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Drainage. --- Stabilisation --- Surcharge
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"À une époque où l’infoanxiété causée par la surabondance de nouvelles et d’opinions dans notre univers multiplateforme est de plus en plus manifeste, ne serait-il pas judicieux à l’occasion, pour préserver son hygiène mentale et surtout celle des autres, de réserver son opinion en se demandant si l’expression publique de ce qui pourrait être évoqué autour de la machine à café au bureau - ou pas du tout - contribue réellement à enrichir la conversation". Un essai qui en appelle à un peu plus de silence ; non pas le silence qui imposerait la dictature de sa présence, mais bien celui qui permet de penser, de réfléchir, d’écouter, de soupeser. Et de peut-être, ou pas, choisir de se taire. Avec cet essai de réparation, j’aimerais revaloriser le dialogue intérieur, le recul, la réflexion et la discrétion au profit d’une conversation publique plus intelligible.
Information society --- Information overload --- Société numérique --- Surcharge informationnelle --- Société médiatique --- Communication --- Psychologie. --- Aspect moral
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Au contraire de l'obésité, reconnue par l'O.M.S. comme une maladie en 2007, l'infobésité n'est pas une maladie et sa définition se dérobe. Surcharge informationnelle, syndrome de débordement cognitif, elle est avant tout un ressenti subjectif. Nous ne sommes pas tous égaux devant l'infobésité. Stress, burn out, dépressions, mal-être au travail sont des qualificatifs que nous entendons malheureusement trop souvent dans nos vies professionnelles d'aujourd'hui. Comment y remédier et organiser notre communication plus intelligemment? L'arrivée de l'ère numérique fut (et est encore) un bouleversement pour beaucoup. Les réseaux sociaux et la connectivité permanente ont également modifié nos façons de vivre et parfois creusé les écarts de générations. Comment transformer l'infobésité en intelligence stratégique pour les entreprises et les organisations? Je vais tenter d'explorer quelques pistes de réflexion après avoir récolté des témoignages de personnes travaillant dans de grandes et petites entreprises du secteur privé et dans des organisations publiques. Je propose également d'essayer d'améliorer des situations vécues dans ma profession de secrétaire académique et de section dans une Haute Ecole. Car ce trop-plein d'informations ne touche pas uniquement le secteur privé. Les écoles sont également concernées. La réforme du Décret Paysage de l'enseignement supérieur mise en place en novembre 2013 n'a pas aidé à la simplification du travail du personnel administratif et des enseignants. J'y ai été personnellement confrontée. C'est la raison pour laquelle je me suis intéressée au sujet de l'infobésité.
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Cette recherche qualitative, basée sur une méthodologie de théorisation ancrée a pour objectif de déceler les impacts organisationnels que les TIC engendrent dans l'activité des cadres et en dehors des heures de travail. De plus, leur perception par rapport à la déconnexion et plus particulièrement au droit à la déconnexion est également analysée.
Technologies de l'information et de la communication --- TIC --- cadres --- impacts organisationnels --- surcharge informationnelle --- information overload --- infobésité --- déconnexion --- droit à la déconnexion --- hyperconnexion --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Gestion des ressources humaines
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La complexité représente un phénomène actuel et omniprésent qui touche de multiples entreprises dans tous les secteurs. Il est primordial de comprendre, situer et apprivoiser cette complexité en entreprise en tant qu’(e) (futur) employé, chercheur et professeur. La complexité se traduit, par exemple, à travers le type de communication, les supports utilisés ou par la définition des rôles et responsabilités (dimension organisationnelle). Elle est également accentuée par l’utilisation et le nombre d’outils, de plateformes implémentés dans l’entreprise (dimension processuelle). Et finalement, elle se renforce par l’hypertrophie bureaucratique et par des meetings trop nombreux, peu organisés, peu structurés (dimension subjective). La présence de complexité apparait et s’installe à foison pour plusieurs raisons telles que : le besoin des dirigeants de tout contrôler, le temps et son accélération toujours plus aigüe ou encore la polyphonie managériale insuffisamment modulée, modérée au jour le jour. Cela induit que, la plupart des acteurs de l’entreprise sont impactés professionnellement et émotionnellement par une complexité croissante et peu ou mal maîtrisée.
complexité --- complexe --- outils, supports et plateformes --- hypertrophie bureaucratique --- mythe du contrôle --- polyphonie managériale --- flexibilité et agilité --- surcharge de meetings --- processus d'évaluation --- changement --- règles et procédures --- le temps et son accélération --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Gestion des ressources humaines --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Gestion de l'entreprise & théorie des organisations
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The book provides assessments and evaluations of emerging trends in the electricity markets, with a focus on high-renewables electricity systems. Specifically, various issues are examined, such as wind and solar energy, interconnection, smart meters, smart grids of the future (including their social implications), and peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity trading, which is closely connected to the principle of a sharing economy. The book also contemplates how the market design for a high-renewables electricity system would be different from the classical post-liberalization market design.
