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Raman spectroscopic study of high temperature rare earth metal - rare earth halide solutions: Ln-LnX3- and LnX2-LnX3-(LiX-KX)eu systems (Ln: Nd, Ce; X: Cl, I) [online]
Year: 2003 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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In this work new Raman spectroscopic experiments on rare earth metal-rare earth trihalide melts (Ln-LnX3 and LnX2-LnX3: Ln=Ce, Nd; X=Cl, I) and their mixtures in alkali halide eutectic solvents ((LiX-KX)eu; X=Cl, I) are presented. The main results can be summarized as follows:- The Raman spectra of following trihalide systems have been measured for the first time: CeCl3, CeI3, NdI3 and their mixtures in the respective alkali halide eutectic solvent. The structure of the LnX3 in the solvent can be characterized by octahedral complexes. The force constants decrease from the chlorides to the iodides. - The Raman spectra of the following dihalides have been observed in this work: NdCl2, CeI2 and their mixtures in the alkali halide solvent. Interestingly, CeCl2 might form as intermediate species on doping CeCl3 with Ce. It is not a stable compound in the Ce-CeCl3 phase diagram.- With respect to the above mentioned main objective the following conclusions can be drawn: (i) On mixing of NdCl2 with NdCl3 in (LiCl-KCl)eu the undisturbed spectra of both components can be observed simultaneously. This is in agreement with the suggested intervalence charge transfer hopping mechanism if one assumes a hopping rate below 1012.(ii) Even though CeCl2 might form as intermediate, in the equilibrium spectra of liquid Ce-CeCl3-(LiCl-KCl)eu only the typical - 36 CeCl -octahedra can be identified. This supports the assumption that in these systems the electronic defect states are probably mobile Drude-like electrons which do not lead to new Raman detectable species. A qualitatively similar observation was made for CeI2-CeI3-(LiI-KI)eu melts.

Raman spectroscopic study of high temperature rare earth metal - rare earth halide solutions: Ln-LnX3- and LnX2-LnX3-(LiX-KX)eu systems (Ln: Nd, Ce; X: Cl, I) [online]
Year: 2003 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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In this work new Raman spectroscopic experiments on rare earth metal-rare earth trihalide melts (Ln-LnX3 and LnX2-LnX3: Ln=Ce, Nd; X=Cl, I) and their mixtures in alkali halide eutectic solvents ((LiX-KX)eu; X=Cl, I) are presented. The main results can be summarized as follows:- The Raman spectra of following trihalide systems have been measured for the first time: CeCl3, CeI3, NdI3 and their mixtures in the respective alkali halide eutectic solvent. The structure of the LnX3 in the solvent can be characterized by octahedral complexes. The force constants decrease from the chlorides to the iodides. - The Raman spectra of the following dihalides have been observed in this work: NdCl2, CeI2 and their mixtures in the alkali halide solvent. Interestingly, CeCl2 might form as intermediate species on doping CeCl3 with Ce. It is not a stable compound in the Ce-CeCl3 phase diagram.- With respect to the above mentioned main objective the following conclusions can be drawn: (i) On mixing of NdCl2 with NdCl3 in (LiCl-KCl)eu the undisturbed spectra of both components can be observed simultaneously. This is in agreement with the suggested intervalence charge transfer hopping mechanism if one assumes a hopping rate below 1012.(ii) Even though CeCl2 might form as intermediate, in the equilibrium spectra of liquid Ce-CeCl3-(LiCl-KCl)eu only the typical - 36 CeCl -octahedra can be identified. This supports the assumption that in these systems the electronic defect states are probably mobile Drude-like electrons which do not lead to new Raman detectable species. A qualitatively similar observation was made for CeI2-CeI3-(LiI-KI)eu melts.

Raman spectroscopic study of high temperature rare earth metal - rare earth halide solutions: Ln-LnX3- and LnX2-LnX3-(LiX-KX)eu systems (Ln: Nd, Ce; X: Cl, I) [online]
Year: 2003 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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In this work new Raman spectroscopic experiments on rare earth metal-rare earth trihalide melts (Ln-LnX3 and LnX2-LnX3: Ln=Ce, Nd; X=Cl, I) and their mixtures in alkali halide eutectic solvents ((LiX-KX)eu; X=Cl, I) are presented. The main results can be summarized as follows:- The Raman spectra of following trihalide systems have been measured for the first time: CeCl3, CeI3, NdI3 and their mixtures in the respective alkali halide eutectic solvent. The structure of the LnX3 in the solvent can be characterized by octahedral complexes. The force constants decrease from the chlorides to the iodides. - The Raman spectra of the following dihalides have been observed in this work: NdCl2, CeI2 and their mixtures in the alkali halide solvent. Interestingly, CeCl2 might form as intermediate species on doping CeCl3 with Ce. It is not a stable compound in the Ce-CeCl3 phase diagram.- With respect to the above mentioned main objective the following conclusions can be drawn: (i) On mixing of NdCl2 with NdCl3 in (LiCl-KCl)eu the undisturbed spectra of both components can be observed simultaneously. This is in agreement with the suggested intervalence charge transfer hopping mechanism if one assumes a hopping rate below 1012.(ii) Even though CeCl2 might form as intermediate, in the equilibrium spectra of liquid Ce-CeCl3-(LiCl-KCl)eu only the typical - 36 CeCl -octahedra can be identified. This supports the assumption that in these systems the electronic defect states are probably mobile Drude-like electrons which do not lead to new Raman detectable species. A qualitatively similar observation was made for CeI2-CeI3-(LiI-KI)eu melts.

