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Aristotle on matter, form, and moving causes : the hylomorphic theory of substantial generation
ISBN: 9781108646680 9781108475570 9781108468671 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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"This book examines an important area of Aristotle's philosophy: the generation of substances. While other changes presuppose the existence of a substance (Socrates grows taller), substantial generation results in something genuinely new that did not exist before (Socrates himself). The central argument of this book is that Aristotle defends a 'hylomorphic' model of substantial generation. In its most complete formulation, this model says that substantial generation involves three principles: (1) matter, which is the subject from which the change proceeds; (2) form, which is the end towards which the process advances; and (3) an efficient cause, which directs the process towards that form. By examining the development of this model across Aristotle's works, Devin Henry seeks to deepen our grasp on how the doctrine of hylomorphism - understood as a blueprint for thinking about the world - informs our understanding of the process by which new substances come into being"--

Spinozismus als Modell : Deleuze und Spinoza

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Spinozas Philosophie barg zu seiner Zeit erhebliches Konfliktpotential. Dies liegt sicher an den Umständen seiner Zeit, an den politischen und religiösen Restriktionen, wie an den philosophischen Konjunkturen. Doch liegt hier ein Kritikpotential, das uns auch heute noch berührt? Dieses Potential kann nicht nur einfach erinnert und bewahrt werden, sondern muss in einer produktiven Lektüre neu entdeckt werden. Das erfordert den doppelten Blick, für den Spinoza als klassischer Autor, aber auch als Zeitgenosse sichtbar wird. Für eine solche zeitgenössische Lektüre steht wie kaum ein anderer Gilles Deleuze. Durch seine Arbeiten wird Spinoza als Theoretiker des Körpers und der Macht in seiner Zeit präsentiert, der aber auch heute viele unserer Selbstverständlichkeiten zweifelhaft werden lässt. Deleuze realisiert diese produktive Lesart nicht nur in seinen Arbeiten zu Spinoza, sondern auch in seinen anderen durch und durch spinozistischen Schriften. In diesem Band werden Beiträge versammelt, die die zentralen Theoriestücke der Immanenz, der Intensität, der Differenz, des Denkens und des Körpers sowohl vom Text Spinozas als auch von Deleuzes Arbeiten her diskutieren.

Toland et Leibniz: l'invention du néo-spinozisme
ISBN: 9782711621682 2711621685 Year: 2009 Publisher: Paris Vrin

La noétique de Siger de Brabant
ISSN: 12487279 ISBN: 9782711626984 2711626989 Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris : Libraire philosophique J. Vrin,

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"Comment justifier l'union entre un intellect entièrement immatériel et une âme forme substantielle de la matière? Tel est le problème "noétique" que pose le traité De l'âme d'Aristote: si l'âme est unie au corps, l'intellect en est "séparé"; si le composé de l'âme et du corps est engendré et se corrompt, l'intellect, lui, "vient du dehors" et est "incorruptible". Mais le problème ne fut pas tranché par Aristote. Le caractère aporématique du traité explique la diversité des interprétations qu'en ont donnée des commentateurs comme Théophraste, Alexandre d'Aphrodise, Thémistius, Avicenne et Averroès. C'est dans le cadre de cette tradition que les penseurs médiévaux ont examiné la nature de l'âme et de l'intellect. Leurs discussions prennent un tour dramatique lorsque Siger de Brabant, vers 1265, fait sienne l'interprétation radicale du traité De l'âme proposée par Averroès selon laquelle l'intellect est une substance séparée, unique pour tous les êtres humains et éternelle. Siger inaugure ainsi "l'averroïsme latin", un courant à plusieurs nuances qui se poursuivra jusqu'à la Renaissance ; il contraint Thomas d'Aquin à raffiner sa critique philosophique de la noétique averroïste et provoque en partie l'intervention des autorités ecclésiastiques, dont les condamnations successives ont conditionné l'exercice de la philosophie en Occident."--Page 4 of cover.

Aristotle on matter, form, and moving causes : The hylomorphic theory of substantial generation
ISBN: 9781108475570 9781108646680 9781108468671 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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"This book examines an important area of Aristotle's philosophy: the generation of substances. While other changes presuppose the existence of a substance (Socrates grows taller), substantial generation results in something genuinely new that did not exist before (Socrates himself). The central argument of this book is that Aristotle defends a 'hylomorphic' model of substantial generation. In its most complete formulation, this model says that substantial generation involves three principles: (1) matter, which is the subject from which the change proceeds; (2) form, which is the end towards which the process advances; and (3) an efficient cause, which directs the process towards that form. By examining the development of this model across Aristotle's works, Devin Henry seeks to deepen our grasp on how the doctrine of hylomorphism - understood as a blueprint for thinking about the world - informs our understanding of the process by which new substances come into being"--