Research & information: general --- renewable energy --- sustainable development --- gross domestic product --- GDP --- electrical capacity --- energy intensity --- hierarchical cluster analysis --- energy policy --- wholesale market design --- Electricity markets --- power system --- conceptual architecture --- distributed generation --- flexible resources --- local electricity markets --- electricity market design --- direct current --- distribution system --- local market --- flexibility --- microgrids --- continuous double auction --- Q-learning algorithm --- battery energy storage system, Q-cube framework --- bidding strategy --- emissions trading --- electricity price --- econometric modeling --- time series analysis --- emission allowance --- electricity market --- speculative trading --- forward market --- integration of renewable sources --- integrated markets --- co-optimization --- reserve allocation --- biofuels --- electricity generation --- power sector --- biomass --- Jatropha curcas --- system integration --- power industry --- state policy --- smart metering --- tariff rates --- system marginal price --- renewable energy sources --- photovoltaics --- day ahead market --- merit order curve --- electricity demand --- seasonal and daily variation --- RES (renewable energy sources) surcharge --- energy market --- artificial intelligence --- digital platform --- peer-to-peer --- trading mechanism --- clearing model --- clearing algorithm --- trading platform --- sustainability --- Internet of Energy --- smart meters --- smart grid --- husk --- energy supply --- efficiency --- carbon dioxide --- emissions --- energy efficiency --- economic growth --- energy consumption --- Czech Republic --- Slovakia
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Exceptional loads on buildings and structures are known to take origin and manifest from different causes, like natural hazards and possible high-strain dynamic effects, human-made attacks and impact issues for load-bearing components, possible accidents, and even unfavorable/extreme operational conditions. All these aspects can be critical for specific structural typologies and/or materials that are particularly sensitive to external conditions. In this regard, dedicated analysis methods and performance indicators are required for the design and maintenance under the expected lifetime. Typical issues and challenges can find huge efforts and clarification in research studies, which are able to address with experiments and/or numerical analyses the expected performance and capacity of a given structural system, with respect to demands. Accordingly, especially for existing structures or strategic buildings, the need for retrofit or mitigation of adverse effects suggests the definition of optimal and safe use of innovative materials, techniques, and procedures. This Special Issue follows the first successful edition and confirms the need of continuous research efforts in support of building design under extreme loads, with a list of original research papers focused on various key aspects of structural performance assessment for buildings and systems under exceptional design actions and operational conditions.
Technology: general issues --- History of engineering & technology --- blast loads --- slab-column joints --- prediction model --- damage level --- progressive collapse --- steel beam-to-column connections --- catenary mechanism --- double-span assemblies --- stiffness degradation --- timber-to-timber composite (TCC) joints --- push-out (PO) test setup --- inclined self-tapping screws (STSs) --- finite-element (FE) method --- cohesive zone modelling (CZM) method --- boundaries --- friction --- sensitivity study --- prototype abutment --- non-destructive test --- surcharge load --- mode number --- scour --- steel truss --- roof structure --- partial collapse --- finite element analysis --- lightning strike --- cable-stayed bridge --- social disaster --- blast scenario --- blast analysis --- LS-DYNA --- balau wood --- cross-arm --- transmission tower --- bracing system --- creep --- findley’s power law model --- burger model --- top-seat angle connections (TSACW) --- component-based models --- initial stiffness --- ultimate moment capacity --- moment-rotation relation --- artificial neural network (ANN) --- sensitivity analysis (SA) --- reinforced concrete column --- multi-column pier --- seismic behavior --- lap-splice --- transverse reinforcement --- plastic hinge --- ductility --- bonded-in rod (BiR) connections --- adhesives --- fracture modes --- moisture --- experiments --- linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) --- analytical model --- aeroelastic experiments --- experimental uncertainty --- singular value decomposition --- correlation field --- cathedral --- foundation rehabilitation --- jacked-in piles --- soil injection --- cracks --- masonry --- differential equation of motion --- Legendre–Galerkin matrix (LGM) method --- algebraic polynomials --- single degree of freedom (SDOF) --- multi degree of freedom (MDOF) --- n/a --- findley's power law model --- Legendre-Galerkin matrix (LGM) method
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Exceptional loads on buildings and structures are known to take origin and manifest from different causes, like natural hazards and possible high-strain dynamic effects, human-made attacks and impact issues for load-bearing components, possible accidents, and even unfavorable/extreme operational conditions. All these aspects can be critical for specific structural typologies and/or materials that are particularly sensitive to external conditions. In this regard, dedicated analysis methods and performance indicators are required for the design and maintenance under the expected lifetime. Typical issues and challenges can find huge efforts and clarification in research studies, which are able to address with experiments and/or numerical analyses the expected performance and capacity of a given structural system, with respect to demands. Accordingly, especially for existing structures or strategic buildings, the need for retrofit or mitigation of adverse effects suggests the definition of optimal and safe use of innovative materials, techniques, and procedures. This Special Issue follows the first successful edition and confirms the need of continuous research efforts in support of building design under extreme loads, with a list of original research papers focused on various key aspects of structural performance assessment for buildings and systems under exceptional design actions and operational conditions.
