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1950s, the "be-ins" and anti-war demonstrations of the 1960s, the devastating fiscal crisis of the 1970s, and the restoration of the park in the 1980s by the Central Park Conservancy. But the authors' aim is much wider: they also show that conflicting visions of how a park should be managed and used raise larger issues about the meaning of the "public" in a democratic society. Who is the public? How can people take part in making decisions about public institutions? How. Back at the origins of the zoo and museums at the park's borders. They follow the battle between the twentieth-century reformers who wanted to introduce playgrounds and ball fields and the preservationists trying to protect the original Olmsted and Vaux design, and they explain the dramatic changes brought about by the social impulses of the New Deal and by Robert Moses. Rounding out the story, the authors take in the park's recent history: rising fears of crime in the. Delineate the politicians, business people, artists, immigrant laborers, and city dwellers who are the key players in the tale. In tracing the park's history, the writers also give us the history of New York. They explain how squabbles over politics, taxes, and real estate development shaped the park and describe the acrimonious debates over what a public park should look like, what facilities it should offer, and how it should accommodate the often incompatible. Do we create public space where people of diverse social and cultural backgrounds will feel welcome? These are questions that communities across the nation will continue to debate. Parkgoers and city dwellers everywhere will be enthusiastic readers of The Park and the People, as will those interested in urban, architectural, social, and cultural history, urban planning, and landscape architecture. Expectations of different groups of parkgoers. The authors have uncovered surprising information about the immigrants and African Americans who were displaced from the park site, and they offer a critical reassessment of the famous collaboration of the park's designers, Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux. In rich detail, they describe working-class New Yorkers fighting for Sunday park concerts and against the practice of renting park seats for a nickel. They look. In this superb and handsomely illustrated book - the first full-scale history of the park ever published - Roy Rosenzweig and Elizabeth Blackmar tell the dramatic story of the creation of Central Park, of the people who built it and have used it. The book chronicles the launching of the park project, the disputes surrounding its design and management, the job of constructing it, and the various ways it has served generations of New Yorkers. Throughout, the authors.
Central Park (New York, N.Y.)
New York (N.Y.)
New York (State)
New York
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An insider's guide to the world's greatest 'secret' gardens, green spaces, and pocket parks tucked away in cities around the globe. Cities everywhere are graced with charming but little-known, off-the-beaten-track gardens and green spaces, offering urbanites in the know a chance to immerse themselves in nature. These often small, well-kept secrets are not as grand as those on the tourist trail but are equally delightful and rewarding to visit, if you know where to find them. 'Green Escapes' is the revelatory insider's guide to these secret gems. Each of them open to the public, the gardens range from pocket parks, courtyards, and rooftop terraces, to community gardens and more.
Urban gardens --- Urban parks --- Community gardens --- Roof gardening --- 712(036) --- Rooftop gardening --- City gardens --- Neighborhood gardens --- Central city parks --- City parks --- Municipal parks --- 711.61 --- 712.25 --- Stadsparken ; stadstuinen ; gidsen --- Landschaps- en tuinarchitectuur ; tuingidsen --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; pleinen, open ruimten --- Landschaps- en tuinarchitectuur ; vormgeving openbare groenvoorziening --- Gardening --- Gardens --- Allotment gardens --- Working-men's gardens --- Parks --- Public spaces --- Stadstuinen --- Openbare ruimte --- Parken --- 712.25 <493> --- 712.25 <493> Planologie van openbare groenvoorzieningen: parken; plantsoenen--België --- Planologie van openbare groenvoorzieningen: parken; plantsoenen--België
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Urban parks such as New York City's Central Park provide vital public spaces where city dwellers of all races and classes can mingle safely while enjoying a variety of recreations. By coming together in these relaxed settings, different groups become comfortable with each other, thereby strengthening their communities and the democratic fabric of society. But just the opposite happens when, by design or in ignorance, parks are made inhospitable to certain groups of people. This pathfinding book argues that cultural diversity should be a key goal in designing and maintaining urban parks. Using case studies of New York City's Prospect Park, Orchard Beach in Pelham Bay Park, and Jacob Riis Park in the Gateway National Recreation Area, as well as New York's Ellis Island Bridge Proposal and Philadelphia's Independence National Historical Park, the authors identify specific ways to promote, maintain, and manage cultural diversity in urban parks. They also uncover the factors that can limit park use, including historical interpretive materials that ignore the contributions of different ethnic groups, high entrance or access fees, park usage rules that restrict ethnic activities, and park "restorations" that focus only on historical or aesthetic values. With the wealth of data in this book, urban planners, park professionals, and all concerned citizens will have the tools to create and maintain public parks that serve the needs and interests of all the public.
