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Influence of fiscal policy on stock market prices For Germany, Greece and Ireland
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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The last few years, numerous national stock markets have suffered heavily because of the mismanagement of banks and governments. This resulted in a downward trend which several countries were dragged into. If these governments had been able to optimize their fiscal policy, the worldwide financial crisis would not have been dragging on for so long. In our paper, we take a closer look at the impact of the fiscal policy of Germany, Greece as well as Ireland on the quarterly national stock market indices from 1980Q4 until 2011Q4. By using VAR models, the stock return fluctuations can be explained for around 20-25%, depending on the specific country. For all surveyed countries in this research, only the German government spending has an impact on the national stock returns, which almost amounts to a one-to-one relation. For the inverse relation, none of the surveyed countries show signs of a significant influence of the stock market on the fiscal policy.

Determinants of Daily Stock Price Volatility in the Euro Zone
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Het begrijpen van de oorzaken van volatiliteit in de hedendaagse financiële markten is enorm belangrijk. Door de gegevens van de periode van 2002 t.e.m. 2012 in een model te verwerken, probeert deze paper de verbanden te zoeken tussen de dagelijkse volatiliteit bij aandelenprijzen in de Eurozone en verschillende macro-economische variabelen. We gebruiken hiervoor een GARCH model dat de conditionele volatiliteit meet en een “Ordinary Least Squares”-regressie om significante determinanten te zoeken. Deze paper probeert ook diversificatie-opportuniteiten te zoeken door de verschillende sectoren te analyseren met behulp van de gekozen variabelen. De resultaten laten correlatie en een zekere voorspelbaarheid zien voor verschillende determinanten, maar de wisselwerking tussen de volatiliteiten van verschillende variabelen blijft moeilijk vast te leggen.

Analysis of sentiment indicators in order to predict the evolution of European market's indexes
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Behavioral finance has been gaining ground since the 1990s, and the numerous financial crises of recent years have played a crucial role in this increase. Persistent mispricing has been observed, and has caused doubt regarding the efficiency of financial markets. Investors’ irrational behaviors are now considered to be directly related to the evolution of stock prices. Therefore, investor sentiment cannot be ignored when forecasting future stock prices. &#13;Above all else, this paper rests on the two premises of behavioral finance: investors behave irrationally, and markets are inefficient. I propose an empirical analysis based on the notion of ‘investor sentiment’. &#13;I use various measures, such as consumer confidence, economic sentiment, and five market-based proxies, to quantify the European investor sentiment. I examine the predictability of these measures of investor sentiment on three indexes of the European market: the S&P Europe 350, the EURO STOXX 50, and the MSCI Europe. &#13;It is found that investor sentiment, as represented by consumer confidence indexes, is a good predictor of future returns in the European market, as far as it is reflected by the MSCI Europe Index. More specifically, low levels of investor sentiment forecast high returns in the following months; and vice versa. I show that this impact decreases as the forecasting horizon increases until it is very low after 12 months, predicting that the effect of sentiment vanishes in the long-term.&#13;In addition, stocks that are hard to value and difficult to arbitrage, as represented by small capitalization and low operating profit, are more affected than safety stocks by past levels of investor sentiment. More specifically, the ‘size’ characteristic plays a prominent role when evaluating the effect of investor sentiment on future returns.&#13;Finally, I find no significant difference between the effect of investor sentiment on value and growth stocks.

The predictive content of financial ratios and macroeconomic factors for stock return in the EU Stock Market
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This master’s thesis studies stock returns forecasting power of microeconomic and macroeconomic variables for European listed companies. Listed companies are divided into six industries and we conduct an in-sample estimation with the Lasso and Elastic Net regression for α=0.5 and α=0.25 in order to compare the selection and the in-sample performance for the models built with the two regularization techniques. In a second step, we study the out-of-sample accuracy of the created models with several statistical tools with two time periods: one including the Covid-19 pandemic period and the other one without this time period. &#13;The results showed an insignificant relationship between stock returns and the predictive variables for both the training and testing data. Two possible explanations are either there a linear regression cannot forecast stock return as it is too volatile, or it is due to the huge number of outliers in our dataset. In conclusion, the return on equity, return on assets, net profit margin, debt-equity, earnings per share, price-to-earnings, earnings yield, dividend yield, dividend payout, book-to-market, inventory turnover, quick ratio, current ratio, inflation, long term yield and the GDP growth rate do not have prediction power on stock returns for European listed companies in the last decade.

