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Written by experts from London’s renowned Royal Free hospital, Textbook of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery offers a comprehensive overview of the vast topic of reconstructive plastic surgery and its various subspecialties for introductory plastic surgery and surgical science courses. The book comprises five sections covering the fundamental principles of plastic surgery, cancer, burns and trauma, paediatric plastic surgery and aesthetic surgery. Additional coverage of areas in which reconstructive surgery techniques are called upon includes abdominal wall reconstruction, ear reconstruction and genital reconstruction. The broad scope of this volume makes this a unique contribution to the field. Heavily illustrated throughout, Textbook of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is essential reading for anyone interested in furthering their knowledge of this exciting field.
Surgery, Plastic --- Surgery. --- Aesthetic surgery --- Cosmetic surgery --- Plastic surgery --- Reconstructive surgery --- Surgery, Aesthetic --- Surgery, Cosmetic --- Surgery, Reconstructive --- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. --- Plastic surgeons
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This book presents state of the art information on all aspects of endoscopic transaxillary augmentation mammoplasty with the aim of sharing the insights gained by the author during the performance of more than 2500 endoscopic breast augmentation procedures. With the aid of high-quality figures, the reader is guided through each step of the preoperative design and surgery, including when using a dual plane type II or III approach. Helpful information is also provided on anatomy, choice of implant, the endoscopy system and instruments, potential complications, and revision augmentation mammoplasty. Endoscopic transaxillary breast augmentation has been gaining in popularity owing to the various advantages that it offers, namely small incisions, enhanced visibility, and improved accuracy and predictability of breast enlargement. This book is exceptional in covering every facet of the procedure and related issues and in documenting best practice on the basis of a wealth of experience. It will equip those embarking on such surgery with essential knowledge and assist them in negotiating the learning curve.
Plastic surgery. --- Plastic Surgery. --- Aesthetic surgery --- Cosmetic surgery --- Plastic surgery --- Reconstructive surgery --- Surgery, Aesthetic --- Surgery, Cosmetic --- Surgery, Reconstructive --- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. --- Plastic surgeons
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This book is a comprehensive, up-to-date, and clearly organized guide to the avoidance, identification, and treatment of complications associated with filler injections. With the aid of a wealth of high-quality illustrations, the various complications that may be encountered when performing filler injections are described and documented. There is a particular focus on granulomas, skin necrosis, and blindness and vision loss, but the full range of less serious complications is also covered, with complete description of the current treatment guidelines for each complication. In addition, the classification of filler complications is clearly explained and regions especially susceptible to adverse events are identified. The book, written by plastic surgeons with vast experience in the field, is exceptional in the breadth and depth of its coverage of filler complications. It will be invaluable for aesthetic and plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and all other providers of filler injections.
Plastic surgery. --- Plastic Surgery. --- Aesthetic surgery --- Cosmetic surgery --- Plastic surgery --- Reconstructive surgery --- Surgery, Aesthetic --- Surgery, Cosmetic --- Surgery, Reconstructive --- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. --- Plastic surgeons
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Surgery, Plastic. --- Reconstructive Surgical Procedures --- methods. --- Aesthetic surgery --- Cosmetic surgery --- Plastic surgery --- Reconstructive surgery --- Surgery, Aesthetic --- Surgery, Cosmetic --- Surgery, Reconstructive --- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. --- Plastic surgeons
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Highly Commended, Dermatology, BMA Awards 2009 Completely updated throughout, the new edition of this well-respected resource offers you a practical guide for the evaluation, diagnosis, and management of a full range of common and uncommon obstetric and gynecologic skin disorders. Expanded coverage--including chapters on vulval vaginal disease help you meet more clinical challenges, while more than 460 illustrations emphasize pathologic and clinical appearances of dermatologic problems, providing essential visual guidance for the most informed diagnoses. Enhanced basic dermatologic information, such as general introductions to treatment, treatment options, and rashes, makes this an excellent guide for dermatologist and non-dermatologists, as well as obstetricians and gynecologists.
Abdomen --- Surgery, Plastic --- Surgery --- Aesthetic surgery --- Cosmetic surgery --- Plastic surgery --- Reconstructive surgery --- Surgery, Aesthetic --- Surgery, Cosmetic --- Surgery, Reconstructive --- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. --- Plastic surgeons --- Viscera
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This book examines distinct innovative and modern techniques for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy necessitated by breast cancer. It serves as not only an entry point in learning about the most modern and promising surgical techniques available, but as a pragmatic guide as well. Beginning with an introduction to the history of the subject, the opening chapter offers a lesson in the evolution of the development and improvement of breast reconstruction techniques. Following this, chapters examine anatomic landmarks, including vascular anatomy, design and markings and best indications depending on the type of breast to be reconstructed. Subsequent chapters then present a multitude of surgery methods, including the progression from large open surgical procedures, to endoscopic approaches, and robotic assisted minimally invasive surgery. Finally, scaffold-based tissue engineering that offers a promising future for breast reconstruction surgeries without donor site morbidity is also reviewed. Additionally, the book’s expertly written text is supplemented by high-quality illustrations and videos that provide vital surgical guidance for improved surgical outcomes. Comprised of contributions from world-renowned plastic surgeons, Breast Reconstruction: Modern and Promising Surgical Techniques is an invaluable reference for residents, fellows, practicing and highly experienced plastic surgeons, breast surgeons, and those in surgical sub-specialties.
