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Prospects of Estimating Poverty with Phone Surveys : Experimental Results from Serbia
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Telephone surveys enable us to collect data in a cost-effective and timely manner, but may not be conducive for collecting detailed consumption or income data for measuring poverty due to the required length of the interview and complexity of the questions. Combining telephone surveys with a survey-to-survey imputation technique may be a solution, as this technique can produce reliable poverty estimates from only 10 to 20 simple questions. However, this approach may lead to biased results if the interview mode, that is, face-to-face versus telephone interviews, affects how households respond to questions. By conducting the first survey experiment to examine potential differences in poverty estimates between interview modes, this study finds that the reporting patterns changed very little between the two interview modes, and the bias in poverty estimates due to interview mode is statistically insignificant. These findings suggest that poverty monitoring via telephone surveys is promising, but additional experiments in other country contexts are encouraged.

Qualitative interviewing : the art of hearing data
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781412978378 1412978378 Year: 2012 Publisher: Los Angeles ; London ; New Delhi ; Singapore ; Washington DC : SAGE,

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Using in-depth qualitative interviews, authors Herbert J. Rubin and Irene S. Rubin have researched topics ranging from community redevelopment programs to the politics of budgeting and been energized by the depth, thoroughness, and credibility of what was revealed. They describe in-depth qualitative interviewing from beginning to end, from its underlying philosophy and assumptions to project design, analysis and write-up.

Interpretatie en behandeling van psychosociale klachten in de huisartspraktijk : een onderzoek naar verschillen tussen huisartsen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9069050137 Year: 1986 Publisher: Utrecht Nederlands instituut voor onderzoek van de eerstelijnsgezondheidszorg

Consultanalyse : communicatieve en kwalitatieve aspecten van hulpverlenen in de huisartspraktijk
Authors: ---
ISBN: 906256206X Year: 1986 Publisher: Amsterdam VU uitg.

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Family Practice. --- Communication. --- Interviews as Topic. --- Physician-Patient Relations. --- Disease --- Group Interviews --- Interviewers --- Interviews, Telephone --- Oral History as Topic --- Group Interview --- Interview, Group --- Interview, Telephone --- Interviewer --- Interviews, Group --- Telephone Interview --- Telephone Interviews --- Communication Programs --- Communications Personnel --- Misinformation --- Personal Communication --- Communication Program --- Communication, Personal --- Personnel, Communications --- Program, Communication --- Programs, Communication --- Family Practices --- Practice, Family --- Practices, Family --- psychology. --- Theses --- 44.62 general practice. --- General practitioners. --- Medical consultation. --- Physician and patient. --- Physician-patient relation. --- Doctor Patient Relations --- Physician Patient Relations --- Physician Patient Relationship --- Doctor-Patient Relations --- Doctor Patient Relation --- Doctor-Patient Relation --- Physician Patient Relation --- Physician Patient Relationships --- Physician-Patient Relation --- Relation, Doctor Patient --- Relation, Doctor-Patient --- Relation, Physician Patient --- Relation, Physician-Patient --- Relations, Doctor Patient --- Relations, Doctor-Patient --- Relations, Physician Patient --- Relations, Physician-Patient --- Relationship, Physician Patient --- Relationships, Physician Patient --- Social Communication --- Communication, Social --- Communications, Social --- Social Communications --- Family Practice --- Communication --- Interviews as Topic --- Physician-Patient Relations --- psychology

Authors: ---
ISBN: 1283851296 1400845858 9781400845859 9781283851299 9780691157665 0691157669 Year: 2013 Publisher: Princeton : Princeton University Press,

