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Role of placental growth factor (PLGF) in the inflammatory context resulting from nerve injury, the wallerian degeneration
Year: 2006 Publisher: [S.l.]: [chez l'auteur],

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Résumés en français (p. 1) et en anglais (p. 2)

Cooperation between carboxy-terminal domains of VEGF-A dictates its biological properties in vitro and in vivo
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: [S.l.] : [chez l'auteur],

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Effet de la carence en iode et des radiations sur la vascularisation des glandes mammaires : modulation de la voie VEGF-A
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de pharmacie et des sciences biomédicales,

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Mammary glands are exocrine glands able to secrete milk during lactations. The expression of the sodium iodine supporter (NIS) ensures the necessary iodine supply to the infant. Like the thyroid, mammary glands are sensitive to iodine deficiency (ID). Indeed, structural and function alterations were observed in mammary glands following ID. Similarly, epidemiological studies suggest a protective role for iodine against pathologies such as mammary fibrosis or breast cancer because the prevalence of these pathologies is low in various areas with high iodine intake. From a molecular point of view, ID induces the overexpression of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (CEGF), which is responsible of vascular activation in NIS-expressing organs such as the thyroid, salivary glands and stomach. Furthermore, radiation increases VEGF level expression in mammary glands and exposure to ionizing radiation (RA) can also increase the risk of breast cancer. The purpose of this work, is, on the one hand, to determine whether in vitro ID and RA have an additive or synergistic effect on the expression of VEGF in MCF7 (cancerous) and MCF12A (non-cancerous) breast cells, and, on the other hand, to investigate the molecular pathway activated by these factors. IN MCF12A, the combination of ID-RA increases VEGF mRNA expression more than what is observed in separate treatments. Regarding the MCF7 cells, it was observed that ID tends to increase the VEGF mRNA whereas the RA tends to decrease it. However, the CI-RA combination induces an increase in VEGF. The study of ROS production under different treatments led to similar observations in MCF12A, with higher ROS production in cells exposed to ID combined with radiation. However, the 3 treatments induce a similar increase in ROS in MCF7 cells. In addition, by using 2 ROS inhibitors, Mitotempo and DPI, the involvement of flavoenzymes in the overexpression of VEGF mRNA was demonstrated in both cell lines; however, mitochondrial ROS are only involved in the effects of RA combined of not with ID in MCF12A cells. A non-significant increase in mTOR activity was involved in the effects of RA combined or not with ID in MCF12A cells. A non-significant increase in mTOR activity was induced by all 3 treatments in both cell lines, and mTOR inhibition prevented the overexpression if VEGF mRNA in MCF12A cells, suggesting a role of mTOR in the activated pathway, at least in MCF12A cells. Thus, the radiation-induced response is different in the two cell lines, but this response is modulated by ID. An additive effect of ID and radiation is observed on the regulation of the expression of VEGF mRNA only in non-cancerous cells. However, because VEGF overexpression is liked to poor prognosis in breast cancer, the iodized status of persons exposed to radiation for medical or other reasons should not be ignored Les glandes mammaires sont responsables de la sécrétion du lait Durant la lactation et le symporteur sodium/iode (NIS) assure l’apport en iode nécessaire au nourrisson. Ces glandes sont sensibles à la carence en iode (CI). En effet, il a été montré que les glandes mammaires présentaient des altérations structurelles et fonctionnelles suit à la CI. De même, les études épidémiologiques suggèrent un rôle protecteur de l’iode contre des pathologies telles que la fibrose mammaire ou le cancer du sein car la prévalence de ces pathologies est faible dans diverses zones à fort apport alimentaire en iode. D’un point de vue moléculaire, la CI dans les organes exprimant NIS tels que la thyroïde, les glandes salivaires et l’estomac, surexpriment le facteur angiogénique Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). Par ailleurs, les radiations ionisantes augmentent également l’expression du VEGF dans les glandes mammaires et augmenterait aussi le risque de cancer du sein. Le but de ce travail est d’une part de déterminer si, in vitro, la CI et les RA ont un effet additif voir synergique sur l’expression du VEGF dans des cellules de sein MCF7 (cancéreuses) et MCF12A (non cancéreuses) et d’autres part, d’étudier la voie moléculaire activée par ces deux facteurs. Dans les MCF12A, la combinaison CI-RA induit une augmentation de l’ARNm du VEGF plus importante que celle observée lors des traitements séparés. Concernant les MCF7, la CI tend à augmenter l’ARNm du VEGF alors que les RA tendent à la diminuer. Cependant, la combinaison CI-RA induit une augmentation du VEGF. L’étude des ROS lors des différents traitements a mené à des observations similaires dans les MCF12A, avec une production de ROS plus importante dans les cellules exposées à la CI combinée aux radiations. Par contre, les 3 traitements induisent une augmentation des ROS similaires dans les MCF7. De plus, l’utilisation de deux inhibiteurs de ROS, le Mitotempo et le DPI, a permis de montrer l’implication des flavoenzymes dans l’augmentation du VEGF induite par tous les traitements dans les deux lignées ; les ROS mitochondriales par contre ne semblent avoir un rôle que dans l’augmentation du VEGF induite par les radiations combinées ou non à la CI, et ce dans les MCF12A. Une augmentation non significative de l’activité de mTOR a été observée lors des 3 traitements dans les deux lignées, et l’inhibition de ce dernier empêche l’augmentation de l’ARNm du VEGF induite par la CI combinée aux radiations dans les MCF12A, suggérant un rôle de mTOR dans la voie activée, du mois pour les MCF12A. Ainsi, la réponse induite par les radiations est différente dans les deux lignées cellulaires, mais cette réponse est modulée par la CI. Un effet additif de la CI et des radiations est observée sur la régulation de l’expression de l’ARNm du VEGH uniquement dans les cellules non cancéreuse. Toutefois, la surexpression du VEGF étant liée à un mauvais pronostic dans le cancer du sein, le statut iodé des personnes exposées à des radiations pour des raisons médicales ou autres ne devrait pas être ignoré

