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Street gangs troughout the world
ISBN: 0398074291 Year: 2003 Publisher: Springfield, IL : Charles C. Thomas,

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General extenders : the forms and functions of a new linguistic category
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1108938655 1108945724 9781108938655 1108837239 9781108837231 9781108940450 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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General extenders are phrases like 'or something', 'and everything', 'and things (like that)', 'and stuff (like that)', and 'and so on'. Although they are an everyday feature of spoken language, are crucial in successful interpersonal communication, and have multiple functions in discourse, they have so far gone virtually unnoticed in linguistics. This pioneering work provides a comprehensive description of this new linguistic category. It offers new insights into ongoing changes in contemporary English, the effect of grammaticalization, novel uses as associative plural markers and indicators of intertextuality, and the metapragmatic role of extenders in interaction. The forms and functions of general extenders are presented clearly and accessibly, enabling students to understand a number of different frameworks of analysis in discourse-pragmatic studies. From an applied perspective, the book presents a description of translation equivalents, an analysis of second language variation, and practical exercises for teaching second language learners of English.

Pratiques TAG : Vers la proposition d'une "transe-culture"
ISBN: 274751840X Year: 2002 Publisher: Paris : Editions L'Harmattan,

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A corpus-based study on the difficult readability of English Patient Information Leaflets
Authors: ---
Year: 2008 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Doelstelling: Mijn masterproef gaat over de moeilijke leesbaarheid van Engelstalige bijsluiters. Een onderzoek uitgevoerd door de Nederlandse Consumentenbond in samenwerking met de Universiteit van Utrecht toonde aan dat bijsluiters nog altijd ondermaats scoren qua kwaliteit. Aan de begrijpelijkheid van de bijsluiters kan nog veel verbeterd worden omdat een groot deel van de patiënten zich misnoegd voelen na het lezen van een bijsluiter. Een onderzoek uitgevoerd door Dr. Veronique Hoste et al. toonde aan dat het gebruik van medische terminologie in bijsluiters het grootste struikelblok vormt. Daarom bevindt mijn masterproef zich binnen het kader van het ABOP-project, dat als doel heeft op vaste basis meer leesbare bijsluiters te produceren. Mijn masterproef bestaat uit een experimentele studie waar verschillende moeilijke termen uit tien bijsluiters worden geëxtraheerd en volgens gecontroleerd of die vervangen kunnen worden door een populaire term of beschrijving. Middelen of methode: Eerst werd een literatuurstudie uitgevoerd over het ontstaan van bijsluiters en hun meest voorkomende problemen zoals de medische terminologie, gezondheidsanalfabetisme en de dokter-patiënt relatie. Ten tweede, werd een studie uitgevoerd a.d.h.v. een verzameld corpus. Dit corpus bestond uit tien bijsluiters over medicijnen die gebruikt worden als behandeling bij de ziekte van Crohn. Deze ziekte werd gekozen om het onderzoeksdomein af te bakenen. De tien bijsluiters bestonden uit: Entocort, Humira, Imuran, Medrol, Methotrexate, Pentasa, Prednisolone, Purinethol, Remicade, Salazopyrin, Sulphasalazine. Vervolgens volgde de annotatie van de bijsluiters. Deze annotatie gebeurde a.d.h.v. een linguistisch computergrogramma, Callisto genoemd. Met dit programma kon elk moeilijk verstaanbaar woord een welbepaald label krijgen. Uiteindelijk werden daarna de resultaten besproken. Resultaten: Globaal gezien, toonde deze studie aan dat nog steeds zeer veel bijsluiters moeilijke woorden bevatten. De meest voorkomende problemen waren dat er nog veel te veel wettenschappelijke termen aanwezig waren in de bijsluiters, en dat de meeste ambigue termen meestal niet duidelijk waren of gemakkelijk verward konden worden met andere gelijkaardige woorden. Een ander probleem was het gebruik van wettenschappelijke afkortingen, wiens betekenis wel verklaard werden naar nooit uitgelegd en daardoor de bijsluiter moeilijker maakten voor de patiënten. De ambigue afkortingen aan de andere kant werden bijna nooit verklaard, laat staan uitgelegd. Vervolgens was er nog het probleem dat als non-native van het Engels er altijd de tendens heerste om terug te vallen op de moedertaal, het Nederlands, wat het annoteren vaak bemoeilijkte en zo af en toe inconsistenties met zich meebracht.