Liberalization, Technology Adoption, and Stock Returns : Evidence from Telecom
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The paper investigates the pace of technology adoption in telecom technology post liberalization and its effect on stock returns using a new global panel data set. The results are twofold. First, the evidence points to the complementarity between telecom liberalization and regulatory independence in driving a sustained pace of technology adoption. Second, the results show a positive and economically significant effect of telecom adoption on stock returns, pointing to significant spillovers of telecom to the rest of the economy.

The effect of the 2008 financial crisis on Morroccan stock market using models
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This study aims to investigate the effect of the 2008 crisis on Moroccan stock market, using asset pricing models, knowing the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Fama and French three-factor model, and the Carhart’s four-factor model. These multi-factors models were tested for the period starting 2005 to 2012 and giving much more importance to sub-period related to the crisis event.&#13;For that, we sorted portfolios based on firm’s characteristics, structure and performance, we calculated the premiums related to these models, and run time series regressions in order to study the explanatory power of each independent variable. After that, we used the chow test to validate the break-in time related to the Global Financial Crisis. We found that the Carhart’s four-factor model capture the return stocks in CSE better than the other two models; also, reaction to the financial crisis is as expected for some factors and take a longer time to readjust for others. We conclude that the results are highly dependent on portfolios selection and sub-period related to the crisis.

The Financial Costs of the U.S.-China Trade Tensions : Evidence from East Asian Stock Markets
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper examines the impacts of U.S.-China trade tensions via the lens of East Asian stock markets. Studying 10 indices of the main East Asian stock markets, it finds that announcements of "trade war" escalation translated into 50 to 60 percent of the total declines in two major Chinese stock markets over the first eight months of 2018. In other words, in the absence of the "trade war" Asian stocks would have experienced half the decline, or they would have registered gains.

Enhancing the Efficiency of Securities Markets in East Asia
Authors: ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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The authors explore the relative efficiency of stock markets across countries using newly available data on transactions costs and the quality of the informational environment of stock markets. These new measures are constructed from firm-level stock returns in a panel of 60 countries for the period 2000-04. The authors then develop a framework to understand the linkages between efficiency, liquidity, and their determinants. To give empirical content to the framework, they study the determinants of transactions costs and the quality of the informational environment. They find that some institutional arrangements-such as the availability of stock lending and short selling-and the openness of markets are associated with lower transactions costs. The authors also find that, although disclosure rules for directors and officers of listed firms are essential, the ability of shareholders to seek redress is more conducive to a better informational environment in stock markets. This in turn serves as the basis for the policy framework and recommendations for the East Asian region. In particular, the region needs to continue to strengthen the implementation and enforcement of corporate governance, to further enhance the market and institutional infrastructure, and focus on policy measures to foster a larger and more diversified investor base to continue to see gains in the efficiency of stock markets.

Enhancing the Efficiency of Securities Markets in East Asia
Authors: ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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The authors explore the relative efficiency of stock markets across countries using newly available data on transactions costs and the quality of the informational environment of stock markets. These new measures are constructed from firm-level stock returns in a panel of 60 countries for the period 2000-04. The authors then develop a framework to understand the linkages between efficiency, liquidity, and their determinants. To give empirical content to the framework, they study the determinants of transactions costs and the quality of the informational environment. They find that some institutional arrangements-such as the availability of stock lending and short selling-and the openness of markets are associated with lower transactions costs. The authors also find that, although disclosure rules for directors and officers of listed firms are essential, the ability of shareholders to seek redress is more conducive to a better informational environment in stock markets. This in turn serves as the basis for the policy framework and recommendations for the East Asian region. In particular, the region needs to continue to strengthen the implementation and enforcement of corporate governance, to further enhance the market and institutional infrastructure, and focus on policy measures to foster a larger and more diversified investor base to continue to see gains in the efficiency of stock markets.

Banking Sector Performance during the COVID-19 Crisis
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper analyzes bank stock prices around the world to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the banking sector. Using a global database of policy responses during the crisis, the paper also examines the role of financial sector policy announcements on the performance of bank stocks. Overall, the results suggest that the crisis and the countercyclical lending role that banks are expected to play have put banking systems under significant stress, with bank stocks underperforming their domestic markets and other non-bank financial firms. The effectiveness of policy interventions has been mixed. Measures of liquidity support, borrower assistance, and monetary easing moderated the adverse impact of the crisis, but this is not true for all banks or in all circumstances. For example, borrower assistance and prudential measures exacerbated the stress for banks that are already undercapitalized and/or operate in countries with little fiscal space. These vulnerabilities will need to be carefully monitored as the pandemic continues to take a toll on the world's economies.

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