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Auditing --- Evaluation. --- Standards --- Florida Atlantic University Research Corporation --- Mayer, Hoffman, McCann, P.C. --- Auditing.
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Dass Künstler*innen forschen, ist nichts Neues. Was sich aber sukzessive wandelt, ist der künstlerische Zugang: Die Kunst ist nicht länger (nur) Gegenstand, sondern vor allem auch Mittel zur Erkenntnisgewinnung. Dieser Entwicklung folgend hat die Universität Bern gemeinsam mit der Hochschule der Künste Bern das erste Schweizerische Doktoratsprogramm für Künstler*innen und Gestalter*innen gegründet: Studies in the Arts (SINTA). Die an diesem Projekt beteiligten Beiträger*innen des Bandes liefern hierzu grundsätzliche Erwägungen und Fallbeispiele sowie praktische Anwendungen in Interpretation, Musikrezeption und Design.
ART / Criticism. --- Art. --- Design. --- Fine Arts. --- Music. --- Science. --- Theory of Art. --- University Research. --- Künstlerische Forschung; Kunst; Musik; Design; Wissenschaft; Hochschulforschung; Kunsttheorie; Kunstwissenschaft; Artistic Research; Art; Music; Science; University Research; Theory of Art; Fine Arts
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In der Wissenschaft sind Erkenntnisziele, aber auch ein spezieller Weltaufschluss angelegt. Diesen zu vermitteln, ist Aufgabe der Wissenschaftsdidaktik. Was aber bedeutet es, Wissenschaft institutionell zu einem Gegenstand des Lehrens und Lernens zu machen? Der erste Band der inter- und transdisziplinär angelegten Reihe versammelt Aufsätze zur Einführung in die Wissenschaftsdidaktik, die sich mit grundlegenden konzeptionellen Fragen sowie Einordnungs- und Deutungsversuchen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven befassen. Hochschullehrende sowie Praktiker*innen in Hochschuldidaktik und Bildungswissenschaft finden hier Zugang zur Idee einer Wissenschaftsdidaktik und ihren innovativen Erkenntnispotentialen.
EDUCATION / Organizations & Institutions. --- Education. --- Educational Research. --- Interdisciplinarity. --- Pedagogy. --- Science Studies. --- Sociology of Education. --- Sociology of Science. --- Transdisciplinarity. --- University Didactics. --- University Research. --- University.
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Im Übergang vom 20. ins 21. Jahrhundert hat sich »Diversität« als eine zentrale gesellschaftspolitische Semantik durchgesetzt - zunächst in westlichen Staaten, dann im globalen Maßstab. Die Entwicklung des Diversitätsbegriffs ist eng mit dem Aufstieg des »Diversity Management« als Instrument der Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung verflochten, das mittlerweile in verschiedene gesellschaftliche Bereiche diffundiert ist. Die Beiträger*innen nehmen aus sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive das deutsche Wissenschaftssystem unter die Lupe und diskutieren die Frage, inwiefern der organisationale Fokus auf Diversität und Chancengleichheit für einen sozialen und kulturellen Wandel im Hochschulsektor steht.
EDUCATION / Organizations & Institutions. --- Diversity. --- Education. --- Educational Research. --- Equal Opportunity. --- Organisational Culture. --- Pedagogy. --- Science Operations. --- Science. --- Sociology of Education. --- Sociology of Science. --- University Research. --- University.