Recombinant protein expression in microbial systems
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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With the advent of recombinant DNA technology, expressing heterologous proteins in microorganisms rapidly became the method of choice for their production at laboratory and industrial scale. Bacteria, yeasts and other hosts can be grown to high biomass levels efficiently and inexpensively. Obtaining high yields of recombinant proteins from this material was only feasible thanks to constant research on microbial genetics and physiology that led to novel strains, plasmids and cultivation strategies. Despite the spectacular expansion of the field, there is still much room for progress. Improving the levels of expression and the solubility of a recombinant protein can be quite challenging. Accumulation of the product in the cell can lead to stress responses which affect cell growth. Buildup of insoluble and biologically inactive aggregates (inclusion bodies) lowers the yield of production. This is particularly true for obtaining membrane proteins or high-molecular weight and multi-domain proteins. Also, obtaining eukaryotic proteins in a prokaryotic background (for example, plant or animal proteins in bacteria) results in a product that lack post-translational modifications, often required for functionality. Changing to a eukaryotic host (yeasts or filamentous fungi) may not be a proper solution since the pattern of sugar modifications is different than in higher eukaryotes. Still, many advances in the last couple of decades have provided to researchers a wide variety of strategies to maximize the production of their recombinant protein of choice. Everything starts with the careful selection of the host. Be it bacteria or yeast, a broad list of strains is available for overcoming codon use bias, incorrect disulfide bond formation, protein toxicity and lack of post-translational modifications. Also, a huge catalog of plasmids allows choosing for different fusion partners for improving solubility, protein secretion, chaperone co-expression, antibiotic resistance and promoter strength. Next, controlling culture conditions like temperature, inducer and media composition can bolster recombinant protein production. With this Research Topic, we aim to provide an encyclopedic account of the existing approaches to the expression of recombinant proteins in microorganisms, highlight recent discoveries and analyze the future prospects of this exciting and ever-growing field.

Étude de la dispersion et de la prédation des graines par les rongeurs des genres Cricetomys et Funisciurus en forêt dense humide camerounaise
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Most of tropical rainforest tree species are dispersed by animals. The role of rodents in seed dispersal has been poorly documented in African rainforests. Considering that rodents are less affected than large mammals by selective hunting, they could therefore play a crucial role in seed dispersal of some species.&#13;This study was carried out in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Cameroon, within an FSC-certified forest concession. This work aimed to deepen knowledge on the roles of two African rodent species, Cricetomys emini and Funisciurus pyrropus, in seed dispersal. In parallel, the effectiveness of three seed marking methods for monitoring dispersion was assessed. Interaction with olfactory molecules was also explored through the introduction of an attractive molecule, the sulcatone, to promote seed removal by rodents and through a preliminary study of the volatiles emitted by the arils of two species of the Myristicaceae family. A total of 454 seeds were marked with magnets/fluorescent thread tags/PIT tags in order to obtain dispersion data via detection with a magnetic detector/UV lamp/RFID system. Finally, hoards of both rodent species were searched and the seeds within were identified.&#13;This study showed a scatter-hoarder behaviour for F. pyrropus with seeds found up to 37m and 4% of the marked seeds recovered whole and buried at a maximum depth of 10 cm. The caches of F. pyrropus contained 30% potentially viable seeds. The seeds taken away by C. emini were not found within a radius of 50m, which suggests a dispersal distance greater than 50m. Thirty-five % of the seeds were whole and 6 % potentially viable or viable in the burrows of C. emini.&#13;The magnetic detector had the advantage of being easier to handle in the vegetation, detecting tags faster and deeper in the soil. However, it requires an appropriate soil, is annoying for C. emini because the magnets come out of the seeds to cling to each other in his cheek pouches, and the detector gives false detections. In contrast, the RFID system does not give false detections and PIT tags have a unique identifier, they can be found less deeply than magnets but do not interfere with rodents. The thread tags were a source of discomfort for both C. emini and F. pyrropus, were less easy to find but are very cheap.&#13;The VOCs profiles of the fruits of both Myristicaceae species are very complex and it is probably in their whole that they could have an olfactory effect on rodents. There was a significant dependence in seed removal depending on whether sulcatone was present or not. La grande majorité des arbres en forêt dense humide tropicale sont dispersés par des frugivores. Le rôle des rongeurs dans la dispersion des graines a jusqu’à présent été très peu documenté dans les forêts denses humides africaines. Or, les rongeurs sont moins touchés par la chasse sélective et pourraient donc avoir un rôle d’autant plus important dans la dispersion des graines de certaines essences.&#13;Réalisé en forêt dense humide semi-caducifoliée camerounaise, au sein d’une concession forestière certifiée FSC, ce travail ambitionne d’approfondir les connaissances sur les rôles de deux espèces de rongeurs africains, Cricetomys emini et Funisciurus pyrropus, en tant que disperseurs de graines. En parallèle, l’efficacité de trois méthodes de marquage de graines pour le suivi de la dispersion a été appréhendée. Enfin, l’interaction avec des molécules olfactives a également été explorée via la mise en place d’une molécule attractive, la sulcatone, et via une étude préliminaire des volatils émis par l’arille de deux essences de la famille des Myristicaceae. Au total 454 graines ont été marquées à l’aide d’aimants/de fils fluorescents/de PIT tags dans le but d’obtenir des informations sur la dispersion via la détection avec un détecteur magnétique/une lampe UV/une antenne et un lecteur RFID. Enfin, des cachettes des deux espèces de rongeurs ont été fouillées et les graines présentes ont été identifiées.&#13;Cette étude a montré un comportement de scatter-hoarder pour F. pyrropus avec des graines retrouvées jusqu’à 37m et 4% des graines marquées récupérées entières et enterrées à max. 10 cm de profondeur. Les caches de F. pyrropus présentaient 30% de graines potentiellement viables. Les graines emportées par C. emini n’ont pas été retrouvées dans un rayon de 50m, ce qui laisse présager une dispersion supérieure à 50m. Les terriers de C. emini contenaient 35% de graines entières et 6% de graines potentiellement viables ou viables.&#13;Le détecteur magnétique présentait l’avantage d’être plus aisé à manipuler dans la végétation, de détecter des tags plus rapidement et plus profondément dans le sol. Cependant, il nécessite un sol approprié, est gênant pour C. emini car les aimants sortent des graines pour s’accoler les uns aux autres dans ses poches jugales, et le détecteur donne de faux-positifs. A l’inverse, le système RFID ne donne pas de faux-positifs et les PIT tags possèdent un identifiant unique, ils peuvent être retrouvés moins profondément que les aimants mais ne gênent pas les rongeurs. Les fils gênaient fortement C. emini et F. pyrropus, étaient moins faciles à retrouver mais présentent l’avantage d’être très peu coûteux.&#13;Les profils en VOCs des diaspores des deux espèces de Myristicaceae sont très complexes et c’est probablement dans leur globalité qu’ils pourraient avoir un effet olfactif sur les rongeurs. Il y avait une dépendance significative dans l’enlèvement des graines selon que la sulcatone soit présente ou pas.

