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Art of Political Storytelling: Why Stories Win Votes in Post-truth Politics
ISBN: 9781350107380 1350107387 1350107409 1350107425 1350266140 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic

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In our post-truth world, tapping into people's emotions has proved far more effective than rational argument - and, as the author argues, the most powerful tool for manipulating emotions is a gripping narrative. From Trump's America to Brexit Britain, weaving a good story, featuring fearless protagonists, challenging quests against seemingly insurmountable odds, and soundbite after soundbite of memorable dialogue has been at the heart of political success. So does an understanding of the art of storytelling help explain today's successful political movements ? Can it translate into a blueprint for victory at the ballot box ? This book looks at how stories are created, shared and contested, illuminating the pivotal role that persuasive storytelling plays in shaping our understanding of the political world we live in. By mastering the tools and tricks of narrative, and evaluating the language and rhetorical strategies used to craft and enact them, the author explains how and why today's combination of new media, populism and partisanship makes storytelling an ever more important part of the persuasive and political process. In doing so, the book offers an original and compelling way of understanding the chaotic world of today's politics.

The Revenge of Power : How Autocrats are Reinventing Politics for the 21st Century
ISBN: 9781250279200 Year: 2022 Publisher: New York : St. Martin's Press,

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The Revenge of Power is an urgent, thrilling, and original look at the future of democracy. It illuminates one of the most important battles of our time: the future of freedom and how to contain and defeat the autocrats mushrooming around the world.  Naím turns to the trends, conditions, and behaviors that are contributing to the concentration of power, and to the clash between those the forces that weaken power and those that strengthen it. He concentrates on the three "P"s-populism, polarization, and post-truths. All of which are as old as time, but are combined by today's autocrats to undermine democratic life in new and frightening ways. Power has not changed. But the way people go about gaining it and using it has been transformed. The Revenge of Power connects the dots between global events and political tactics that, when taken together, show a profound and often stealthy transformation in power and politics worldwide.

The death of truth
ISBN: 9780008312787 0008312788 Year: 2018 Publisher: London William Collins

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From a Pulitzer Prize-winning critic comes an impassioned critique of America's retreat from reason. We live in a time when the very idea of objective truth is mocked and discounted by the occupants of the White House. Discredited conspiracy theories and ideologies have resurfaced, proven science is once more up for debate, and Russian propaganda floods our screens. The wisdom of the crowd has usurped research and expertise, and we are each left clinging to the beliefs that best confirm our biases. How did truth become an endangered species ? This decline began decades ago, and in this book the author takes a penetrating look at the cultural forces that contributed to this gathering storm. In social media and literature, television, academia, and political campaigns, she identifies the trends - originating on both the right and the left - that have combined to elevate subjectivity over factuality, science, and common values. And she returns us to the words of the great critics of authoritarianism, writers like George Orwell and Hannah Arendt, whose work is newly and eerily relevant. With remarkable erudition and insight, the author offers a provocative diagnosis of our current condition and presents a path forward for our truth-challenged times..

Armes & armées
ISSN: 24905828 ISBN: 9782717870282 2717870288 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris Economica

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"Différente de la propagande, la désinformation se définit comme une entreprise secrète de conception, de fabrication et de diffusion d'un message falsifié dont le but est de tromper le récepteur-cible afin de l'induire en erreur et de le faire agir contre son intérêt. Toutes les époques et tous les régimes en ont fait usage. La guerre froide en a fait un instrument privilégié. Pratiquée par des spécialistes discrets, la désinformation est restée une arme de guerre psychologique originale dont les effets étaient difficilement mesurables. Le succès de la désinformation se mesure à notre ignorance de son action mystérieuse. Nul ne parlait encore de « réalité alternative » ni de fake news. Or en l'espace de quelques années, profitant de l'Internet, de réseaux sociaux prédateurs comme Facebook et des nouvelles plates-formes, la désinformation s'est introduite dans la vie quotidienne des citoyens et dans les relations entre les États. Elle s'insinue dans l'esprit de chacun à coup de tweets en cascade. Elle devient un instrument d'ingérence majeure pour fausser le choix des électeurs. Elle corrompt la démocratie, déstabilise l'équilibre des pouvoirs et mine la crédibilité de l'information. Les notions de réalité, de vérité et de fait authentique sont bousculées. Le soupçon et le doute nourrissent un scepticisme malsain où se dissout le libre arbitre de l'individu responsable. L'empire de la désinformation connaîtra donc des phases d'expansion et de rétraction mais la lutte entre vérité et mensonge, entre lucidité et aveuglement ne cessera jamais. C'est de ce nouveau combat, essentiel pour l'avenir de chacun de nous, que ce livre cherche à rendre compte."

