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L'ailleurs de l'autre : récits de voyageurs extra-européens
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782753507951 2753507953 2753549303 Year: 2009 Volume: 37 Publisher: Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes,

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Si, comme l'écrivait Proust, « le seul véritable voyage, le seul bain de jouvence, ce ne serait pas d'aller vers de nouveaux paysages, mais d'avoir d'autres yeux, de voir l'univers avec les yeux d'un autre », la lecture des récits de voyageurs extra-européens n'est-elle pas une prodigieuse occasion de découverte, encore trop négligée ? En réunissant les contributions d'historiens, de linguistes et de comparatistes, les auteurs ont souhaité ouvrir ici une réflexion sur la façon dont, hors d'Europe, à l'époque moderne, on a voyagé, et relaté ses voyages. Qu'il s'agisse de récits de voyages dits inversés, accomplis au temps des empires coloniaux, d'expériences de dépaysement dans le parcours du pays familier, ou de déambulations d'un continent à l'autre telles que le xxe siècle les a multipliées, les relations des voyageurs d'Asie, d'Amérique ou d'Afrique donnent à voir d'autres images, subtilement décalées, du monde, de la modernité, de l'Occident, et confrontent le lecteur européen à une mise en scène distanciée de sa pratique viatique, dans des récits où c'est, cette fois, un autre qui parle de l'autre.

Mobility at large : globalization, textuality and innovative travel writing
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1781387702 1781389004 1846317738 9781846317736 9781781387702 9781846318214 1846318211 Year: 2012 Publisher: Liverpool : Liverpool University Press,

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Mobility at Large explores a unique trajectory of travel writing. Instead of focussing on best-selling travel texts by Paul Theroux, Bill Bryson, Michael Palin, Alain de Botton and others, this book examines a strand of innovative contemporary travel writing wherein the authors experiment with form, content and the politics of representation. In this, innovative travel texts by a range of writers – from Michael Ondaatje and Caryl Phillips to Daphne Marlatt and Sam Miller – transform the genre by inscribing travel, migration, mobility and displacement within a variety of experimental textual strategies to work through questions of movement and the politics of personal identity in relation to the complex interlocutions of space, place and subjectivity. As a result, Mobility at Large challenges those critics who dismiss the genre as inherently conservative and inextricably bound up in a colonial, Eurocentric tradition. The book also documents a long and rich tradition of travel writing that existed well beyond the influence of Europe.

Ecrire des récits de voyage (XVe-XVIIIe siècles) : esquisse d'une poétique en gestation : actes du colloque tenu à Toronto du 4 au 6 mai 2006
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782763786162 2763786162 Year: 2008 Publisher: Québec: Presses universitaires de Laval,

Charles de Brosses et le voyage lettré au XVIIIe siècle : colloque de Dijon, 3-4 octobre 2002, Centre de recherche texte et édition
Authors: ---
ISSN: 16300858 ISBN: 2905965940 9782905965943 Year: 2004 Publisher: Dijon: EUD,

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" Dis la chose comme elle est ! " demande le maître à Jacques le fataliste qui répond en soulignant toutes les difficultés d'une telle entreprise. Confronté lui aussi à l'exigence de dire les choses comme elles sont, Charles de Brosses, comme bien des voyageurs lettrés du XVIIIe siècle, rend compte de son expérience viatique mais révèle plus encore sa familiarité avec les livres et les bibliothèques. Ses lectures et leur cortège de réminiscences, les traditions et habitudes d'écriture guident son regard. Elles guident aussi sa plume et les liens qu'elle tisse entre les mots et le monde. Ainsi, entre le sujet qui regarde et l'objet regardé, le texte se glisse sans cesse, modelant la perception visuelle comme la représentation écrite. C'est précisément cette particularité qui est analysée dans cet ouvrage consacré au voyage lettré, expression qui désigne certes le voyage accompli par un homme de lettres mais bien davantage un rapport particulier au monde et à l'écriture.