Public spaces --- Urban parks --- Environmental psychology --- Multiculturalism --- 712.25 --- Cognitive ergonomics --- Ecological psychology --- Ecopsychology --- Ecotherapy --- Environmental quality --- Environmental social sciences --- Human factors science --- Psychoeology --- Psychology --- Psychotherapy --- Ecological Systems Theory --- Central city parks --- City parks --- Municipal parks --- Parks --- Public places --- Social areas --- Urban public spaces --- Urban spaces --- Cities and towns --- Planologie van openbare groenvoorzieningen: parken; plantsoenen --- Psychological aspects --- 712.25 Planologie van openbare groenvoorzieningen: parken; plantsoenen --- Environmental planning --- Community organization --- Sociology of leisure --- Sociologie van de samenlevingsopbouw --- Sociologie van de vrije tijd --- Ruimtelijke ordening --- parken [openbare ruimten] --- openbare ruimten --- stadsplanning --- multiculturalisme --- stadsparken --- urban planning --- multiculturalism --- urban parks --- public spaces
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Wereldoriëntatie ; basisonderwijs ; leermiddelen --- Wereldoriëntatie ; basisonderwijs; leermiddelen --- wereldoriëntatie --- lager onderwijs --- leerboeken --- Wereldoriëntatie --- 476.11 --- 476 --- 476.1 --- schoolboeken --- Lager onderwijs --- Wereldoriëntatie ; basisonderwijs ; algemeen --- didactiek basisonderwijs - wereldoriëntatie --- Schoolbooks - Didactic material --- Contains audio-visual material --- Music sound recording --- #BSCH: vak: WO - wereldoriëntatie --- Basisonderwijs --- 4e leerjaar lager onderwijs --- Kaarten --- Scheepvaart --- Luchtvaart --- Ruimtevaart --- België --- Waterlopen --- Rivieren --- Hulpverlening --- Druk --- Feesten --- Multiculturele samenleving --- Diversiteit --- Communicatiemiddelen --- Communicatie --- Vogels --- Kleding --- Productie --- Zomer --- Weer --- Toerisme --- Kalenders --- Landschappen --- Polders --- Weiden --- Heuvelland --- Gebergten --- Demografie --- Bevolking --- Steden --- Provincies --- Bossen --- Kansarmoede --- Bedelen --- Andere culturen --- Kansarme kinderen --- Katoen --- Kinderarbeid --- Klaslokalen --- Vluchtelingenkampen --- Vluchtelingenkinderen --- Mondigheid --- Zwijgen --- Stappenplannen --- Probleemoplossend denken --- Aanslagen --- New York (stad) --- Vliegtuigen --- Torens --- Terrorisme --- Geschiedenis --- Hannibal --- Olifanten --- Strijdwagens --- Maanlandingen --- Astronauten --- Armstrong, Neil --- Napoleon I Bonaparte (keizer van Frankrijk) --- Napoleontische Oorlogen --- Hiroshima --- Atoombommen --- Wereldoorlog II --- Kerstmis --- Schilderkunst --- Christus --- Maria (moeder van Jezus) --- Kerststallen --- Detailhandel --- Winkels --- Sluitingen --- Treinen --- Machinisten --- Intercom --- Leraren hoger onderwijs --- Hoorcolleges --- Studenten --- Doceren --- Laptops --- Smartphones --- Facebook --- Chatten --- E-mail --- Supporters --- Radio --- Voetbal --- Tekeningen --- Zwart --- Wit --- Flamingo's --- Watervogels --- Dieren --- Uilen --- Zwemvliezen --- Fazanten --- Slechtvalken --- Roofvogels --- Eenden --- Spechten --- Groenlingen --- Kluten --- Struisvogels --- Meerkoeten --- Grutto's --- Buizerds --- Draaihals --- Tjiftjaffen --- Aalscholvers --- Kauwen --- Distelvinken --- Sperwers --- Zwaluwen --- Eksters --- Huismussen --- Merels --- Roodborstjes --- Spreeuwen --- Eieren --- Pauwen --- Zwanen --- Nesten --- Kuikens --- Kieviten --- Zwembaden --- Zwembanden --- Schepen --- Containervervoer --- Ankers --- Watervallen --- Duikboten --- IJs --- Jeans --- Kraken --- Verkeersborden --- Constructies --- Bruggen --- Kranen --- Karton --- Kermis --- Emoticons --- Fileproblemen --- Verkeersinformatie --- Wegen --- Files --- Autorijden --- Sporen --- Vingerafdrukken --- Forensisch onderzoek --- Diefstal --- Protest --- Milieu --- Milieuactivisten --- Stoer --- Voetbalvandalisme --- Godsdienst --- Nonnen --- Woonwagenbewoners --- Dansen --- Gebeden --- Bootvluchtelingen --- Thuislozen --- Teams --- Voetbalspelers --- Koeien --- Krekels --- Voedingsgewoonten --- Uiterlijk --- Bier --- Thailand --- Azië --- Nek --- Religieuze feesten --- Gewoonten --- Kusten --- Pretparken --- Bewegingsdriehoek --- Bewegingsopvoeding --- Landelijk --- Industrie --- Velden --- Boerderijen --- Landbouw --- Kastelen --- Varen --- Koeltorens --- Wandelsport --- Vlakte --- Natuurreservaten --- Stadsparken --- Wolkenkrabbers --- Grootstad --- Bijen --- Boterbloemen --- Duiven --- Ganzen --- Heide --- Madeliefjes --- Mieren --- Ooievaars --- Reigers --- Riet --- Vliegen (insecten) --- Fauna en flora --- Wormen --- Haaien --- Chimpansees --- Vissen --- Gorilla's --- Schildpadden --- Kikkers --- Vleermuizen --- Hazen --- Hazelwormen --- Honden --- Kameleons --- Watersalamanders --- Kwallen --- Kruisspinnen --- Lieveheersbeestjes --- Hagedissen --- Slakken --- Okapi's --- Krokodillen --- Libellen --- Snoeken --- Vlaamse gaaien --- Vossen --- Wespen --- Zalmen --- Zeeleeuwen --- Zilvermeeuwen --- Planten --- Flora --- Aardappelen --- Appelbomen --- Beuken (bomen) --- Brandnetels --- Dennen --- Mossen --- Jeneverbes --- Klimop --- Narcissen --- Sparren --- Suikerbieten --- Tomaten --- Tulpen --- Varens --- Vlier --- Wereldoriëntatie; algemeen --- Wereldoriëntatie ; basisonderwijs; leermiddelen --- wereldoriëntatie --- Wereldoriëntatie --- Wereldoriëntatie ; basisonderwijs ; algemeen --- #BSCH: vak: WO - wereldoriëntatie --- didactiek basisonderwijs - wereldoriëntatie --- Kauwen (vogel) --- Feest --- Muziek --- Inclusie --- Maatwerk --- Kaart (geografie) --- Communicatiemiddel --- Maanlanding --- Astronaut --- Napoleon Bonaparte --- Geneeskunde --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Atlas --- Museum --- Atoombom --- Jezus Christus --- Maria (Moeder van