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technology transfer --- intellectual property --- innovation --- technology transfer offices --- knowledge transfer --- university research --- Technology transfer --- Technology transfer. --- Technological transfer --- Transfer of technology --- Diffusion of innovations --- Inventions --- Research, Industrial --- Technology and international relations --- Foreign licensing agreements --- Technological forecasting --- Technological innovations --- Technology --- International cooperation
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How to gauge the impact of cultural products is an old question, but bureaucratic agendas such as the one recently implemented in the UK to measure the impact of university research (including in German Studies) are new. Impact is seen as confirming a cultural product's value for society -- not least in the eyes of cultural funders. Yet its use as an evaluative category has been widely criticized by academics. Rather than rejecting the concept of impact, however, this volume employs it as a metaphor to reflect on issues of transmission, reception, and influence that have always underlain cultural production but have escaped systematic conceptualization. It seeks to understand how culture works in the German-speaking world: how writers and artists express themselves, how readers and audiences engage with the resulting products, and how academics are drawn to analyze this dynamic process. Formulating such questions afresh in the context of German Studies, the volume examines both contemporary cultural discourse and the way it evolves more generally. It links such topics as authorial intention, readerly reception, intertextuality, and modes of perception to less commonly studied phenomena, such as the institutional practices of funding bodies, that underpin cultural discourse. Contributors: David Barnett, Laura Bradley, Rebecca Braun, Sarah Colvin, Anne Fuchs, Katrin Kohl, Karen Leeder, Jürgen Luh, Jenny McKay, Ben Morgan, Gunther Nickel, Chloe Paver, Joanne Sayner, Matthew Philpotts, Jane Wilkinson
German literature --- Culture in literature. --- Politics in literature. --- History and criticism. --- Political science in literature --- German Studies. --- academics. --- artists. --- audiences. --- authors. --- bureaucratic agendas. --- cultural discourse. --- cultural impact. --- cultural products. --- culture. --- influence. --- readers. --- reception. --- transmission. --- university research. --- Culture in literature --- Politics in literature
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Knowledge, democracy and action: Community-university research partnerships in global perspectives is based on a three-year international comparative study undertaken by the Global Alliance on Community Based Research and supported by the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education. It provides evidence from twenty case studies around the world on the power and potential of community and higher education based scholars and activists working together in the co-creation of transformative knowledge. The book draws on the experience and insights of thirty-seven scholars and practitioners from the Global South and North. Opening with a theoretical overview of knowledge, democracy and action, the book is followed by analytical chapters providing lessons learned and capacity building in the north and the south, on the theory and practice of community university research partnerships, models of evaluation, approaches to measuring the impact and an agenda for future research and policy recommendations.
Community and college. --- Research --- Community development. --- Education, Higher --- Community and college --- Community development --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Science --- Science research --- Scientific research --- Information services --- Learning and scholarship --- Methodology --- Research teams --- College and community --- Town and gown --- University and community --- University towns --- Regional development --- Economic assistance, Domestic --- Social planning --- Citizen participation. --- Social aspects. --- Citizen participation --- Social aspects --- Education --- Government policy --- Millennium Development Goals. --- action. --- capacity building. --- civil society research organizations. --- cognitive justice. --- community power. --- community-university research partnerships. --- engaged scholarship. --- knowledge democracy framework. --- open access movement. --- poverty reduction. --- sustainability strategies. --- transformative knowledge.
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Forty years after Clark Kerr coined the term multiversity, the American research university has continued to evolve into a complex force for social and economic good. This volume provides a unique opportunity to explore the current state of the research university system. Charles M. Vest, one of the leading advocates for autonomy for American higher education, offers a multifaceted view of the university at the beginning of a new century. With a complex mission and funding structure, the university finds its international openness challenged by new security concerns and its ability to contribute to worldwide opportunity through sharing and collaboration dramatically expanded by the Internet. In particular, Vest addresses the need to nurture broad access to our universities and stay true to the fundamental mission of creating opportunity.
Universities and colleges --- Technology --- Science --- Research institutes --- Institutes, Research --- Research centers --- Think tanks --- Learned institutions and societies --- Applied science --- Arts, Useful --- Science, Applied --- Useful arts --- Industrial arts --- Material culture --- Colleges --- Degree-granting institutions --- Higher education institutions --- Higher education providers --- Institutions of higher education --- Postsecondary institutions --- Public institutions --- Schools --- Education, Higher --- Natural science --- Natural sciences --- Science of science --- Sciences --- Economic aspects --- Research --- Study and teaching (Higher) --- History --- Study and teaching --- 378.4 <73> --- 378.4 <73> Universiteiten--Verenigde Staten van Amerika. VSA. USA --- Universiteiten--Verenigde Staten van Amerika. VSA. USA --- american history. --- career. --- diplomacy. --- higher education. --- political. --- post-secondary education. --- privatization. --- research universities. --- school. --- science and technology. --- technology and computers. --- textbooks. --- united states. --- university funding. --- university research system. --- university studies. --- us politics. --- war and military. --- wartime. --- ww ii.
