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Étude rétrospective consacrée à l'effet de la stimulation du nerf vague chez des patients souffrant d'épilespsie médico-réfractaire
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Year: 2014 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de médecine,

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Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS) has been approved since 1994 in Europe and since 1997 in USA. The first implantation of electrodes for vagal nerve stimulation into humans was performed i n 1988. Despite the availability of multiple antiepileptic medication s and surgical procedures with which to resect seizure foci, there is a subset of epilepsy patients for whom little can be done. VNS is an alternative treatment for drug resistant epilepsy for patients with recurrent seizures after resective surgery or who are not candidates for curative surgery.Purpose : the objective of our study is to identify the main factors influencing the response to vagal nerve stimulation for drug resistant patients implanted between 2001 and 2012 in the Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc.Method : our study is based on a retrospective analysis of the medical files of 132 patients. The collected data were encoded i n a structured database. The levels of response to VNS were determined on the basis of case by base analysis of the follow-up profiles corresponding to a period of 6 months. These levels have been categorized.The influence of the variables on the level of response has been studied using the Chi Square statistical method (X2). This method allowed us to identify the most discriminating variables. The impact (positive or negative) and the magnitude of the influence of these variables have been determined from the detailed analysis of the distribution of the responses of ail patients.Results : We have demonstrated that patients having received surgical treatment for epilepsy are Jess responding to VNS compared to those who have been directly implanted . We have also shown that the delay between the diagnostic and the implantation of the electrode is a important variable. It appears that the level of response to VNS is inversely proportional to this delay. It is then key to consider the placement of vagal nerve stimulator as soon as possible. In our study, the threshold is 15 years. However, this threshold allows comfortable latitude to set a thorough examination ail the more since, according to our results, the use of invasive surgery techniques such as EEG investigation did not influence the response to VNS.It appears that the patients who don’t have tonico-clonic seizures show higher probability to positively respond to VNS. However, we observed mainly slight improvements with seizures frequency reduction level below 50%. Consequently, on a therapeutic point of view this variable could not be considered as significant. We have emphasized that overweight is also a key variable having a negative impact on the VNS efficiency. This result is, according to our knowledge, the first reported impact of overweight and is most probably a consequence of the secondary pathologies caused by overweight.Finally, we have highlighted that genetic epilepsies have a lower probability to positively respond to VNS.Conclusion : knowing the influence of the discriminating variables, the results of our study pave the way to a better understanding of the probability of success of VNS for future patients who will be treated at the Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc. If it is difficult to consider the development of a robust predictive model at this stage, we recommend to put in place, at the patient intake, a description sheet allowing to record the discriminating variables as well as, to a lesser extent, the variable characterized by a probability level of 75%. The objective is to estimate a priori the expected level of response of the patient. La stimulation du nerf vague (VNS) a été validée en Europe dès 1994 et en 1997 aux USA. La première implantation d'électrodes chez l'homme remonte à 1988. Malgré l'avènement de nouveaux antiépileptiques et les progrès concernant la chirurgie curative, il reste un certain nombre de patient pour lesquels le contrôle des crises reste difficile. La VNS est un traitement alternatif pour l'épilepsie médicalement réfractaire non seulement pour des patients présentant des crises récurrentes malgré une intervention mais également chez les patients qui ne sont pas candidats à la chirurgie curative.Objectif : L'objectif de ce mémoire est de mettre en évidence les facteurs qui influencent l’efficacité du traitement par stimulation du nerf vague chez les patients épileptiques pharmaco-résistants implantés aux cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc entre 2001 et fin 2012.Méthode : Notre étude se base sur l’analyse rétrospective des dossiers de 132 patients. Les données collectées ont été reportées dans une base de données structurée. Les niveaux de réponse à la VNS ont été déterminés sur base de l'analyse au cas par cas des profils de suivi des patients sur une période de 6 mois. Ceux ont été répartis en classes de réponse.L'influence des variables sur la réponse a été étudiée en utilisant la méthode du Chi Carré (X2). Cette technique nous a permis d'identifier les variables les plus discriminantes. Le sens et l'ampleur de l’influence de ces variables ont ensuite fait l 'objet d'une analyse approfondie de la répartition des profils de réponse de tous les patients.Résultats : Nous avons démontré que les patients ayant bénéficié d'une chirurgie de l'épilepsie à visée thérapeutique répondaient moins bien à la VNS que ceux qui se dirigent d'emblée vers la stimulation du nerf vague. Nous avons également mis en évidence que le temps écoulé entre le diagnostic et la mise en œuvre du traitement est une variable importante. Il apparaît en effet que le taux de succès de la VNS est inversement proportionnel à la durée de l’épilepsie. Il est donc important de considérer l'implantation du stimulateur du nerf vague rapidement. Dans notre étude, le seuil critique se situe à 15 ans. Ce seuil laisse cependant une latitude confortable pour la mise en œuvre d'une investigation approfondie qui se justifie d'autant plus que, selon nos résultats, l'utilisation de techniques de chirurgie d'investigation comme l'EEG invasif n'influence pas la réponse à la VNS.Il apparaît en outre que les patients ne présentant pas de crises de type Tonico-clonique ont des chances de mieux répondre à la VNS. Cette amélioration est cependant d'ampleur limitée avec un taux de diminution attendue des crises <50%. Par conséquent, nous pouvons considérer que du point de vue thérapeutique, cette variable n 'influence pas la réponse à la VNS.Nous avons observé que la présence de surpoids était également un paramètre ayant un impact négatif sur l'efficacitéde la VNS. Ce résultat, qui n'a à notre connaissance pas encore été décrit dans la littérature, est probablement associé aux pathologies secondaires causée par ce surpoids.Enfin, notre étude démontre que les épilepsies d'origine génétique ont moins de chance de répondre positivement à la VNS que les épilepsies symptomatiques ou probablement symptomatiques.Conclusion : Grâce à la connaissance de l’influence des variables discriminantes, les résultats de notre étude devraient permettre de mieux appréhender la probabilité de succès de la VNS chez les patients se présentant aux cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc. S'il est difficilement envisageable de pouvoir établir un modèle mathématique robuste à ce stade, il est tout à fait possible de mettre en place, au niveau de l'accueil du patient, une fiche signalétique permettant de relever spécifiquement les variables que nous avons identifiées comme discriminantes ainsi que dans une moindre mesure celles présentant un niveau de probabilité supérieur à 75%. L'objectif final est de déterminer a priori les chances de succès de la VNS.