Charakterisierung polarer stratosphärischer Wolken mittels hochauflösender Infrarotspektroskopie.
ISBN: 1000009365 3866442947 Year: 2008 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing,

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Polare stratosphärische Wolken (PSCs) spielen für die Ozonchemie der winterlichen Stratosphäre eine herausragende Rolle. Wechselwirkungen zwischen der abkühlenden Stratosphäre und der Existenz von PSCs können die zukünftige Entwicklung der Ozonschicht beeinflussen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt auf, wie aus Fernerkundungsmessungen im Infraroten globale Bilder über Verteilung und chemische Zusammensetzung von PSCs gewonnen und daraus Schlüsse über deren Entstehung abgeleitet werden können.

Kamerabasierte In-situ-Überwachung gepulster Laserschweißprozesse
ISBN: 1000034572 3731500191 Year: 2013 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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Spektrale Analysen liefern Informationen zur Auslegung eines kamerabasierten Überwachungssystems für gepulste Laserschweißprozesse. Aufbauend auf diesen prozessphysikalischen Erkenntnissen wird ein bildbasiertes, schwach-überwacht lernendes Klassifikationssystem zur industriellen Prozessüberwachung anhand der Prozessabstrahlung entwickelt. Der Einsatz einer schmalbandigen Beleuchtung sowie divergenzbasierter Kantendetektionsfilter ermöglicht die Segmentierung der Prozesszonenoberfläche.

Zum Phasengleichgewicht und Stofftransport in vernetzten Polymersystemen
ISBN: 1000029042 3866448910 Year: 2012 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Phasengleichgewichts- und Stofftransportcharakteristik vernetzter Polymere, wie sie in Controlled-Release-Anwendungen, der Brennstoffzellen- und Separationstechnologie oder der Sensor-Aktor-Technik zum Einsatz kommen. Dabei werden insbesondere auch Strategien zur quantitativen Bestimmung der relevanten Gleichgewichts- und Transportparameter vorgestellt, welche auf der Kopplung einer spektroskopischen Messmethode und Simulationsrechnungen basieren.

Silizium-Nanokristalle für optoelektronische Anwendungen
ISBN: 1000035803 373150068X Year: 2013 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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This work focusses on the first demonstration of silicon light-emitting diodes (SiLEDs) based on silicon nanocrystals as light emitting material. In a detailed study we characterize the optoelectronic and morphological properties of the SiLEDs. In addition, a whole set of new fields of applications of silicon nanocrystals, such as biomedical approaches or direct laser sintering, and detailed spectroscopic study of the particles complete the work.

Photon upconversion heterostructures made from surface-anchored metal-organic frameworks
ISBN: 1000087374 373150863X Year: 2019 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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This work deals with the process of photon upconversion in surface-anchored metal-organic frameworks. During the upconversion, two low-energy photons are absorbed and fused into a higher-energy photon, which is emitted. In this work, this process is analyzed in surface-bound metal-organic frameworks by spectroscopic methods. Furthermore, the application for increasing the efficiency of solar cells is discussed.

Kinetische Untersuchungen von Reaktionen kurzlebiger Intermediate im Zündfunken und bei der Verbrennung
ISBN: 1000024875 3866447639 Year: 2011 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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Der Ablauf von Verbrennungsprozessen wird erheblich durch die Reaktionskinetik kurzlebiger Intermediate bestimmt. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich einerseits mit der Bildungskinetik von CN-Radikalen in Zündfunken, deren Lumineszenz für diagnostische Verfahren herangezogen wird und zum anderen mit den Reaktionen von OH-Radikalen mit den Rußvorläufern Diacetylen und Vinylacetylen. Zur Untersuchung der beiden Teilaspekte kommen spektroskopische Methoden zum Einsatz.

Zum Stofftransport in Brennstoffzellenmembranen : Untersuchungen mit Hilfe der konfokalen Mikro-Raman-Spektroskopie
ISBN: 1000013170 386644432X Year: 2009 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Pervaporation von Wasser und Alkohol durch Direkt-Alkohol-Brennstoffzellenmembranen aus Nafion mit Hilfe der konfokalen Mikro-Raman-Spektroskopie untersucht. Durch den Vergleich von gemessenen Beladungsprofilen mit Simulationsrechnungen wurden bei unterschiedlichen Pervaporationsraten Diffusionskoeffizienten und Phasengleichgewichtsdaten bestimmt.

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