L'impact de l'oxygénation et de la perfusion tumorales sur le succès de la chimiothérapie

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Cancer is a pathological process caused by the appearance of an abnormal cell which increases in an uncontrolled way. To be able to multiply, the tumoral cells need much oxygen and energy. The more the cell divides, the more it moves away from the vessel which irrigated it. Consequently, the hypoxic areas will be born. To be able to continue to multiply, the cancer cell will have to create new blood-vessels. This phenomenon is called the angiogenesis and started by a growth factor: the VEGF. But these new vessels are dilated, very permeable and will cause plasmatic protein escapes which will increase the pore water pressure. This rise of pressure of tissues towards blood will constitute one of the main barriers of the access of the drugs to the tumor. This is why, improving oxygenation and the tumoral perfusion, via amongst other things the modulation of tonicity and the vascular endothelia, the interstitial pressure decrease or hyperthermia, seems to be a promising track to improve the access of the drug to the tumor.
Some techniques already used in private clinic like the functional imagery or the angiography via CT-scan with iodine already make it possible to characterize these hemodynamics factors. But within sight of the positive results of the various non-invasive tools developed in this memory, a future application in private clinic seems to be possible Le cancer est un processus pathologique provoqué par l’apparition d’une cellule anormale qui se multiplie de façon incontrôlée. Pour pouvoir se multiplier, les cellules tumorales ont besoin de beaucoup d’oxygène et d’énergie. Au plus la cellule se divise, au plus elle s’éloigne du vaisseau qui l’irriguait. Dès lors, naîtront des régions hypoxiques. Pour pouvoir continuer à se multiplier, la cellule cancéreuse va devoir créer de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins. Ce phénomène est appelé l’angiogenèse et est déclenché par un facteur de croissance : le VEGF. Mais ces nouveaux vaisseaux sont dilatés, très perméables et vont provoquer des fuites de protéines plasmatiques qui augmenteront la pression interstitielle. Cette hausse de pression des tissus vers le sang constituera l’une des barrières principales de l’accès du médicament à la tumeur. C’est pourquoi, vouloir améliorer l’oxygénation et la perfusion tumorale, via entre autre la modulation du tonus et de l’endothélium vasculaires, la diminution de la pression interstitielle ou encore via l’hyperthermie, semble être une piste prometteuse pour améliorer l’accès du médicament à la tumeur.
quelques techniques déjà utilisées en clinique comme l’imagerie fonctionnelle ou encore l’angiographie via le CT-scan à l’iode permettent déjà de caractériser ces facteurs hémodynamiques/ mais au vu des résultats positifs des différents outils non invasifs développés dans ce mémoire, une application future en clinique semble être envisageable

Mechanistic and functional interrelationships between vegf-induced angiogenesis, cell mediated immunity and allograft erejection
Authors: ---
ISBN: 909018466X Year: 2004

Authors: ---
ISBN: 1615043306 1615043314 Year: 2011 Publisher: [San Rafael, Calif.?] : Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences,

