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In the decades following World War II, a movement of clergy and laity sought to restore liberal Protestantism to the center of American urban life. Chastened by their failure to avert war and the Holocaust, and troubled by missionaries' complicity with colonial regimes, they redirected their energies back home. Renewal explores the rise and fall of this movement, which began as an effort to restore the church's standing but wound up as nothing less than an openhearted crusade to remake our nation's cities. These campaigns reached beyond church walls to build or lend a hand to scores of organizations fighting for welfare, social justice, and community empowerment among the increasingly nonwhite urban working class. Church leaders extended their efforts far beyond traditional evangelicalism, often dovetailing with many of the contemporaneous social currents coursing through the nation, including black freedom movements and the War on Poverty. Renewal illuminates the overlooked story of how religious institutions both shaped and were shaped by postwar urban America.
Cities and towns --- Protestantism --- Religious aspects. --- History --- ecclesiology. --- liberal Protestantism. --- renewal. --- suburbanization. --- urban crisis.
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This volume discusses various aspects of planning public transport in the Ljubljana Urban Region, in which it highlights the cooperation between Ljubljana as a metropolis and its functionally connected countryside. After studying the basic social processes that guide development in this region, such as centralization and suburbanization, it focuses on traffic and public transport in this region. It analyzes the traffic flows, road use, and commuting, and dedicates special attention to commuting times. Suitable measures and best-practice examples are presented for the cases of unsustainable mobility that were indentified, especially with regard to improving spatial and temporal accessibility and transfer points in the public transport network. Proposals for integrating spatial and transport planning were developed, and ideas about drafting the development of public passenger transport in the selected corridor in the Ljubljana Urban Region were presented. Knjiga obravnava različne vidike urejanja javnega potniškega prometa v Ljubljanski urbani regiji, pri čemer je izpostavljeno sodelovanje Ljubljane kot metropole in njenega funkcijsko povezanega zaledja. Po preučitvi temeljnih družbenih procesov, ki usmerjajo razvoj v obravnavani regiji, kot na primer centralizacija in suburbanizacija, smo se osredotočili na promet in javni potniški promet v regiji. Analizirali smo prometne tokove, obremenjenost cest in dnevno mobilnost, posebno pozornost smo posvetili časovni dostopnosti do prebivalcev in delovnih mest. Za zaznane primere netrajnostne mobilnosti smo skušali najti primerne ukrepe in vzorčne dobre prakse, zlasti na področju izboljšanja prostorske in časovne dostopnosti ter prestopnih točk javnega potniškega prometa. Izdelali smo predloge za integracijo prostorskega in prometnega načrtovanja, predstavili pa smo tudi ideje o zasnovi razvoja javnega potniškega prometa na izbranem koridorju v Ljubljanski urbani regiji.
Slovenia --- Regional geography --- Transport planning & policy --- geography --- Ljubljana --- mobility --- passenger transport --- public passenger transportation --- regional planning --- suburbanization --- geografija --- javni potniški promet --- mobilnost --- potniški promet --- regionalno planiranje --- suburbanizacija
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Since Slovenia's independence, new economic and social policies have been influencing settlement patterns. Processes which had in fact begun earlier have intensified and deepened during this period, and differences within the country have become greater. The findings from this study could help support a more active land use policy and achieve a better understanding of the structure of built areas within rural settlements. Knjiga obravnava značilnosti pozidave zemljišč v različnih podeželskih naseljih po osamosvojitvi Slovenije. Na novo oblikovana gospodarska in družbena politika je namreč opazno vplivala na poselitvene razmere v državi. Procesi, ki so se začeli že prej, so v tem obdobju postali intenzivnejši, poleg tega so se poglobile razlike med posameznimi območji. Rezultati raziskave, ki so predstavljeni v knjigi, lahko pripomorejo k aktivnejši zemljiški politiki in k boljšemu razumevanju strukture pozidanih zemljišč v slovenskih podeželskih naseljih, pa tudi poznavanju sodobnih teženj njihovega demografskega in gospodarskega razvoja. Za stroko je pomemben predvsem izviren metodološki pristop, ki združuje terensko delo, analizo razpoložljivih statističnih virov in rezultate dveh nizov aerosnemanj. Delo je namenjeno raziskovalcem problematike podeželja Slovenije, urbanistom, prostorskim načrtovalcem in študentom.
