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TM --- the TM movement --- mantra --- the fasces Method --- TM effects --- suggestibility --- placebo conditions --- hypnosis --- the Maharishi --- word games --- religion --- protoreligion --- the neurotic believer syndrome --- psychosis
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witchcraft --- public consciousness --- graveyard desecrations --- black magic rites --- vandalism --- manifestations of the black art --- the Salem witch trials --- sorcery in Melanesia --- Meister Crowley --- psychology --- hypnotism --- suggestibility
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At the turn of the last century C. G. Jung began his career as a psychiatrist. During the next decade three men whose names are famous in the annals of medical psychology influenced his professional development: Pierre Janet, under whom he studied at the Salpetriere Hospital in Paris; Eugen Bleuler, his chief at the Burgholzli Hospital in Zurich; and Sigmund Freud, with whom Jung began corresponding in 1906. It is Bleuler, and to a lesser extent Janet, whose influence bears on the studies in descriptive and experimental psychiatry composing Volume 1 of the Collected Works. This first volume of Jung's Collected Works contains papers that appeared between 1902 and 1905. It opens with Jung's dissertation for the medical degree: "On the Psychology and Pathology of So-called Occult Phenomena," a detailed analysis of the case of an hysterical adolescent girl who professed to be a medium. This study foreshadows much of his later work and is indispensable to all serious students of his psychiatric career. The volume also includes papers on cryptomnesia, hysterical parapraxes in reading, manic mood disorder, simulated insanity, and other topics.
Psychoanalysis. --- Psychiatry --- Alcoholism. --- Amnesia. --- Analgesic. --- Analytical psychology. --- Anesthesia. --- Attempt. --- Auditory hallucination. --- Automatic writing. --- Autosuggestion. --- Bibliography. --- Calculation. --- Catatonia. --- Consciousness. --- Conversion disorder. --- Convulsion. --- Crime. --- Criticism. --- Cryptomnesia. --- Daydream. --- Delusion. --- Dementia praecox. --- Dementia. --- Depression (mood). --- Desperation (novel). --- Diagnosis. --- Dissociation (psychology). --- Distraction. --- Dizziness. --- Edition (book). --- Embarrassment. --- Epilepsy. --- Explanation. --- Fatigue (medical). --- Feeble-minded. --- Feeling. --- Fraud. --- Ganser syndrome. --- Ganser. --- Gerhard Adler. --- Good and evil. --- Hallucination. --- Headache. --- Hypnosis. --- Hysteria. --- Imprisonment. --- Inferiority complex. --- Intellectual disability. --- Irritability. --- Literature. --- Malingering. --- Mania. --- Medical diagnosis. --- Mental disorder. --- Mood disorder. --- Moral insanity. --- Murder. --- Neurosis. --- Observation. --- Overreaction. --- Paralysis. --- Pathological lying. --- Personality. --- Pessimism. --- Phenomenon. --- Physical examination. --- Plagiarism. --- Psychiatry. --- Psychology of the Unconscious. --- Psychology. --- Psychomotor agitation. --- Psychopathology. --- Psychopathy. --- Puberty. --- Publication. --- Recklessness (psychology). --- Relapse. --- Respondent. --- Result. --- Retrograde amnesia. --- Sensibility. --- Shame. --- Simulation. --- Sleepwalking. --- Solitary confinement. --- Stupor. --- Suggestibility. --- Suggestion. --- Suicide attempt. --- Suicide. --- Symbols of Transformation. --- Symptom. --- The Collected Works of C. G. Jung. --- The Other Hand. --- The Various. --- Theft. --- Theory. --- Thought. --- Thus Spoke Zarathustra. --- Word Association. --- Writing.
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This volume is a miscellany of writings that Jung published after the Collected Works had been planned, minor and fugitive works that he wished to assign to a special volume, and early writings that came to light in the course of research.
Psychoanalysis --- Psychoanalysis. --- A Matter of Fact. --- Allusion. --- Analogy. --- Analytical psychology. --- Answer to Job. --- Anxiety disorder. --- Apperception. --- Archetype. --- Astrology. --- Buddhism. --- Carl Jung. --- Catholic Church. --- Christ. --- Christianity. --- Collective unconscious. --- Concept. --- Conscience. --- Consciousness. --- Criticism. --- Deity. --- Delusion. --- Dementia praecox. --- Depth psychology. --- Diagnosis. --- Disadvantage. --- Disease. --- Dissociation (psychology). --- Dream interpretation. --- Elijah. --- Empiricism. --- Essay. --- Experience. --- Explanation. --- Extraversion and introversion. --- Feeling. --- Foreword. --- Free association (psychology). --- Gnosticism. --- God. --- Hallucination. --- Hypnosis. --- Hysteria. --- Imagination. --- Indication (medicine). --- Individuation. --- Inferiority complex. --- Kabbalah. --- Lecture. --- Libido. --- Literature. --- Medical history. --- Medical psychology. --- Mental disorder. --- Mithraism. --- Morality. --- Mrs. --- Neurosis. --- Observation. --- Paracelsus. --- Parapsychology. --- Personality. --- Phenomenon. --- Philosopher. --- Philosophy. --- Physician. --- Precognition. --- Prejudice. --- Principle. --- Protestantism. --- Psyche (psychology). --- Psychiatry. --- Psychologist. --- Psychology of the Unconscious. --- Psychology. --- Psychopathology. --- Psychotherapy. --- Publication. --- Reality. --- Reason. --- Religion. --- Result. --- Schizophrenia. --- Science. --- Sigmund Freud. --- Stupidity. --- Suffering. --- Suggestibility. --- Suggestion. --- Symptom. --- Theology. --- Theory. --- Therapeutic effect. --- Thought. --- Transference. --- Treatise. --- Unconscious mind. --- Unconsciousness. --- Understanding. --- Writing.
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