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Dit Jaarboek bevat de beste meesterproeven van de rechtenstudenten (m.i.v. MaNaMastudenten) van het academiejaar 2017-2018 aan de Faculteit Recht en Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Onderwerpen uit diverse rechtsdomeinen worden hier gebundeld onder begeleiding van het wetenschappelijk comité bestaande uit Elisabeth Alofs, Alain François, Stefaan Smis en Guido Van Limberghen. Deze juridische opstellen munten uit door originaliteit, grondigheid en een rechtsvergelijkende en/of interdisciplinaire dimensie. De controle tegen plagiaat is verstrengd en geautomatiseerd. De bekroonde meesterproeven komen uit verschillende specialisaties binnen het recht. Bovendien werd voor deze achtste editie voor de eerste keer de GPRC-procedure (Guaranteed Peer Reviewed Content) doorlopen
droit --- wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- BPB1305 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 340.0 --- Recherche universitaire --- Recherche scientifique --- ricerca scientifica --- научно изследване --- научно истраживање --- investigación científica --- cercetare științifică --- tudományos kutatás --- kërkim shkencor --- vědecký výzkum --- zinātniskā pētniecība --- wissenschaftliche Forschung --- badania naukowe --- videnskabelig forskning --- научно истражување --- znanstvene raziskave --- teadusuuringud --- vedecký výskum --- znanstveno istraživanje --- scientific research --- επιστημονική έρευνα --- riċerka xjentifika --- moksliniai tyrimai --- vetenskaplig forskning --- investigação científica --- taighde eolaíoch --- tieteellinen tutkimus --- Седма рамковна програма за научни истражувања и иновации --- Програма за научни истражувања и иновации --- ФП7 --- znanstveni rad --- mokslo tiriamasis darbas --- univerzitní výzkum --- университетско изследване --- Hochschulforschung --- universitetsforskning --- riċerka universitarja --- egyetemi kutatás --- universitetiniai moksliniai tyrimai --- investigação universitária --- universitair onderzoek --- универзитетско истражување --- kërkim universitar --- ülikooli teadusuuringud --- visokošolske raziskave --- taighde ollscoile --- универзитетско истраживање --- πανεπιστημιακή έρευνα --- korkeakoulututkimus --- augstskolu zinātniskais darbs --- sveučilišno istraživanje --- ricerca universitaria --- investigación universitaria --- univerzitný výskum --- university research --- cercetare universitară --- badania uniwersyteckie --- vysokoškolský výzkum --- recht --- recherche scientifique --- Recht: algemene werken en handboeken --- BPB1305. --- Wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Universitair onderzoek --- Recht. --- Recherche scientifique. --- Law --- Droit --- Research --- Recherche --- E-books --- Stock transfer --- Self-defense (International law) --- Class actions (Civil procedure) --- Employees --- Terminal care --- Fines (Penalties) --- Sanctions, Administrative --- Financial crises --- Capital gains tax --- Tax exemption --- Actions (Titres de société) --- Légitime défense (Droit international) --- Recours collectifs (Procédure civile) --- Personnel --- Soins en phase terminale --- Astreintes --- Sanctions administratives --- Crises financières --- Impôt sur les gains en capital --- Impôt --- Dismissal of --- Law and legislation --- Transfert --- Licenciement --- Exemptions --- Belgique
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In dit boek onderzoekt Joris Swennen agencyproblemen vervat in de onderzoeksovereenkomsten tussen onderzoeksorganisaties (een instelling met een hoofdzakelijk niet-economische finaliteit) en ondernemingen (met in eerste instantie een economische finaliteit). Een domein dat ook enorm in evolutie is: terwijl in de Verenigde Staten een scepticisme rond octrooien opduikt, gaat China opeens wel voor meer octrooibescherming, en Europa blijft baanbrekend werk verrichten in het kader van Horizon 2020. Nieuwe technologieën impliceren dat er meer en meer clusters en pools van octrooien gevraagd moeten worden, wat steeds resulteert in complexere meerpartijenverhoudingen. De complexiteit van het onderzoek ligt niet alleen in de aard van het onderwerp, de schaarste en de moeilijk toegankelijke bronnen. Die ligt ook aan het feit dat het juridisch onderzoek noodzakelijkerwijze diverse takken van het recht behelst, niet alleen het geheel verbintenissenrecht gelet op het onbenoemd karakter van het contract, maar ook het mededingingsrecht nu intellectuele-eigendomsrechten inderdaad een sluipweg kunnen zijn naar monopolies, nu samenwerking met overheidsgesubsidieerde kennisinstellingen onder de kostprijs en private ondernemingen staatssteun kan impliceren
