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Dieses Open-Access-Buch führt auf der Spur der Trade-offs der Nachhaltigkeit vom Versuch einer sprachlogischen Aufarbeitung des Nachhaltigkeitsbegriffs aus in die zweiwertige Logik. Die klassische Logik führt hinein in ein Modell boolescher Algebra, um weiter zu drei- und mehrwertigen Logiken vorzudringen. Inspiriert von neuen digital erzeugbaren Kalkülen, die z. B. in Verbindung mit den in der Systemtheorie Luhmanns behandelten re-entry stehen, werden die Leser*innen in wissenschaftlich experimentell angelegte, virtuell und imaginär designte Aufstellungsräume geführt. Dieses Open-Access-Buch offeriert Erkenntnisse aufgrund einer Methode, die Nachhaltigkeit nachhaltig immer wieder neu hervorzubringen vermag, wenn sich die jeweils relevanten Protagonisten auf Science Constellations einlassen.
Economics --- Science Constellations --- ambiges Denken --- Nachhaltigkeit --- Trade-offs --- Logik --- Intuition --- Mindshift
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Regional planning --- Irrigated farming --- Diversification --- Economic analysis --- Decision making --- Computer software --- La campina --- Guadalajara --- Programacion multicriterio interactiva --- Solucion eficiente --- Trade-offs --- Matriz de pagos --- Programmation multicritere interactive --- Spain
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Aim : Erythrophleum species and gene pools, despite being morphologically similar, oc- cupy contrasted habitats. The aim of this work is to determine if Erythrophleum species and gene pools respond differently to shade and drought, to understand the underlying mechanisms that explain these differences by measuring traits on control seedlings, and finally to understand if these differences can explain their distribution patterns. Location : Industrial site of Pallisco-CIFM in Mindourou, Cameroon, and two zones in southern (Dja-and-Lobo department) and central Cameroon (Mba-and-Kim depart- ment). Methods : The work consisted of an in situ and a drought and shade experiment. Dur- ing the in situ experiment, two zones where species or gene pools are coexisting were sampled. During the drought/shade experiment, two modalities of drought (watered or non watered) and two modality of light (low light and hight light) were tested on 190 seedlings from two species and six gene pools to compare their response to stress. At the end of the experiment, functional traits were measured on 56 control seedlings. Results : Allometric models have been calculated and phenophases compared for field individuals sampled in the field of two gene pools. Differences of phenophases and crown shape have been highlighted. No clear difference between species and gene pools were observed experimentally in seedling survival and response to drought and shade. Differ- ences of functional traits have been found between species and gene pools, suaW having more drought-adapted traits than any other pool. Main conclusions : Dry forests gene pools had more drought tolerant traits than pools found in wetter forests, but did not show more resistance to drought or more sensitivity to shade in the drought/shade experiment. A difference exist but is thin because of the morphological proximity of the pools and species, supporting the ecological gradient hypothesis.
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Everybody has to make decisions--they are unavoidable. Yet we receive little or no education or training on how to make decisions. Business decisions can be difficult: which people to hire, which product lines or facilities to expand and which to sell or shut down, which bid or proposal to accept, which process to implement, how much R&D to invest in, which environmental projects should receive the highest priority, and so on. Even if you make the correct decision, you still have to get buy-in and commitment from your team, other management, and key stakeholders to successfully implement the decision. Personal decisions can be even more difficult: which college to attend, who to date, who to marry, which automobile to buy, which house to buy, whether to change jobs or not, where to go on vacation, when and where to retire, how to handle and treat a serious illness or health problem, and so on. Decision analysis (DA) is a time-tested set of tools (mental frameworks) which will help you and the teams you work with clarify and reach alignment on goals and objectives and understand trade-offs in reaching those goals, develop and examine alternatives, systematically analyze the effects of risk and uncertainty, and maximize the chances of achieving your goals and objectives.
