Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Chelys, minuritionum artificio exornata: sive, Minuritiones ad basin, etiam ex tempore modulandi ratio. In tres partes distributa : The division-viol, or, the art of playing ex tempore upon a ground. Divided into three parts ...
Simpson, Christopher
Year: 1667
Publisher: London : Printed by W. Godbid for Henry Brome ...,

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A Musicall banquet set forth in three choice varieties of musick : the first part presents you with excellent new lessons for the lira viol, set to severall new tunings : the second, a collection of new and choyce allmans, corants, and sarabands for one treble and basse viol, composed by Mr. William Lawes, and other excellent authours : the third part containes new and choyce catches or rounds for three or foure voyces : to which is added some few rules and directions for such as learne to sing, or to play on the viol.
Playford, John
Lawes, William
Year: 1651
Publisher: London : Printed by T.H. for John Benson and John Playford, and are to be sold at their shops ...,

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Musicks recreation on the viol, lyra-way : being a new collection of lessons lyra-way : to which is added a preface, containing some brief rules and instructions for young practitioners.
Playford, John
Year: 1669
Publisher: London : Printed by W. Godbid for John Playford and are to be sold at his shop ...,

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The principles of practical musick : delivered in a compendious, easie, and new method, for the instruction of beginners, either in singing or playing upon instruments : to which are added, some short and easie ayres designed for learners
Simpson, Christopher
Year: 1665
Publisher: London : Printed by Will. Godbid for Henry Brome ...,

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The second booke of ayres : some, to sing and play to the base-violl alone: others, to be sung to the lute and base violl. VVith new corantoes, pauins, almaines; as also diuers new descants vpon old grounds, set to the lyra-violl.
Corkine, William
Year: 1612
Publisher: London : Printed [by Thomas Snodham] for M[atthew] L[ownes] I. B[rowne] and T[homas] S[nodham] Assigned by W. Barley,

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Ayres : to sing and play to the lute and basse-violl. VVith pauins, galliards, almaines, and corantos for the lyra violl. By William Corkine.
Corkine, William
Year: 1610
Publisher: London : Printed by W. Stansby for Iohn Browne, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church-yard in Fleete-streete,

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Court-ayres, or, Pavins, almains, corant's and sarabands : of two parts, treble & basse, for viols or violins : which may be performed in consort to the theorbo lute or virginalls : basse.
Playford, John
Year: 1655
Publisher: London : Printed for John Playford at his shop ...,

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Musicks recreation on the viol, lyra-way : being a collection of new lessons lyra-way : to which is added, a preface containing some brief rules and instructions for young practitioners.
Playford, John
Year: 1661
Publisher: Lond[on] : Printed by W.G. for J. Playford, and are to be sold at his shop ...,

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Fantaisies pour les violes : 1612, 1639

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Musicks recreation on the lyra viol : being a choice collection of new and excellent lessons for the lyra viol, both easie and delightfull for all yong [sic] practitioners : to which is added some few plain directions as a guide for beginners.
Playford, John
Year: 1652
Publisher: London : Printed for John Playford, and are to be sold at his shop ...,

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