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The free customs, benefits and priviledges of the copy-hold tenants of the manors of Stepny & Hackny in the county of Middlesex within this composition : Before which is prefixed an abstract, or brief relation of the assurance given by the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Wentworth, lord of both the said manors, unto his lordships said tenants (within this composition) for the ratifying and perpetual establishing of the same. Whereunto two alphabetical tables are fitted; the one containing the names of the said copy-hold tenants, now having compounded: the which (with the marginal notes in the book) serveth for the ready finding of any note-worthy matter herein contained.
Year: 1651 Publisher: London : printed for Edward Husband,

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The free customs, benefits and priviledges of the copy-hold tenants of the manors of Stepny and Hackny, in the county of Middlesex, within this composition : Before which is prefixed an abstract, or brief relation of the assurance given by the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Wentworth, lord of both the said manors, unto his lordships said tenants (within this composition) for the ratifying and perpetual establishing of the same. Whereunto two alphabetical tables are fitted; the one containing the names of the said copy-hold tenants, now having compounded: the which (with the marginal notes in the book) serveth for the ready finding of any note-worthy matter herein contained.
Year: 1675 Publisher: London : printed for Henry Twyford,

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The free customes, benefits and priviledges of the copyhold tennants, of the mannors of Stepny and Hackny in the countie of Middlesex within this composition : Before which is prefixed an abstract or briefe relation of the assurance given by the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Wentworth lord of both the said mannors, vnto his lordships said tennants (within this composition) for the ratifying and perpetuall establishing of the same. Whereunto two tables alphabeticall are fitted, the one containing the names of the said copyhold tenants, now hauing compounded: the other (with the marginall notes in the booke) serueth for the ready finding of any note worthy matter herein contained.
Year: 1617 Publisher: At London : printed by William Iones,

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Hereafter ensueth the auncient seuerall customes, of the seuerall mannors of Stebbunhuth, and Hackney, within the countie of Middlesex : which were perused, viewed & approued, by the lorde of the said mannors, and by all the copieholde tenants of the said seueral mannors, manie yeeres past, and which customes be now againe newelie and fullie considered off, ratified, allowed, and approued, by the right Honourable, Henrie L. Wentworth, lord of the saide seueral mannors, as in the seuerall articles & agreements hereafter following are expressed, the x. day of Nouember. 1587. and in the 29. yeere of the raigne of our Soueraigne Ladie Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Queene of England, Fraunce and Ireland, defender of the faith.
Year: 1610 Publisher: [London : T. Snodham,

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Hereafter ensueth the ancient seuerall customes, of the seuerall mannors of Stebbunhuth, and Hackney, within the county of Middlesex : which were perused, viewed & approued, by the lorde of the saide mannors, and by all the copihold tennants of the said seuerall mannors, many yeers past, and which customes bee nowe againe newlie and fullie considered off, ratified, allowed, and approued, by the right Honourable, Henry Lorde Wentworth, lord of the saide seueral mannors, as in the seueral articles & agreements hereafter following are expressed, the tenth day of Nouember. 1587. and in the 29. yeere of the raigne of our Soueraigne Ladie Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Queene of England, Fraunce and Ireland, defender of the faith.
Year: 1615 Publisher: [London : S.n.,

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The free customes, benefits and privledges of the copyhold tennants, of the mannors of Stepny and Hackny in the countie of Middlesex within this composition : Before which is prefixed an abstract or briefe relation of the assurance given by the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Wentworth lord of both the said mannors, vnto his lordships said tennants (within this composition) for the ratifying and perpetuall establishing of the same. Whereunto two tables alphabeticall are fitted, the one containing the names of the said copyhold tenants, now hauing compounded: the other (with the marginall notes in the booke) serueth for the ready finding of any note worthy matter herein contained.
Year: 1617 Publisher: At London : Printed by William Iones,

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