Slovenia --- Regional geography --- Environmental policy & protocols --- built-up areas --- colonization --- daily migrations --- geography --- jobs --- land use --- rural areas --- rural settlements --- suburbanization --- delovna mesta --- dnevne migracije --- geografija --- podeželje --- podeželska naselja --- poselitev --- pozidana območja --- raba tal --- ruralna naselja --- Slovenija --- suburbanizacija
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Winner of the 2017 New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance Author Award, Reference Category See New Jersey history as you read about it! Envisioning New Jersey brings together 650 spectacular images that illuminate the course of the state's history, from prehistoric times to the present. Readers may think they know New Jersey's history-the state's increasing diversity, industrialization, and suburbanization-but the visual record presented here dramatically deepens and enriches that knowledge. Maxine N. Lurie and Richard F. Veit, two leading authorities on New Jersey history, present a smorgasbord of informative pictures, ranging from paintings and photographs to documents and maps. Portraits of George Washington and Molly Pitcher from the Revolution, battle flags from the War of 1812 and the Civil War, women air raid wardens patrolling the streets of Newark during World War II, the Vietnam War Memorial-all show New Jerseyans fighting for liberty. There are also pictures of Thomas Mundy Peterson, the first African American to vote after passage of the Fifteenth Amendment; Paul Robeson marching for civil rights; university students protesting in the 1960s; and Martin Luther King speaking at Monmouth University. The authors highlight the ethnic and religious variety of New Jersey inhabitants with images that range from Native American arrowheads and fishing implements, to Dutch and German buildings, early African American churches and leaders, and modern Catholic and Hindu houses of worship. Here, too, are the great New Jersey innovators from Thomas Edison to the Bell Labs scientists who worked on transistors. Compiled by the authors of New Jersey: A History of the Garden State, this volume is intended as an illustrated companion to that earlier volume. Envisioning New Jersey also stands on its own because essays synthesizing each era accompany the illustrations. A fascinating gold mine of images from the state's past, Envisioning New Jersey is the first illustrated book on the Garden State that covers its complete history, capturing the amazing transformation of New Jersey over time. View sample pages ( Thanks to the New Jersey Historical Commission, the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, and generous individual donors for making this project possible.
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In this text, Robert Lewis charts the city's decline since the 1920s and describes the early development of Chicago's famed (and reviled) growth machine. Beginning in the 1940s, downtown business interest, financial institutions, and real estate groups, place-dependent organisations in Chicago implemented several industrial renewal initiatives with the dual purpose of stopping factory closings and attracting new firms in order to turn blighted property into modern industrial sites. At the same time, a more powerful coalition sought to adapt the urban fabric to appeal to middle-class consumption and residential living. As Lewis shows, the two aims were never well integrated, and the result was on-going disinvestment and the inexorable decline of Chicago's industrial space. By the 1950s, it was evident that the early incarnation of the growth machine had failed to maintain Chicago's economic centre in industry.
Industrialization --- City planning --- History --- Chicago (Ill.) --- Economic conditions --- Urban redevelopment in Chicago, Industrial decline and central-city job loss, Growth coalitions and urban renewa, Industrial property relations and public-private interaction, industrial suburbanization.
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Working-class culture has often been depicted by historians as an atomised and fragmented entity lacking any significant cultural contestation. Drawing on a wealth of primary and secondary source material, this book powerfully challenges these recent assumptions and places social class centre stage once more. Arguing that there was a remarkable continuity in male working-class culture between 1850 and 1945, Beaven contends that despite changing socio-economic contexts, male working-class culture continued to draw on a tradition of active participation and cultural contestation that was both cl
Working class --- Men --- Leisure --- Human males --- Human beings --- Males --- Effeminacy --- Masculinity --- Commons (Social order) --- Labor and laboring classes --- Laboring class --- Labouring class --- Working classes --- Social classes --- Labor --- Free time (Leisure) --- Leisure time --- Recreation --- Social life and customs --- Social aspects --- History --- Employment --- Great Britain --- British society. --- association football. --- citizenship. --- drink. --- early Edwardian era. --- late Victorian era. --- male leisure. --- music hall. --- suburbanization. --- war. --- working-class males.
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In 1997, after General Motors shuttered a massive complex of factories in the gritty industrial city of Flint, Michigan, signs were placed around the empty facility reading, "Demolition Means Progress," suggesting that the struggling metropolis could not move forward to greatness until the old plants met the wrecking ball. Much more than a trite corporate slogan, the phrase encapsulates the operating ethos of the nation's metropolitan leadership from at least the 1930s to the present. Throughout, the leaders of Flint and other municipalities repeatedly tried to revitalize their communities by demolishing outdated and inefficient structures and institutions and overseeing numerous urban renewal campaigns-many of which yielded only more impoverished and more divided metropolises. After decades of these efforts, the dawn of the twenty-first century found Flint one of the most racially segregated and economically polarized metropolitan areas in the nation. In one of the most comprehensive works yet written on the history of inequality and metropolitan development in modern America, Andrew R. Highsmith uses the case of Flint to explain how the perennial quest for urban renewal-even more than white flight, corporate abandonment, and other forces-contributed to mass suburbanization, racial and economic division, deindustrialization, and political fragmentation. Challenging much of the conventional wisdom about structural inequality and the roots of the nation's "urban crisis," Demolition Means Progress shows in vivid detail how public policies and programs designed to revitalize the Flint area ultimately led to the hardening of social divisions.