Decision making. --- decision analysis --- decision and risk analysis (D&RA) --- making decisions --- personal decision making --- business decision making --- trade-offs --- decision framing --- strategic decision making --- uncertainty --- risk --- decision making under uncertainty --- portfolio analysis
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Policy makers use financial sector strategies to formulate a holistic policy for their national financial sectors. This paper examines and rates financial sector strategies around the world based on how well they formulate development targets, arrangements for systemic risk management, and implementation plans. The strategies are also rated on whether they consider policy trade-offs between financial development and systemic risk management. The rated strategies are then benchmarked against a wide range of country characteristics. The analysis finds that the scope and quality of national strategies for the financial sector are influenced by the country's type of legal system, its level of income and macroeconomic stability, the existing financial depth and inclusion, the share of foreign ownership in the national financial sector, and the experience of past financial crises. Giving due consideration to policy trade-offs, particularly between financial development and systemic risk management, remains the weakest part of these strategies. Countries with civil- and religious-based law and those with a higher share of foreign ownership in their financial system address the policy trade-offs more often.
Banks and Banking Reform --- Debt Markets --- Economic Theory & Research --- Emerging Markets --- Finance and Financial Sector Development --- Financial Development --- Financial Sector Policy Formulation --- Macroeconomics and Economic Growth --- Policy Implementation --- Policy Objectives --- Private Sector Development --- Public Sector Corruption and Anticorruption Measure --- Public Sector Development --- Systemic Risk Management --- Trade-Offs
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Whether managing strategy, operations, or products, making the best decision in a complex, uncertain business environment is challenging. One of the major difficulties facing decision makers is that they often have multiple, competing objectives, which means trade-offs will need to be made. To further complicate matters, uncertainty in the business environment makes it hard to explicitly understand how different objectives will impact potential outcomes. Fortunately, these problems can be solved with a structured framework for multiobjective decision analysis that measures trade-offs among objectives and incorporates uncertainties and risk preferences. This book is designed to help decision makers by providing such an analysis framework implemented as a simple spreadsheet tool. This framework helps structure the decision-making process by identifying what information is needed in order to make the decision, defining how that information should be combined to make the decision, and, finally, providing quantifiable evidence to clearly communicate and justify the final decision. The process itself involves minimal overhead and is perfect for busy professionals who need a simple, structured process for making, tracking, and communicating decisions. With this process, decision making is made more efficient by focusing only on information and factors that are well defined, measureable, and relevant to the decision at hand. The clear characterization of the decision required by the framework ensures that a decision can be traced and is consistent with the intended objectives and organizational values. Using this structured decision-making framework, anyone can effectively and consistently make better decisions to gain a competitive and strategic advantage.
Multiple criteria decision making. --- decision making --- decision analysis --- decision modeling --- strategic decisions --- business decisions --- how to decide --- trade-offs --- multiobjective --- values --- weights --- value functions --- objectives --- measures --- alternatives --- uncertainty --- probability --- discrete --- continuous --- linear --- exponential --- expected value --- utility --- expected utility --- risk tolerance --- certainty equivalents
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No detailed description available for "Winners and Losers".
Management. --- United States. --- Alexandra Guisinger. --- American Opinion on Trade. --- American trade policy. --- NAFTA. --- North American Free Trade Agreement. --- US-Mexico-Canada Agreement. --- WTO. --- World Trade Organization. --- competitiveness. --- demographics. --- gender differences. --- globalization. --- international affairs. --- jobs. --- labor. --- multiculturalism. --- outgroups. --- overseas jobs. --- political economy. --- political psychology. --- racial attitudes. --- social safety net. --- sociology. --- status threat. --- trade policy. --- trade preferences. --- trade-offs. --- trolley problem. --- xenophobia. --- zero-sum. --- E-books
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Art and design researchers can contribute in interesting ways to engaging citizens, policy makers, private partners and other participants to participate in public space (issues). The methods of doing so are, however, underexplored. Therefore, the European Marie Curie Multi-ITN project ‘TRADERS’ (short for ‘Training Art and Design Researchers in Participation for Public Space’) researches the ways in which art and design researchers can ‘trade’ or exchange with multiple participants and disciplines in public space projects and – at the same time – trains them in doing so. In this kick-off symposium in Belgium, Hasselt, we will start a first debate around this topic in close collaboration with art centre Z33. All participating art and design researchers will be present, from 6 participating institutes, being Media, Arts and Design Faculty/LUCA School of Arts (KHLim/KULeuven), Royal College of Art/School of Architecture, Design Academy Eindhoven/Man and Public Space, University of Gothenburg/School of Design and Crafts, Chalmers University of Technology/Department of Architecture and KULeuven/Planning and Development and the Architecture and Culture Theory research units. We would like to invite you to join the lectures and the discussion.