The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology.
ISSN: 14611457 14695111 Year: 1998 Publisher: [Cambridge, England] : [Oxford?] : Cambridge University Press Oxford University Press

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Neuropsychopharmacology --- Neuropharmacology --- Psychopharmacology --- Neuropsychopharmacologie --- Neuropharmacologie --- Psychopharmacologie --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Neuropharmacology. --- Neuropsychopharmacology. --- Psychopharmacology. --- Neuropharmakologie. --- Zeitschrift. --- Online-Publikation. --- Psychopharmakologie. --- Psychopharmakon. --- Mental Disorders --- Psychotropic Drugs --- Neuropharmacologies --- drug therapy. --- pharmacology. --- Periodicals --- Health Sciences --- General and Others --- Pharmacy and Pharmacology --- neuropsychopharmacology --- neuroimaging --- neuropsychology --- psychiatry --- pharmacology --- psychoneuroendocrinology --- Neuropharmakologie --- Zeitschrift --- Online-Ressource --- Psychopharmakologie --- Psychopharmakon --- Nervous system --- Neurotropic drugs --- Neurosciences --- Pharmacology --- Neuro-psychopharmacology --- Psychoactive Drugs --- Psychoactive Agents --- Psychopharmaceuticals --- Agents, Psychoactive --- Drugs, Psychoactive --- Drugs, Psychotropic --- Behavior Disorders --- Diagnosis, Psychiatric --- Mental Disorders, Severe --- Psychiatric Diagnosis --- Disorder, Mental --- Disorder, Severe Mental --- Disorders, Behavior --- Disorders, Mental --- Disorders, Severe Mental --- Mental Disorder --- Mental Disorder, Severe --- Severe Mental Disorder --- Severe Mental Disorders --- Mentally Ill Persons --- Psychotrope Substanz --- Psychotropische Substanz --- Psychotherapeutikum --- Arzneimittel --- Neurotropikum --- Pharmakopsychopathologie --- Pharmakopsychiatrie --- Pharmakopsychologie --- Pharmakologie --- Periodikum --- Zeitschriften --- Presse --- Fortlaufendes Sammelwerk --- Nervensystem --- Behavioral pharmacology --- Drugs --- Chemotherapy --- Psychotropic drugs --- Netzpublikation --- Online-Publikation --- Computerdatei im Fernzugriff --- Online-Dokument --- On-line-Dokument --- On-line-Publikation --- Elektronische Publikation --- drug therapy --- pharmacology --- Drug effects --- Effect of drugs on --- Psychotropic effects --- Psychiatric Diseases --- Psychiatric Disorders --- Psychiatric Illness --- Psychiatric Disease --- Psychiatric Disorder --- Psychiatric Illnesses --- Pharmacology. Therapy --- Psychiatry --- Neuropathology --- Psychopharmaka --- Neuropharmacologie. --- Psychopharmacologie. --- Online-Ressource.

Vergiften op het spoor
ISBN: 9060408047 Year: 1986 Publisher: Lelystad Koninklijke Vermande