City planning --- Social aspects --- Flint (Mich.) --- History. --- Economic conditions. --- Social conditions. --- flint, michigan, urban, land use, renewal, redevelopment, factories, industrialization, city, demolition, progress, revitalization, poverty, housing crisis, race, systemic racism, segregation, wealth gap, inequality, inequity, white flight, corporations, suburbs, deindustrialization, planning, jim crow, gm, auto industry, social change, nonfiction, politics, history, sociology, whiteness, community, neighborhood, suburbanization, desegregation.
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To fully understand New Jersey in the 2020s and beyond, it is crucial to understand its ever-changing population. This book examines the twenty-first century demographic trends that are reshaping the state now and will continue to do so in the future. But trend analysis requires a deep historical context. Present-day New Jersey is the result of a long demographic and economic journey that has taken place over centuries, constantly influenced by national and global forces. This book provides a detailed examination of this journey. The result is present-day New Jersey. The authors also highlight key trends that will continue to transform the state: domestic migration out of the state and immigration into it; increasing diversity; slower overall population growth; contracting fertility; the household revolution and changing living arrangements; generational disruptions; and suburbanization versus re-urbanization. All of these factors help place in context the result of the 2020 decennial U.S. Census. While the book focuses on New Jersey, the Garden State is a template of demographic, economic, social, and other forces characterizing the United States in the twenty-first century.
Population forecasting --- Cities and towns --- History --- Growth --- New Jersey --- Population --- New Jersey, population trends, history, urban studies, public policy, demographics, domestic migration, immigration, diversity, growth, fertility, household, living arrangements, suburbanization, re-urbanization, US census, Garden State, baby boom, residential housing, metropolitan residence, population density.
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Despite their twin positions as two of North America's most iconic Italian neighborhoods, South Philly and Toronto's Little Italy have functioned in dramatically different ways since World War II. Inviting readers into the churches, homes, and businesses at the heart of these communities, Staying Italian reveals that daily experience in each enclave created two distinct, yet still Italian, ethnicities. As Philadelphia struggled with deindustrialization, Jordan Stanger-Ross shows, Italian ethnicity in South Philly remained closely linked with preserving turf an
Italian Americans --- Italians --- Ethnicity --- Ethnic neighborhoods --- Ethnic identity --- History --- philadelphia, toronto, italian immigrants, neighborhood, community, little italy, assimilation, heritage, identity, italian-american, immigration, ethnicity, nonfiction, history, geography, turf, boundaries, deindustrialization, employment, labor, poverty, race, whiteness, acceptance, economic restructuring, segregation, suburbanization, canada, united states, real estate, religion, housing, work, courtship, marriage, family.
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In this provocative and accessible urban history, Lila Corwin Berman considers the role that Detroit's Jews played in the city's well-known narrative of migration and decline. Taking its cue from social critics and historians who have long looked toward Detroit to understand twentieth-century urban transformations, Metropolitan Jews tells the story of Jews leaving the city while retaining a deep connection to it. Berman argues convincingly that though most Jews moved to the suburbs, urban abandonment, disinvestment, and an embrace of conservatism did not invariably accompany their moves. Instead, the Jewish postwar migration was marked by an enduring commitment to a newly fashioned urbanism with a vision of self, community, and society that persisted well beyond city limits. Complex and subtle, Metropolitan Jews pushes urban scholarship beyond the tenacious black/white, urban/suburban dichotomy. It demands a more nuanced understanding of the process and politics of suburbanization and will reframe how we think about the American urban experiment and modern Jewish history.
Jews --- Social conditions. --- Detroit (Mich.) --- Ethnic relations. --- anthropology, jews, detroit, michigan, provocative, urban areas, decline, social issues, ethnography, 20th century, big cities, immigration, race, religion, postwar migration, community, identity, society, suburbanization, judaism, synagogues, ethnic relations, local politics, jewish neighborhoods, modern history, white flight, conservatism, metropolitan urbanism, racial transition, justice, whiteness studies, liberalism, communal institutions.
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