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Sonnenfinsternis. --- Untergang. --- Ras Shamra. --- Syria --- Ugarit (Extinct city). --- Ugarit. --- Antiquities.
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This is a fascinating exploration of how the history of Europe, and indeed the world, might have been different if the Western Roman Empire had survived the crisis that pulled it apart in the 4th and 5th centuries. Dr. Timothy Venning starts by showing how that survival and recovery might plausibly have happened if several relatively minor things had been different. He then moves on to discuss a series of scenarios which might have altered the course of subsequent history dramatically. Would the survival of a strong Western Empire have assisted the Easter (Byzantine) Empire in halting the expansion of Islam in the Middle East and North Africa? How would the Western Roman Empire have handled the Viking threat? Could they even have exploited the Viking discovery of America and established successful colonies there? While necessarily speculative, all the scenarios are discussed within the framework of a deep understanding of the major driving forces, tensions and trends that shaped European history and help to shed light upon them.
Alternativgeschichte. --- Imaginary histories. --- Imaginary histories. --- Untergang. --- World history. --- World history. --- Europe --- Europe. --- Rome (Empire). --- Rome --- Römisches Reich. --- History. --- History.
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Als in der Schlussphase des Zweiten Weltkriegs die Schreckensherrschaft der Nationalsozialisten ihrem Ende zuging, mündete der Wahn der Eliten des Regimes auch in selbstzerstörerischer Gewalt, wie die große Zahl von Suiziden unter den NS-Führern dokumentiert.Überall dort, wo das Elend des Krieges die Bevölkerung erfasste, kam es zu Selbstmorden unter Angehörigen der NS-Führungsschicht - als Ausdruck ihrer eigenen Endzeitstimmung. Nicht nur Hitler und seine Handlanger flüchteten durch Selbstmord vor der Verantwortung für ihre Taten, sondern auch eine ganze Reihe weiterer prominenter NS-Funktionäre, die Europa und die Welt noch kurz zuvor in Angst und Schrecken versetzt hatten. 1945 sollte die Choreographie eines geschichtsträchtigen Kollektivuntergangs den illusionär gewordenen »Endsieg« ersetzen. Der Freitod der Eliten war ein Teil dieser Inszenierung.
Hitler --- Ideologie Nationalsozialismus --- NS-Elite --- NS-Forschung --- Selbstmord --- Selbstzerstörung des Nationalsozialismus --- Suizid --- Untergang Nationalsozialismus --- Täterforschung
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15.34 classical archaeology. --- 15.52 Roman Empire. --- Antiquities. --- Romeinse oudheid. --- Römerzeit. --- Untergang. --- 55 B.C.-1066 A.D. --- Geschichte 400-600. --- Britannien. --- Great Britain --- Great Britain --- Great Britain --- Great Britain. --- Rome (Empire). --- Rome --- Römisches Reich. --- Antiquities. --- History --- History --- History
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That the Roman republic died is a commonplace often repeated. In extant literature, the notion is first given form in the works of the orator Cicero (106-43 BCE) and his contemporaries, though the scattered fragments of orators and historians from the earlier republic suggest that the idea was hardly new. In speeches, letters, philosophical tracts, poems, and histories, Cicero and his peers obsessed over the illnesses, disfigurements, and deaths that were imagined to have beset their body politic, portraying rivals as horrific diseases or accusing opponents of butchering and even murdering the state. Body-political imagery had long enjoyed popularity among Greek authors, but these earlier images appear muted in comparison and it is only in the republic that the body first becomes fully articulated as a means for imagining the political community. In the works of republican authors is found a state endowed with nervi, blood, breath, limbs, and organs; a body beaten, wounded, disfigured, and infected; one with scars, hopes, desires, and fears; that can die, be killed, or kill in turn. Such images have often been discussed in isolation, yet this is the first book to offer a sustained examination of republican imagery of the body politic, with particular emphasis on the use of bodily-political images as tools of persuasion and the impact they exerted on the politics of Rome in the first century BCE
Latin literature --- Human body in literature. --- Politics in literature. --- Death in literature. --- Diseases in literature. --- Latin language --- History and criticism. --- Figures of speech. --- Cicero, Marcus Tullius. --- Rome --- History --- Political science --- Politics and literature --- Politics in literature --- Republik --- Untergang --- Cicero, Marcus Tullius v106-v43 --- Römisches Reich
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Religionsphilosophie --- Creutzer --- Bachofen --- Rhode --- Schuler --- Otfried Eberz --- Geschlechterdialektik --- gnostischen und agnostischen Ichbewußtsein --- gnostisch-gynäkokratischen Frauenbünde --- agnostischen Männerstaaten --- Gnosis --- gnostischen Gynäkokratie --- agnostischen Herrschaft der Männer --- Glück und Heil --- Rolle der Frau --- Zeitalter der Gynäkokratie --- Nieder- und Untergang der Menschheit --- geschichtstheologischen Bewußtsein --- Josef Eberz --- Hermann Mühlens
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Architecture dans la littérature. --- Architecture --- Architecture --- Architecture --- Archäologisches Denkmal. --- Extinct cities. --- Historische Stätte. --- Midden-Oosten. --- Monument historique --- Monumenten. --- Monuments disparus. --- Monuments --- Monuments --- Monuments. --- Nederzettingen. --- Quelle. --- Reisbeschrijvingen. --- Reiseliteratur. --- Récit de voyage --- Récits de voyages. --- Travelers' writings. --- Untergang. --- Villes disparues, en ruine, etc. --- Écrits de voyageurs. --- Historiographie. --- récit de voyage --- site archéologique --- Alter Orient. --- Middle East --- Moyen-Orient - Descriptions et voyages. --- Moyen-Orient --- Description and travel. --- Descriptions et voyages.
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Finanzkrise, Flüchtlingskrise, Klimanotstand und nun Corona. Das 21. Jahrhundert ist von Beginn an reich an Krisen. Zugleich haben spätestens seit dem Jahrtausendwechsel apokalyptische Deutungen des Weltgeschehens Konjunktur. Alexander-Kenneth Nagel analysiert die apokalyptische Tiefenstruktur aktueller Krisendiagnosen zur Corona-Pandemie, zur ökologischen Krise vom Club of Rome bis hin zu Extinction Rebellion und zur Krise des Nationalismus. Er vermittelt ein vertieftes Verständnis der Endzeit-Mentalität spätmoderner Gesellschaften und der anhaltenden Konjunktur der Apokalyptik als religiösem und weltanschaulichem Geschäftsmodell.
Krise; Katastrophe; Apokalypse; Untergang; Pandemie; Flüchtlingskrise; Klimawandel; Nationalismus; Prepper; Deutschland; USA; Europa; Religion; Heilsversprechen; Extinction Rebellion; Kultursoziologie; Religionssoziologie; Religionswissenschaft; Wissenssoziologie; Soziologie; Crisis; Catastrophe; Demise; Pandemic; Refugee Crisis; Climate Change; Nationalism; Germany; Europe; Promise of Salvation; Sociology of Culture; Sociology of Religion; Religious Studies; Sociology of Knowledge; Sociology --- Catastrophe. --- Climate Change. --- Demise. --- Europe. --- Extinction Rebellion. --- Germany. --- Nationalism. --- Pandemic. --- Prepper. --- Promise of Salvation. --- Refugee Crisis. --- Religion. --- Religious Studies. --- Sociology of Culture. --- Sociology of Knowledge. --- Sociology of Religion. --- Sociology. --- USA.
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