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#RBIB:gift.1998.3 --- 343.61 <492> --- 343.61 <492> Moord. Euthanasie. Duel. Zelfmoord. Lichamelijk letsel. Slagen en verwondingen. Geprovokeerde besmettelijke ziekte. Onvrijwillige doodslag. AIDS-delict--Nederland --- Moord. Euthanasie. Duel. Zelfmoord. Lichamelijk letsel. Slagen en verwondingen. Geprovokeerde besmettelijke ziekte. Onvrijwillige doodslag. AIDS-delict--Nederland --- Criminology. Victimology --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Toxicology --- toxines --- drugs --- Comité P --- politie --- forensic medicine --- toxic substance --- jedovatá látka --- giftige stof --- токсично вещество --- otrovna tvar --- toksiska viela --- giftigt stof --- sostanza tossica --- substance toxique --- substanțe toxice --- substancë toksike --- substância tóxica --- toxická látka --- myrkyllinen aine --- отровна материја --- toksinė medžiaga --- токсична материја --- sustancia tóxica --- sustanza tossika --- mürgine aine --- toxikus anyag --- strupena snov --- τοξική ουσία --- substancja toksyczna --- Giftstoff --- giftigt ämne --- haitallinen aine --- restkoncentration --- residuo tossico --- Giftigkeit --- nuodingasis produktas --- toxic discharge --- mbetje toksike --- giftigt affald --- toxic product --- toksicitet --- trucizna --- toxicity --- токсичен отпадък --- toxický odpad --- skariku tossiku --- διοξίνη --- prodott tossiku --- škodlivá látka --- myrkyllinen tuote --- toxicita --- škodljiva snov --- strupeni proizvod --- mérgező anyag --- produto tóxico --- schadelijke stof --- токсичен отпад --- sostanza velenosa --- dioxin --- uvolňování jedovatých látek --- toxiskt avfall --- toksiškumas --- mürgine toode --- токсичен производ --- toxicidad --- toxikus kibocsátás --- toxicita/jedovatosť --- toksiline aine --- strupeni izpust --- toksilisus --- scarico tossico --- toxischer Stoff --- toxiskt ämne --- toxisk produkt --- toksicitāte --- toxisk substans --- emanación tóxica --- dioksiini --- toksisks produkts --- substancja trująca --- nuodingoji medžiaga --- toxicidade --- produkt toksyczny --- skadlig substans --- отров --- dioxín --- rejet toxique --- giftige Substanz --- giftig product --- giftighed --- dioksinas --- harmful substance --- dioxină --- emisie toxică --- tossiċità --- dijossina --- deșeu toxic --- dioxine --- токсична емисија --- dioxina --- prodotto tossico --- Toxizität --- toxicitás --- odpady toksyczne --- giftig afval --- myrkyllisyys --- диоксин --- rifiuto tossico --- kenksmingoji medžiaga --- toksičnost --- toksisko vielu izkraušana --- giftig substans --- schädliche Substanz --- штетни супстанции --- schädlicher Stoff --- substanță nocivă --- tossicità --- toxicitet --- produit toxique --- mürgisus --- substancja szkodliwa --- diossina --- токсични гасови --- τοξικότητα --- myrkyllinen päästö --- toxický výrobok --- toxicitate --- dioksīns --- substance nocive --- dioksinë --- derdhje toksike --- produs toxic --- emissão tóxica --- otrov --- токсичен продукт --- τοξικά απόβλητα --- giftige lozing --- вредна субстанция --- jed --- dioksiin --- toksyczność --- токсичен остатъчен продукт --- nuodingieji išmetalai --- substancë e dëmshme --- producto tóxico --- Dioxin --- τοξικά προϊόντα --- giftigheid --- produkt toksik --- токсичност --- kahjulik aine --- sustancia nociva --- toxický produkt --- kaitīga viela --- toxic waste --- dioksyna --- substância nociva --- toxicité --- dioksin --- επιβλαβής ουσία --- rest --- съдебна медицина --- sudska medicina --- ιατροδικαστική --- törvényszéki orvostan --- soudní lékařství --- súdne lekárstvo --- médecine légale --- medicina forense --- medicină legală --- mediċina forensika --- mjekësia ligjore --- medicina legale --- rättsmedicin --- medycyna sądowa --- sodna medicina --- medicina legal --- forensische geneeskunde --- retsmedicin --- судска медицина --- tiesu medicīna --- oikeuslääketiede --- kohtumeditsiin --- Gerichtsmedizin --- teismo medicina --- autopszia --- autopsie --- autopsi --- криминалистичка техника --- legal medicine --- lavono tyrimas --- igazságügyi orvostan --- ruumiinavaus --- крим-техника --- αυτοψία --- soudní medicína --- forensische Medizin --- pravna medicina --- obdukce --- lahang --- obduktion --- autopsia --- boncolás --- pitva --- forenzična medicina --- mjekësi ligjore --- Obduktion --- обдукција --- autopsy --- autopsija --- аутопсија --- súdna medicína --- форензика --- policja --- police --- pulizija --- полиция --- policie --- rendőrség --- polícia --- αστυνομία --- poliție --- polici --- politsei --- poliisi --- politi --- Polizei --- policija --- полиција --- polizia --- policía --- polis --- national police --- πυροσβεστικό σώμα --- Policie České republiky --- police nationale --- policajac --- štátna polícia --- apparato di polizia --- kansallinen poliisi --- policía nacional --- policejní sbor --- rijkspolitie --- policijski službenik --- polícia nacional --- polizia nazionale --- forze di pubblica sicurezza --- polici kombëtare --- cuerpos de seguridad del Estado --- nationalt politi --- nationell poliskår --- riiklik politsei --- αστυνομία πόλεων --- Bundespolizei --- nacionalinė policija --- nemzeti rendőrség --- pořádkové síly --- forze dell'ordine --- organi di sicurezza dello Stato --- Cuerpo Nacional de Policía --- nationell polis --- χωροφυλακή --- policie státu --- σώματα ασφαλείας --- szövetségi rendőrség --- δυνάμεις ασφαλείας --- λιμενική αστυνομία --- αγροφυλακή --- fuerzas de orden público --- státní policie --- substaint thocsaineach --- leigheas fóiréinseach --- póilíní

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