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Journal of contemporary European research.
Year: 2005 Publisher: London : UACES

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Journal of contemporary European research.
Year: 2005 Publisher: London : UACES

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Journal of Contemporary European Research
Authors: ---
ISSN: 1815347X Publisher: United Kingdom UACES

L' Europe vue de l'intérieur : vers un nouvel élan ?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 280472106X Year: 2022 Publisher: Bruxelles : Éditions Mardaga,

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Un ouvrage pour tous ceux qui voudraient prendre position sur le futur de l'Europe. Depuis sa création, les nombreuses crises qu'affronte l'Union européenne la forcent à se réinventer pour répondre aux défis et aux exigences de notre société. Comment ces évolutions ont-elles été rendues possibles ? Comment est-on arrivés jusqu'ici ? Se basant sur sa riche expérience, Rudy Aernoudt, actuellement senior economist à la Commission européenne, nous propose une analyse profonde et inédite du fonctionnement de l'Europe et des défis qui se présentent à elle. Avec un ton direct et sans tabous, il identifie les "12 travaux d'Hercule" nécessaires pour réformer l'Union européenne de manière pragmatique, du marché intérieur aux problématiques climatiques en passant par la réindustrialisation. Une réflexion inédite et profonde provenant tout droit des coulisses de l'Europe. « Je conseille la lecture de ce livre tant au politicien en manque d'idées qu'au citoyen qui veut comprendre son futur. Le fossé entre les citoyens et l'Union est si profond que, sans le pragmatisme et les douze travaux de l'auteur, ce fossé pourrait ne jamais être comblé. » Henri Malosse, ancien président du Comité économique et social européen À PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR Le Pr. Rudy Aernoudt est senior economist à la Commission européenne, après avoir été conseiller spécial du Conseil Européen et directeur de cabinet du Comité économique et social. Il a été directeur de cabinet à différents niveaux de pouvoir en Belgique, et est professeur d'économie à l'Université de Gand et à l'Université de Nancy. Auteur de plusieurs best-sellers, Rudy Aernoudt a remporté plusieurs distinctions."--Editeur.

After empires : European integration, decolonization, and the challenge from the global south 1957-1985
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780199659197 0199659192 Year: 2012 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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"After Empires describes how the end of colonial empires and the changes in international politics and economies after decolonization affected the European integration process. Until now, studies on European integration have often focussed on the search for peaceful relations among the European nations, particularly between Germany and France, or examined it as an offspring of the Cold War, moving together with the ups and downs of transatlantic relations. But these two factors alone are not enough to explain the rise of the European Community and its more recent transformation into the European Union. Giuliano Garavini focuses instead on the emergence of the Third World as an international actor, starting from its initial economic cooperation with the creation of the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 1964 up to the end of unity among the countries of the Global South after the second oil shock in 1979-80. Offering a new - less myopic - way to conceptualise European history more globally, the study is based on a variety of international archives (government archives in Europe, the US, Algeria, Venezuela; international organizations such as the EC, UNCTAD, and the World Bank; political and social organizations such as the Socialist International, labour archives and the papers of oil companies) and traces the reactions and the initiatives of the countries of the European Community, but also of the European political parties and public opinion, to the rise and fall of the Third World on the international stage."--Publisher's website.

Competitiveness and solidarity in the European Union : interdisciplinary perspectives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781138545878 1138545872 1351001809 1351001787 1351001795 9781351001809 9781351001793 9781351001786 9781351001779 9780367664466 Year: 2020 Publisher: London Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group

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"Starting from the 1980s, competitive pressures and the ideology of competitiveness have shaken and transformed traditional models of development, public policy, and governance in Europe. This edited book carries out a comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and innovative analysis of the relationship between competitiveness and solidarity in the contemporary European Union. It offers an original contribution to the scholarly debates on the current developments and challenges of welfare states, social and economic policies, and forms of governance in the European Union. Bringing together an international team of cutting-edge scholars in social sciences and humanities, this book sheds light on the conceptual richness and policy relevance of these relationships, pointing to important avenues to make the European Union more economically successful and socially fairer. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of European Union studies and, more broadly, of EU Law, Public Policy, Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Geography, and Contemporary History"--