Jezus) --- Kerststal --- Tekenkunst --- Winkel --- Slot (sluiting) --- Trein --- Machinist --- Leraar hoger onderwijs --- Hoorcollege --- Student --- Laptop --- Smartphone --- Supporter --- Voetbal (sport) --- Waterloop --- Rivier --- Vogel --- Tekening --- Zwart (kleur) --- Flamingo --- Watervogel --- Dier --- Beeldhouwkunst --- Geluid --- Naamgeving --- Vervoer --- Sociologie --- Verzorging --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Verpleegkunde --- Beroep --- Uil (vogel) --- Zwemvlies --- Fazant --- Slechtvalk --- Roofvogel --- Eend --- Specht --- Groenling --- Kluut --- Struisvogel --- Meerkoet --- Grutto --- Buizerd --- Tjiftjaf --- Aalscholver --- Kauw (vogel) --- Putter --- Sperwer --- Zwaluw --- Ekster --- Huismus --- Merel --- Roodborstje --- Spreeuw --- Ei --- Pauw --- Zwaan --- Nest (dier) --- Kuiken --- Kieviet --- Zwembad --- Zwemband --- Schip (transportmoddem) --- Anker --- Waterval --- Duikboot --- Landschap --- Polder --- Weide --- Gebergte --- Ijs --- Breken --- Verkeersbord --- Constructie --- Brug (bouwwerk) --- Kraan (machine) --- Bouwen --- Emoticon --- File --- Weg --- Spoor --- Vingerafdruk --- Milieuactivist --- Hooliganisme --- Non --- Woonwagenbewoner --- Gebed --- Kleuter --- Filosofie --- Psychologie --- Man --- Cultuur --- Volwassene --- Bootvluchteling --- Dak- en thuisloosheid --- Team --- Voetballer --- Stad --- Provincie --- Bos --- Koe --- Krekel --- Voedingsgewoonte --- Nek (anatomie) --- Nederland --- Vietnam --- Zuid-Afrika --- Kust --- Literatuur --- Culturele diversiteit --- Religieus feest --- Gewoonte --- Pretpark --- Fauna --- Veld --- Platteland --- Boerderij --- Voorlichting --- Reclame --- Spionage --- Tuinbouw --- Onderwijs --- Communicatietheorie --- Kasteel --- Varen (werkwoord) --- Koeltoren --- Wandelen --- Natuurreservaat --- Park --- Wolkenkrabber --- Bij --- Boterbloem --- Duif --- Gans --- Madeliefje --- Mier --- Ooievaar --- Reiger --- Vlieg (insect) --- Flora en fauna --- Worm --- Haai --- Chimpansee --- Gorilla --- Schildpad --- Kikker --- Vleermuis --- Haas --- Hond --- Kameleon --- Watersalamander --- Training --- Kwal --- Kruisspin --- Lieveheersbeestje --- Hagedis --- Slak --- Okapi --- Krokodil --- Snoek --- Vlaamse gaai --- Vos --- Wesp --- Zalm --- Zeeleeuw --- Zilvermeeuw --- Plant --- Aardappel --- Appelboom --- Beuk (boom) --- Brandnetel --- Den --- MOS --- Narcis --- Spar --- Suikerbiet --- Tomaat --- Tulp --- Varens (plant) --- Ecologie --- Fotografie --- Motief --- Nomenclatuur --- Kansarmoede, Kind --- Klaslokaal --- Vluchtelingenkamp --- Vluchtelingenkind --- Stappenplan --- Aanslag --- Vliegtuig --- Toren --- Olifant --- Strijdwagen --- Kalender --- Mos --- Vlier (fauna) --- Ijs (natuur) --- Weg (verkeer) --- Schip (transportmiddel) --- Wereldoriëntatie ; basisonderwijs ; leermiddelen --- Libelle --- Bij (insect)
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