturbation theory formalism to determine strange and CSV quantities in a diverse range of observables including the octet baryon masses, sigma terms, electromagnetic form factors, and parton distribution functions. This thesis builds a comprehensive and coherent picture of the current status of understanding of strangeness and charge symmetry violation in the nucleon.
Physics. --- Elementary particles (Physics). --- Quantum field theory. --- Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory. --- Mathematical Methods in Physics. --- Strange particles. --- CP violation (Nuclear physics) --- Quantum chromodynamics. --- Chromodynamics, Quantum --- QCD (Nuclear physics) --- Charge conjugation parity violation --- Violation, Charge conjugation parity --- Strangeness (Nuclear physics) --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Quantum electrodynamics --- Symmetry (Physics) --- Quantum theory. --- Mathematical physics. --- Physical mathematics --- Physics --- Quantum dynamics --- Quantum mechanics --- Quantum physics --- Mechanics --- Thermodynamics --- Mathematics --- Relativistic quantum field theory --- Field theory (Physics) --- Quantum theory --- Relativity (Physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Nuclear physics --- Natural philosophy --- Philosophy, Natural --- Physical sciences --- Dynamics
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CP violation is a well-established phenomenon in particle physics, but until 2001 it was only observed in kaons. In the last decade, several matter-antimatter asymmetries have been observed in neutral B mesons in line with the expectations of the Standard Model of the weak interaction. Direct CP violation is also expected in the decay rates of charged B+ mesons versus that of B- mesons, though the greatest effects are present in a decay that occurs just twice in 10 million decays. Such rarity requires huge samples to study and this is exactly what the LHC, and its dedicated B-physics experiment LHCb provide. This thesis presents an analysis of the first two years of LHCb data. The author describes the first observation of the rare decay, B- DK-, D π-K+ and the first observation of direct CP violation in this B decay. The work constitutes essential information on the experiment’s measurement of a fundamental parameter of the theory and stands as a benchmark against which subsequent analyses of this type will be compared.
CP violation (Nuclear physics) --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Charge conjugation parity violation --- Violation, Charge conjugation parity --- Physics. --- Quantum field theory. --- String theory. --- Elementary particles (Physics). --- Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory. --- Quantum Field Theories, String Theory. --- Nuclear physics --- Models, String --- String theory --- Nuclear reactions --- Relativistic quantum field theory --- Field theory (Physics) --- Quantum theory --- Relativity (Physics) --- Natural philosophy --- Philosophy, Natural --- Physical sciences --- Dynamics --- Symmetry (Physics) --- Quantum theory. --- Quantum dynamics --- Quantum mechanics --- Quantum physics --- Physics --- Mechanics --- Thermodynamics --- String models.
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The book reviews the latest experimental results of charm and bottom flavor physics at the Tevatron proton-antiproton collider. The measurements of lifetimes, branching ratios and mixing properties of heavy flavored hadrons provide important constraints on fundamental parameters of the standard model – the elements of the CKM matrix. Comparisons of experimental results with theoretical predictions allow to search for physics beyond the standard model or to set bounds on parameters of new physics models. The experimental techniques developed at the Tevatron are highly relevant for the next generation flavor physics experiments at the LHC.
Quantum flavor dynamics --- CP violation (Nuclear physics) --- Collisions (Nuclear physics) --- Colliders (Nuclear physics) --- Physics --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Nuclear Physics --- Quantum flavor dynamics. --- Dynamics, Quantum flavor --- Flavor dynamics, Quantum --- Charge conjugation parity violation --- Violation, Charge conjugation parity --- Bombardment with particles --- Electron collisions --- Impact phenomena (Nuclear physics) --- Nuclear collisions --- Particle collisions (Nuclear physics) --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Accelerators, Colliding-beam --- Colliding-beam accelerators --- Collisions --- Physics. --- Nuclear physics. --- Particle and Nuclear Physics. --- Atomic nuclei --- Atoms, Nuclei of --- Nucleus of the atom --- Natural philosophy --- Philosophy, Natural --- Physical sciences --- Dynamics --- Symmetry (Physics) --- Collisions (Physics) --- Particle accelerators --- Quantum theory --- Quarks
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This thesis describes a high-quality, high-precision method for the data analysis of an interesting elementary particle reaction. The data was collected at the Japanese B-meson factory KEKB with the Belle detector, one of the most successful large-scale experiments worldwide. CP violation is a subtle quantum effect that makes the world look different when simultaneously left and right and matter and antimatter are exchanged. This being a prerequisite for our own world to have developed from the big bang, there are only a few experimental indications of such effects, and their detection requires very intricate techniques. The discovery of CP violation in B meson decays garnered Kobayashi and Maskawa, who had predicted these findings as early as 1973, the 2008 Nobel prize in physics. This thesis describes in great detail what are by far the best measurements of branching ratios and CP violation parameters in two special reactions with two charm mesons in the final state. It presents an in-depth but accessible overview of the theory, phenomenology, experimental setup, data collection, Monte Carlo simulations, (blind) statistical data analysis, and systematic uncertainty studies.
