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Gilles Clément porte son regard sur les lisières, les marges de champs, les terrains en attente, les reliquats non exploités du paysage. En suivant point par point ce manifeste, le lecteur comprendra que le Tiers paysage relève d’une perception, d’une relation d’un certain type au vivant, à l’espace et aux institutions qui en prennent en charge l’aménagement. Ce texte invite à cultiver des espaces de « non-agir » à tous les niveaux de nos vies, à l’heure où les injonctions climatiques et économiques peuvent nous sembler contradictoires – urgence à agir d’un côté et visions effondristes de l’autre. Paru il y a près de vingt ans, ce manifeste est aujourd’hui accompagné d’un état des lieux des mises en pratique de Tiers paysages donnant ainsi à voir le chemin parcouru depuis sa première édition. Il est introduit par Alexis Pernet, qui interroge le statut de ce texte hors norme et redessine le cheminement d’une pensée qui, assurément, a profondément marqué le paysage.
Landscapes --- Terrain vague --- Vacant lands --- Waste lands --- Paysages --- Terrains vagues --- Terrains vacants --- Friches --- Philosophy. --- Philosophie
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Peachlab is a Belgian architecture collective, created in 2016 by a multidisciplinary team of architects, engineers and photographers. Starting from the Third Landscape of Brussels, the collective establishes its practice between the everyday and the extraordinary; between reality and fiction. Peachlab develops, among other things, in-situ interventions, theoretical projects, false applications for land that has already disappeared or workshops at the university. Peachlab means experience; propose an idea for a place; developing ideas as possibilities evolve; take advantage of the diversity offered by people and places. Delva is a place in the north of Brusels that has now disappeared. Delva is also a 400-pages journey that documents peachlab’s interventions on the site before its disappearance. Photographs, historical ducuments, plans, architectural drawings, essays, poems or comic strip tell the story of a place where memory and fiction (‘fiction’ understood as what has not yet happened) are intertwined. This material constitutes a ‘Satiration’ as Charles Olsen defines it: “to dig one thing or a place or man until you yourself know more about abt that than is poe to any other man”. = Delva est un lieu aujourd’hui disparu dans le nord de Bruxelles. Delva est aussi un voyage de 400 pages réalisé par peachlab, un collectif d’architecture. Le livre documente les interventions de peachlab sur le site avant sa disparition. Des photographies, archives historiques, plans, dessins d’architecture, essais, poésies, bande dessiné, racontent un lieu où mémoire et fiction (‘fiction’ comprise comme ce qui n’est pas encore arrivé) s’entremêlent. Peachlab a mené des interventions sur le site Delva entre 2017 et 2019. L’avènement d’un projet immobilier marque la fin de cet espace d’expérimentation architecturale. Le livre se présente comme un outil pour capturer le site tel que peachlab l’avait connu, dans un effort qui pourrait rappeler la cartographie absurde échelle 1 :1 du récit de Borges « De la rigueur de la science ». Le travail spontané et intuitif réalisé in-situ s'est avéré être une partie de l'ensemble, l'autre étant la réalisation du livre. Les deux, qui s'alimentent continuellement l'un l'autre, constituent l'essence du modus operandi de peachlab.
Terrain vague --- Vacant lands --- Landscape changes --- Architectural drawing --- Terrains vagues --- Terrains vacants --- Paysages --- Projets d'architecture --- Modifications
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This project began by walking around our neighborhood noticing empty storefronts. Once we saw them, they were everywhere. They followed us, appearing quietly throughout New York City. Many with no signage, no “for rent,” no “coming soon.” Usually empty, sometimes dusty, sometimes with brown paper covering the glass. Now, vacancy has only increased. In the densest city in the United States. During a housing crisis. Throughout a pandemic. The quantity of vacant spaces is anyone’s best guess. It’s only partially documented. They hide in plain sight. Vacant Spaces NY is organized from large to small, general to specific. It begins by looking at vacancy within the United States and continues down to each Manhattan neighborhood, where we zoom into specific vacant spaces, where we have provided as case studies that imagine some possibilities for transforming current vacant spaces into housing or social services. There is also a section on Covid 19, which infiltrated New York during our research. As a whole, this document is not meant to provide specific solutions. The data is incomplete. Case studies are limited. We are not policy experts or data analysts or urban planners. Instead, it is simply meant to show something we have taken for granted, vacant spaces, taking part in a collective process of imagining a better city.