Travel in the Byzantine world : papers from the thirty-fourth spring symposium of Byzantine studies, Birmingham, April 2000
ISBN: 0754607887 9780754607885 Year: 2002 Volume: 10 Publisher: Aldershot: Ashgate,

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The contributions to this volume have been selected from the papers delivered at the 34th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies at Birmingham, in April 2000. Travellers to and in the Byzantine world have long been a subject of interest but travel and communications in the medieval period have more recently attracted scholarly attention. This book is the first to bring together these two lines of enquiry. Four aspects of travel in the Byzantine world, from the sixth to the fifteenth century, are examined here: technicalities of travel on land and sea, purposes of travel, foreign visitors' perceptions of Constantinople, and the representation of the travel experience in images and in written accounts. Sources used to illuminate these four aspects include descriptions of journeys, pilot books, bilingual word lists, shipwrecks, monastic documents, but as the opening paper shows the range of such sources can be far wider than generally supposed. The contributors highlight road and travel conditions for horses and humans, types of ships and speed of sea journeys, the nature of trade in the Mediterranean, the continuity of pilgrimage to the Holy Land, attitudes toward travel. Patterns of communication in the Mediterranean are revealed through distribution of ceramic finds, letter collections, and the spread of the plague. Together, these papers make a notable contribution to our understanding both of the evidence for travel, and of the realities and perceptions of communications in the Byzantine world. Travel in the Byzantine World is volume 10 in the series published by Ashgate/Variorum on behalf of the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies.

A literary companion to travel in Greece
ISBN: 0892362987 9780892362981 Year: 1994 Publisher: Malibu (Calif.): Getty museum,

Travel fact and travel fiction : studies on fiction, literary tradition, scholarly discovery, and observation in travel writing
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9004101128 9004247092 Year: 1994 Volume: 55 Publisher: Leiden New York Brill

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Travel Fact and Travel Fiction contains 18 articles by different authors on important examples of travel writing from Classical Antiquity (Herodotus) until the first half of the nineteenth century. Discussed are among others Herodotus, Egeria, Rubruck, Marco Polo, Columbus, Joachim Du Bellay, Busbequius, Gryphius, Goethe and Dickens. Central themes are fiction, literary tradition, scholarly discovery and observation.

The Cambridge introduction to travel writing
ISBN: 9780521697392 9780521874472 9780511843150 0521874475 Year: 2013 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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"Critics have long struggled to find a suitable category for travelogues. From its ancient origins to the present day, the travel narrative has borrowed elements from various genres - from epic poetry to literary reportage - in order to evoke distant cultures and exotic locales, and sometimes those closer to hand. Tim Youngs argues in this lucid and detailed Introduction that travel writing redefines the myriad genres it comprises and is best understood on its own terms. To this end, Youngs surveys some of the most celebrated travel literature from the medieval period until the present, exploring themes such as the quest motif, the traveler's inner journey, postcolonial travel and issues of gender and sexuality. The text culminates in a chapter on twenty-first-century travel writing and offers predictions about future trends in the genre, making this Introduction an ideal guide for today's students, teachers and travel writing enthusiasts"-- "The Cambridge Introduction to Travel Writing is structured in three parts. The first surveys the development of the genre from ancient times to the present day. The second, with separate chapters on the quest motif, the inner journey, postcolonial travel, and gender and sexuality, shows how historical context and literary convention act on features that have long been present. The third part discusses recent critical approaches and considers these alongside travel writers' own statements about their practice. The final chapter looks at current travel writing, including the impact of the internet, and anticipates future trends. The volume shows that travel writing has a long tradition, is more diverse than is often recognised, constitutes a serious literary genre, and, contrary to the assumptions of much recent work, can offer a radical challenge to dominant values and perspectives"--

Describing the city, describing the state : representations of Venice and the Venetian Terraferma in the Renaissance
ISSN: 15734188 ISBN: 9789004415904 9789004428201 9004428208 9004415904 Year: 2020 Volume: 221 Publisher: Leiden: Brill,

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'In Describing the City, Describing the State' Sandra Toffolo presents a comprehensive analysis of descriptions of the city of Venice and the Venetian Terraferma in the Renaissance, when the Venetian mainland state was being created. Focusing on an extensive variety of descriptions, the book demonstrates that no one narrative of Venice prevailed in the early modern European imagination, and that authors continuously adapted geographical descriptions to changing political circumstances. In doing so, it shows the importance of studying geographical representation and early modern state formation together. Moreover, it challenges the long-standing concept of the myth of Venice, by showing that Renaissance observers never saw the city of Venice and the Venetian Terraferma in a monolithic way.

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