Art --- interactive art --- philosophy of art --- Atelier public --- Processus de création --- Sociologie de la culture --- Participation --- Interactive art --- social design --- ontwerpmethodiek --- trade-offs --- 770.7 --- 770.6 --- participatory design --- interactief design --- interaction design --- ontwerpproces --- 7.01 --- Kunsttheorie ; creatief proces ; inspiratie ; door participatie --- Co-creatie ; creatief samenwerken --- Philosophy --- Participatory art --- Performance art --- Social practice (Art) --- interaction design, participatory design, social design --- productdesign, filosofie, esthetiek en kritiek --- Kunst ; theorie, filosofie, esthetica
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Asset pricing, investment, and trading strategies are very important in finance. They are useful in various situations, for example, supporting the decision-making process of choosing investments; determining the asset-specific required rate of return on the investment; pricing derivatives for trading or hedging; getting portfolios from fixed incomes or bonds, stocks, and other assets; evaluating diverse portfolios; determining macroeconomic variables affecting market prices; calculating option prices; and incorporating features such as mean reversion and volatility, etc. They can also be applied in financial forecast for assets, portfolios, business projects.Understanding, modeling, and using various asset pricing models, investment models, and models for different trading strategies is paramount in many different areas of finance and investment, including banking, stocks, bonds, currencies, and related financial derivatives. Different asset pricing models, investment models, and models for different trading strategies also allow us to compare the performances of different variables through the analysis of empirical real-world data.This Special Issue on "Asset Pricing, Investment, and Trading Strategies” will be devoted to advancements in the theoretical development of various asset pricing models, investment models, and models for different trading strategies as well as to their applications.The Special Issue will encompass innovative theoretical developments, challenging and exciting practical applications, and interesting case studies in the development and analysis of various asset pricing models, investment models, and models for different trading strategies in finance and cognate disciplines.
quantile --- correlogram --- dependence --- predictability --- market efficiency --- state ownership --- risk-taking behavior --- investment --- Vietnam --- GMM --- nonlinearity --- trading strategy --- trade-offs --- transport operations --- competitiveness --- sustainability --- growth --- ARDL --- stock exchange --- capitalization --- turnover --- value traded --- agricultural commodity future prices --- extreme value --- NON-stationary Extreme Value Analysis (NEVA) --- Newton-optimal method --- high-frequency data --- market liquidity --- sovereign bonds --- spillover --- backwardation --- economic regimes --- momentum strategy --- systematic trading --- jumps identification --- swap variance --- integrated volatility --- realized volatility
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Asset pricing, investment, and trading strategies are very important in finance. They are useful in various situations, for example, supporting the decision-making process of choosing investments; determining the asset-specific required rate of return on the investment; pricing derivatives for trading or hedging; getting portfolios from fixed incomes or bonds, stocks, and other assets; evaluating diverse portfolios; determining macroeconomic variables affecting market prices; calculating option prices; and incorporating features such as mean reversion and volatility, etc. They can also be applied in financial forecast for assets, portfolios, business projects.Understanding, modeling, and using various asset pricing models, investment models, and models for different trading strategies is paramount in many different areas of finance and investment, including banking, stocks, bonds, currencies, and related financial derivatives. Different asset pricing models, investment models, and models for different trading strategies also allow us to compare the performances of different variables through the analysis of empirical real-world data.This Special Issue on "Asset Pricing, Investment, and Trading Strategies” will be devoted to advancements in the theoretical development of various asset pricing models, investment models, and models for different trading strategies as well as to their applications.The Special Issue will encompass innovative theoretical developments, challenging and exciting practical applications, and interesting case studies in the development and analysis of various asset pricing models, investment models, and models for different trading strategies in finance and cognate disciplines.
Development economics & emerging economies --- quantile --- correlogram --- dependence --- predictability --- market efficiency --- state ownership --- risk-taking behavior --- investment --- Vietnam --- GMM --- nonlinearity --- trading strategy --- trade-offs --- transport operations --- competitiveness --- sustainability --- growth --- ARDL --- stock exchange --- capitalization --- turnover --- value traded --- agricultural commodity future prices --- extreme value --- NON-stationary Extreme Value Analysis (NEVA) --- Newton-optimal method --- high-frequency data --- market liquidity --- sovereign bonds --- spillover --- backwardation --- economic regimes --- momentum strategy --- systematic trading --- jumps identification --- swap variance --- integrated volatility --- realized volatility
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