Vagal nerve stimulation : effets sur le sommeil des patients épileptiques (cohorte de St-Luc)
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de médecine et de médecine dentaire,

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Bound by complex interactions, sleep and epilepsy interact for the better and the worse, sometimes rushing into refractory epilepsy. A potential mediator: Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS), an adjuvant treatment for refractory epilepsy with hypnic effects. Objectives: This study aims to better understand and characterize VNS' effects on epileptic patients' sleep. Stimulation parameters could therefore be optimized to reduce its side effects on sleep, or even enhance epilepsy control if VNS influenced arousals. Methods: this retrospective study analyzes the sleeping EEGs prior and subsequent to the VNS implantation of 8 patients who had several nights of continuous EEG recorded at the epilepsy monitoring unit in St-Luc Academic Hospital, Brussels. American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) criteria were used to characterize sleep, according to which NREM/REM sleep proportion and sleep stability were investigated first. Results: Bilateral T-student and bilateral Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed no significant results. Conclusion: the retrospective design of this study, suboptimal sleeps recordings and the heterogeneous patients failed to highlight a particular relation between VNS and sleep. According to current literature, numerous factors might influence VNS' effects on sleep. A larger and more kindred study group may better highlight these interactions. Liés par des interactions complexes et bidirectionnelles, sommeil et épilepsie sont unis pour le meilleur et pour le pire, au point de précipiter quelques fois le stade de l'épilepsie réfractaire. Un possible médiateur : la stimulation du nerf vague (VNS), traitement adjuvant de l'épilepsie réfractaire possédant des effets sur le sommeil. Objectifs : Cette étude a pour but de mieux comprendre et caractériser les effets de la VNS sur le sommeil des patients épileptiques. En conséquence, les paramètres de stimulation seraient ensuite optimisés dans le but premier de minimiser les effets secondaires hypniques de la VNS, voire d'assurer un meilleur contrôle de l'épilepsie si la VNS possédait un effet sur les micros éveils. Méthodes : Cette étude rétrospective analyse les tracés EEGs hypniques en pré­ et post- implantation VNS de 8 patients épileptiques ayant eu un monitoring continu de plusieurs nuits intra hospitalières à l'unité de surveillance d'épilepsie des CUSL, Bruxelles. Le sommeil fut caractérisé selon les critères de 1'American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), après quoi la proportion de sommeil NREM/REM ainsi que la stabilité du sommeil furent investiguées en priorité. Résultats : Après analyses statistiques par T-Student et Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test bilatéraux, aucun résultat significatif n'aura pu être retenu. Conclusion : le design rétrospectif de l'étude, les enregistrements sub-optimaux du sommeil et l’hétérogénéité des patients n'auront pas permis de mettre en évidence une relation particulière entre VNS et sommeil. Selon la littérature, de nombreux facteurs influencent les effets de la VNS sur le sommeil. Une population plus large et plus uniforme permettrait de mieux démontrer ces interactions.

