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De wiskunde vindt van oudsher zijn belangrijkste toepassingsgebied in de natuurkunde. Veel recenter is het gebruik van wiskundige modellen en technieken in andere wetenschappen, zoals biologie, chemie, economie, farmacie, milieuwetenschappen, planologie en sociologie. Kennis van wiskundige technieken is dus ook voor studenten en onderzoekers in deze disciplines van groot belang. Deze tekst behandelt de basis van de "calculus", het deel van de wiskunde dat gaat over functies, differentiëren en integreren. De stof wordt zo aangeboden dat de praktische bruikbaarheid zo groot mogelijk is; er wordt veel aandacht besteed aan het bestuderen van concrete voorbeelden en het maken van oefeningen. Daarnaast wordt de stof zoveel mogelijk geïllustreerd aan de hand van toepassingen, waarbij de verbinding tussen de wiskunde en de toepassing zeker zo belangrijk is als de wiskunde zelf. De eerste twee hoofdstukken van dit boek behandelen de standaardfuncties. Deze tekst is niet bedoeld als inleiding, maar meer als herhaling, en om eerder opgedane kennis te verbreden en te verdiepen. Ook geven ze ruimte om wiskundige vaardigheden verder aan te scherpen. Daarna volgen drie hoofdstukken over differentiëren, periodieke functies en integreren.
Mathematics --- Toegepaste wiskunde --- Toegepaste wiskunde.
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Pierre-Francois Verhulst, with his seminal work using the logistic map to describe population growth and saturation, paved the way for the many applications of this tool in modern mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics and sociology. Indeed nowadays the logistic map is considered a useful and paradigmatic showcase for the route leading to chaos. This volume gathers contributions from some of the leading specialists in the field to present a state-of-the art view of the many ramifications of the developments initiated by Verhulst over a century ago.
Mathematics --- chaos --- toegepaste wiskunde
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Michael A. Matt constructs two trivariate local Lagrange interpolation methods which yield optimal approximation order and Cr macro-elements based on the Alfeld and the Worsey-Farin split of a tetrahedral partition. The first interpolation method is based on cubic C1 splines over type-4 cube partitions, for which numerical tests are given. The second is the first trivariate Lagrange interpolation method using C2 splines. It is based on arbitrary tetrahedral partitions using splines of degree nine. The author constructs trivariate macro-elements based on the Alfeld split, where each tetrahedron is divided into four subtetrahedra, and the Worsey-Farin split, where each tetrahedron is divided into twelve subtetrahedra, of a tetrahedral partition. In order to obtain the macro-elements based on the Worsey-Farin split minimal determining sets for Cr macro-elements are constructed over the Clough-Tocher split of a triangle, which are more variable than those in the literature.
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Optimization problems involving uncertain data arise in many areas of industrial and economic applications. Stochastic programming provides a useful framework for modeling and solving optimization problems for which a probability distribution of the unknown parameters is available. Motivated by practical optimization problems occurring in energy systems with regenerative energy supply, Debora Mahlke formulates and analyzes multistage stochastic mixed-integer models. For their solution, the author proposes a novel decomposition approach which relies on the concept of splitting the underlying scenario tree into subtrees. Based on the formulated models from energy production, the algorithm is computationally investigated and the numerical results are discussed.
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Spesso i giochi danno lo spunto per affrontare argomenti matematici interessanti e significativi. Si tratta di un punto di partenza stimolante per accedere alla matematica, come gli autori hanno potuto verificare in occasione di molte lezioni-laboratorio tenute con studenti delle scuole superiori in Italia, Svizzera, Germania e Stati Uniti. Da tale esperienza concreta nasce il presente volume, che ne conserva la struttura di avvicinamento al rigore matematico attraverso domande e approfondimenti successivi, consolidati da molti esercizi. Insegnanti, studenti e appassionati di matematica troveranno nel libro percorsi che partono dai giochi e approdano a temi matematici talvolta fuori dagli schemi dei programmi scolastici: i grafi, le permutazioni, i gruppi, le funzioni di più variabili reali, il teorema di punto fisso di Brouwer, gli omeomorfismi, le curve nel piano e i primi concetti della topologia, solo per citarne alcuni. Il testo si offre quindi sia come supporto pratico per proporre itinerari didattici, sia come lettura di approfondimento, che confidiamo piacevole, a proposito di alcuni giochi e della matematica che permettono di scoprire.
Mathematics --- toegepaste wiskunde --- wiskunde
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"Approximate and Renormgroup Symmetries" deals with approximate transformation groups, symmetries of integro-differential equations and renormgroup symmetries. It includes a concise and self-contained introduction to basic concepts and methods of Lie group analysis, and provides an easy-to-follow introduction to the theory of approximate transformation groups and symmetries of integro-differential equations. The book is designed for specialists in nonlinear physics - mathematicians and non-mathematicians - interested in methods of applied group analysis for investigating nonlinear problems in physical science and engineering. Dr. N.H. Ibragimov is a professor at the Department of Mathematics and Science, Research Centre ALGA, Sweden. He is widely regarded as one of the world's foremost experts in the field of symmetry analysis of differential equations; Dr. V. F. Kovalev is a leading scientist at the Institute for Mathematical Modeling, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow.
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The physics of soft matter - materials such as elastomers, gels, foams and liquid crystals - is an area of intense interest and contemporary study. Moreover, soft matter plays a role in a wide variety of important processes and application. For example, gel swelling and dynamics are an essential part of many biological and individual processes, such as motility mechanisms in bacteria and the transport and absorption of drugs. Ferroelectrics, liquid crystals, and elastomers are being used to design ever faster switching devices. Experimental studies, such as scattering, optical and electron microscopy, have provided a great deal of detailed information on structures. But the integration of mathematical modeling and analysis with experimental approaches promises to greatly increase our understanding of structure-property relationships and constitutive equations. The workshop on Modeling of Soft Matter has taken such an integrated approach. It brought together researchers in applied and computational mathematical fields such as differential equations, dynamical systems, analysis, and fluid and solid mechanics, and scientists and engineers from a variety of disciplines relevant to soft matter physics. An important outcome of the workshop has been to identify beautiful and novel scientific problems arising in soft matter that are in need of mathematical modeling and appear amenable to it and so to set the stage for further research. This volume presents a collection of papers representing the key aspects of the topics discussed at depth in the course of the workshop.
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