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This volume is a compendium of selected plant species of ethnobotanical value to the highland communities of popular Southeast Asia. Traditional knowledge held by local communities on their resources is always in flux and adapting to a quickly changing environment. New plants find their entry into the local pharmacopoeias, while existing ones maybe removed. Likewise, various local communities might find the same plant useful for completely different purposes. While compiling information on the species, authors have taken great care to ensure that the dynamic nature of ethnobotanical knowledge is represented adequately. Special emphasis has also been given to cultural value of species to the local communities in the region. The field (and thus the market) of ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology has grown considerably in recent years. Student interest is on the rise, attendance at professional conferences has grown steadily, and the number of professionals calling themselves ethnobotanists has increased significantly (the various societies (Society for Economic Botany, International Society of Ethnopharmacology, Society of Ethnobiology, International Society for Ethnobiology, and many regional and national societies in the field currently have thousands of members). The objective of this new Major Reference Work on Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia is to take advantage of the increasing international interest and scholarship on highland landscapes and communities. While ethnobotanical studies are now available from many regions of the world, no comprehensive encyclopedic volume on the highlands of popular SE Asia is available in the market. We include the best and latest research on a full range of descriptive, methodological, theoretical, and applied research on the most important plants for the region. Scholars in plant sciences worldwide will also be interested in the dedicated website for this volume and its dynamic content.
Ethnobotany. --- Indigenous peoples --- Ethnobiology --- Plants --- Human-plant relationships --- Ethnobotany --- Etnobotànica --- Muntanyes --- Sud-est asiàtic --- Àrees de muntanya --- Orografia --- Pujols --- Serralades --- Serres (Geografia) --- Turons --- Zones de muntanya --- Espais naturals --- Alpinisme --- Etnografia botànica --- Etnobiologia --- Botànica --- Plantes útils --- Nomenclatura popular de les plantes --- Àsia del sud-est --- Àsia Sud-oriental --- Sud-est d'Àsia --- Orient --- Filipines --- Indonèsia --- Indoxina --- Mekong (Àsia : Curs d'aigua) --- Singapur --- Timor Oriental
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Natural resources and associated biological diversity provide the basis of livelihood for human population, particularly in the rural areas and mountain regions across the globe. Asia is home to the world's highest mountain regions including the Himalayas, Karakorum and Hindukush. These regions are renowned around the globe because of their unique beauty, climate, and biocultural diversity. Because of geoclimatic conditions, the mountains of Asia are medicinal and food plant diversity hot spots. The indigenous communities residing in the valleys of these mountains have their own culture and traditions, and have a long history of interaction with the surrounding plant diversity. Local inhabitants of these mountains areas possess significant traditional knowledge of plant species used as food, medicine, and for cultural purposes. So far, many workers have reported traditional uses of plant species from different regions of Asia including some mountain areas; however, there is not one inclusive document on the ethnobotany of mountains in Asia. This book provides a comprehensive overview on ethno-ecological knowledge and cross cultural variation in the application of plant species among various communities residing in the mountains of Asia; cross cultural variation in traditional uses of plant species by the mountain communities; high value medicinal and food plant species; and threats and conservation status of plant species and traditional knowledge. This book should be useful to researchers of biodiversity and conservation, ethnobiologists, ethnoecologists, naturalists, phytochemists, pharmacists, policy makers, and all who have a devotion to nature.
Traditional medicine --- Ethnobiology --- Ethnobotany --- Indigenous peoples --- Plants --- Human-plant relationships --- Folk biology --- Folkbiology --- Traditional biology --- Biology, Economic --- Ethnoscience --- Ethnic medicine --- Ethnomedicine --- Folk medicine --- Home cures --- Home medicine --- Home remedies --- Indigenous medicine --- Medical folklore --- Medicine, Primitive --- Primitive medicine --- Surgery, Primitive --- Alternative medicine --- Folklore --- Medical anthropology --- Ethnopharmacology --- Etnobiologia --- Etnobotànica --- Muntanyes --- Àsia --- Àrees de muntanya --- Orografia --- Pujols --- Serralades --- Serres (Geografia) --- Turons --- Zones de muntanya --- Espais naturals --- Alpinisme --- Etnografia botànica --- Botànica --- Plantes útils --- Nomenclatura popular de les plantes --- Biologia tradicional --- Etnozoologia --- Biologia econòmica --- Estats i territoris --- Euràsia --- Àsia central --- Eufrates (Àsia : Curs d'aigua) --- Eufrates (Àsia : Vall) --- Himàlaia (Àsia : Serralada) --- Jònia (Turquia