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This edited book introduces the development, theories and practices of subject teacher education in the subject didactic context at the University of Tampere, Finland, during the last 25-30 years. The authors are teacher educators and researchers, representing educational sciences, foreign languages, mother tongue, art education, mathematics and science, or social science teacher education. The purpose of the book is to introduce readers with theoretical foundations, directions and results of the development from the perspective of the future of teaching and teacher education. Tämä artikkelikokoelma esittelee Tampereen yliopistossa viimeisten 25-30 vuoden aikana tehtyä aineenopettajankoulutuksen kehittämistyötä, teoriaa ja käytäntöjä ainedidaktisessa kontekstissa. Teoksen kirjoittajat ovat Tampereen yliopistossa toimivia tai toimineita opettajankouluttajia ja tutkijoita, jotka edustavat kasvatustieteen, kieliaineiden, taidekasvatuksen, matematiikan ja luonnontieteiden sekä yhteiskunnallisten aineiden opettajankoulutusta. Teos käsittelee kehittämisen teoreettisia perusteita, suuntia ja tuloksia opettajuuden ja opettajankoulutuksen tulevaisuuden näkökulmasta.
teacher education --- teachership --- subject didactics --- multiculturalism --- teaching practice --- Finland --- opettajankoulutus --- opettajuus --- ainedidaktiikka --- opetusharjoittelu --- monikulttuurisuus --- opettajankoulutuslaitokset
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Teachers --- Identity (Psychology) --- School principals --- Teacher educators --- Teaching Practice --- Attitudes --- Attitudes. --- Teachers - Québec (Province) - Attitudes --- Identity (Psychology) - Québec (Province) --- School principals - Québec (Province) - Attitudes --- Teacher educators - Québec (Province) - Attitudes --- Teaching Practice - Québec (Province) --- Teachers - Attitudes
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Learning, Psychology of. --- Teaching practice. --- Aprendizaje. --- Psicología. --- Learning --- Psychology of learning --- Educational psychology --- Comprehension --- Learning ability --- Psychological aspects
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teaching practice --- teaching natural sciences --- teaching technical sciences --- teaching social sciences --- teaching art education --- teaching physical education --- Teaching --- Teaching. --- Didactics --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- School teaching --- Schoolteaching --- Education --- Instructional systems --- Pedagogical content knowledge --- Training --- Theory & Practice of Education
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This edited book introduces the development, theories and practices of subject teacher education in the subject didactic context at the University of Tampere, Finland, during the last 25-30 years. The authors are teacher educators and researchers, representing educational sciences, foreign languages, mother tongue, art education, mathematics and science, or social science teacher education. The purpose of the book is to introduce readers with theoretical foundations, directions and results of the development from the perspective of the future of teaching and teacher education. Tämä artikkelikokoelma esittelee Tampereen yliopistossa viimeisten 25-30 vuoden aikana tehtyä aineenopettajankoulutuksen kehittämistyötä, teoriaa ja käytäntöjä ainedidaktisessa kontekstissa. Teoksen kirjoittajat ovat Tampereen yliopistossa toimivia tai toimineita opettajankouluttajia ja tutkijoita, jotka edustavat kasvatustieteen, kieliaineiden, taidekasvatuksen, matematiikan ja luonnontieteiden sekä yhteiskunnallisten aineiden opettajankoulutusta. Teos käsittelee kehittämisen teoreettisia perusteita, suuntia ja tuloksia opettajuuden ja opettajankoulutuksen tulevaisuuden näkökulmasta.
Teacher training --- teacher education --- teachership --- subject didactics --- multiculturalism --- teaching practice --- Finland --- opettajankoulutus --- opettajuus --- ainedidaktiikka --- opetusharjoittelu --- monikulttuurisuus --- opettajankoulutuslaitokset --- Teaching --- Multiculturalism. --- Teachers --- opettajankoulutus. --- aineenopettajat. --- oppiaineet. --- kieltenopettajat. --- monikulttuurisuus. --- lärarutbildning. --- ämneslärare. --- läroämnen. --- språklärare. --- mångkulturalism. --- Methodology. --- Philosophy. --- Training of. --- Suomi. --- Finland.
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Bei dem seit 2016 kursierenden Begriff »Transfer in der Lehre« geht es um eine stärkere Kooperation von Zivilgesellschaft und Hochschule. Umstritten ist, ob diese bildungspolitische Forderung gleichrangig zu Forschung und Lehre als dritte Mission in den regulären akademischen Tätigkeitskatalog aufgenommen werden soll. Den einen erscheint dieses Engagement als unzumutbare zusätzliche Belastung, die anderen sehen es als Chance auf ein verstärktes Erleben von Selbstwirksamkeit und thematischer Relevanz. Die Beiträge des Bandes diskutieren diese Chancen und Risiken und gehen dabei auf konkrete Beispiele aus der Lehrpraxis ein. Damit liefern sie gleichfalls einen Leitfaden im Dschungel der konkurrierenden Konzepte.