blast loads --- slab-column joints --- prediction model --- damage level --- progressive collapse --- steel beam-to-column connections --- catenary mechanism --- double-span assemblies --- stiffness degradation --- timber-to-timber composite (TCC) joints --- push-out (PO) test setup --- inclined self-tapping screws (STSs) --- finite-element (FE) method --- cohesive zone modelling (CZM) method --- boundaries --- friction --- sensitivity study --- prototype abutment --- non-destructive test --- surcharge load --- mode number --- scour --- steel truss --- roof structure --- partial collapse --- finite element analysis --- lightning strike --- cable-stayed bridge --- social disaster --- blast scenario --- blast analysis --- LS-DYNA --- balau wood --- cross-arm --- transmission tower --- bracing system --- creep --- findley’s power law model --- burger model --- top-seat angle connections (TSACW) --- component-based models --- initial stiffness --- ultimate moment capacity --- moment-rotation relation --- artificial neural network (ANN) --- sensitivity analysis (SA) --- reinforced concrete column --- multi-column pier --- seismic behavior --- lap-splice --- transverse reinforcement --- plastic hinge --- ductility --- bonded-in rod (BiR) connections --- adhesives --- fracture modes --- moisture --- experiments --- linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) --- analytical model --- aeroelastic experiments --- experimental uncertainty --- singular value decomposition --- correlation field --- cathedral --- foundation rehabilitation --- jacked-in piles --- soil injection --- cracks --- masonry --- differential equation of motion --- Legendre–Galerkin matrix (LGM) method --- algebraic polynomials --- single degree of freedom (SDOF) --- multi degree of freedom (MDOF) --- n/a --- findley's power law model --- Legendre-Galerkin matrix (LGM) method
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The book provides assessments and evaluations of emerging trends in the electricity markets, with a focus on high-renewables electricity systems. Specifically, various issues are examined, such as wind and solar energy, interconnection, smart meters, smart grids of the future (including their social implications), and peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity trading, which is closely connected to the principle of a sharing economy. The book also contemplates how the market design for a high-renewables electricity system would be different from the classical post-liberalization market design.
renewable energy --- sustainable development --- gross domestic product --- GDP --- electrical capacity --- energy intensity --- hierarchical cluster analysis --- energy policy --- wholesale market design --- Electricity markets --- power system --- conceptual architecture --- distributed generation --- flexible resources --- local electricity markets --- electricity market design --- direct current --- distribution system --- local market --- flexibility --- microgrids --- continuous double auction --- Q-learning algorithm --- battery energy storage system, Q-cube framework --- bidding strategy --- emissions trading --- electricity price --- econometric modeling --- time series analysis --- emission allowance --- electricity market --- speculative trading --- forward market --- integration of renewable sources --- integrated markets --- co-optimization --- reserve allocation --- biofuels --- electricity generation --- power sector --- biomass --- Jatropha curcas --- system integration --- power industry --- state policy --- smart metering --- tariff rates --- system marginal price --- renewable energy sources --- photovoltaics --- day ahead market --- merit order curve --- electricity demand --- seasonal and daily variation --- RES (renewable energy sources) surcharge --- energy market --- artificial intelligence --- digital platform --- peer-to-peer --- trading mechanism --- clearing model --- clearing algorithm --- trading platform --- sustainability --- Internet of Energy --- smart meters --- smart grid --- husk --- energy supply --- efficiency --- carbon dioxide --- emissions --- energy efficiency --- economic growth --- energy consumption --- Czech Republic --- Slovakia
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