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This collection of "es demonstrates the elegant simplicity of Ai Weiwei's thoughts on key aspects of his art, politics, and life. A master at communicating powerful ideas in astonishingly few words, Ai Weiwei is known for his innovative use of social media to disseminate his views. The short "ations presented here have been carefully selected from articles, tweets, and interviews given by this acclaimed Chinese artist and activist. The book is organized into six categories: freedom of expression; art and activism; government, power, and moral choices; the digital world; history, the historical moment, and the future; and personal reflections. Together, these "es span some of the most revealing moments of Ai Weiwei's eventful career--from his risky investigation into student deaths in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake to his arbitrary arrest in 2011--providing a window into the mind of one of the world's most electrifying and courageous contemporary artists. Select Quotes from the Book: On Freedom of Expression "Say what you need to say plainly, and then take responsibility for it." "A small act is worth a million thoughts." "Liberty is about our rights to question everything." On Art and Activism "Everything is art. Everything is politics." "The art always wins. Anything can happen to me, but the art will stay." "Life is art. Art is life. I never separate it. I don't feel that much anger. I equally have a lot of joy." On Government, Power, and Making Moral Choice "Once you've tasted freedom, it stays in your heart and no one can take it. Then, you can be more powerful than a whole country." "I feel powerless all the time, but I regain my energy by making a very small difference that won't cost me much." "Tips on surviving the regime: Respect yourself and speak for others. Do one small thing every day to prove the existence of justice." On the Digital World "Only with the Internet can a peasant I have never met hear my voice and I can learn what's on his mind. A fairy tale has come true." "The Internet is uncontrollable. And if the Internet is uncontrollable, freedom will win. It's as simple as that." "The Internet is the best thing that could have happened to China." On History, the Historical Moment, and the Future "If a nation cannot face its past, it has no future." "We need to get out of the old language." "The world is a sphere, there is no East or West." Personal Reflection "I've never planned any part of my career-- except being an artist. And I was pushed into that corner because I thought being an artist was the only way to have a little freedom." "Anyone fighting for freedom does not want to totally lose their freedom." "Expressing oneself is like a drug. I'm so addicted to it."


ART / Individual Artists / Artists' Books. --- Ai, Weiwei --- Ai, Wei Wei --- Wei Wei, Ai --- 艾未未 --- Weiwei, Ai, --- ai, wei wei --- 2008 Sichuan earthquake. --- Accountability. --- Activism. --- Ai Qing. --- Ai Weiwei. --- Alliance for the Arts. --- Art critic. --- Art world. --- ArtReview. --- Arthur M. Sackler Gallery. --- Arts council. --- Autocracy. --- Beijing. --- Biennale of Sydney. --- Blog. --- Busan Biennale. --- Caochangdi. --- Censorship. --- Chen Guangcheng. --- Chengdu. --- China Institute. --- Chinese art. --- Chinese people. --- Christina Paxson. --- Citizens (Spanish political party). --- Communism. --- Communist revolution. --- Contemporary art gallery. --- Contemporary art. --- Cover-up. --- Criticism. --- Cyberspace. --- Dictatorship. --- Documenta. --- Electricity. --- Feeling. --- Freedom of speech. --- Fuck Off (art exhibition). --- Fundamental rights. --- Generosity. --- Governance. --- Groninger Museum. --- Guangzhou. --- Han dynasty. --- Haus der Kunst. --- Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. --- House arrest. --- Ideology. --- Illustration. --- In This World. --- International community. --- J. Paul Getty Museum. --- Jean-Michel Basquiat. --- Jinhua. --- Laziness. --- Liberty. --- Liu Xiaobo. --- Mori Art Museum. --- My Father. --- Nagoya. --- North Korea. --- On the Boards. --- Open society. --- Party system. --- Performance art. --- Philosophy. --- Photography. --- Politician. --- Politics. --- Poster. --- Princeton University Press. --- Princeton University. --- Prostitution. --- Public art. --- Requirement. --- Ruler. --- Salary. --- Self-censorship. --- Seoul. --- Sichuan. --- Somerset House. --- Start to Finish. --- State (polity). --- Stupidity. --- Sunflower Seeds. --- Surveillance. --- Tate Modern. --- Tax. --- Technology. --- Telephone interview. --- Thought. --- Twitter. --- Understanding. --- Venice Biennale of Architecture. --- Venice Biennale. --- Wealth. --- What Happened. --- Writing. --- Yiwu. --- Zhejiang.