Bona vacantia --- Vacant lands --- Biens vacants --- Terrains vacants --- Environmental planning --- Architecture --- comprehensive plans [reports] --- houses --- New York, City --- Urban policy --- Politique urbaine
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Economic geography --- Urban renewal --- Vacant lands --- Rénovation urbaine --- Terrains vacants --- Urban renewal. --- Buildings --- Land use, Urban. --- Urban sociology --- Remodeling for other use. --- Urban sociology. --- Rénovation urbaine --- Géographie urbaine
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City planning --- Regional planning --- Land use, Urban --- Waste lands --- Vacant lands --- Urbanisme --- Aménagement du territoire --- Utilisation urbaine du sol --- Friches --- Terrains vacants --- Aménagement du territoire --- Terrains vagues --- Utilisation urbaine du sol. --- Urbanisme. --- Aménagement du territoire.
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Vacant lands --- Terrain vague --- Human territoriality --- Space --- Terrains vacants --- Terrains vagues --- Territorialité humaine --- Espace --- Social aspects --- Aspect social --- Friches --- Espaces libres (urbanisme) --- Écologie humaine --- Territorialité humaine --- Friches. --- Terrains vagues. --- Écologie humaine. --- Écologie humaine. --- Écologie humaine
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This book is a critiqued collection of over 200 terms regularly used to name the urban void, from the terrain vague to the buffer zone. As the landscape architect James Corner has pointed out, a void cannot be labeled because "to name it is to claim it in some way." By listing existing terms, A Glossary of Urban Voids is an attempt to name the unnamable, to define that which should have no precise definition. It records terms, names, and labels used to designate leftover spaces resulting from processes of urban abandonment that originate from some kind of obsolescence or loss. Besides obvious consequences, these processes of abandonment open up the space, liberating it from existing ideological frameworks (such as financial, capital, or cultural frameworks), allowing for divergent spatialities to emerge, and ultimately offering opportunities for the imagination and conceptualization of an alternative type of public space. Using the glossary as a theoretical tool, this book presents the most relevant questions on the issue of the urban void and its potential role as public space.
Terrain vague --- Vacant lands --- Terrains vagues --- Terrains vacants --- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. --- Glossaires, vocabulaires, etc. --- Croissance urbaine --- Espaces libres (urbanisme) --- Land use, Urban --- Utilisation urbaine du sol --- Terminology --- Dictionaries. --- Terminologie --- Dictionnaires --- 711.4 --- 711.61 --- Stedenbouw (theorie) --- Openbare ruimte --- Publieke ruimte --- Îlot --- Tissu urbain --- Friche urbaine --- Espace résiduel --- Freifläche. --- Stadtplanung.
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Graffiti --- Street art --- Art, Municipal --- Abandoned buildings --- Ruined buildings --- Waste lands --- Vacant lands --- Art dans la rue --- Art urbain --- Constructions abandonnées --- Ruines --- Friches --- Terrains vacants --- History --- Histoire --- street art --- graffiti artists --- Art --- graffiti --- Lksir --- Sowat --- Bom.K --- Rero --- Lek --- Saïr --- Kenor --- Vania --- Raisin --- Keyler --- Katre --- Ox Nha --- Smash 137 --- Herrero, Pablo S --- Mutha --- JR --- Verbo --- Kan --- BLO --- Qbrick --- Chas --- Dal --- Outsider --- ROA --- Aryz --- Iemza --- Vhils --- Defco --- Jace --- Spot --- Reso --- Sambre --- Alëxone --- Graphic Surgery --- Roid --- Legz --- Septik --- Rusl --- Swiz --- TRBDSGN [Paris] --- kunst in de openbare ruimte --- graffiti [casual notations]
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