Education. --- EDUCATION / Organizations & Institutions. --- Civil Society. --- Educational Mission. --- Educational Policy. --- Educational Research. --- Pedagogy. --- Research. --- Self-efficacy. --- Social Commitment. --- Sociology of Education. --- Teaching Practice. --- Teaching Research. --- Teaching. --- Third Mission. --- University. --- Transfer; Lehre; Forschung; Dritte Mission; Gesellschaftliches Engagement; Zivilgesellschaft; Universität; Hochschule; Bildungsauftrag; Bildungspolitik; Selbstwirksamkeit; Lehrpraxis; Lehrforschung; Bildung; Bildungsforschung; Bildungssoziologie; Pädagogik; Teaching; Research; Third Mission; Social Commitment; Civil Society; University; Educational Mission; Educational Policy; Self-efficacy; Teaching Practice; Teaching Research; Education; Educational Research; Sociology of Education; Pedagogy
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Radical Teacher, founded in 1975, is a socialist, feminist, and anti-racist journal dedicated to the theory and practice of teaching. It serves the community of educators who are working for democratic process, peace, and justice. The magazine examines the root causes of inequality and promotes progressive social change.
Teaching --- Radicalism --- English philology --- Teaching. --- Study and teaching --- Study and teaching. --- education --- education theory --- teaching practice --- educational issues --- Education --- Didactics --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- School teaching --- Schoolteaching --- Instructional systems --- Pedagogical content knowledge --- Training --- Germanic philology --- Extremism, Political --- Ideological extremism --- Political extremism --- Political science
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science teaching --- science learning --- teaching practice --- science curricula --- STEM education --- Science --- Study and teaching --- Study and teaching. --- Pacific Area. --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Natural science --- Science of science --- Sciences --- Asia-Pacific Region --- Asian and Pacific Council countries --- Asian-Pacific Region --- Pacific Ocean Region --- Pacific Region --- Pacific Rim --- Sciences - General --- Natural sciences --- stem education --- Teaching --- Étude et enseignement
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pedagogy --- innovation --- education theory --- teaching practice --- research methods in education --- education policy --- Education --- Education. --- Latin America. --- Children --- Education of children --- Education, Primitive --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Teaching --- Training --- Asociación Latinoamericana de Libre Comercio countries --- Neotropical region --- Neotropics --- New World tropics --- Spanish America
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This volume documents and reflects on an intercultural and interprofessional exchange about teaching between schools and classroom research. A teacher from Germany opens her classroom to the videographic observations of a Japanese and a German research group. In order to build bridges between the different fields of work related to the same object - the teacher's teaching - the researchers and the teacher open their analytical perspectives of teaching to each other. The volume maps discursive border crossings between an action-oriented didactic, a qualitative-reconstructive and a development-oriented view of the Japanese Jugyo Kenkyu (Lesson Study), in which the different professional cultures meet without intervening transformatively in each other's fields. The different perspectives invite to perceive ideas and concepts of teaching and its research with other than the usual readings and to productively introduce related irritations into the debates about the research and development of teaching. Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert und reflektiert einen interkulturellen und interprofessionellen Austausch über Unterricht zwischen Schule und Unterrichtsforschung. Eine Lehrerin aus Deutschland öffnet ihren Unterricht für die videographischen Beobachtungen einer japanischen und einer deutschen Forschergruppe. Um Brücken zu schlagen zwischen den verschiedenen, auf denselben Gegenstand − den Unterricht der Lehrerin − bezogenen Arbeitsfeldern, eröffnen die Forscher:innen und die Lehrerin ihre analytischen Perspektivierungen von Unterricht füreinander. Der Band bildet diskursive Grenzgänge zwischen einer handlungsorientiert- didaktischen, einer qualitativ-rekonstruktiven und einer entwicklungsorientierten Betrachtung der japanischen Jugyo Kenkyu (Lesson Study) ab, in denen die unterschiedlichen Professionskulturen sich begegnen, ohne in die Felder der jeweils anderen transformierend einzugreifen. Die verschiedenen Perspektivierungen laden ein, Vorstellungen und Konzepte von Unterricht und dessen Erforschung mit anderen als den gewohnten Lesarten wahrzunehmen und damit verbundene Irritationen produktiv in die Debatten um die Erforschung und Entwicklung von Unterricht einzubringen.
Unterrichtsforschung; Unterrichtspraxis; Interkultureller Vergleich; Austausch; Videoaufzeichnung; Unterricht; Interkulturalität; Interkulturelle Forschung; Unterrichtsanalyse; Perspektive; Lehrer-Schüler-Interaktion; Theorie-Praxis-Beziehung; Unterrichtsentwicklung; Teilnehmende Beobachtung; Unterrichtsbeobachtung; Kooperation; Literaturunterricht; Gymnasiale Oberstufe; Individualisierung; Lehr-Lern-Prozess; Reflexion
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