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AMS South America --- Araliaceae --- Aristolochiaceae --- Asclepiadaceae --- Balanophoraceae --- Basellaceae --- Begoniaceae --- Bignoniaceae --- Bixaceae --- Bombacaceae --- Boraginaceae --- Bromeliaceae --- Brunelliaceae --- Burmanniaceae --- Burseraceae --- Buxaceae --- Cabombaceae --- Cactaceae --- Compositae --- Cruciferae --- Palmae --- South America --- Venezuelan Guayana --- flora
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AMS South America --- Poaceae --- Podocarpaceae --- Podostemaceae --- Polygalaceae --- Polygonaceae --- Pontederiaceae --- Portulacaceae --- Primulaceae --- Proteaceae --- Quiinaceae --- Rafflesiaceae --- Ranunculaceae --- Rapateaceae --- Rhamnaceae --- Rhizophoraceae --- Rosaceae --- Rubiaceae --- Venezuelan Guayana --- flora
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AMS South America --- Myrtaceae --- Najadaceae --- Nyctaginaceae --- Nymphaeaceae --- Ochnaceae --- Olacaceae --- Oleaceae --- Onagraceae --- Opiliaceae --- Orchidaceae --- Oxalidaceae --- Passifloraceae --- Pedaliaceae --- Peridiscaceae --- Phytolaccaceae --- Piperaceae --- Plantaginaceae --- Plumbaginaceae --- Venezuelan Guayana --- flora
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AMS South America --- Eriocaulaceae --- Erythroxylaceae --- Euphorbiaceae --- Euphroniaceae --- Fabaceae --- Flacourtiaceae --- Gentianaceae --- Gesneriaceae --- Gnetaceae --- Haemodoraceae --- Halorrhagidaceae = Haloragaceae = Haloragidaceae --- Heliconiaceae --- Hernandiaceae = Gyrocarpaceae = Illigeraceae --- Hippocrateaceae --- Hugoniaceae --- Humiriaceae --- Hydrocharitaceae --- Hydrophyllaceae --- Icacinaceae --- Iridaceae --- Ixonanthaceae --- Juncaceae --- Krameriaceae --- Lacistemataceae --- Lamiaceae --- Lauraceae --- Lecythidaceae --- Lemnaceae --- Lentibulariaceae --- Venezuelan Guayana --- flora
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AMS South America --- Liliaceae --- Limnocharitaceae --- Lissocarpaceae --- Loasaceae --- Loganiaceae --- Loranthaceae --- Lythraceae --- Magnoliaceae --- Malpighiaceae --- Malvaceae --- Marantaceae --- Marcgraviaceae --- Mayacaceae --- Melastomataceae --- Meliaceae --- Mendonciaceae --- Menispermaceae --- Menyanthaceae --- Mimosaceae --- Molluginaceae --- Monimiaceae --- Monotaceae --- Moraceae --- Moringaceae --- Musaceae --- Myricaceae --- Myristicaceae --- Myrsinaceae --- Venezuelan Guayana --- flora
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AMS South America --- Acanthaceae --- Agavaceae --- Aizoaceae --- Alismataceae --- Amaranthaceae --- Anacardiaceae --- Annonaceae --- Apocynaceae --- Aquifoliaceae --- Araceae --- Aspleniaceae --- Azollaceae --- Blechnaceae --- Cyatheaceae --- Davalliaceae --- Dennstaedtiaceae --- Dicksoniaceae --- Dryopteridaceae --- Gleicheniaceae --- Grammitidaceae --- Hymenophyllaceae --- Hymenophyllopsidaceae --- Isoetaceae --- Lycopodiaceae --- Marattiaceae --- Marsileaceae --- Metaxyaceae --- Ophioglossaceae --- Osmundaceae --- Parkeriaceae --- Plagiogyriaceae --- Polypodiaceae --- Psilotaceae --- Pteridaceae --- Pteridophyta --- Salviniaceae --- Schizaeaceae --- Selaginellaceae --- South America --- Spermatophyta --- Thelypteridaceae --- Umbelliferae --- Venezuelan Guayana --- Vittariaceae --- drawings --- family keys --- flora
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AMS South America --- Caesalpiniaceae --- Campanulaceae --- Cannaceae --- Capparaceae --- Caprifoliaceae --- Caricaceae --- Caryocaraceae --- Caryophyllaceae --- Cecropiaceae --- Celastraceae --- Chenopodiaceae --- Chloranthaceae --- Chrysobalanaceae --- Clethraceae --- Clusiaceae --- Combretaceae --- Commelinaceae --- Connaraceae --- Convolvulaceae --- Costaceae --- Crassulaceae --- Cucurbitaceae --- Cunoniaceae --- Cuscutaceae --- Cyclanthaceae --- Cyperaceae --- Cyrillaceae --- Dichapetalaceae --- Dilleniaceae --- Dioscoreaceae --- Droseraceae --- Ebenaceae --- Elaeocarpaceae --- Eremolepidaceae --- Ericaceae --- Venezuelan Guayana --- flora
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AMS South America --- Bonnetiaceae --- Ceratophyllaceae --- Muntingiaceae --- Picramniaceae --- Rutaceae --- Sabiaceae --- Santalaceae --- Sapindaceae --- Sapotaceae --- Sarraceniaceae --- Scrophulariaceae --- Simaroubaceae --- Siparunaceae --- Smilacaceae --- Solanaceae --- Sphenocleaceae --- Sterculiaceae --- Strelitziaceae --- Styracaceae --- Symplocaceae --- Taccaceae --- Tepuianthaceae --- Ternstroemiaceae = Theaceae --- Tetrameristaceae --- Theophrastaceae --- Thurniaceae --- Thymelaeaceae --- Tiliaceae --- Trigoniaceae --- Triuridaceae --- Tropaeolaceae --- Turneraceae --- Typhaceae --- Ulmaceae --- Urticaceae --- Valerianaceae --- Velloziaceae --- Venezuelan Guayana --- Verbenaceae --- Violaceae --- Viscaceae --- Vitaceae --- Vochysiaceae --- Winteraceae --- Xyridaceae --- Zamiaceae --- Zingiberaceae --- Zygophyllaceae --- flora
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"Much broader than title suggests, volume is comprised of authoritative and superbly illustrated chapters on geographical and physical features, history of botanical exploration, vegetation, phytogeography, and conservation. Otto Huber is the author of 90 percent of this volume which covers this region covering three states: Amazonas, Bolívar, and Delta Amacuro" -- Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57.
Botany --- -Botany --- -581.9 <87> --- Botanical science --- Phytobiology --- Phytography --- Phytology --- Plant biology --- Plant science --- Biology --- Natural history --- Plants --- Pictorial works --- Geographic botany. Plant geography (phytogeography). Floras. Geographic distribution of plants--Venezuela --- AMS South America --- South America --- Venezuelan Guayana --- botanical exploration --- coloured photographs --- conservation --- family keys --- floristics --- phytogeography --- vegetation --- 581.9 <87> Geographic botany. Plant geography (phytogeography). Floras. Geographic distribution of plants--Venezuela --- Floristic botany --- -Pictorial works
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