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Thangkas : Rollbilder aus dem Himalaya : Kunst und mystische Bedeutung
ISBN: 3770114086 9783770114085 Year: 1984 Publisher: Köln : DuMont Buchverlag,

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Les dalaï-lamas : les 14 réincarnations du bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara
ISBN: 2828908402 9782828908409 Year: 2005 Publisher: Lausanne: Favre,

Tigers of the Snow and Other Virtual Sherpas
ISBN: 9781400851775 Year: 2014 Publisher: Princeton, NJ

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Sherpas are portrayed by Westerners as heroic mountain guides, or "tigers of the snow," as Buddhist adepts, and as a people in touch with intimate ways of life that seem no longer available in the Western world. In this book, Vincanne Adams explores how attempts to characterize an "authentic" Sherpa are complicated by Western fascination with Sherpas and by the Sherpas' desires to live up to Western portrayals of them. Noting that diplomatic aides at world summit meetings go by the name "Sherpa," as do a van in the U.K. built for rough terrains and a software product from Silicon Valley, Adams examines the "authenticating" effects of this mobile signifier on a community of Himalayan Sherpas who live at the base of Mount Everest, Nepal, and its "deauthenticating" effects on anthropological representation. This book speaks not only to anthropologists concerned with ethnographic portrayals of Otherness but also to those working in cultural studies who are concerned with ethnographically grounded analyses of representations. Throughout Adams illustrates how one might undertake an ethnography of transnationally produced subjects by using the notion of "virtual" identities. In a manner informed by both Buddhism and shamanism, virtual Sherpas are always both real and distilled reflections of the desires that produce them.


Sherpa (Nepalese people) --- Ethnology --- Sherpa. --- Nepal --- Nepal. --- Moeurs et coutumes. --- Sherpas --- Bhotia (Tibetan people) --- Cộng hòa dân chủ liên bang Nepal --- Demokratische Bundesrepublik Nepal --- Federacia Demokratia Respubliko Nepalo --- Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal --- Federale Democratische Republiek Nepal --- Federativnai͡a Demokraticheskai͡a Respublika Nepal --- Federatyvna Demokratychna Respublika Nepal --- Kingdom of Nepal --- Kongeriget Nepal --- Nepā --- Nepal Adhirajya --- Nepāla --- Nepālas Federālā Demokrātiskā Republika --- Nepalgo Errepublika Demokratiko Federala --- Nepali Demokraatlik Liitvabariik --- Nepalia --- Nepalin demokraattinen liittotasavalta --- Nepalo --- Nepāru --- Ni-po-erh --- Nibo'er --- Nīpāl --- República Federal Democrática de Nepal --- República Federal Democràtica del Nepal --- République démocratique fédérale du Népal --- Respublika Nepal --- Sambandslýðveldið Nepal --- Sanghiya Loktāntrik Ganatantra Nepāl --- Savezna Demokratska Republika Nepal --- Namche Bazar (Népal) --- Lo Manthang (Népal) --- Mustang (Népal) --- Gyasumdo (Népal) --- Dolpā (Népal) --- Teraï --- Asie du Sud --- Aphorism. --- Attack dog. --- Avalokitesvara. --- Baksheesh. --- Bardo Thodol. --- Bhutan. --- Bodhi. --- Bodhicitta. --- Bodhisattva. --- Buddhahood. --- Buddhism and Hinduism. --- Buddhism. --- Buddhist cosmology. --- Buddhist philosophy. --- Buddhist texts. --- Butter lamp. --- Butter tea. --- Cannibalism. --- Cargo cult. --- Cretinism. --- Criticism of capitalism. --- Crossbreed. --- Dalai Lama. --- Deity. --- Doonesbury. --- Ethnography. --- Exorcism. --- Externality. --- False consciousness. --- Great Goddess. --- Heart Sutra. --- Hermann Broch. --- Heterotopia (space). --- Hillbilly. --- Himalayan Trust. --- Hungry ghost. --- Hypothyroidism. --- Impediment (canon law). --- Impermanence. --- Impossibility. --- Jargon. --- Jean Baudrillard. --- Kalachakra. --- Kathmandu. --- Khumbu. --- Madame Bovary. --- Mahayana. --- Marshall Sahlins. --- Mary Douglas. --- Michael Tobias. --- Mimesis. --- Mohan Lal (Zutshi). --- Monastery. --- Mongols. --- Mountain pass. --- Mountaineering. --- Mudra. --- Nagarjuna. --- Orientalism. --- Ownership (psychology). --- Padmasambhava. --- Perfection of Wisdom. --- Physician. --- Quentin Skinner. --- Racism. --- Religion. --- Rinpoche. --- Sa?sara. --- Severity (video game). --- Shamanism. --- Shangri-La. --- Sherpa people. --- Snow Lion. --- Sonam (actress). --- Spirit King. --- Sutra. --- Tantra. --- Tengboche. --- Thangka. --- The Monastery (TV series). --- Thick description. --- Thomas Carlyle. --- Three Jewels. --- Tibet House. --- Tibetan Buddhism. --- Tibetan culture. --- Tibetan diaspora. --- Tibetan literature. --- Tibetan people. --- Transnationalism. --- Tulku. --- University of Arizona Press. --- Vajradhara. --- Vajrasattva. --- Vajrayana. --- Vihara. --- Vulture Peak. --- Wilderness medicine (practice). --- Yaksha. --- Yogi.

Inexploré. Hors-série, n° 7, Novembre 2018 : Histoires et lieux extraordinaires de France
Authors: ---
ISSN: 21194971 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris Institut de Recherche sur les Expériences Extraordinaires

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Parapsychologie et occultisme --- Amélioration et analyse personnelles --- spiritualité --- bien-être --- entretiens --- livres --- témoignages --- monde invisible --- expériences extraordinaires --- expériences surnaturelles --- paranormal --- Institut de Recherche sur les Expériences Extraordinaires (INREES) --- parapsychologie --- parasciences --- pseudosciences --- pseudo-sciences --- Boris Cyrulnik --- David Lynch --- intuition --- Ram Bahadur Bodjam --- synesthésie --- perception extrasensorielle --- perceptions extrasensorielles --- Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) --- voyance --- clairvoyance --- intelligence intuitive --- exorcisme --- adolescence --- hallucinations --- Jean-Dominique Michel --- mort --- mourir --- Jacques Attali --- Ingrid Bétancourt --- métaphysique quantique --- expérience de mort imminente (EMI) --- EMI --- Christophe Fauré --- fin de vie --- conscience --- livre des morts tibétain --- amputations --- douleur --- douleurs fantômes --- Rupert Sheldrake --- amis imaginaires --- psychologie --- chamanisme --- ayahuasca --- psychedelica --- psychotropes --- Patrice Van Eersel --- guérison --- guérisseurs --- Marcel Rufo --- pédopsychiatrie --- épigénétique --- Henri Gougaud --- guérisseurs aux mains nues --- autoguérison --- médecine alternative --- magnétisme --- magnétiseurs --- Sylvain Tesson --- qigong --- Jing Hong Zhou --- calendrier maya --- Frédéric Lenoir --- Serge Tribolet --- folie --- psychiatrie --- Edgar Mitchell --- Michel Cazenave --- psychanalyse --- Carl Jung (1875-1961) --- mémoire de l’eau --- Luc Montagnier --- amour --- compassion --- âme soeur --- méditation --- Richard Davidson --- Charlotte Valandrey --- énergie sexuelle --- sexualité --- François Brune --- deuil --- Psychomanteum --- communication --- communication facilitée (CF) --- communication profonde accompagnée (CPA) --- Fabrice Midal --- Amélie Nothomb --- nature --- hypnose --- Corine Sombrun --- Stanislav Grof --- danse des 5 rythmes --- danse des cinq rythmes --- thérapies quantiques --- médiums --- mouvement spirite --- spiritisme --- Pierre Coret --- souffrance psychologique --- animaux --- plantes --- conscience animale --- communication avec les animaux --- transe --- autohypnose --- neurosciences --- Véronique Jannot --- Tarot --- cartomancie --- Patrick Clervoy --- traumatisme --- extrasensoriel --- Jacques Vigne --- Eben Alexander --- channeling --- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) --- kundalini --- Stéphane Allix --- frères Bogdanoff --- frères Bogdanov --- Alzheimer --- Vincent Ravalec --- féminin --- féminité --- femmes --- baleines --- métamorphose --- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) --- Richard Meyer --- psychothérapie --- divination --- quatre piliers du destin (Ba Zi) --- astrologie chinoise --- Matthieu Ricard --- hydrothérapie --- Watsu --- vécu subjectif de contact avec un défunt (VSCD) --- avenir --- Mario Beauregard --- géobiologie --- Bernard Werber --- Jacques Lecomte --- ufologie --- OVNIS --- Amma --- Ruth Ozeki --- shiatsu --- Didier Cauwelaert --- Xavier Péron --- shiatsu équin --- esprit et corps --- humanité --- tellurique --- ondes électromagnétiques --- lieux sacrés --- architecture --- Mata Amritanandamayi --- respiration holotropique --- jumeaux --- acupuncture --- Paule Lebrun --- Patrick Burensteinas --- Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt --- Véronique Olmi --- art rupestre --- prémonitions --- Édouard Collot --- Jacques Franck --- quête de vision --- Shambhala --- Léonard de Vinci --- médecine intégrative --- empathie --- créativité --- Michel Jonasz --- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross --- Lorna Byrne --- iridologie --- prénoms --- psychédéliques --- hallucinogènes --- Serge Tisseron --- inspiration --- enfants --- biologie --- imaginaire --- contes et légendes --- extraterrestres --- climat --- changement climatique --- réchauffement climatique --- Russel Targ --- Denise Desjardins --- technologie --- robots --- intelligence artificielle --- Francis Lalanne --- Eckhart Tolle --- Michka --- voix --- vibrations --- enfants médiums --- Joël Sternheimer --- possession --- Philppe Grimbert --- familles --- constellation familiale --- Ervin Laszlo --- conscience cosmique --- Akumalé Alemin --- Amérindiens --- Guyane --- Mireille Darc --- kinésiologie --- Philip K. Dick --- James Redfield --- réincarnation --- Sigmund Freud --- grossesse --- Antoine Sénanque --- somnambulisme --- nuit --- Colombie --- Indiens Kogis --- obscurité --- rêves --- ethnologie --- Sophie Davant --- Stéphanie Fugain --- lithothérapie --- automédication --- soleil --- influence solaire --- Thich Nhat Hanh --- voyages --- Jérusalem --- terres sacrées --- Francisco Varela --- rêve éveillé --- numérologie --- Jean-Françcois Vézina --- orgasme --- Pascal Légitimus --- Joe Spinenza --- franc-maçonnerie --- Tenzin Palmo --- Christophe Gans --- Benandanti --- décorporation --- sortie du corps --- expérience de hors-corps --- philosophie --- Inti Eco Lodge --- placebo --- bouddhisme --- Natacha Calestrémé --- Éric Antoine --- Edgar Morin --- Lilou Macé --- Satish Kumar --- anges --- effet papillon --- Bernard Fontanille --- santé --- écologie --- environnementalisme --- pollution --- alimentation --- nourriture --- rites --- initiation --- sons --- psychoacoustique --- Sandra Huret --- Claude Lelouch --- Luis Ansa --- Ernesto Ortiz --- psychologie énergétique --- neurologie --- Oliver Sacks --- aromathérapie --- psycho-beauté --- Gérard Grenet --- anges gardiens --- esprits --- arbres --- énergétique dentaire --- dents --- Claude Poncelet --- autolouange --- synchronicité --- Louis Chedid --- Ma Ananda Moyi --- Christophe Barbier --- arts martiaux --- wutao --- burn-out --- psychanalyse transgénérationnelle --- psychogénéalogie --- Annick