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Angiogenesis is the growth of blood vessels from the existing vasculature. The field of angiogenesis has grown enormously in the past 30 years, with only 40 papers published in 1980 and nearly 6000 in 2010. Why has there been this explosive growth in angiogenesis research? Angiogenic therapies provide a potential to conquer cancer, heart diseases, and more than 70 of life's most threatening medical conditions. The lives of at least 1 billion people worldwide could be improved with angiogenic therapy, according to the Angiogenesis Foundation. In this little book, we provide a simple approach to understand the essential elements of the angiogenic process, we critique the most powerful angiogenesis assays that are used to discover proangiogenic and antiangiogenic substances, and we provide an in-depth physiological perspective on how angiogenesis is regulated in normal, healthy tissues of the human body. All tissues of the body require a continuous supply of oxygen to burn metabolic substrates that are needed for energy. Oxygen is conducted to these tissues by blood capillaries: more capillaries can improve tissue oxygenation and thus enhance energy production; fewer capillaries can lead to hypoxia and even anoxia in the tissues. This means that angiogenic therapies designed to control the growth and regression of blood capillaries can be used to improve the survival of poorly perfused tissues that are essential to the body (heart, brain, skeletal muscle, etc.) and to rid the body of unwanted tissues (tumors).

Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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In this reprint, we hope to review the basics and highlight the latest developments in AMD. This demonstrates the benefits of the international scientific community working on this disease, to limit its negative impacts, the most vital of which is the loss of visual function, leading to a loss of autonomy and a decrease in patients’ quality of life.


Medicine --- aflibercept monotherapy --- polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy --- neovascular age-related macular degeneration --- good baseline visual acuity --- ForeseeHome AMD Monitoring System® --- AREDS2-HOME study --- age-related macular degeneration --- exudation --- optical coherence tomography angiography --- anti-vascular endothelial growth factor --- brolucizumab --- epithelial tear --- optical coherence tomography --- Sorsby's fundus dystrophy --- Sorsby --- hereditary retinal dystrophy --- choroidal neovascularisation --- macular neovascularization --- anti-VEGF treatment --- long-term FU --- treatment outcome --- emerging treatment --- neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) --- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) --- cataract surgery --- clinical trials --- real-world evidence --- AMD --- oct-angiography --- fellow eye --- choriocapillaris --- quiescent macular neovascularization --- ranibizumab --- aflibercept --- anti-VEGF --- visual acuity --- reading acuity --- disease activity --- treatment change --- treat and extend --- switch therapy --- retina --- choroidal neovascularization --- angiogenesis --- meteorin --- therapeutic innovation --- prevention --- nutrients --- lifestyle --- treatment-naive --- anti-vascular endothelial growth factor --- cardiovascular risk factors --- arterial hypertension --- macula-off rhegmatogenous detachment --- superficial perifoveal capillary plexus --- retinal deep perifoveal capillary plexus --- identification --- risk --- Delphi --- STARS® --- food supplement --- bevacizumab --- meta-analysis --- meta-regression --- age-related macular degeneration (AMD) --- comparative therapies --- effectiveness --- intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor --- treat-and-extend --- pro re nata regimen --- aflibercept monotherapy --- polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy --- neovascular age-related macular degeneration --- good baseline visual acuity --- ForeseeHome AMD Monitoring System® --- AREDS2-HOME study --- age-related macular degeneration --- exudation --- optical coherence tomography angiography --- anti-vascular endothelial growth factor --- brolucizumab --- epithelial tear --- optical coherence tomography --- Sorsby's fundus dystrophy --- Sorsby --- hereditary retinal dystrophy --- choroidal neovascularisation --- macular neovascularization --- anti-VEGF treatment --- long-term FU --- treatment outcome --- emerging treatment --- neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) --- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) --- cataract surgery --- clinical trials --- real-world evidence --- AMD --- oct-angiography --- fellow eye --- choriocapillaris --- quiescent macular neovascularization --- ranibizumab --- aflibercept --- anti-VEGF --- visual acuity --- reading acuity --- disease activity --- treatment change --- treat and extend --- switch therapy --- retina --- choroidal neovascularization --- angiogenesis --- meteorin --- therapeutic innovation --- prevention --- nutrients --- lifestyle --- treatment-naive --- anti-vascular endothelial growth factor --- cardiovascular risk factors --- arterial hypertension --- macula-off rhegmatogenous detachment --- superficial perifoveal capillary plexus --- retinal deep perifoveal capillary plexus --- identification --- risk --- Delphi --- STARS® --- food supplement --- bevacizumab --- meta-analysis --- meta-regression --- age-related macular degeneration (AMD) --- comparative therapies --- effectiveness --- intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor --- treat-and-extend --- pro re nata regimen

Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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In this reprint, we hope to review the basics and highlight the latest developments in AMD. This demonstrates the benefits of the international scientific community working on this disease, to limit its negative impacts, the most vital of which is the loss of visual function, leading to a loss of autonomy and a decrease in patients’ quality of life.