i Grècia) --- Orient --- Tigris (Àsia : Curs d'aigua) --- Plant ecology. --- Plant biotechnology. --- Plant diseases. --- Plant Evolution. --- Plant Development. --- Plant Ecology. --- Plant Biotechnology. --- Plant Pathology. --- Evolution. --- Development. --- Botany --- Communicable diseases in plants --- Crop diseases --- Crops --- Diseases of plants --- Microbial diseases in plants --- Pathological botany --- Pathology, Vegetable --- Phytopathology --- Plant pathology --- Vegetable pathology --- Agricultural pests --- Crop losses --- Diseased plants --- Phytopathogenic microorganisms --- Plant pathologists --- Plant quarantine --- Crop biotechnology --- Agricultural biotechnology --- Floristic ecology --- Phytoecology --- Vegetation ecology --- Ecology --- Development of plants --- Plant development --- Developmental biology --- Growth (Plants) --- Plant evolution --- Evolution (Biology) --- Pathology --- Diseases and pests --- Diseases --- Wounds and injuries --- Biotechnology --- Ontogeny --- Phylogeny
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This book is written for general readers with an interest in science, and offers the tools and ideas for understanding how climate change will affect mountains of the American West. A major goal of the book is to provide material that will not become quickly outdated, and it does so by conveying its topics through constants in ecological science that will remain unchanged and scientifically sound. The book is timely in its potential to be a long-term contribution, and is designed to inform the public about climate change in mountains accessibly and intelligibly. The major themes of the book include: 1) mountains of the American West as natural experiments that can distinguish the effects of climate change because they have been relatively free from human-caused changes, 2) mountains as regions with unique sensitivities that may change more rapidly than the Earth as a whole and foreshadow the nature and magnitude of change elsewhere, and 3) different interacting components of ecosystems in the face of a changing climate, including forest growth and mortality, ecological disturbance, and mountain hydrology. Readers will learn how these changes and interactions in mountains illuminate the complexity of ecological changes in other contexts around the world.
Mountain climate --- Climate, Highland --- Climate, Mountain --- Highland climate --- Climatology --- Weather --- Effect of mountains on --- Ecosystems. --- Environment. --- Ecology . --- Environment, general. --- Terrestial Ecology. --- Balance of nature --- Biology --- Bionomics --- Ecological processes --- Ecological science --- Ecological sciences --- Environment --- Environmental biology --- Oecology --- Environmental sciences --- Population biology --- Biocenoses --- Biocoenoses --- Biogeoecology --- Biological communities --- Biomes --- Biotic community ecology --- Communities, Biotic --- Community ecology, Biotic --- Ecological communities --- Ecosystems --- Natural communities --- Ecology --- Climatic changes. --- Changes, Climatic --- Changes in climate --- Climate change --- Climate change science --- Climate changes --- Climate variations --- Climatic change --- Climatic changes --- Climatic fluctuations --- Climatic variations --- Global climate changes --- Global climatic changes --- Climate change mitigation --- Teleconnections (Climatology) --- Environmental aspects --- Canvi climàtic --- Muntanyes --- Ecologia de les muntanyes --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Ecologia alpina --- Ecologia de muntanya --- Ecosistemes de muntanya --- Ecosistemes muntanyosos --- Ecologia --- Flora alpina --- Àrees de muntanya --- Orografia --- Pujols --- Serralades --- Serres (Geografia) --- Turons --- Zones de muntanya --- Espais naturals --- Alpinisme --- Canvis climàtics --- Canvi climàtic global --- Cicles climàtics --- Fluctuacions climàtiques --- Oscil·lacions climàtiques --- Variacions climàtiques --- Climatologia --- Degradació ambiental --- Desertització --- Canvi mediambiental global --- Dendroclimatologia --- Escalfament global --- Paleoclimatologia --- Temperatura atmosfèrica --- E.U.A. --- EE.UU. --- EUA --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estats Units --- U.S.A. --- United States --- United States of America --- USA --- Amèrica del Nord --- Alabama --- Alaska --- Arizona --- Arkansas --- Califòrnia --- Carolina del Nord --- Carolina del Sud --- Colorado --- Connecticut --- Dakota del Nord --- Dakota del Sud --- Delaware --- Florida --- Geòrgia --- Guadalupe Mountains (Estats Units d'Amèrica : Serralada) --- Hawaii --- Idaho --- Illinois --- Indiana --- Iowa --- Kansas --- Kentucky --- Louisiana --- Maine --- Maryland --- Massachusetts --- Michigan --- Minnesota --- Mississipí --- Missouri --- Montana --- Nebraska --- Nevada --- Nou Hampshire --- Nou Mèxic --- Nova Jersey --- Nova York (Estat) --- Oest (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Ohio --- Oklahoma --- Oregon --- Pennsilvània --- Rhode Island --- Tennessee --- Texas --- Utah --- Vermont --- Virgínia --- Virgínia de l'Oest --- Washington (Districte de Colúmbia) --- Washington (Estat) --- Wisconsin --- Wyoming --- Yellowstone National Park --- Global environmental change --- Est (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Biotic communities. --- Ecology.
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