Plastic surgery. --- Plastic Surgery. --- Aesthetic surgery --- Cosmetic surgery --- Plastic surgery --- Reconstructive surgery --- Surgery, Aesthetic --- Surgery, Cosmetic --- Surgery, Reconstructive --- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. --- Plastic surgeons
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This highly illustrated book describes how to perform dermal filler procedures in a way that simultaneously takes into account esthetic and safety aspects in order to achieve optimal outcomes in individual patients. After discussion of filler materials and design considerations, the relevant basic and clinical anatomy is described, drawing on cadaveric examinations and imaging in living subjects. Step-by-step instruction is then provided on how to identify a safe injection plane and on injection using the pinch technique. The coverage includes guidance on injection procedures specific to different sites. A thorough and systemic description of potential side effects of filler injection, and the management of complications is also presented. The Art and Science of Filler Injection equips the reader with a sound knowledge of all aspects relevant to the achievement of pleasing esthetic results without side effects and will be of value for practitioners at all levels of experience.
Plastic surgery. --- Plastic Surgery. --- Aesthetic surgery --- Cosmetic surgery --- Plastic surgery --- Reconstructive surgery --- Surgery, Aesthetic --- Surgery, Cosmetic --- Surgery, Reconstructive --- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. --- Plastic surgeons --- Surgery, Plastic.
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Breast augmentation paired with mastopexy is often regarded as a challenging procedure since it is essentially two surgeries in one. Because of the complexity of the dual procedure, as well as the careful planning required, many doctors avoid performing these surgeries together, instead preferring their patient to undergo two separate surgeries.These two procedures can be safely performed with methodical planning and intra operative execution. This book provides not only insight and instruction on a variety of mastopexy procedures and accompanying types of breast augmentation, but it will also help the clinician determine the optimal surgery for each individual patient. Primarily meant for practicing aesthetic plastic surgeons, Augmentation Mastopexy -- Mastering the Art in the Management of the Ptotic Breast will also find use among plastic surgery fellows and plastic surgery residents. Unlike some of the competitive literature that briefly touches on the topic or simply provides an overview, the information provided is methodical and comprehensive, providing a wealth of color images to accompany the techniques described. Case studies with long-term follow up are also included, offering not only an understanding of potential pitfalls but a veritable how-to for handling complications when they do arise.
Plastic surgery. --- Plastic Surgery. --- Aesthetic surgery --- Cosmetic surgery --- Plastic surgery --- Reconstructive surgery --- Surgery, Aesthetic --- Surgery, Cosmetic --- Surgery, Reconstructive --- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. --- Plastic surgeons --- Breast --- Surgery.
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Take your practice to the next level! Cosmetic Facial Surgery provides a highly illustrated, case-based approach to common face and neck procedures. In this full-color reference, internationally renowned surgeon Joe Niamtu III, DMD, covers techniques including brow, face, and neck lifts; nose, eye, and ear surgery; cosmetic surgery practice with discussions of the process of facial aging, diagnosing and consulting with patients, clinical digital facial implants; skin resurfacing; the use of neurotoxins; and the removal of skin lesions. The book also prepares you for photography, and
Surgery, Plastic. --- Face --- Surgery. --- Maxillofacial surgery --- Aesthetic surgery --- Cosmetic surgery --- Plastic surgery --- Reconstructive surgery --- Surgery, Aesthetic --- Surgery, Cosmetic --- Surgery, Reconstructive --- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. --- Plastic surgeons
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Publikace zpracovává základní problematiku oboru plastické, rekonstrukční a estetické chirurgie. Kolektiv autorů reaguje na skutečnost, že v plastické chirurgii – stejně jako v ostatních medicínských oborech – se objevují nové postupy a nové zkušenosti, které významně ovlivňují kvalitu klinické práce. Kniha je rozdělena na část obecnou a speciální. V obecné části jsou popsány zásady fyziologického operování, možnosti ošetření poraněných tkání, krytí defektů transplantacemi a lalokovými plastikami, využití mikrochirurgie a endoskopie v plastické chirurgii. Ve speciální části se čtenář seznámí se současnými poznatky v operační léčbě různých vrozených a získaných vad, a to od obličejových rozštěpů, vrozených vad rukou a genitálu přes úrazy obličeje a končetin – včetně jejich řešení rekonstrukčními výkony pomocí mikrochirurgické techniky. Nově je zařazena kapitola o nádorových onemocněních prsu a rekonstrukci prsu po mastektomii a problematika léčby popálenin. Součástí publikace je i estetická chirurgie a řešení kosmetických vad s využitím moderních metod k dosažení co nejlepších výsledků. Kniha přináší ucelený současný přehled oboru. Je vynikajícím zdrojem informací pro širokou odbornou veřejnost. Studentům lékařských fakult nabídne rozšíření všeobecných znalostí o chirurgických oborech, lékařům připravujícím se k atestaci v oboru plastická chirurgie i atestovaným plastickým chirurgům poskytne komplexní přehled problematiky. Vzhledem ke skutečnosti, že plastická chirurgie získává stále větší uplatnění v rámci mezioborové spolupráce (všeobecná chirurgie, ortopedie, kardiochirurgie, dětská chirurgie, otorinolaryngologie, čelistní chirurgie, dermatologie a další), osloví jistě i lékaře jiných oborů. Logicky a přehledně členěný text vhodně doplňuje bohatá obrazová dokumentace.
Surgery, Plastic. --- Aesthetic surgery --- Cosmetic surgery --- Plastic surgery --- Reconstructive surgery --- Surgery, Aesthetic --- Surgery, Cosmetic --- Surgery, Reconstructive --- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. --- Plastic surgeons
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