Medicine --- aflibercept monotherapy --- polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy --- neovascular age-related macular degeneration --- good baseline visual acuity --- ForeseeHome AMD Monitoring System® --- AREDS2-HOME study --- age-related macular degeneration --- exudation --- optical coherence tomography angiography --- anti-vascular endothelial growth factor --- brolucizumab --- epithelial tear --- optical coherence tomography --- Sorsby’s fundus dystrophy --- Sorsby --- hereditary retinal dystrophy --- choroidal neovascularisation --- macular neovascularization --- anti-VEGF treatment --- long-term FU --- treatment outcome --- emerging treatment --- neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) --- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) --- cataract surgery --- clinical trials --- real-world evidence --- AMD --- oct-angiography --- fellow eye --- choriocapillaris --- quiescent macular neovascularization --- ranibizumab --- aflibercept --- anti-VEGF --- visual acuity --- reading acuity --- disease activity --- treatment change --- treat and extend --- switch therapy --- retina --- choroidal neovascularization --- angiogenesis --- meteorin --- therapeutic innovation --- prevention --- nutrients --- lifestyle --- treatment-naive --- anti–vascular endothelial growth factor --- cardiovascular risk factors --- arterial hypertension --- macula-off rhegmatogenous detachment --- superficial perifoveal capillary plexus --- retinal deep perifoveal capillary plexus --- identification --- risk --- Delphi --- STARS® --- food supplement --- bevacizumab --- meta-analysis --- meta-regression --- n/a --- age-related macular degeneration (AMD) --- comparative therapies --- effectiveness --- intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor --- treat-and-extend --- pro re nata regimen --- Sorsby's fundus dystrophy

Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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In this reprint, we hope to review the basics and highlight the latest developments in AMD. This demonstrates the benefits of the international scientific community working on this disease, to limit its negative impacts, the most vital of which is the loss of visual function, leading to a loss of autonomy and a decrease in patients’ quality of life.


aflibercept monotherapy --- polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy --- neovascular age-related macular degeneration --- good baseline visual acuity --- ForeseeHome AMD Monitoring System® --- AREDS2-HOME study --- age-related macular degeneration --- exudation --- optical coherence tomography angiography --- anti-vascular endothelial growth factor --- brolucizumab --- epithelial tear --- optical coherence tomography --- Sorsby’s fundus dystrophy --- Sorsby --- hereditary retinal dystrophy --- choroidal neovascularisation --- macular neovascularization --- anti-VEGF treatment --- long-term FU --- treatment outcome --- emerging treatment --- neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) --- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) --- cataract surgery --- clinical trials --- real-world evidence --- AMD --- oct-angiography --- fellow eye --- choriocapillaris --- quiescent macular neovascularization --- ranibizumab --- aflibercept --- anti-VEGF --- visual acuity --- reading acuity --- disease activity --- treatment change --- treat and extend --- switch therapy --- retina --- choroidal neovascularization --- angiogenesis --- meteorin --- therapeutic innovation --- prevention --- nutrients --- lifestyle --- treatment-naive --- anti–vascular endothelial growth factor --- cardiovascular risk factors --- arterial hypertension --- macula-off rhegmatogenous detachment --- superficial perifoveal capillary plexus --- retinal deep perifoveal capillary plexus --- identification --- risk --- Delphi --- STARS® --- food supplement --- bevacizumab --- meta-analysis --- meta-regression --- n/a --- age-related macular degeneration (AMD) --- comparative therapies --- effectiveness --- intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor --- treat-and-extend --- pro re nata regimen --- Sorsby's fundus dystrophy

Vascular biology of the placenta
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1615040455 1615040463 Year: 2010 Publisher: San Rafael, Calif. (1537 Fourth Street, San Rafael, CA 94901 USA) : Morgan & Claypool,

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The placenta is an organ that connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall, thereby allowing nutrient uptake, waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply. Proper vascular development in the placenta is fundamental to ensuring a healthy fetus and successful pregnancy. This book provides an up-to-date summary and synthesis of knowledge regarding placental vascular biology and discusses the relevance of this vascular bed to the functions of the human placenta.

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