CP violation (Nuclear physics) --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Charge conjugation parity violation --- Violation, Charge conjugation parity --- B mesons -- Decay. --- Beta decay. --- CP violation (Nuclear physics). --- Physics. --- Elementary particles (Physics). --- Quantum field theory. --- Physical measurements. --- Measurement. --- Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory. --- Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics. --- Measurement Science and Instrumentation. --- Nuclear physics --- Symmetry (Physics) --- Quantum theory. --- Quantum dynamics --- Quantum mechanics --- Quantum physics --- Physics --- Mechanics --- Thermodynamics --- Mathematical physics. --- Measurement . --- Measuring --- Mensuration --- Mathematics --- Technology --- Metrology --- Physical measurements --- Measurements, Physical --- Mathematical physics --- Measurement --- Physical mathematics --- Relativistic quantum field theory --- Field theory (Physics) --- Quantum theory --- Relativity (Physics)
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The second edition of this monograph discusses the usefulness of heavy flavor as a probe of TeV-scale physics, exploring a number of recently-uncovered “flavor anomalies” that are suggestive of possible TeV-scale phenomena. The large human endeavor at the Large Hadron Collider has not turned up any New Physics, except the last particle of the Standard Model, the Higgs boson. Revised and updated throughout, this book puts the first results from the LHC into perspective and provides an outlook for a new era of flavor physics. The author readdresses many questions raised in the first edition and poses new ones. As before, the experimental perspective is taken, with a focus on processes, rather than theories or models, as a basis for exploration, and two-thirds of the book is concerned with b -^ s or bs sb transitions. In the face of the advent of Belle II and other flavor experiments, this book becomes a part of a dialogue between the energy/collider and intensity/flavor frontiers that will continue over the coming decade. Researchers with an interest in modern particle physics will find this book particularly valuable.
Quantum theory. --- Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory. --- Quantum dynamics --- Quantum mechanics --- Quantum physics --- Physics --- Mechanics --- Thermodynamics --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Quantum flavor dynamics. --- B mesons. --- CP violation (Nuclear physics) --- Flavor. --- Charge conjugation parity violation --- Violation, Charge conjugation parity --- Symmetry (Physics) --- Beauty mesons --- Bottom mesons --- Mesons --- Dynamics, Quantum flavor --- Flavor dynamics, Quantum --- Quantum theory --- Quarks --- Flavor (Nuclear physics) --- Flavor models (Nuclear physics) --- Top quark models --- Truth models (Nuclear physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics). --- Quantum field theory. --- Relativistic quantum field theory --- Field theory (Physics) --- Relativity (Physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Nuclear physics
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This monograph treats the effectiveness of using flavor physics in offering probes of the TeV scale, while providing a timely interface during the emerging LHC era. By concentrating only with the TeV-scale connection, a large part of the B factory output can be bypassed, and emphasis is placed on loop-induced processes, i.e. virtual, quantum processes that probe TeV-scale physics. The experimental perspective is taken, resulting in selecting processes, rather than the theories or models, as the basis to exploration. Two-thirds of the book is therefore concerned with b -> s or bs <-> sb transitions. The guiding principle is: unless it can be identified as the smoking gun, it is better to stick to the simplest, rather than elaborate, explanation of an effect that may call for New Physics. By focusing on heavy flavor as a probe of TeV-scale physics, technicalities can be employed to unveil their beauty, without getting ensnared in them, while aiming for the deeper, higher-scale physics that such probes provide. This tract originated from a plenary talk at the SUSY 2007 conference in Karlsruhe, Germany.
B mesons. --- CP violation (Nuclear physics). --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --Flavor. --- Quantum flavor dynamics. --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Quantum flavor dynamics --- B mesons --- CP violation (Nuclear physics) --- Nuclear Physics --- Physics --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Flavor --- Quarks. --- Flavor. --- Flavor (Nuclear physics) --- Flavor models (Nuclear physics) --- Top quark models --- Truth models (Nuclear physics) --- Physics. --- Nuclear physics. --- Elementary particles (Physics). --- Quantum field theory. --- Particle and Nuclear Physics. --- Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory. --- Relativistic quantum field theory --- Field theory (Physics) --- Quantum theory --- Relativity (Physics) --- Elementary particles (Physics) --- High energy physics --- Nuclear particles --- Nucleons --- Nuclear physics --- Atomic nuclei --- Atoms, Nuclei of --- Nucleus of the atom --- Natural philosophy --- Philosophy, Natural --- Physical sciences --- Dynamics --- Partons --- Quark-gluon interactions --- Quarks --- Quantum theory. --- Quantum dynamics --- Quantum mechanics --- Quantum physics --- Mechanics --- Thermodynamics --- Charge conjugation parity violation --- Violation, Charge conjugation parity --- Symmetry (Physics) --- Beauty mesons --- Bottom mesons --- Mesons --- Dynamics, Quantum flavor --- Flavor dynamics, Quantum
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