Master thesis : Mechanical modeling and testing of the IPG encapsulation of an optoelectronic implantable neurostimulator
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The stimulation of the vagus nerve allows a decrease in the frequency of seizures in epileptic people. The neurostimulators currently on the market are not compatible with MRIs, yet monitoring these patients by medical imaging would be very interesting. Therefore, Synergia decided to create a glass implant and reinforce it with resin. This combination causes many breakage problems, which is what my work will focus on. A first goal is to understand why some resins cause the glass encapsulation to break and others do not. A second goal is to be able to propose more advantageous resins than those currently used.

Protective effect of vagus nerve stimulation on forebrain ischaemia in gerbil hippocampus.

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THE left vagus nerve was stimulated during transient forebrain ischaemia in gerbils. The animals were exposed to 3 min of forebrain ischaemic insult at 37.5 degrees C. On day 5 post-ischaemia, the animals were perfusion-fixed for qualitative and quantitative histopathological analyses. High current stimulation of the vagus nerve inhibited ischaemic neuronal damage in the hippocampal CA1 sector (p<0.01), but low current stimulation did not (p<0.01). These effects might have been due to inhibition the effects of excitatory amino acids during ischaemia. These results indicate that vagus nerve stimulation might be protective to neurones subjected to ischaemic insult

Rheumatic Diseases: Pathophysiology, Targeted Therapy, Focus on Vascular and Pulmonary Manifestations
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This e-book summarises the latest advances in the rheumatic diseases with a focus on the recent efforts of vascular and pulmonary manifestations and anticipate the new and future directions of these research topic. Rheumatic diseases represent a heterogeneous group of severe autoimmune disorders. The present Special Issue aims to provide an overview of the complexity of vascular and pulmonary manifestations of rheumatologic diseases and helps in knowledge to manage them. The eleven published articles here collected underline the complexity of rheumatic diseases and the difficult to treated them. The manuscripts provide an overview of the pathophysiology and current treatment regimes of these disorders, highlighting tools which assist with diagnosis, risk stratification and therapy. Finally, we underline the importance of a multidisciplinary team working using the skills of clinicians, radiologists, and pathologists.

Rheumatic Diseases: Pathophysiology, Targeted Therapy, Focus on Vascular and Pulmonary Manifestations
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This e-book summarises the latest advances in the rheumatic diseases with a focus on the recent efforts of vascular and pulmonary manifestations and anticipate the new and future directions of these research topic. Rheumatic diseases represent a heterogeneous group of severe autoimmune disorders. The present Special Issue aims to provide an overview of the complexity of vascular and pulmonary manifestations of rheumatologic diseases and helps in knowledge to manage them. The eleven published articles here collected underline the complexity of rheumatic diseases and the difficult to treated them. The manuscripts provide an overview of the pathophysiology and current treatment regimes of these disorders, highlighting tools which assist with diagnosis, risk stratification and therapy. Finally, we underline the importance of a multidisciplinary team working using the skills of clinicians, radiologists, and pathologists.

Rheumatic Diseases: Pathophysiology, Targeted Therapy, Focus on Vascular and Pulmonary Manifestations
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This e-book summarises the latest advances in the rheumatic diseases with a focus on the recent efforts of vascular and pulmonary manifestations and anticipate the new and future directions of these research topic. Rheumatic diseases represent a heterogeneous group of severe autoimmune disorders. The present Special Issue aims to provide an overview of the complexity of vascular and pulmonary manifestations of rheumatologic diseases and helps in knowledge to manage them. The eleven published articles here collected underline the complexity of rheumatic diseases and the difficult to treated them. The manuscripts provide an overview of the pathophysiology and current treatment regimes of these disorders, highlighting tools which assist with diagnosis, risk stratification and therapy. Finally, we underline the importance of a multidisciplinary team working using the skills of clinicians, radiologists, and pathologists.


Medicine --- Pharmacology --- systemic sclerosis --- scleroderma --- interstitial lung disease --- pulmonary function tests --- high-resolution computed tomography --- rheumatic --- pulmonary arterial hypertension --- targeted therapy --- systemic lupus erythematosus --- airway disease --- shrinking lung syndrome --- diffuse alveolar hemorrhage --- pleurisy --- infection --- cardiopulmonary exercise testing --- osteopontin --- connective tissue diseases --- pulmonary involvement --- microvascular involvement --- nailfold capillaroscopy --- rheumatoid arthritis --- interstitial lung diseases --- CX3CL1/fractalkine --- CX3CR1 --- M1 macrophage --- M2 macrophage --- SKG mice --- heart failure --- 3D-echocardiography --- ventricular function --- outcome --- ventricular-arterial coupling --- antifibrotic agents --- COVID-19 --- IPF --- progressive fibrosing ILD --- UIP --- pharmacological interactions --- fibromyalgia --- gastrointestinal symptoms --- probiotic --- VSL#3® --- efficacy --- tolerability --- polymyalgia rheumatica --- vagus nerve stimulation --- inflammatory response --- PMR --- t-vns --- systemic sclerosis --- scleroderma --- interstitial lung disease --- pulmonary function tests --- high-resolution computed tomography --- rheumatic --- pulmonary arterial hypertension --- targeted therapy --- systemic lupus erythematosus --- airway disease --- shrinking lung syndrome --- diffuse alveolar hemorrhage --- pleurisy --- infection --- cardiopulmonary exercise testing --- osteopontin --- connective tissue diseases --- pulmonary involvement --- microvascular involvement --- nailfold capillaroscopy --- rheumatoid arthritis --- interstitial lung diseases --- CX3CL1/fractalkine --- CX3CR1 --- M1 macrophage --- M2 macrophage --- SKG mice --- heart failure --- 3D-echocardiography --- ventricular function --- outcome --- ventricular-arterial coupling --- antifibrotic agents --- COVID-19 --- IPF --- progressive fibrosing ILD --- UIP --- pharmacological interactions --- fibromyalgia --- gastrointestinal symptoms --- probiotic --- VSL#3® --- efficacy --- tolerability --- polymyalgia rheumatica --- vagus nerve stimulation --- inflammatory response --- PMR --- t-vns