de Souzenelle --- physique quantique --- mécanique quantique --- temps et espace --- apiculture --- apithérapie --- abeilles --- écologie marine --- océanographie --- sous-marin --- biodynamie --- Alexandre Jollien --- Catherine Laborde --- médecine spirite --- Carolyn Carlson --- Nina Morato --- Brésil --- Allan Kardec --- art-thérapie --- wing chun --- wing-chun --- Marcel Nuss --- vies antérieures --- relations karmiques --- programmation neurolinguistique (PNL) --- cerveau --- taoïsme --- Edgar Cayce --- Anita Moorjani --- communication intuitive --- test ADN --- chimérisme sanguin --- silence --- haka --- sociologie --- transformation culturelle et sociale --- biomimétisme --- entreprises humanistes --- organisations --- éducation --- théâtre zen --- Gérard Étienne --- écopsychologie --- Tara Brach --- Jean Staune --- mind mapping --- masculin sacré --- Apparitons photographiques --- Marguerite Kardos --- Christiane Singer --- dauphins --- neuroplasticité --- télépathie --- animaux télépathes --- vision à distance --- Haut Sens de Perception (HSP) --- Barbara Ann Brennan --- Thierry Janssen --- Past Reality Integration (PRI) --- autisme et chamanisme --- électromagnétisme --- alchimie --- transhumanisme --- Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle --- chamanisme mongol --- François Cheng --- Constance de Polignac --- énergie libre --- vieillesse --- vieillissement --- faiseurs de secret --- médecine traditionnelle --- transmutation --- alchimistes --- cathédrales --- Gaïa --- chamanisme et ayahuasca --- Luc Nicon --- Tipi --- enlèvements --- abductions --- Brené Brown --- médiumnité --- druidisme --- coïncidences --- temps --- simultanéité --- Bali --- guérisseurs holistiques --- danse-thérapie --- Life Art Process --- énergie vitale --- hypnose régressive quantique --- astrologie --- Paulo Coelho --- Philippe Bobola --- ère du Verseau --- pédagogie alternative --- géométrie sacrée --- luminothérapie --- dépersonnalisation --- langue des signes --- zodiaque --- synastrie --- astrologie transpersonnelle --- musique et plantes --- bioacoustique végétale --- thérapies alternatives --- constellations familiales --- plantes médicinales --- Mothman --- homme-phalène --- cryptozoologie --- John Keel --- Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) --- Christel Petitcollin --- Rumi --- soufisme --- psychophanie --- Auroville (Inde) --- éveil --- Trinlay Rinpoche --- Trinley Rinpoché --- multidimensionnalité --- surefficience et manipulation --- chamanisme himalayen --- poésie --- poésie-thérapie --- Cyril Dion --- naissance --- Zona Heaster Shue --- Greenbrier Ghost --- fantômes --- Viviane-José Restieau --- Sophie Delhome --- kabbale --- Allan Botkin --- Serge Boutboul --- réel voilé --- sons médecine --- sonothérapie --- interprétation des rêves --- yoga du rêve --- Toscane --- sanctuaire de la Madonna del Sasso --- emprise mentale --- Aztec (Nouveau-Mexique) --- William James --- rire médecin --- effet Mandela --- syndrome de Neptune --- hypersensibilité --- radiesthésie --- pendule --- au-delà --- après-vie --- civilisations disparues --- archéologie --- low-tech --- Bodhgaya (Inde) --- wicca --- Olivier Chambon --- Abd El-Hafid Benchouk --- dentisterie --- Vierge Marie --- encens --- Sébastien Lilli --- guerriers spirituels --- guérisseurs philippins --- sorcellerie --- magie --- famille et spiritualité --- enfants atypiques --- transgénérationnel --- rituels familiaux --- Kalash --- cauchemars --- paralysie du sommeil --- corona --- coronavirus --- covid-19 --- pandémie --- exobiologie --- Gavrinis (France) --- insomnie --- Paul Kern --- Black Elk --- immunité --- ésotérisme --- ménopause --- François Martin --- Katmandou --- Oumuamua --- Myriam Brousse --- éveil sensoriel --- licorne --- cosmo-tellurique --- tantra de Chandamaharosana --- tantrisme --- peuple Newar --- bouddhisme tibétain --- lucidité terminale --- micro-algues --- astéroïdes --- Édimbourg --- Bob Lazar --- Padre Pio --- résilience --- Big Foot --- Amandine Adnot --- Catherine Testa --- yoga --- cercles de rêves --- Shintoïsme --- Japon --- Kami (神) --- sanctuaires shinto --- Ise (伊勢市) --- miko (巫女) --- réseaux sociaux --- smartphones --- technologie digitale --- fleurs --- Monnaies Locales Complémentaires Citoyennes (MLCC) --- Chand Baori (Inde) --- bipolarité --- Morrnah Simeona --- Ho'oponopono --- ginseng --- Geoffroy Delorme --- Îles de Pâques --- Michaeleen Doucleff --- éducation ancestrale --- croyances --- archange Gabriel --- manipulation --- tamis à 4 étages --- Olivier Clerc --- nouveau monde --- diable --- Lucifer --- charismes --- Rick Strassman --- diméthyltryptamine (DMT) --- Jalâl Al-Dîn Rûmî --- chiromancie --- glande pinéale --- Florian Gomet --- Elizabeth Sombart --- troisième oeil --- épiphyse --- Fodmaps --- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) --- cosmologie --- Big Bang --- petit peuple --- multivers --- terres pures --- paradis --- orbs --- orbes --- boules lumineuses --- photographie paranormale --- apocalypse --- fin du monde --- peur --- mythologie --- sobriété numérique --- éruptions solaires --- astronomie --- guérisons miraculeuses --- âmes soeurs --- Maria Montessori --- Jocelyne Thual --- Bertrand Piccard --- technologie et écologie --- naturopathie --- pédagogie --- pédagogie Montessori --- forêts --- forêt primaire --- métavers --- aromacologie --- arômes --- odeurs --- Catharisme --- cathares --- renouveau cathare --- catharisme et féminin sacré --- flammes jumelles --- familles d'âmes --- couples --- vêtements --- mode --- Youmna Tarazi --- partageabilité --- habitat participatif --- modes de vie --- vie en communauté --- Templiers --- ecstacy (MDMA) --- EternesiA --- Marilyn Monroe --- Maori --- Jules Verne --- Lettonie --- Jacques Chirac --- Bible de Kolbrin --- Jeff Coulais --- holistique --- philosophie et médecine --- guérisons inexpliquées --- Yoga Nidra --- apnée dynamique --- apnéisme --- littérature --- catastrophes naturelles --- Huangdi Neijing --- Sadhguru --- Venise --- Venise ésotérique --- Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin (1743-1803) --- médecine et spiritualité --- pensées --- psychic detectives --- Pierre Yonas --- oracles --- Stargate project --- utopisme --- utopies --- Kali Yuga --- Catherine Despeux --- rêves prémonitoires --- Yi Jing (易經) --- classiques chinois --- Claude François --- alchimie taoïste --- école de Palo Alto --- café --- botanique --- Louis Pasteur --- vaccins --- vaccination --- calligraphie --- védisme --- Qi Men Dun Jia --- divination chinoise --- prophéties --- Claire de Castelbajac (1953-1975) --- Monastère de Boulaur --- miracles --- béatifications --- cancer --- maladie --- errance de diagnostic --- momies de Nazca (Pérou) --- Chanquillo (Pérou) --- masculinité --- Râmakrishna --- Pierre Vivarès --- Maud Ankaoua --- Meik Reinhardt --- déesse Terre --- féminin sacré --- Terre mère --- éco-anxiété --- écoféminisme --- fêtes païennes --- Yule --- Imbolc --- Ostara --- yin-yang --- symbiose --- runes --- runomancie --- divination des runes --- futhark --- maternité --- accouchement --- doulas --- post-partum --- hybrides humains-extraterrestres --- Sarah Winchester --- Kodo Nishimura --- George Sand --- rituels antiques sardes --- Ha Vinh Tho --- phytoneurologie --- vaccin anti-Covid --- vaccins à ARN --- thangka --- Nikola Tesla --- effet Casimir --- énergie universelle --- ondes scalaires --- Sardaigne --- sectes --- nouveaux mouvements religieux (NMR) --- dérives spirituelles --- charisme --- coaching --- éclipse solaire --- éclipses --- surnaturel --- Christian Sundberg --- incarnations --- vie prénatale --- eau --- Marie-Anne Lenormand (1772-1843) --- arbres mythologiques --- rituels --- René Guénon --- Tradition Primordiale --- métaphysique --- fiction et réalité --- fulgurés --- fulguration --- lieux hantés --- Inde --- pouvoirs surnaturels --- thérapie complémentaires --- séparation --- coeurs brisés --- rupture --- agroglyphes --- crop circles --- Beatles --- violence --- Claire Marie --- esprit des maladies --- NAPSO-thérapie --- Léon Tolstoï --- agroforesterie --- mudras --- gestes symboliques --- illusions --- relation amoureuse --- espace et temps --- non dualité --- univers --- simulations --- identité masculin --- UFOs --- Valensole --- Micronésie --- Shanenawa --- RMS Titanic --- jeunesse éternelle --- Blueprint --- Samuel Pisar --- Auschwitz --- holocauste --- Rupert Isaacson --- autisme --- peine de mort --- Dominique Rankin (Kapiteotak) --- internats canadiens pour enfants autochtones --- abus sexuel sur mineur --- Nicolat Hulot --- Jeremy Rifkin --- économie --- conscience biosphérique --- Jean-Claude Guillebaud --- espérance --- Christophe Caupenne --- optimisme et pessimisme --- Christophe André --- Guy Corneau --- Laurent Gounelle --- Caroline Simonds --- clowns --- Marie-Pierre Dillenseger --- Franck Lalou --- Liliane Van Der Velde --- Jean-Yves Leloup --- autonomie spirituelle --- traditions --- extase --- expériences mystiques --- mystique --- transcendance --- Benny Shanon --- Don Miguel Ruiz --- Djohar Si Ahmed --- Marianne Williamson --- François Lewin --- Serge Augier --- Daniel Odier --- Jean-Marc Mantel --- Jacqueline Kelen --- Laurent Huguelit --- Toltèques --- Mariehélène Faurès --- France Gauthier --- transformation --- vie nouvelle --- Jean-Marc Vignoli --- musique --- Catherine Piette --- désir --- Hélène Myran --- Maxime de Rostolan --- agro-écologie --- agriculture --- Géraldine Correia --- diète sociale --- Byron Katie --- Gilles Vernet --- Charlotte de Silguy --- Fabienne Haustant --- Blanche de Richemont --- allergies --- massage --- yoga et méditation --- danse thérapeutique --- jeûne --- ostéopathie crânienne --- énergie dentaire --- homéopathie --- médecine chinoise --- ayurvéda --- musicothérapie --- cohérence cardiaque --- reiki --- sophrologie --- thérapie quantique --- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) --- aurathérapie --- thérapie chamanique --- transpersonnel --- thérapie festen --- analyse transgénérationnelle --- rites de passage --- thérapies holistiques --- fleurs de Bach --- France --- sites sacrés --- vierges noires --- Bretagne --- menhirs --- mégalithes --- Mont Saint-Michel --- Chartres --- Provins --- Fontainebleau --- Saint-Honorat --- Grotte de la Sainte-Baume --- Sidobre --- Bugarach --- Lourdes --- Rocamadour --- Dordogne --- Anjou --- Notre-Dame de Paris --- Père-Lachaise --- catacombes --- château des Noyers --- abbaye de Mortemer --- faux de Verzy --- Mont Sainte-Odile --- Saint-Fargeau --- Grand --- vallée des Merveilles --- Puy-en-Velay --- Lyon --- col de Vence --- Corse --- Pays de la Loire --- château de Tiffauges --- Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port --- Chemin de Compostelle --- menhirs de Filitosa --- îles Lavezzi --- mosquée de Tsigoni --- Nostradamus --- Catherine de Médicis --- tables tournantes --- Institut métaphysique international (IMI) --- lucidité

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