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Conservation in London : a study of strategic planning policy in London
ISBN: 1850745226 9781850745228 Year: 1995 Publisher: London English Heritage

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Internationales Verkehrswesen : IV
Authors: ---
Year: 1968 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main : Darmstadt : München : A. Tetzlaff, Tetzlaff Verlag Trialog Publishers

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Internationales Verkehrswesen
ISSN: 00209511 Year: 1968 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main Arthur Tetzfaff Verlag

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Infrastructure Investment in Indonesia
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781783748235 Year: 2019 Publisher: Open Book Publishers

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" Infrastructure Investment in Indonesia: A Focus on Ports presents an important and original collation of current material investigating the efficient facilitation of major infrastructure projects in Indonesia and Australia, with an emphasis on infrastructure investment and a focus on port planning and development.This interdisciplinary collection—spanning the disciplines of engineering, law and planning—draws helpfully on a range of practical and theoretical perspectives. It is the collaborative effort of leading experts in the fields of infrastructure project initiation and financing, and is based on international research conducted by the University of Melbourne, Universitas Indonesia and Universitas Gadjah Mada.The volume opens with a macroscopic perspective, outlining the broader economic situations confronting Indonesia and Australia, before adopting a more microscopic perspective to closely examine the issues surrounding major infrastructure investment in both countries. Detailed case studies are provided, key challenges are identified, and evidence-based solutions are offered. These solutions respond to such topical issues as how to overcome delays in infrastructure project initiation; how to enhance project decision-making for the selection and evaluation of projects; how to improve overall efficiency in the arrangement of project finance and governance; and how to increase the return provided by investment in infrastructure. Special focus is given to proposed improvements to the portal cities of Indonesia in the areas of major infrastructure project governance, policies, engagement, operation and processes.By rigorously investigating the economic, transport, finance and policy aspects of infrastructure investment, this book will be a valuable resource for policy makers and government officials in Indonesia and Australia, infrastructure investment organisations, and companies involved in exporting services between Indonesia and Australia. This book will also be of interest to researchers and students of infrastructure planning and financing, setting a solid foundation for subsequent investigations of financing options for large-scale infrastructure developments."

Integrert kystsoneforvaltning : Planfaglege, samfunnsvitskapelege og juridiske perspektiv
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8215045073 8215045081 Year: 2021 Publisher: Oslo Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget)

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Denne boka er eit resultat av eit fireårig tverrfagleg forskingsprosjekt, PlanCoast, finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd. Ein raud tråd i prosjektet har vore konseptet om ei integrert kystsoneforvaltning gjennom kommunal og regional planlegging etter plan- og bygningslova og forvaltning etter sektorlovverket. Forventninga om å sjå sjø- og landområde i samanheng på tvers av kommune- og sektorgrenser er også sentral i boka. Felles for alle artiklane i boka er at dei tek opp og diskuterer dagsaktuelle fenomen i den norske kystsona. Boka inneheld både planfaglege, samfunnsfaglege og juridiske fagartiklar. Enkelte artiklar er skrivne i samarbeid mellom forfattarar med ståstad i ulike fag for å sikre tverrfaglege tilnærmingar. Boka inneheld også artiklar frå fagpersonar i forvaltninga som dagleg handterer problemstillingar om bruk og vern av sjø. Eit gjennomgåande trekk i boka er korleis planlegging etter plan- og bygningslova fungerer som integrerande reiskap i kystsona, i samspel med sektorlovverket, og kva forfattarane meiner er dei viktigaste utfordringane for å oppnå ei slik meir integrert forvaltning av kystsona i åra som kjem. Boka er redigert av Knut Bjørn Stokke, førsteamanuensis ved Fakultet for landskap og samfunn, Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU) og prosjektleiar i PLANCOAST Katrine Broch Hauge, førsteamanuensis ved Nordisk institutt for sjørett, Universitetet i Oslo.

Sustainable Logistics
ISBN: 1784410616 1784410624 1322497117 9781322497112 9781784410612 9781784410629 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bingley Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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This book will bring a state of the art overview of the research done in sustainable logistics. It will be structured along the four A's of sustainable logistics: 1 Awareness: it is important that companies and policy makers are aware of the effects of their activities and policies. New methods to estimate the effects of the logistic activities and the change towards more sustainable ways will be covered. 2 Avoidance: transport can be avoided by a better collaboration between actors (vertically and horizontally). Papers covering this topic will be introduced here. 3 Acting and shifting the goods to more environmental friendly modes or to the non peak hours. 4 Anticipation of new technologies: the use of more environmental friendly vehicles (electric,.LNG) within the logistic chain.

Strategic airport planning
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0080427642 9780080427645 0585474419 9780585474410 9781786359865 1786359863 Year: 1999 Publisher: Amsterdam : Pergamon,

Conservation issues in local plans /.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1850746257 9781850746256 Year: 1996 Publisher: London : English Heritage,

MARS : the monuments at risk survey of England, 1995 : main report
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1858990491 9781858990491 Year: 1998 Publisher: Bournemouth : School of Conservation Sciences, Bournemouth University,

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Celostno načrtovanje javnega potniškega prometa v Ljubljanski urbani regiji
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2012 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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This volume discusses various aspects of planning public transport in the Ljubljana Urban Region, in which it highlights the cooperation between Ljubljana as a metropolis and its functionally connected countryside. After studying the basic social processes that guide development in this region, such as centralization and suburbanization, it focuses on traffic and public transport in this region. It analyzes the traffic flows, road use, and commuting, and dedicates special attention to commuting times. Suitable measures and best-practice examples are presented for the cases of unsustainable mobility that were indentified, especially with regard to improving spatial and temporal accessibility and transfer points in the public transport network. Proposals for integrating spatial and transport planning were developed, and ideas about drafting the development of public passenger transport in the selected corridor in the Ljubljana Urban Region were presented. Knjiga obravnava različne vidike urejanja javnega potniškega prometa v Ljubljanski urbani regiji, pri čemer je izpostavljeno sodelovanje Ljubljane kot metropole in njenega funkcijsko povezanega zaledja. Po preučitvi temeljnih družbenih procesov, ki usmerjajo razvoj v obravnavani regiji, kot na primer centralizacija in suburbanizacija, smo se osredotočili na promet in javni potniški promet v regiji. Analizirali smo prometne tokove, obremenjenost cest in dnevno mobilnost, posebno pozornost smo posvetili časovni dostopnosti do prebivalcev in delovnih mest. Za zaznane primere netrajnostne mobilnosti smo skušali najti primerne ukrepe in vzorčne dobre prakse, zlasti na področju izboljšanja prostorske in časovne dostopnosti ter prestopnih točk javnega potniškega prometa. Izdelali smo predloge za integracijo prostorskega in prometnega načrtovanja, predstavili pa smo tudi ideje o zasnovi razvoja javnega potniškega prometa na izbranem koridorju v Ljubljanski urbani regiji.

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