ISBN: 0691232652 9780691232652 Year: 2021 Publisher: Princeton, NJ

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"A fresh look at electricity and its powerful role in life on EarthWhen we think of electricity, we likely imagine the energy humming inside our home appliances or lighting up our electronic devices-or perhaps we envision the lightning-streaked clouds of a stormy sky. But electricity is more than an external source of power, heat, or illumination. Life at its essence is nothing if not electrical.The story of how we came to understand electricity's essential role in all life is rooted in our observations of its influences on the body-influences governed by the body's central nervous system. Spark explains the science of electricity from this fresh, biological perspective. Through vivid tales of scientists and individuals-from Benjamin Franklin to Elon Musk-Timothy Jorgensen shows how our views of electricity and the nervous system evolved in tandem, and how progress in one area enabled advancements in the other. He explains how these developments have allowed us to understand-and replicate-the ways electricity enables the body's essential functions of sight, hearing, touch, and movement itself.Throughout, Jorgensen examines our fascination with electricity and how it can help or harm us. He explores a broad range of topics and events, including the Nobel Prize-winning discoveries of the electron and neuron, the history of experimentation involving electricity's effects on the body, and recent breakthroughs in the use of electricity to treat disease.Filled with gripping adventures in scientific exploration, Spark offers an indispensable look at electricity, how it works, and how it animates our lives from within and without"--


Electricity. --- Galvanism --- Mathematical physics --- Physics --- Magnetism --- Action potential. --- Amputation. --- Anesthetic. --- Battery charger. --- Battery terminal. --- Biology. --- Bladder stone. --- Brain Wave. --- Charles Wheatstone. --- Chemistry. --- Complication (medicine). --- Computer vision. --- Concoction. --- Conductivity (electrolytic). --- Corporal. --- Cranial nerves. --- Deaf-mute. --- Death by burning. --- Detection. --- Disease. --- Drawing. --- Duchenne muscular dystrophy. --- Eardrum. --- Earthenware. --- Effectiveness. --- Electric charge. --- Electric current. --- Electric fence. --- Electrical wiring. --- Electrocution. --- Electrode. --- Electrolysis. --- Electrostatic generator. --- Electrotherapy. --- Ethnology. --- Experimental philosophy. --- First principle. --- Fundamental unit (number theory). --- Garden hose. --- Heat. --- Human body temperature. --- Implementation. --- Insulator (electricity). --- Internal resistance. --- Ketamine. --- Kite experiment. --- Lens (anatomy). --- Leyden jar. --- Mains electricity. --- Malnutrition. --- Melanin. --- Michael Faraday. --- Military personnel. --- Mr. --- Muscle relaxant. --- Muscular dystrophy. --- Neuralink. --- Neurosurgery. --- Neurotoxin. --- Neutron. --- Nitrogen. --- Nutrition. --- O-ring. --- Pancreas. --- Parkinson's disease. --- Phenomenon. --- Physician. --- Positive feedback. --- Potassium. --- Power transmission. --- Pressure gradient. --- Protein. --- Receptor (biochemistry). --- Reductionism. --- Residual-current device. --- Root cause. --- Saddam Hussein. --- Sciatic nerve. --- Sensory loss. --- Smoke detector. --- Social stigma. --- Speed bump. --- Spermatorrhea. --- Static electricity. --- Stephen Gray (scientist). --- Stick figure. --- Subatomic particle. --- Testimonial. --- Toxicity. --- Transmission (medicine). --- Trauma center. --- Ultraviolet. --- Universal rule. --- Unpaired electron. --- Vagus nerve stimulation. --- Vagus nerve. --- Water supply. --- William Kemmler. --- Yellow perch.

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