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Das Menschenbild bei Symeon dem Jüngeren dem Theologen
Year: 1949 Publisher: Würzburg: Augustinus,

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Karl Rahner : theologian for the twenty-first century
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ISSN: 16629930 ISBN: 1299429297 3035300461 Year: 2010 Volume: v. 3 Publisher: Oxford ; New York : P. Lang,

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In the twenty-five years since his death, Karl Rahner moved from being the most celebrated Roman Catholic theologian of the twentieth century to among the most neglected of the twenty-first. This work attempts to redress this imbalance, with the contributors treating all the major themes and legacies of his theology. Rahner emerges from this collection as a paragon of a theology which is never insular or inward-looking but is always bold and innovative in its engagement with the range of questions with which contemporary theology is ineluctably confronted by our twenty-first-century world. «Karl Rahner, one of the theological giants of the twentieth century, has been rather neglected in recent years. The unique combination he offers of the speculative and the pastoral, the spiritual and the theological, the traditional and the modern, has, as the authors in this volume suggest, still much to teach us. A revival of interest in Rahner is long overdue, and in this varied and often fascinating collection, it has begun.» (Professor Karen Kilby, University of Nottingham) «In carrying out a consummate retrieval of the best of Karl Rahner's theology, the editors and authors associated with this volume have performed a signal service, not just for the academic theological community but for all who resist the nostalgic lure of restoration and believe, like Rahner himself, that the way forward for Christianity is an open and ecumenical one.» (Professor Emeritus Seán Freyne, Trinity College Dublin) «This work is up to date and is a must-have secondary source for any serious Karl Rahner scholar. An excellent, stimulating read and challenge.» (Scott Harrower, Theological Book Review)

The life of Saint Symeon the new theologian
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780674057982 0674057988 Year: 2013 Volume: 20 Publisher: Cambridge (Mass.) : Harvard university press,

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Today the Byzantine mystic, writer, and monastic leader Symeon the New Theologian (ca. 949 to 1022 CE) is considered a saint by the Orthodox Church and revered as one of its most influential spiritual thinkers. But in his own time a cloud of controversy surrounded him and the suspicion of heresy tainted his reputation long afterward. The Life was written more than thirty years after Symeon’s death by his disciple and apologist the theologian Niketas Stethatos, who also edited all of Symeon’s spiritual writings. An unusually valuable piece of Byzantine hagiography, it not only presents compelling descriptions of Symeon’s visions, mystical inspiration, and role as a monastic founder, but also provides vivid glimpses into the often bitter and unpleasantly conflicted politics of monasticism and the construction of sanctity and orthodoxy at the zenith of the medieval Byzantine Empire. Although the many volumes of Symeon’s spiritual writings are now readily available in English, the present translation makes the Life accessible to English readers for the first time. It is based on an authoritative edition of the Greek.

Scala Paradisi : eine Studie zu Johannes Climacus und zugleich eine Vorstudie zu Symeon dem Neuen Theologen
Year: 1968 Publisher: Wiesbaden: Steiner,

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In the Image of Origen : Eros, Virtue, and Constraint in the Early Christian Academy
ISBN: 0520965086 Year: 2018 Publisher: Berkeley, CA : University of California Press,

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The most prominent Christian theologian and exegete of the third century, Origen was also an influential teacher. In the famed Thanksgiving Address, one of his students-traditionally thought to be Gregory Thaumaturgus, later bishop of Cappadocia-delivered an emotionally charged account of his tutelage under Origen in Roman Palestine. Although it is one of the few personal narratives by a Christian author to have survived from the period, the Address is more often cited than read closely. But as David Satran demonstrates, this short work has much to teach us today. At its center stands the question of moral formation, anchored by the image of Origen himself, and Satran's careful analysis of the text sheds new light on higher education in the early church as well as the intimate relationship between master and disciple.

À cause de Jésus! : Pourqoi je suis demeuré chrétien et reste catholique
ISBN: 9782259214520 2259214525 Year: 2011 Publisher: [lieu de publication inconnu] Plon

Karl Forster (1928-1981) : Katholizismus in der politischen Kultur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
ISBN: 3657792716 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | Schöningh

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Karl Forster, Priester, Kirchenpolitiker und Pastoraltheologe, war eine herausragende Gestalt des bundesdeutschen Katholizismus. In den 1960er Jahren trieb er an den Schnittstellen zwischen politischer Kultur und Kirche deren Öffnung maßgeblich voran. Als Gründungsdirektor der Katholischen Akademie in Bayern zählte er zu den Wegbereitern des Dialogs mit der SPD. In den nachkonziliaren Richtungsstreitigkeiten setzte er sich als Sekretär der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz und Mitorganisator der »Würzburger Synode« für einen Ausgleich in bildungspolitischen Fragen und für Mitverantwortung von Laien in der Kirche ein. Als Pastoraltheologe beschritt er neue Wege in der Kirchensoziologie. Erstmals werden sein Leben und Wirken quellennah nachgezeichnet. Sein Verständnis von einer die Demokratie stärkenden Kirche wirkte richtungsweisend.

Reconciling science and religion
ISBN: 1282901788 9786612901782 0226068579 9780226068572 9781282901780 6612901780 0226068587 9780226068589 Year: 2001 Publisher: Chicago University of Chicago Press

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Although much has been written about the vigorous debates over science and religion in the Victorian era, little attention has been paid to their continuing importance in early twentieth-century Britain. Reconciling Science and Religion provides a comprehensive survey of the interplay between British science and religion from the late nineteenth century to World War II. Peter J. Bowler argues that unlike the United States, where a strong fundamentalist opposition to evolutionism developed in the 1920's (most famously expressed in the Scopes "monkey trial" of 1925), in Britain there was a concerted effort to reconcile science and religion. Intellectually conservative scientists championed the reconciliation and were supported by liberal theologians in the Free Churches and the Church of England, especially the Anglican "Modernists." Popular writers such as Julian Huxley and George Bernard Shaw sought to create a non-Christian religion similar in some respects to the Modernist position. Younger scientists and secularists-including Rationalists such as H. G. Wells and the Marxists-tended to oppose these efforts, as did conservative Christians, who saw the liberal position as a betrayal of the true spirit of their religion. With the increased social tensions of the 1930's, as the churches moved toward a neo-orthodoxy unfriendly to natural theology and biologists adopted the "Modern Synthesis" of genetics and evolutionary theory, the proposed reconciliation fell apart. Because the tensions between science and religion-and efforts at reconciling the two-are still very much with us today, Bowler's book will be important for everyone interested in these issues.

Les sens spirituels et la vision de Dieu selon Syméon le nouveau théologien
ISBN: 2701010411 2701016819 9782701010410 Year: 1985 Volume: 67 Publisher: Paris Beauchesne

Feuer auf die Erde : der Heilige Geist bei Symeon dem Neuen Theologen.
ISBN: 9783923946723 3923946724 Year: 2007 Volume: 25 Publisher: Bonn Borengässer

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