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Van Dyck : The Anatomy of Portraiture (exhibition New York, The Frick Collection, 02.03 - 05.06.2016).
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9780300212051 9780912114644 Year: 2016 Publisher: New York City New Haven-Connecticut : The Frick Collection Yale University Press,

Van Dyck and the making of English portraiture
ISBN: 9781913107345 1913107345 Year: 2022 Publisher: London Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art

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As a courtier, figure of fashion, and object of erotic fascination, Anthony van Dyck (1599-1641) transformed the professional identities available to English artists. By making his portrait sittings into a form of courtly spectacle, Van Dyck inspired poets and playwrights at the same time that he offended guardians of traditional hierarchies. A self-consciously Van Dyckian lineage of artists, many of them women, extends from his lifetime to the end of the eighteenth century and beyond.0 Recovering the often surprising responses of both writers and painters to Van Dyck's portraits, this book provides an alternative perspective on English art's historical self-consciousness. Built around a series of close readings of artworks and texts ranging from poems and plays to early biographies and studio gossip, it traces the reception of Van Dyck's art on the part of artists like Mary Beale, William Hogarth, and Richard and Maria Cosway to bestow a historical specificity on the frequent claim that Van Dyck founded an English school of portraiture

Antoon Van Dyck : catalogue raisonné des tableaux du Musée du Louvre
ISBN: 9782350317625 9782350317632 Year: 2023 Publisher: Paris : Musée du Louvre éditions,

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Le musée du Louvre abrite le plus célèbre portrait d’un roi anglais : le Portrait de Charles Ier d’Angleterre par Antoon Van Dyck (1599-1641). Peintre des élégances féminine et masculine, favori des princes, en particulier de la dynastie des Habsbourg, adroit politique comme l’atteste une carrière internationale au meilleur niveau, Van Dyck fut aussi un grand peintre d’inspiration chrétienne. Cet ouvrage, catalogue raisonné des tableaux de Van Dyck présents au musée du Louvre, donne la mesure d’un génie dont la rigueur, et même l’ascèse artistique, autant que le brio sont perceptibles derrière la moindre de ses toiles. Le lecteur y trouvera une étude détaillée des œuvres du maître visibles au sein de l’établissement parisien. De nombreuses illustrations de comparaison, à même de suggérer l’ampleur de la culture visuelle de Van Dyck, permettent d’approcher l’art d’un peintre actif entre Flandre, Italie et Angleterre. Conservateur en chef au département des Peintures du musée du Louvre et docteur en histoire de l’art, Blaise Ducos est chargé des collections flamandes et hollandaises des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles depuis 2005. Il a été le commissaire de plusieurs expositions internationales portant sur Rembrandt, Rubens ou encore Vermeer. Il s’intéresse particulièrement au portrait d’apparat entre 1500 et 1650, produit sophistiqué des cultures des cours d’Europe.

Portret van Johannes I Gansacker : Adellijke ambities van een Diamantslijper en de jonge Antoon Van Dyck (1599-1641).
ISBN: 9789464666502 Year: 2023 Publisher: Antwerpen Antwerpen : Kanselarij Phoebus Foundation Katharina Van Cauteren,

Anthony van Dyck : Thomas Howard, the Earl of Arundel
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0892363428 9780892363421 0892362278 9780892362271 Year: 1995 Volume: *1

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Anthony van Dyck's portrait of Thomas Howard marked the beginning of the artist's brilliant international career. This study provides a history both of Thomas Howard, one of the most enlightened collectors and patrons England has ever known, and of van Dyck, whose canvases established the grand tradition of portraiture in England and on the Continent.

The young Van Dyck
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780500970508 0500970505 Year: 2013 Publisher: London Thames & Hudson

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"By the age of twenty-two, Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641) had produced more than 160 paintings, many of them ambitious compositions of remarkable quality. This book presents the work created during the eight years between 1613, when he was just fourteen, to his departure for Italy from Antwerp in October 1621. Were the paintings he created during these years his only legacy, he would still be recognized as one of the greatest artists of the seventeenth century. Van Dyck's precocious talents are brilliantly demonstrated in the many important works reproduced here, among them such strikingly original masterpieces as The Taking of Christ and Saint Jerome in the Desert. Others--Christ's Entry into Jerusalem and The Lamentation, for example--reveal Van Dyck at his most experimental, in search of new ways of increasing the visual impact of his compositions. Van Dyck was also one of the first painters to rise to the challenge of Rubens's omnipresent influence, evident in works such as The Crowning with Thorns."--Publisher's website.

Van Dyck tra Genova e Palermo

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Pubblicato in concomitanza con la presentazione presso la Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola di Genova del Ritratto di Desiderio Segno di Anton Van Dyck (Liechtenstein - The Princely Collections, Vaduz-Vienna), il volume presenta alcuni nuovi approfondimenti sui rapporti instaurati dal pittore fiammingo con la nobiltà genovese. Nell'occasione sono state esaminate anche le opere dipinte in occasione del soggiorno siciliano, avvenuto tra il 1623 e il 1624, durante il periodo della sua permanenza a Genova (1621-1627). A Palermo, nella primavera del 1624, l'artista anversano incontrò la famosa pittrice Sofonisba Anguissola, divenuta sposa in seconde nozze del nobile genovese Orazio Lomellino con il quale si stabilì a Genova e poi, dal 1615, a Palermo, divenendo figura di spicco della colonia genovese residente in città. In Sicilia Van Dyck, chiamato per realizzare l'effige del vicerè Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, eseguì anche quella della pittrice, continuando la sua ormai affermata attività di ritrattista avviata a Genova e che riprese al suo ritorno in città nel 1624 lasciandovi preziose testimonianze pittoriche, come attestano i ritratti ora a Palazzo Spinola. Il patrimonio di Palazzo Spinola conserva memoria di opere legate a Van Dyck, dai Quattro Evangelisti, che si devono a un valido seguace del maestro, alla copia di un ignoto pittore locale del suo unico dipinto destinato ad un edificio sacro ligure, la drammatica Crocifissione per la chiesa di San Michele di Pagana (Rapallo).

Van Dyck.
ISBN: 9781783100095 1783100095 9781783101689 1783101687 Year: 2013 Publisher: New York Parkstone International

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À partir de la création de son premier atelier à l'âge de seize ans, sir Anthony van Dyck (1599-1641) devint célèbre dans le monde de l'art. Rubens, son professeur lorsqu'il était enfant, disait de lui qu'il était son élève le plus talentueux. Il confirma cette remarque par une carrière d'artiste de cour en Angleterre et en Espagne. De nos jours, il est reconnu comme peintre de portraits, capturant l'élégance et la beauté opulente de la vie des cours européennes au XVIIe siècle. Dans cette présentation fascinante de la longue carrière de Van Dyck, Natalia Gritsai met en relief le meilleur des

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