Competition --- European Union countries --- Economic policy. --- Economic integration. --- Social policy. --- #SBIB:327.7H231 --- #SBIB:33H13 --- Europese Unie: sociaal-economisch beleid, landbouw-, milieu-, cultuur- en communicatiebeleid --- Economische politiek --- Compétitivité (Économie) --- Correality and solidarity --- Solidarité (Droit) --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Politique économique --- Intégration économique --- Politique sociale --- Compétitivité --- competitiveness --- Concurrence --- competition --- Solidarité --- Solidarity. --- Politique économique --- economic policy --- UE/CE Histoire --- history of Europe --- UE/CE Droit --- EU law --- Economie sociale --- social economy --- Développement régional --- regional development --- UE/CE Etats membres --- EU Member State --- členský stát EU --- države članice EU-a --- țări ale UE --- Stat Membru tal-UE --- Shtetet Anëtare të BE-së --- EU-tagállam --- państwo członkowskie UE --- État membre UE --- Stato membro UE --- EU-medlemsstat --- štáty EÚ --- Mitgliedstaat der EU --- država članica EU --- земља ЕУ --- Estado-Membro UE --- κράτος μέλος ΕΕ --- ES dalībvalsts --- medlemsstat i EU --- ELi riigid --- EU:n jäsenvaltio --- държави от Европейския съюз --- ES valstybė narė --- EU-lidstaat --- Estado miembro UE --- земји членки на ЕУ --- krajiny EÚ --- EG-land --- EK valsts --- země ES --- Mitgliedsland der Europäischen Union --- paese dell'Unione europea --- pays CE --- κράτος μέλος της ΕΕ --- země Evropské unie --- krajiny Európskej únie --- Mitgliedsland der Europäischen Gemeinschaften --- EG-Land --- χώρα ΕΕ --- países CE --- kraje UE --- Euroopan unionin maat --- земји членки на Европската Заедница --- ELi liikmesriik --- država EU --- pays de l'Union européenne --- země Evropských společenství --- EU-Staat --- EK-tagország --- земји од ЕУ --- vend i KE-së --- land i Det Europæiske Fællesskab --- χώρα ΕΚ --- Estado miembro de la UE --- EÜ riik --- paese CE --- EU country --- país UE --- Europos Bendrijos šalis --- ES šalis --- European Community country --- земји од ЕЗ --- ES valsts --- Estado-Membro da União Europeia --- štáty Európskej únie --- ELi riik --- państwo UE --- EG-medlemsstat --- EC country --- Euroopa Liidu riik --- European Union country --- Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union --- paese della Comunità europea --- pays UE --- vend i Bashkimit Europian --- země EU --- EU-maat --- EU-ország --- EU-tagország --- land i Europeiska gemenskapen --- zemlje članice EU-a --- país de la UE --- países da União Europeia --- vend i BE-së --- vend i Komunitetit Europian --- land i Europeiska unionen --- EU-stat --- stat membru al Comunității Europene --- EF-land --- stat membru al Uniunii Europene --- EG-stat --- países de la Unión Europea --- az Európai Unió tagállama --- landen van de Europese Gemeenschappen --- krajiny Európskych spoločenstiev --- Europos Sąjungos šalis --- EU:n jäsenmaat --- Euroopa Ühenduse riik --- Eiropas Savienības valsts --- EU-land --- Stato membro dell'UE --- lidstaten van de Europese Unie --- paese UE --- landen van de EG --- EU-Land --- pays de la Communauté européenne --- țări membre ale Comunității Europene --- países de la Comunidad Europea --- EK-tagállam --- land i Den Europæiske Union --- Eiropas Kopienas valstis --- az Európai Közösségek tagállama --- EB šalis --- περιφερειακή ανάπτυξη --- регионален развој --- rozwój regionalny --- regional utveckling --- регионално развитие --- dezvoltare economică regională --- regionaludvikling --- regionale Entwicklung --- regionální rozvoj --- regionálny rozvoj --- desarrollo regional --- développement régional --- регионални развој --- desenvolvimento regional --- zhvillim rajonal --- területfejlesztés --- regionale ontwikkeling --- regionų plėtra --- regionalni razvoj --- sviluppo regionale --- reģionu attīstība --- regionaalareng --- żvilupp reġjonali --- alueellinen kehittäminen --- politica di sviluppo delle zone depresse --- rozvoj krajů --- regioninė plėtra --- regionális fejlesztés --- рамномерен регионален развој --- rozvoj oblastí --- gospodarka społeczna --- социална икономика --- economie socială --- socialna ekonomija --- sociālā ekonomika --- economia social --- sociale economie --- socijalna ekonomija --- economía social --- sotsiaalmajandus --- sociální hospodářství --- κοινωνική οικονομία --- socialøkonomi --- social ekonomi --- socialinė ekonomika --- economia sociale --- szociális gazdaság --- ekonomi sociale --- Sozialwirtschaft --- yhteisötalous --- économie sociale --- социјална економија --- ekonomija soċjali --- sociálne hospodárstvo --- geilleagar sóisialta --- socioekonomika --- socialekonomi --- ekonomska solidarnost --- economia solidale --- společensky prospěšná činnost --- Solidarwirtschaft --- économie solidaire --- tiers secteur --- gazdasági szolidaritás --- солидарна економија --- solidaritet ekonomik --- ekonomiskā vienotība --- solidaire economie --- solidarisk ekonomi --- sociální sféra --- solidaarinen talous --- terzo settore --- οικονομία αλληλεγγύης --- οικονομία του συνεταιριστικού τομέα --- tredje sektorn --- ekonominis solidarumas --- veřejně prospěšná hospodářská činnost --- sociální ekonomika --- solidarisk økonomi --- economia solidária --- economic solidarity --- трет сектор --- solidaritate economică --- informele economie --- majanduslik solidaarsus --- erhvervsdrivende foreninger --- pravo EU-a --- ES tiesības --- право ЕУ --- pravo EU --- prawo unijne --- EU-ret --- δίκαιο της ΕΕ --- právo EU --- diritto dell'UE --- e drejta e BE-së --- uniós jog --- Derecho de la UE --- unionin oikeus --- droit de l'UE --- EU-Recht --- EU-recht --- ES teisė --- právo EÚ --- legislația UE --- direito da UE --- право на ЕУ --- EU-rätt --- ELi õigus --- liġi tal-UE --- право на ЕС --- pravo Europske unije --- právo Spoločenstva --- normativa comunitaria --- drept comunitar --- diritto europeo --- e drejtë e Bashkimit Europian --- droit de l'Union européenne --- право на Европската заедница --- κοινοτικό δίκαιο --- droit européen --- evropské právo --- réglementation communautaire --- EG-förordningar --- pravo Evropske unije --- direito da União Europeia --- Europos Sąjungos teisė --- uniós jogszabályok --- Euroopa Liidu õigus --- Kopienas noteikumi --- europeisk rätt --- communautaire wetgeving --- Community law --- drept european --- Eurooppa-oikeus --- δίκαιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης --- nariadenia Spoločenstva --- legislația Uniunii Europene --- právo Evropské unie --- reglementări comunitare --- Euroopa Ühenduse õigus --- regulamentação comunitária --- prawo Unii Europejskiej --- közösségi jogszabályok --- Community regulations --- fællesskabsbestemmelser --- ευρωπαϊκό Δίκαιο --- právo ES --- European Union law --- Derecho comunitario --- európai uniós jogszabályok --- liġi tal-Unjoni Ewropea --- communautair recht --- yhteisön asetukset --- közösségi rendeletek --- gemenskapsrätt --- az Európai Unió joga --- Derecho europeo --- регулативи на Заедницата --- europsko pravo --- droit communautaire --- direito comunitário --- európai jog --- diritto comunitario --- legislazione comunitaria --- право на ЕЗ --- recht van de Europese Unie --- fællesskabsregler --- Europäisches Recht --- Recht der Europäischen Union --- Bendrijos teisė --- közösségi jog --- EU-jog --- Eiropas Savienības tiesības --- právo Unie --- Derecho de la Unión Europea --- Euroopan unionin oikeus --- право Заједнице --- Gesetzgebung der Gemeinschaft --- EF-ret --- pravo Zajednice --- prawo wspólnotowe --- yhteisön oikeus --- fællesskabsret --- norme comunitarie --- право на Европските заедници --- EG-rätt --- Europees recht --- communautaire voorschriften --- direito europeu --- европско право --- právo Európskej únie --- Право на Общността --- disposizioni comunitarie --- κοινοτική νομοθεσία --- reglamentación comunitaria --- Gemeinschaftsrecht --- право на Европейския съюз --- komunitární právo --- az EU joga --- Kopienas tiesības --- Bendrijos reglamentai --- regolamentazione comunitaria --- európske právo --- communautaire rechtsorde --- legislativa EU --- European law --- право на Европската Унија --- pravo Skupnosti --- Euroopa õigus --- EU:n oikeus --- ühenduse õigus --- diritto dell'Unione europea --- право Уније --- EG-recht --- pravni propisi Europske unije --- Europos teisė --- az európai építmény története --- histoire de l'Europe --- historia Europy --- geschiedenis van Europa --- dějiny evropského integračního procesu --- storia dell'Europa --- ιστορία της Ευρώπης --- EF's historie --- историја на Европа --- storja tal-Ewropa --- dejiny Európy --- Eiropas vēsture --- Geschichte des europäischen Einigungswerks --- istoria Europei --- historia de Europa --- zgodovina Evrope --- история на европейското обединение --- EG:s historia --- povijest europskih integracija --- história da Europa --- Europos istorija --- histori e Europës --- историја Европе --- Euroopa ajalugu --- Euroopan historia --- Schuman-planen --- Eiropas Kopienu vēsture --- dejiny EU --- Schumani plaan --- plan Schuman --- histoire des CE --- Declaração Schuman --- Geschichte der EG --- history of the European Communities --- déclaration Schuman --- Schuman-erklæringen --- Declaración Schuman --- povijest EZ-a --- Šumano deklaracija --- Schumanova deklarácia --- Schumanverklaring --- geschiedenis van de EG --- Plano Schuman --- Schuman plan --- plani Shuman --- az Európai Közösségek története --- Schuman-Plan --- Schuman Declaration --- História da CE --- Schuman-terv --- Európa története --- Schuman-Erklärung --- Europos Bendrijų istorija --- Šūmaņa plāns --- povijest EU-a --- ιστορία των ΕΚ --- Σχέδιο Schuman --- piano Schuman --- историја на европските интеграции --- Schumanin suunnitelma --- Schumani deklaratsioon --- Шуманов план --- dějiny Evropských společenství --- declarația schuman --- az EK története --- Schumanplan --- historia de la CE --- storia delle Comunità europee --- istoria comunității europeene --- Schumanov plán --- historia europea --- Euroopan yhteisöjen historia --- histori e Komuniteteve Europiane --- az EU története --- dějiny Evropské unie --- Schumanov plan --- Euroopa ühenduste ajalugu --- историја на ЕУ --- planul schuman --- Šūmaņa deklarācija --- historia de la UE --- Schuman-nyilatkozat --- Schumanova deklaracija --- dichiarazione Schuman --- Schumanova deklarace --- Schumanův plán --- Deklarata e Shumanit --- Διακήρυξη Schuman --- Schumanin julistus --- Šumano planas --- politika ekonomike --- økonomisk politik --- majanduspoliitika --- hospodárska politika --- hospodářská politika --- política económica --- икономическа политика --- polityka gospodarcza --- ekonomikas politika --- ekonomisk politik --- Wirtschaftspolitik --- gazdaságpolitika --- talouspolitiikka --- economisch beleid --- οικονομική πολιτική --- beartas eacnamaíoch --- politică economică --- politica economica --- politika ekonomika --- ekonomska politika --- економска политика --- ekonominė politika --- politique économique --- wirtschaftspolitische Leitlinien --- ekonomisk inriktning --- hospodářské rozhodování --- escolha económica --- opzione economica --- gazdaságpolitikai elképzelések --- ekonomický prístup --- gestión económica --- gazdasági megközelítés --- orientamento economico --- taloudellinen lähestymistapa --- majanduslik lähenemisviis --- ekonomisk kurs --- gazdaságpolitikai döntés --- економски пристап --- ekonomiskt val --- obiettivo economico --- economische keuze --- opțiune economică --- Globalsteuerung der Wirtschaft --- qasje ekonomike --- wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidung --- gazdaságpolitikai iránymutatás --- choix économique --- orientation économique --- ekonominis pasirinkimas --- decisione economica --- orientação económica --- ekonomiskā izvēle --- økonomisk kurs --- ekonomický přístup --- стопанска политика --- økonomisk valg --- opción económica --- ekonomická volba --- ekonomiskā pieeja --- wirtschaftliche Zielvorstellungen --- οικονομική επιλογή --- obiectiv economic --- ekonomická politika --- economische koers --- metody řízení národního hospodářství --- ekonomická voľba --- ekonomski pristup --- taloudellinen valinta --- majanduslik valik --- zgjedhje ekonomike --- scelta economica --- economic approach --- οικονομικός προσανατολισμός --- ekonominis požiūris --- gospodarska politika --- economic choice --- Cooperation --- concurență --- ανταγωνισμός --- konkurencja --- Wettbewerb --- soutěž --- konkurencia --- конкуренция --- concurrentie --- tržišno natjecanje --- concorrência --- kilpailu --- kompetizzjoni --- iomaíocht --- competencia --- concurrence --- konkurrencë --- konkurenca --- konkurrence --- konkurents --- конкуренција --- konkurencija --- concorrenza --- konkurrens --- konkurence --- verseny --- principio della concorrenza --- condição de concorrência --- mededinging --- konkurrencevilkår --- concorrenza praticabile --- concorrenza effettiva --- posizione concorrenziale --- ефективна конкуренција --- condizioni di concorrenza --- начела на конкуренција --- услови на конкуренција --- конкурентска позиција --- iomaíochas --- Wettbewerbsfähigkeit --- konkurenčnost --- concurrentievermogen --- konkurentnost --- конкурентност --- kilpailukyky --- konkurenceschopnost --- competitividad --- konkurrueshmëri --- ανταγωνιστικότητα --- compétitivité --- konkurencingumas --- konkurrenskraft --- konkurencyjność --- konkurentsivõime --- kompetittività --- versenyképesség --- competitividade --- competitività --- competitivitate --- konkurētspēja --- konkurencieschopnosť --- konkurrenceevne --- конкурентен производ --- правила за конкурентност --- конкурентска предност --- способност за настап на претпријатијата --- фер однос на пазарот --- International relations. Foreign policy --- International economic relations --- Public administration --- Economic geography --- European Union

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