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Marine ecosystem health. --- Marine microbial ecology. --- Bioremediation. --- Environmental biotechnology --- Biodegradation --- Pollution --- Marine ecology --- Microbial ecology --- Health, Marine ecosystem --- Marine environmental health --- Ocean health --- Ecosystem health --- Plàstics --- Ecologia marina --- Contaminació del mar --- Bioremediació --- Bioremeiació --- Bioreparació --- Biotecnologia ambiental --- Biotecnologia del medi ambient --- Descontaminació biològica --- Biodegradació --- Contaminació --- Fitoremediació --- Contaminació de l'aigua --- Aigua de mar --- Vessaments de petroli --- Ecologia oceànica --- Ecologia dels oceans --- Ecosistemes marins --- Oceanografia biològica --- Biologia marina --- Ecologia aquàtica --- Ecologia d'estuaris --- Ecologia pelàgica --- Productivitat marina --- Productes sintètics --- Cautxú sintètic --- Escumes plàstiques --- Microplàstics --- Niló --- Plàstics biodegradables --- Polímers vinílics --- Resines fenòliques --- Termoplàstics --- Elastòmers --- Indústria del plàstic
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This book introduces the approach of Machine Learning (ML) based predictive models in the design of composite materials to achieve the required properties for certain applications. ML can learn from existing experimental data obtained from very limited number of experiments and subsequently can be trained to find solutions of the complex non-linear, multi-dimensional functional relationships without any prior assumptions about their nature. In this case the ML models can learn from existing experimental data obtained from (1) composite design based on various properties of the matrix material and fillers/reinforcements (2) material processing during fabrication (3) property relationships. Modelling of these relationships using ML methods significantly reduce the experimental work involved in designing new composites, and therefore offer a new avenue for material design and properties. The book caters to students, academics and researchers who are interested in the field of material composite modelling and design.
Machine learning. --- Materials compostos --- Simulació per ordinador --- Aprenentatge automàtic --- Learning, Machine --- Artificial intelligence --- Machine theory --- Aprenentatge (Intel·ligència artificial) --- Aprenentatge estadístic --- Teoria de l'aprenentatge estadístic --- Intel·ligència artificial --- Teoria de màquines --- Aprenentatge per reforç (Intel·ligència artificial) --- Sistemes classificadors (Intel·ligència artificial) --- Models per ordinador --- Simulació (Informàtica) --- Mètodes de simulació --- Models matemàtics --- Realitat virtual --- Sistemes virtuals (Informàtica) --- Fabricació integrada per ordinador --- Materials --- Compostos fibrosos --- Compostos metàl·lics --- Compostos termoenduribles --- Compostos termoplàstics --- Materials laminats --- Composite materials. --- Computational intelligence. --- Materials science --- Composites. --- Machine Learning. --- Computational Intelligence. --- Computational Materials Science. --- Data processing. --- Material science --- Physical sciences --- Intelligence, Computational --- Soft computing --- Composites (Materials) --- Multiphase materials --- Reinforced solids --- Solids, Reinforced --- Two phase materials
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This book, written by a multidisciplinary team of authors comprising scientists, artists and communicators, explores one of the most pressing issues of our time – the menace plastics pose to marine environments and organisms. It takes readers on a journey that begins on the beaches of Galicia, where the beach litter formed the starting point for an exhibition that combines art and science to alert the audience to the urgent need for action. The journey culminates with a short “plastic story”, which reveals a disturbing vision of the future significance of plastics for humans, and an example of how comics can deliver information to a younger audience. Along the way there is plenty of fascinating science, such as insights into the impacts of plastics and microplastics; the new marine ecosystem, known as the “plastisphere”; and the current status of the oceans, from the Arctic to the Mediterranean. The book also explores the historical developments; sustainable solutions, including the use of circular economy methodologies; and protective measures, like those being tried in China and the Far East. Lastly, it describes the role played by rivers as transport vectors for plastic, with special reference to the Danube, and to complete the picture, since most of the plastic is of terrestrial origin, it investigates problems related to microplastics in soils.
Ecology . --- Pollution. --- Environment. --- Water. --- Biophysics. --- Biological physics. --- Arts. --- Ecology. --- Pollution, general. --- Environment, general. --- Water, general. --- Biological and Medical Physics, Biophysics. --- Arts, Fine --- Arts, Occidental --- Arts, Western --- Fine arts --- Humanities --- Biological physics --- Biology --- Medical sciences --- Physics --- Hydrology --- Chemical pollution --- Chemicals --- Contamination of environment --- Environmental pollution --- Pollution --- Contamination (Technology) --- Asbestos abatement --- Bioremediation --- Environmental engineering --- Environmental quality --- Factory and trade waste --- Hazardous waste site remediation --- Hazardous wastes --- In situ remediation --- Lead abatement --- Pollutants --- Refuse and refuse disposal --- Balance of nature --- Bionomics --- Ecological processes --- Ecological science --- Ecological sciences --- Environment --- Environmental biology --- Oecology --- Environmental sciences --- Population biology --- Environmental aspects --- Ecology --- Plastic marine debris. --- Marine pollution. --- Marine environment pollution --- Marine water pollution --- Ocean pollution --- Offshore water pollution --- Sea pollution --- Seawater --- Coastal zone management --- Oceanography --- Water --- Marine resources conservation --- Debris, Marine plastic --- Debris, Plastic marine --- Marine plastic debris --- Marine debris --- Plastic scrap --- Contaminació del mar --- Plàstics --- Arts, Primitive --- Productes sintètics --- Cautxú sintètic --- Escumes plàstiques --- Microplàstics --- Niló --- Plàstics biodegradables --- Polímers vinílics --- Resines fenòliques --- Termoplàstics --- Elastòmers --- Indústria del plàstic --- Contaminació de l'aigua --- Aigua de mar --- Vessaments de petroli
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