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La réalité cachée : les univers parallèles et les lois du cosmos
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782081411050 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris : Flammarion,

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La 4e de couverture indique : "Et si l'existence d'univers parallèles n'était pas qu'un scénario de science-fiction? Depuis quelques années, les découvertes en astrophysique bouleversent notre conception du monde. L'Univers que nous connaissons ne serait qu'une partie d'un ensemble bien plus vaste, composant cet étrange objet que les théoriciens nomment aujourd'hui «multivers», et qui soulève de nombreuses interrogations : est-il fini ou infini? est-il formé de milliards d'univers qui se côtoient sans interagir? ou bien, comme l'avance la théorie des cordes, y aurait-il des univers cachés dans un monde de «branes », étranges membranes à quelques millimètres seulement de nous, mais dissimulées à nos yeux? Pour répondre à ces questions, Brian Greene retrace le parcours fascinant des dernières avancées scientifiques, des «branes» aux trous noirs, d'Einstein et sa théorie de la relativité générale à Peter Higgs et au fameux «boson» découvert en 2012. Avec clarté et érudition, l'auteur nous entraîne dans des réflexions vertigineuses au cœur de cette «réalité cachée». Il nous invite ainsi à découvrir une véritable révolution cosmologique et mentale : de même que la Terre a perdu son statut de centre du monde, et après elle notre Soleil et notre Galaxie, c'est au tour de notre Univers d'abandonner son statut central, pour devenir la partie infime d'un ensemble plus étendu."

Des univers multiples : nouveaux horizons cosmiques
ISBN: 9782100763382 Year: 2018 Publisher: Malakoff : Dunod,

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Notre univers ne serait-il qu'une fraction d'un vaste multivers ?À l'heure des résultats expérimentaux de Planck et du LHC, de nouvelles questions essentielles se posent quant à l'unicité de l'Univers lui-même. Se pourrait-il que notre cosmos ne soit qu'un îlot dérisoire perdu dans un vaste multivers ? Il est aujourd'hui légitime de le supposer. Mais cette proposition vertigineuse est-elle encore scientifique ?La récente mesure détaillée du rayonnement cosmologique fossile ouvre la voie à de nouvelles approches. Faisant le point sur ces avancées, Aurélien Barrau nous dévoile, dans cette édition actualisée, les théories cosmologiques les plus audacieuses.

An infinity of worlds : cosmic inflation and the beginning of the universe
ISBN: 9780262046480 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cambridge, Massachusetts : ©2022 The MIT Press,

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In the beginning was the Big Bang: an unimaginably hot fire almost fourteen billion years ago in which the first elements were forged. The physical theory of the hot nascent universe-the Big Bang-was one of the most consequential developments in twentieth-century science. And yet it leaves many questions unanswered : Why is the universe so big ? Why is it so old ? What is the origin of structure in the cosmos ? In An Infinity of Worlds, physicist Will Kinney explains a more recent theory that may hold the answers to these questions and even explain the ultimate origins of the universe : cosmic inflation, before the primordial fire of the Big Bang. Kinney argues that cosmic inflation is a transformational idea in cosmology, changing our picture of the basic structure of the cosmos and raising unavoidable questions about what we mean by a scientific theory. He explains that inflation is a remarkable unification of inner space and outer space, in which the physics of the very large (the cosmos) meets the physics of the very small (elementary particles and fields), closing in a full circle at the first moment of time. With quantum uncertainty its fundamental feature, this new picture of cosmic origins introduces the possibility that the origin of the universe was of a quantum nature. Kinney considers the consequences of eternal cosmic inflation. Can we come to terms with the possibility that our entire observable universe is one of infinitely many, forever hidden from our view ?

The last writings of Thomas S. Kuhn : incommensurability in science
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780226822747 Year: 2022 Publisher: Chicago : University of Chicago Press,

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"This book contains the text of Thomas Kuhn's unfinished book, The Plurality of Worlds: An Evolutionary Theory of Scientific Development, which Kuhn himself described as "a return to the central claims of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and the problems that it raised but did not resolve." The Plurality of Worlds is preceded by two related texts that Kuhn publicly delivered but never published in English: his paper "Scientific Knowledge as a Historical Product" and his Shearman Memorial Lectures, "The Presence of Past Science." The book opens with an introduction by the editor that describes the origins and structure of The Plurality of Worlds, and sheds light on its central philosophical problems. Kuhn's aims in his last writings are bold. He sets out to develop an empirically grounded theory of meaning that would allow him to make sense of both the possibility of historical understanding and the inevitability of incommensurability between past and present science. Moreover, he intends to show that incommensurability is fully compatible with a robust notion of a real world that science investigates, with the rationality of scientific belief change, and with the idea that scientific development is progressive. This is a must-read follow-up to The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, one of the most important books of the twentieth century"--

Others worlds than ours
Year: 1966 Publisher: London : British Museum Press,

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Fine-Tuning in the Physical Universe
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781108484541 9781108614023 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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Is the universe fine-tuned for complexity, life, or something else? This comprehensive overview of fine-tuning arguments in physics, with contributions from leading researchers in their fields, sheds light on this often used but seldom understood topic. Each chapter reviews a specific subject in modern physics, such as dark energy, inflation, or solar system formation, and discusses whether any parameters in our current theories appear to be fine-tuned and, if so, to what degree. Connections and differences between these fine-tuning arguments are made clear, and detailed mathematical derivations of various fine-tuned parameters are given. This accessible yet precise introduction to fine-tuning in physics will aid students and researchers across astrophysics, atomic and particle physics and cosmology, as well as all those working at the intersections of physics and philosophy.

Experimental astronomy
Year: 1970 Volume: v. 18 Publisher: Dordrecht-Holland : D. Reidel Publishing Company,

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