Just don't get sick : access to health care in the aftermath of welfare reform
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0813540909 9786611151362 128115136X 081354145X 9780813541457 9780813540900 9780813540917 0813540917 9781281151360 9780813540900 6611151362 Year: 2007 Publisher: New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press,

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The ability to obtain health care is fundamental to the security, stability, and well-being of poor families. Government-sponsored programs provide temporary support, but as families leave welfare for work, they find themselves without access to coverage or care. The low-wage jobs that individuals in transition are typically able to secure provide few benefits yet often disqualify employees from receiving federal aid. Drawing upon statistical data and in-depth interviews with over five hundred families in Oregon, Karen Seccombe and Kim Hoffman assess the ways in which welfare reform affects the well-being of adults and children who leave the program for work. We hear of asthmatic children whose uninsured but working mothers cannot obtain the preventive medicines to keep them well, and stories of pregnant women receiving little or no prenatal care who end up in emergency rooms with life-threatening conditions. Representative of poor communities nationwide, the vivid stories recounted here illuminate the critical relationship between health insurance coverage and the ability to transition from welfare to work.


Health care reform. --- Health care reform --- Health insurance --- Health services accessibility --- Health Care Reform --- Interviews as Topic --- Insurance, Health --- Socioeconomic Factors --- Health Services Accessibility --- Oregon --- Social Welfare --- Delivery of Health Care --- Northwestern United States --- Health Planning --- Health Policy --- Data Collection --- Population Characteristics --- Sociology --- Insurance --- Patient Care Management --- Epidemiologic Methods --- Social Sciences --- Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms --- Financing, Organized --- Information Science --- Public Policy --- Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Health Care Economics and Organizations --- United States --- Health Care --- Health Services Administration --- Quality of Health Care --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Public Health --- North America --- Investigative Techniques --- Social Control Policies --- Economics --- Social Control, Formal --- Americas --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Policy --- Environment and Public Health --- Geographic Locations --- Geographicals --- Access to health care --- Accessibility of health services --- Availability of health services --- Medical care --- Health plans, Prepaid --- Medical care, Prepaid --- Medical insurance --- Prepaid health plans --- Prepaid medical care --- Sickness insurance --- Health reform --- Health system reform --- Healthcare reform --- Medical care reform --- Reform of health care delivery --- Reform of medical care delivery --- Access --- Ambulance service --- Home care services --- Hospitals --- Medically uninsured persons --- Surgical clinics --- Medical policy --- Prospective payment --- Emergency services --- Outpatient services --- Rehabilitation services --- Accessibility, Health Services --- Contraceptive Availability --- Health Services Geographic Accessibility --- Program Accessibility --- Access to Health Care --- Accessibility of Health Services --- Availability of Health Services --- Accessibility, Program --- Availability, Contraceptive --- Health Services Availability --- Medically Underserved Area --- Healthcare Reform --- Health Care Reforms --- Healthcare Reforms --- Reform, Health Care --- Reform, Healthcare --- Reforms, Health Care --- Reforms, Healthcare --- Group Health Insurance --- Health Insurance --- Health Insurance, Voluntary --- Health Insurance, Group --- Insurance, Group Health --- Insurance, Voluntary Health --- Voluntary Health Insurance --- Group Interviews --- Interviewers --- Interviews, Telephone --- Oral History as Topic --- Group Interview --- Interview, Group --- Interview, Telephone --- Interviewer --- Interviews, Group --- Telephone Interview --- Telephone Interviews --- Community Services --- Services, Community --- Community Service --- Service, Community --- Welfare, Social --- Public Assistance --- Factors, Socioeconomic --- High-Income Population --- Inequalities --- Land Tenure --- Standard of Living --- Factor, Socioeconomic --- High Income Population --- High-Income Populations --- Inequality --- Living Standard --- Living Standards --- Population, High-Income --- Populations, High-Income --- Socioeconomic Factor --- Tenure, Land --- Access To Medicines --- Access to Contraception --- Access to Health Services --- Access to Medications --- Access to Therapy --- Access to Treatment --- Contraception Access --- Contraceptive Access --- Medication Access --- Access To Medicine --- Access to Contraceptions --- Access to Medication --- Access to Therapies --- Access to Treatments --- Access, Contraception --- Access, Contraceptive --- Access, Medication --- Contraception, Access to --- Contraceptive Accesses --- Medication Accesses --- Medication, Access to --- Therapy, Access to --- Treatment, Access to --- Social Inequalities --- Social Inequality --- Inequalities, Social --- Inequality, Social

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