On the question of truth in the era of Trump
ISBN: 9789004391277 9789004431607 Year: 2020 Publisher: Leiden;Boston Brill | Sense

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Using a range of critical perspectives, this book closely examines notions of 'truth in crisis' leading up to and after the election of Donald Trump. The authors explore how truth is constructed along the lines of race, social class, and gender as filtered through the self-referential characteristics of social media in particular. The authors assert that the US left has shown itself inadequate to the task of confronting right wing ideologies, which have only intensified since the 2016 election, resulting in increased mobilization of white supremacist and nationalist groups. Whether underestimating Trump by downplaying the threat of his candidacy during the primaries, trivializing the concerns of women and minorities as 'identity politics', or rushing to prioritize the free speech rights of the far-right, left academics and the media have found themselves unable to use their traditional arsenal of evidence, rational discourse, and appeals to diversity of viewpoints. The authors assert that political resistance to the right is not a matter of playful use of signs and symbols or discourse alone and has to be fought directly and in solidarity. At this point, it is clear that Trump and his supporters have not just deployed relativism as a form of strategy, but have fully weaponized it against their perceived enemies : women, immigrants, minorities, LGBTQ people along with educational, scientific, and journalistic institutions. It is hoped that this in-depth, critical dissection of truth in the current political reality will assist in the project of resistance.

La faiblesse du vrai : ce que la post-vérité fait à notre monde commun
ISSN: 0993684X ISBN: 9782021383041 2021383040 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris : Editions du Seuil,

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L’irruption de la notion de « post-vérité », désignée comme mot de l’année 2016 par le dictionnaire d’Oxford, a suscité beaucoup de commentaires journalistiques, notamment sur le phénomène des fake news, mais peu de réflexions de fond. Or, cette notion ne concerne pas seulement les liens entre politique et vérité, elle brouille la distinction essentielle du vrai et du faux, portant atteinte à notre capacité à vivre ensemble dans un monde commun.En questionnant les rapports conflictuels entre politique et vérité, Myriam Revault d’Allonnes déconstruit nombre d’approximations et de confusions. Elle montre que le problème majeur de la politique n’est pas celui de sa conformité à la vérité mais qu’il est lié à la constitution de l’opinion publique et à l’exercice du jugement. L’exploration du « régime de vérité » de la politique éclaire ce qui distingue fondamentalement les systèmes démocratiques, exposés en permanence à la dissolution des repères de la certitude, à la tentation du relativisme et à la transformation des « vérités de fait » en opinions, des systèmes totalitaires, où la toute-puissance de l’idéologie fabrique un monde entièrement fictif.Loin d’enrichir le monde, la « post-vérité » appauvrit l’imaginaire social et met en cause les jugements et les expériences sensibles que nous pouvons partager. Il est urgent de prendre conscience de la nature et de la portée du phénomène si nous voulons en conjurer les effets éthiques et politiques.

Post-truth, fake news and democracy : mapping the politics of falsehood
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781000497403 1000497402 9780429317347 0429317344 9781000507287 1000507289 9781000502343 1000502341 9780367322182 9780367322175 0367322188 036732217X Year: 2020 Volume: 19 Publisher: New York, N.Y. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group

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"Western societies are under siege, as fake news, post-truth and alternative facts are undermining the very core of democracy. This dystopic narrative is currently circulated by intellectuals, journalists and policymakers worldwide. In this book, Johan Farkas and Jannick Schou deliver a comprehensive study of post-truth discourses. They critically map the normative ideas contained in these and present a forceful call for deepening democracy. The dominant narrative of our time is that democracy is in a state of emergency caused by social media, changes to journalism and misinformed masses. This crisis needs to be resolved by reinstating truth at the heart of democracy, even if this means curtailing civic participation and popular sovereignty. Engaging with critical political philosophy, Farkas and Schou argue that these solutions neglect the fact that democracy has never been about truth alone. It is equally about the voice of the democratic people. Post-Truth, Fake News and Democracy delivers a sobering diagnosis of our times. It maps contemporary discourses on truth and democracy, foregrounds their normative foundations and connects these to historical changes within liberal democracies. The book will be of interest to students and scholars studying the current state and future of democracy, as well as to a politically informed readership"--