Law of obligations. Law of contract --- Commercial law. Economic law (general) --- Belgium --- BPB1811. --- Organisation de la recherche --- Politique de la recherche --- Propriété intellectuelle --- Recherche et développement --- Recherche industrielle --- Recherche scientifique --- Recherche universitaire --- onderzoek en ontwikkeling --- Organisatie van het onderzoek --- Onderzoeksbeleid --- Intellectuele eigendom --- Onderzoek en ontwikkeling --- Industriële research --- Wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Universitair onderzoek --- Recherche et developpement. --- Propriété intellectuelle. --- Centres de recherche. --- Brevets d'invention et inventions gouvernementales. --- Contrats de recherche et de développement --- Industrie et éducation. --- Droit. --- BPB1811 --- investigación y desarrollo --- výzkum a vývoj --- istraživanje i razvoj --- Forschung und Entwicklung --- forskning och utveckling --- moksliniai tyrimai ir eksperimentinė plėtra --- badania i rozwój --- riċerka u żvilupp --- cercetare și dezvoltare --- tutkimus ja kehitys --- investigação e desenvolvimento --- raziskave in razvoj --- kutatás és fejlesztés --- forskning og udvikling --- истражување и развој --- ricerca e sviluppo --- výskum a vývoj --- изследване и развитие --- истраживање и развој --- έρευνα και ανάπτυξη --- kërkim dhe zhvillim --- research and development --- pētniecība un attīstība --- uurimis- ja arendustegevus --- I+D --- forskning og innovation --- R&D --- F&U --- kutatás-fejlesztés --- I&D --- moksliniai tyrimai ir plėtra --- investigación y desarrollo tecnológicos --- επιστημονική και τεχνική έρευνα --- IDT --- FuE --- K+F --- ricerca scientifica --- научно изследване --- научно истраживање --- investigación científica --- cercetare științifică --- tudományos kutatás --- kërkim shkencor --- vědecký výzkum --- zinātniskā pētniecība --- wissenschaftliche Forschung --- badania naukowe --- videnskabelig forskning --- научно истражување --- znanstvene raziskave --- teadusuuringud --- vedecký výskum --- znanstveno istraživanje --- scientific research --- επιστημονική έρευνα --- wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- riċerka xjentifika --- moksliniai tyrimai --- vetenskaplig forskning --- investigação científica --- tieteellinen tutkimus --- Седма рамковна програма за научни истражувања и иновации --- Програма за научни истражувања и иновации --- ФП7 --- znanstveni rad --- mokslo tiriamasis darbas --- интелектуална сопственост --- geistiges Eigentum --- proprietate intelectuală --- intellectual property --- intelektualna lastnina --- immateriell äganderätt --- intellektuel ejendomsret --- duševné vlastníctvo --- duševní vlastnictví --- własność intelektualna --- интелектуална својина --- propiedad intelectual --- intellektuaalomand --- intelektualno vlasništvo --- maoin intleachtúil --- intelektuālais īpašums --- proprjetà intellettwali --- intelektinė nuosavybė --- proprietà intellettuale --- pronësi intelektuale --- πνευματική ιδιοκτησία --- immateriaalioikeus --- intellectuele eigendom --- szellemi tulajdon --- propriedade intelectual --- интелектуална собственост --- pravo intelektualnog vlasništva --- szellemi tulajdonjog oltalma --- právo na duševní vlastnictví --- droit intellectuel --- derecho de propiedad intelectual --- e drejtë e pronësisë intelektuale --- intellektuaalomandi õigus --- práva duševného vlastníctva --- авторско дело --- intellektuaalse omandi õigus --- intelektinės nuosavybės teisė --- Schutz des geistigen Eigentums --- drept intelectual --- intellektuaalne omand --- сродни права --- propriedade artística e literária --- intellectual property right --- intellectueel recht --- henkinen omaisuusoikeus --- norme sulla proprietà intellettuale --- δικαιώματα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας --- intelektuālā īpašuma tiesības --- szerzői jogi védelem --- права од интелектуална сопственост --- direito de propriedade intelectual --- politika ta’ riċerka --- πολιτική έρευνας --- politika e kërkimit --- tutkimuspolitiikka --- istraživačka politika --- research policy --- polityka naukowa --- истражувачка политика --- politika výzkumu --- истраживачка политика --- onderzoeksbeleid --- politică de cercetare --- política de investigação --- mokslinių tyrimų politika --- kutatáspolitika --- forskningspolitik --- politica della ricerca --- výskumná politika --- pētniecības politika --- изследователска политика --- raziskovalna politika --- Forschungspolitik --- política de investigación --- uurimispoliitika --- tehnoloogiapoliitika --- επιστημονική πολιτική --- promotion of research --- pētniecības veicināšana --- technologická politika --- fremme af forskning --- impulso alla ricerca --- nxitje e kërkimit --- vedecká politika --- promotion de la recherche --- podpora výzkumu --- technologinė politika --- politică științifică --- politika v oblasti vědy --- política científica --- politika zinātnes jautājumos --- tiedepolitiikka --- uurimise edendamine --- tudománypolitika --- politikë shkencore --- teaduspoliitika --- scientific policy --- researchbeleid --- Wissenschaftspolitik --- promoção da investigação --- teknologipolitik --- politică tehnologică --- promovarea cercetării --- Förderung der Forschung --- technologiebeleid --- poticanje istraživanja --- technológiapolitika --- forskningsfremme --- främjande av forskning --- política tecnológica --- politique scientifique --- teknologiapolitiikka --- politica tecnologica --- bevordering van het onderzoek --- mokslinių tyrimų skatinimas --- πολιτική στον τομέα της τεχνολογίας --- podpora výskumu --- politique technologique --- a kutatás elősegítése --- znanstvena politika --- videnskabspolitik --- mokslo politika --- politica scientifica --- tutkimuksen edistäminen --- ερευνητική πολιτική --- πολιτική στον τομέα της έρευνας --- vetenskapspolitik --- technological policy --- teknikpolitik --- fomento de la investigación --- Technologiepolitik --- promozione della ricerca --- προώθηση της έρευνας --- politikë teknologjike --- pramoniniai moksliniai tyrimai --- промишлено изследване --- badania przemysłowe --- riċerka industrijali --- rūpnieciskie pētījumi --- kërkim industrial --- industriel forskning --- industriële research --- investigação industrial --- investigación industrial --- industrial research --- индустријско истраживање --- ipari kutatás --- cercetare industrială --- priemyselný výskum --- industrijske raziskave --- истражување во индустријата --- ricerca industriale --- industrijsko istraživanje --- Industrieforschung --- teollisuustutkimus --- tööstusuuring --- industriforskning --- βιομηχανική έρευνα --- průmyslový výzkum --- organisation av forskningen --- organisatie van het onderzoek --- organizzazzjoni tar-riċerka --- organisation of research --- organizacija raziskovanja --- organización de la investigación --- organizarea cercetării --- organizacja badań --- organizace výzkumu --- организација истраживања --- teaduskorraldus --- kutatásszervezés --- организација на истражувањето --- organizzazione della ricerca --- organizim i kërkimit --- mokslinių tyrimų organizavimas --- forskningsorganisering --- organização da investigação --- izpētes organizēšana --- Organisation der Forschung --- οργάνωση της έρευνας --- organizácia výskumu --- organizacija istraživanja --- tutkimuksen järjestäminen --- организация на проучването --- a kutatás szervezése --- Organisiertheit der Forschung --- univerzitní výzkum --- университетско изследване --- Hochschulforschung --- universitetsforskning --- riċerka universitarja --- egyetemi kutatás --- universitetiniai moksliniai tyrimai --- investigação universitária --- universitair onderzoek --- универзитетско истражување --- kërkim universitar --- ülikooli teadusuuringud --- visokošolske raziskave --- универзитетско истраживање --- πανεπιστημιακή έρευνα --- korkeakoulututkimus --- augstskolu zinātniskais darbs --- sveučilišno istraživanje --- ricerca universitaria --- investigación universitaria --- univerzitný výskum --- university research --- cercetare universitară --- badania uniwersyteckie --- vysokoškolský výzkum --- recherche et developpement --- E-books --- taighde agus forbairt --- taighde eolaíoch --- beartas taighde --- taighde tionscail --- eagrú taighde --- taighde ollscoile --- Allemagne --- Belgique --- Etats-Unis --- France --- Scientific bureaus --- Centres de recherche publics --- Public-private sector cooperation --- Partenariat public-privé --- Research, Industrial --- Patent laws and legislation --- Brevets d'invention --- Research and development contracts --- Patents and government-developed inventions --- Brevets d'invention et inventions gouvernementales --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Recherche et développement --- Propriété intellectuelle
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