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Politica e diplomazia nell’Italia del primo Rinascimento : per uno studio della guerra "contra et adversus dominum ducem Mediolani"
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782728314409 2728314403 2728315272 Year: 2020 Publisher: Rome École française de Rome

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Partendo dalla «lunga et grande guerra d’Italia» (Goro Dati) condotta nella prima metà del XV secolo da una mutevole coalizione di potentati contro Filippo Maria Visconti, il volume approfondisce ragioni e dinamiche del conflitto militare e ideologico tra Firenze e Milano - le cui radici risalgono al secolo precedente -, e lo apre all’intero contesto italiano, portando all’attenzione anche le ripercussioni che questa serie di scontri ebbe sui cambiamenti politici, diplomatici e culturali intercorsi nell’Italia del Rinascimento. Incardinato su un ricco corpus documentario e su una folta bibliografia, il lavoro si propone un duplice obiettivo: da un lato, offrire la ricostruzione e l’analisi degli avvenimenti inerenti alle origini di questo scontro antivisconteo, qui indagate attraverso un approccio interdisciplinare e multidisciplinare che stabilisce intersezioni tra ambiti di ricerca spesso ritenuti non così prossimi tra loro; dall’altro, mettere a disposizione una lettura più dilatata, permettendo di cogliere certe dinamiche e caratteristiche di quel «lungo Quattrocento» italiano che si prolunga fino alla metà del XVI secolo, così come le peculiarità di una lotta condotta con gli eserciti ma anche con gli ambasciatori e con le armi della retorica. Inserito nel solco della New Diplomatic History, lo sguardo è dunque cronologicamente e metodologicamente meno ristretto, e lo studio affronta in filigrana i problemi posti e le possibilità offerte dal fare oggi storia della diplomazia, sul piano tanto narrativo quanto epistemologico-disciplinare.

Apologetic writings
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780674054981 0674054989 Year: 2015 Volume: 68 Publisher: Cambridge London Harvard university press

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"Brought to Florence at the instance of Lorenzo de' Medici to become lector to the Dominican community at San Marco, Girolamo Savonarola would ultimately be responsible for the events that convulsed the city in the 1490s and led to the overthrow of the Medici themselves. Savonarola's apocalyptic sermons, preached from the pulpits of San Marco and the Duomo, predicted dire consequences for a sinful Florence, a scourging, if the Florentines did not mend their ways and form themselves into a commonwealth for God. Fully in the ascendant by 1495, Savonarola increasingly used his platform in Florence to urge a renewal of the entire Church, a renovatio ecclesiae that implicated the papacy as a particular impediment to reform. He was accused of heresy and eventually excommunicated by the Borgia pope, Alexander VI, on 13 May 1497. Savonarola refused to acknowledge the validity of the excommunication and defended himself against the charges. But he was soon arrested by the Florentine Signoria--the city's highest magistracy--at the pope's behest. He was then brought to trial for falsely claiming to have seen visions and uttered prophecies, for religious error, and sedition. In a few days it was all over. Girolamo Savonarola was hanged and burned, together with two of his Dominican disciples from San Marco, in Florence's Piazza della Signoria on 23 May 1498, still professing adherence to the Church. Girolamo Savonarola's self-defense, like his visionary teaching, was preached from the pulpits of Florence, but was also carried on through a series of writings. The works presented in this volume were all written by the friar during the dramatic months leading up to his death, as he ever more desperately defended his actions to those who were ranged against him"--Provided by publisher.


Reformers --- Excommunication --- Réformateurs --- Correspondence --- Catholic Church --- History --- Sources --- Correspondance --- Eglise catholique --- Histoire --- Savonarola, Girolamo, --- Alexander --- Political and social views. --- Religion. --- Correspondence. --- Dominicans --- Florence (Italy) --- Florence (Italie) --- Sources. --- Church history --- Histoire religieuse --- 2 SAVORANOLA, HIERONYMUS --- Anathema --- Expulsion --- Church discipline --- Persons --- Godsdienst. Theologie--SAVORANOLA, HIERONYMUS --- Alessandro --- Alexandre --- Borgia, Roderico Lenzuoli, --- Borgia, Rodrigo, --- Borja, Roderic de, --- Borja, Rodrigo de, --- Borja y Borja, Rodrigo de, --- Borja y Doms, Rodrigo, --- De Borja, Roderic, --- De Borja, Rodrigo, --- De Borja y Borja, Rodrigo, --- Doms, Rodrigo Borja y, --- Lançol y Borja, Rodrigo, --- Lanzol y Borja, Rodrigo, --- Lenzuoli Borja, Roderico, --- Savonarole, Jérome, --- Savonarola, Girolamo Maria Francesco Matteo, --- Savonarola, Gerolamo, --- Savonarola, Hieronimo, --- Savonarola, Hieronymus, --- Savonarola, Ieróm, --- Savanorola, Hierome, --- Hieronymo, --- Black Friars --- Friars Preachers --- FF. prêcheurs --- Frères prêcheurs --- Ordo Fratrum Praedicatorum --- Preaching Friars --- Predicadores --- Orden de Predicadores --- Frati predicatori --- Ordo Praedicatorum --- Dominikanie --- Zakon Kaznodziejski --- Prediger-Orden --- Zakon Ojców Dominikanów --- Zakon Dominikanów --- Ordre de saint Dominique --- Dominicains --- Order of St. Dominic --- Order of Preachers --- Dominikaner --- Dominicanos --- Padres Domínicos --- Dominican Fathers --- Ordem de São Domingos --- Ordem de S. Domingos --- Dominicos --- Domenicani --- Ordre des Frères-Prêcheurs --- Dominicanen --- Dominican Order --- Blackfriars --- Jacobins (Religious order) --- Ордэн дамініканаў --- Ordėn daminikanaŭ --- Dominikanci --- Доминикански орден --- Dominikanski orden --- Orde dels Predicadors --- Orde de Predicadors --- O.P. --- Dominics --- Orde Dominicà --- Orde dels Frares Predicadors --- Orde de Sant Domènec --- Домініканці --- Dominikant︠s︡i --- Ordine dei predicatori --- Ordine dei Frati predicatori --- 2 SAVORANOLA, HIERONYMUS Godsdienst. Theologie--SAVORANOLA, HIERONYMUS --- Borgia, Rodrigo --- Réformateurs --- Ordre des Prêcheurs --- Florent︠s︡ii︠a︡ (Italy) --- Firenze (Italy) --- Florencia (Italy) --- Florença (Italy) --- Florenz (Italy) --- Florentia (Italy) --- Florence (Tuscany) --- Reformers. --- Savonarola, Girolamo --- Dominicans. --- To 1737. --- Italy

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