BPB9999 --- BPB2106 --- desinformation --- démocratie --- δημοκρατία --- demokrácia --- demokrātija --- democracia --- demokraatia --- democrazia --- demokracija --- demokratija --- daonlathas --- democrație --- democracy --- demokratia --- demokracie --- demokracja --- demokrati --- demokraci --- demokracia --- democratie --- Demokratie --- demokrazija --- демокрация --- демократија --- politický pluralizmus --- pluralizm polityczny --- πολιτικός πλουραλισμός --- folkstyre --- folkestyre --- politiek pluralisme --- politischer Pluralismus --- politiskais plurālisms --- demokrātiska vienlīdzība --- politikai pluralizmus --- égalité démocratique --- politický pluralismus --- ugwaljanza demokratika --- pluraliżmu politiku --- barazi demokratike --- pluralismo político --- politinis pliuralizmas --- politisk jämlikhet --- демократична равнопоставеност --- igualdad democrática --- democratische gelijkheid --- demokratische Gleichheit --- δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα --- demokraattinen yhdenvertaisuus --- poliittinen pluralismi --- demokratična enakost --- democratic equality --- demokratikus egyenlőség --- pluralisme politique --- politisk mångfald --- demokraatlik võrdsus --- igualdade democrática --- politisk pluralism --- ludowładztwo --- политически плурализъм --- politisk pluralisme --- pluralism politic --- pluralismo politico --- pluralizëm politik --- demokratická rovnost --- politički pluralizam --- uguaglianza democratica --- politični pluralizem --- egalitate democratică --- demokratická rovnosť --- political pluralism --- poliitiline pluralism --- demokratinė lygybė --- политички плурализам --- dezinformacja --- disinformaatio --- παραπληροφόρηση --- dezinformáció --- desinformação --- dezinformare --- desinformatsioon --- dezinformācija --- désinformation --- diżinformazzjoni --- дезинформација --- bréagaisnéis --- дезинформация --- keqinformim --- dezinformácia --- desinformatie --- dezinformacija --- desinformación --- Desinformation --- disinformation --- disinformazione --- dezinformace --- погрешна информација --- viltus ziņa --- falske nyheder --- maldināšana --- αναληθές δημοσίευμα --- bulo --- fausses informations --- lažne vijesti --- nepnieuws --- fejknyheter --- noticias falsas --- ψευδείς ειδήσεις --- fałszywa informacja --- bufala --- știri false --- falošné správy --- aħbarijiet foloz --- notizie false --- potegavščina --- fake news --- неточна информација --- álhír --- embuste --- qerq --- falešná informace --- nieprawdziwe informacje --- nepravdivá informace --- невярна информация --- falska nyheter --- Falschmeldung --- pettus --- gezielte Falschmeldungen --- libauudised --- fakenieuws --- melagingos naujienos --- canular --- bluff --- hamis információ --- измислица --- menzogna --- boato --- falešné zprávy --- misinformation --- лажна информација --- melagingi pranešimai --- valeuutiset --- hoax --- lažna vijest --- фалшиви новини --- Hoax --- lažne novice --- notícia falsa --- Political systems --- Mass communications --- Democracy. --- Fake news. --- Mass media --- Political culture. --- Social media --- Truthfulness and falsehood --- Political aspects. --- Democracy --- Political culture --- Fake news --- Political aspects --- Truthfulness and falsehood - Political aspects --- Mass media - Political aspects --- Social media - Political aspects --- mal-information --- démocratie --- félretájékoztatás --- škodlivá informácia --- informare rău-voitoare --- informazzjoni ħażina --- informare greșită --- irreführende Information --- misinformaatio --- väärinfo --- zlonamerne informacije --- hamis tájékoztatás --- má informação --- väärä tieto --- mífhaisnéis --- informacja szkodliwa --- neúmyselne nepravdivá informácia --- virheellinen tieto --- bevidst misinformation --- misinformatie --- pogrešna informacija --- miżinformazzjoni --- informação errada --- nepareiza informācija --- εσφαλμένη πληροφόρηση --- maldinoša informācija --- nesprávná informace --- falsk information --- klaidinga informacija --- pakenkti skirta informacija --- información falsa --- informacja wprowadzająca w błąd --- mésinformation --- drochfhaisnéis --- Fehlinformation --- zavádějící informace --- napačne informacije --- malinformazione --- lažna informacija --- Falschinformation --- κακόβουλη πληροφόρηση --- Schadinformation --- información errónea --- cattiva informazione

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