Typisch adventistisch.Wie Adventisten ihren Glauben leben
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783815019283 Year: 2012 Publisher: Lüneburg Saatkorn-Verlag GmbH, Abt. Advent-Verlag

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Setting up of a digital marketing strategy in order to promote the skills of the Walloon and Brussels organizations working in the renewable energy sectors
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This thesis has been written as a roadmap for the Cluster TWEED in order to develop a whole digital marketing strategy for their brand “REWallonia”. The different steps to follow have been detailed in order to achieve the mission given by the company to the student. It first starts with a situation analysis: micro, macro and internal analyses are performed in order to have a better understanding of the environment in which the organization operates. The second step was then to set appropriate objectives aligned with the general business strategy of the company, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of TWEED. Those objectives are mainly digital marketing objectives as improving the ranking of the website on Google, attract the visitors to our website and make them stay on it and finally turn those users into advocates of our brand. The third step was to define strategies to reach those objectives. For this, various tools are used such as a Search Engine Optimisation strategy, email marketing, website design and usability, social media marketing, etc. The fourth step is to set Key Performance Indicators to measure the results.

Back-end digital transformation: A study to implement advanced technologies in the stock management processes of the Proximus shops
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Customers are now becoming extremely demanding and companies need to adapt their operations and business model in order to stay competitive. Many companies have thus decided to take advantage of the digital by entering a digital transformation, which is what Proximus has decided to do in 2019. This report studies which advanced technology can be implemented in Proximus' stock management processes to its shops and fits best with its needs.

Basquiat by himself
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783777432991 3777432997 Year: 2019 Publisher: [Munich] : Hirmer,

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The present publication is dedicated to the expressive self-portraits by Jean-Michel Basquiat and covers his lifelong intensive study of the self. In Basquiat's œuvre the self-portrait, one of the major subjects of art history, occupies a central position that has not been examined to date. Jean-Michel Basquiat's self-portraits are regarded as being among the most important of his radical creative works. In addition to some 50 specific portraits of himself, we can also see his series of likenesses of African-American men as concealed reproductions of the artist. Not least because Basquiat, who was affected himself by everyday racism, identified with his heroes, saints and martyrs as he portrayed them. Thus his major topics from identity, discrimination and prejudice to capitalism, the market and oppression are all to be found in these key works

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